File: Revelation.m3 Last modified on Tue Dec 20 15:23:30 PST 1994 by kalsow modified on Sat Aug 25 02:55:44 1990 by muller
MODULE; IMPORT M3, M3ID, Value, Type, Error, OpaqueType, Scope, Decl, Host; IMPORT ObjectType, RefType, Scanner, Token, Module, ValueRep, CG; IMPORT M3RT, Target; FROM Scanner IMPORT GetToken, Fail, Match, MatchID, cur; TYPE T = BRANDED "Revelation.T" REF RECORD home : Value.T; (* the containing interface or module *) env : Scope.T; qid : M3.QID; obj : Value.T; (* value named by 'qid' in scope 'env' *) rhs : Type.T; (* REVEAL qid (<:|=) rhs *) lhs : Type.T; (* == type that corresponds to qid *) equal : BOOLEAN; (* TRUE => lhs = rhs, FALSE => lhs <: rhs *) checked : BOOLEAN; origin : INTEGER; END; TYPE List = BRANDED "Revelation.List" REF RECORD next : List; ident : T; local : BOOLEAN; (* as opposed to inherited *) used : BOOLEAN; home : Value.T; (* External.T that caused the import *) END; TYPE Node = BRANDED "Revelation.Node" REF RECORD next : Node; key : Type.T; best : List := NIL; contents : List := NIL; reducing : BOOLEAN := FALSE; END; TYPE HashTable = REF ARRAY OF Node; REVEAL Set = BRANDED "Revelation.Set" REF RECORD home : Value.T := NIL; count : INTEGER := 0; idents : List := NIL; hash : HashTable := NIL; (* the visible revelations are in the union of indents and hash *) END; TYPE Iterator = RECORD cur : List; set : Set; next_list : List; next_node : Node; next_hash : INTEGER; max_hash : INTEGER; END; VAR top := NewSet (NIL); PROCEDURE Revelation NewSet (module: Value.T): Set = BEGIN RETURN NEW (Set, home := module); END NewSet; PROCEDUREPush (s: Set): Set = VAR old := top; BEGIN <* ASSERT s # NIL *> top := s; RETURN old; END Push; PROCEDUREPop (s: Set) = BEGIN top := s; END Pop; PROCEDUREParse (<*UNUSED*> READONLY att: Decl.Attributes) = TYPE TK = Token.T; VAR id, id2: M3ID.T; loc: INTEGER; BEGIN Match (TK.tREVEAL); WHILE (cur.token = TK.tIDENT) DO id2 := M3ID.NoID; id := MatchID (); IF (cur.token = TK.tDOT) THEN GetToken (); (* . *) id2 := id; id := MatchID (); END; loc := Scanner.offset; CASE cur.token OF | TK.tEQUAL => GetToken (); (* = *) New (id2, id, Type.Parse (), TRUE, loc); | TK.tSUBTYPE => GetToken (); (* <: *) New (id2, id, Type.Parse (), FALSE, loc); ELSE Fail ("missing \'=\' or \'<:\'"); END; Match (TK.tSEMI); END; END Parse; PROCEDURENew (module, name: M3ID.T; rhs: Type.T; eq: BOOLEAN; loc: INTEGER)= VAR t: T; BEGIN <* ASSERT top.home # NIL *> t := NEW (T); t.home := top.home; t.qid.module := module; t.qid.item := name; t.obj := NIL; t.rhs := rhs; t.lhs := NIL; t.equal := eq; t.checked := FALSE; t.origin := loc; t.env := Scope.Top (); AddOne (t, TRUE, NIL); END New; PROCEDUREInherit (s: Set; import: Value.T) = VAR iter: Iterator; BEGIN InitIterator (s, iter); WHILE Iterate (iter) DO IF (iter.cur.local) THEN AddOne (iter.cur.ident, FALSE, import) END; END; END Inherit; PROCEDUREAddOne (t: T; isLocal: BOOLEAN; import: Value.T) = VAR y := NEW (List, ident := t, local := isLocal, used := FALSE, home := import); BEGIN := top.idents; top.idents := y; INC (top.count); END AddOne; PROCEDURETypeCheck (s: Set) = VAR l: List; save, n_buckets: INTEGER; n: Node; BEGIN IF (s.count <= 0) THEN RETURN END; save := Scanner.offset; (* allocate and initialize the hash table *) <*ASSERT s.hash = NIL*> (* otherwise we've been checked twice!? *) n_buckets := 2 * s.count; s.hash := NEW (HashTable, n_buckets); FOR i := 0 TO n_buckets - 1 DO s.hash[i] := NIL END; (* bind the lhs qid's to types & map them into the hash table *) WHILE (s.idents # NIL) DO l := s.idents; DoBind (l.ident); s.idents :=; HashInsert (s, l); END; (* type check the lhs and rhs *) FOR i := 0 TO n_buckets-1 DO n := s.hash[i]; WHILE (n # NIL) DO l := n.contents; WHILE (l # NIL) DO DoCheck0 (l.ident); l :=; END; n :=; END; END; (* type check the lhs and rhs *) FOR i := 0 TO n_buckets-1 DO n := s.hash[i]; WHILE (n # NIL) DO l := n.contents; WHILE (l # NIL) DO DoCheck (l.ident); l :=; END; n :=; END; END; (* find the strongest revelation for each type *) FOR i := 0 TO n_buckets-1 DO n := s.hash [i]; WHILE (n # NIL) DO Reduce (s, n.key); n :=; END; END; Scanner.offset := save; END TypeCheck; PROCEDUREDoBind (t: T) = VAR obj: Value.T; BEGIN IF (t.checked) THEN RETURN END; Scanner.offset := t.origin; obj := Scope.LookUpQID (t.env, t.qid); t.obj := obj; IF (obj = NIL) THEN Error.QID (t.qid, "undefined"); t.lhs := t.rhs; ELSIF (Value.ClassOf (obj) # Value.Class.Type) THEN Error.QID (t.qid, "is not a type"); t.lhs := t.rhs; ELSE t.lhs := Value.ToType (obj); END; t.lhs := Type.Strip (t.lhs); END DoBind; PROCEDUREHashInsert (s: Set; l: List) = VAR lhs := l.ident.lhs; VAR hsh := OpaqueType.UID (lhs) MOD NUMBER (s.hash^); VAR n := s.hash [hsh]; VAR x: List; BEGIN (* look for the node that contains l's revelations *) LOOP IF (n = NIL) THEN (* we didn't find a node for this type *) n := NEW (Node, next := s.hash[hsh], key := lhs); s.hash [hsh] := n; EXIT; END; IF Type.IsEqual (n.key, lhs, NIL) THEN EXIT END; n :=; END; (* check for a duplicate revelation (possible because both "IMPORT X" and "FROM X IMPORT" are allowed in a single unit. They cause X's revelations to be inherited twice. sigh. *) x := n.contents; WHILE (x # NIL) DO IF (x.ident = l.ident) THEN (* drop 'l' on the floor *) RETURN END; x :=; END; (* add 'l' to the list *) := n.contents; n.contents := l; END HashInsert; PROCEDUREDoCheck0 (t: T) = BEGIN Scanner.offset := t.origin; EVAL Type.Check (t.rhs); (** t.rhs := Type.Check (t.rhs); -- we don't want to save the checked RHS, otherwise if the RHS is a named type we'll miss the check below which requires a full revelation to have a branded constructor. **) t.lhs := Type.Check (t.lhs); END DoCheck0; PROCEDUREDoCheck (t: T) = VAR xx: Type.T; name: TEXT; BEGIN IF (t.checked) THEN RETURN END; Scanner.offset := t.origin; IF (NOT OpaqueType.Is (t.lhs)) THEN Error.QID (t.qid, "is not an opaque type"); ELSIF NOT Type.IsSubtype (t.rhs, OpaqueType.Super (t.lhs)) THEN Error.QID (t.qid, "identification is not to a legal subtype"); END; IF (t.equal) THEN xx := Type.Strip (t.rhs); IF (xx # t.rhs) OR NOT (RefType.IsBranded (xx) OR ObjectType.IsBranded (xx)) THEN Error.QID (t.qid, "right-hand side must be a branded type expression"); t.rhs := xx; END; name := Value.GlobalName (t.obj, dots := TRUE, with_module := TRUE); IF RefType.Is (t.rhs) THEN RefType.NoteRefName (t.rhs, name); ELSE ObjectType.NoteRefName (t.rhs, name); END; END; t.checked := TRUE; END DoCheck; PROCEDUREReduce (s: Set; key: Type.T) = VAR x: INTEGER; n: Node; best, l: List; BEGIN IF (key = NIL) THEN RETURN END; key := Type.Strip (key); x := OpaqueType.UID (key); IF (x = 0) THEN (* it's not an opaque type *) Reduce (s, ObjectType.Super (key)); RETURN; END; Reduce (s, OpaqueType.Super (key)); (* find the hash table node *) x := x MOD NUMBER (s.hash^); n := s.hash [x]; LOOP IF (n = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF Type.IsEqual (n.key, key, NIL) THEN EXIT END; n :=; END; IF (n.reducing) THEN (*recursive call*) RETURN END; IF ( # NIL) THEN (*done*) RETURN END; n.reducing := TRUE; (* first, reduce the rhs's *) l := n.contents; WHILE (l # NIL) DO Reduce (s, l.ident.rhs); l :=; END; (* finally, search for the best candidate *) best := n.contents; l :=; WHILE (l # NIL) DO best.ident.rhs := Type.Check (best.ident.rhs); l.ident.rhs := Type.Check (l.ident.rhs); (* We need these checks since Reduce can be called by LookUpAll during an active call to TypeCheck. *) IF Type.IsSubtype (best.ident.rhs, l.ident.rhs) THEN (* best is better than l *) IF (l.ident.equal) THEN TooStrong (l, best) END; ELSIF Type.IsSubtype (l.ident.rhs, best.ident.rhs) THEN (* l is better than best *) IF (best.ident.equal) THEN TooStrong (best, l) END; best := l; ELSE (* unrelated revelations! *) Scanner.offset := best.ident.origin; Error.QID (best.ident.qid, "non-comparable revelation"); Scanner.offset := l.ident.origin; Error.QID (l.ident.qid, "non-comparable revelation"); END; l :=; END; := best; END Reduce; PROCEDURETooStrong (xa, xb: List) = (* a.ident.equal *) VAR a := xa.ident; b := xb.ident; BEGIN <*ASSERT a.equal *> IF (b.equal) THEN Scanner.offset := a.origin; Error.QID (a.qid, "multiple full revelations"); Scanner.offset := b.origin; Error.QID (b.qid, "multiple full revelations"); ELSE Scanner.offset := b.origin; Error.QID (b.qid, "partial revelation is stronger than full revelation"); END; END TooStrong; PROCEDURELookUp (key: Type.T): Type.T = VAR h: INTEGER; x: Type.T; BEGIN key := Type.Strip (key); IF (top.hash # NIL) THEN h := OpaqueType.UID (key) MOD NUMBER (top.hash^); x := SearchEQ (top.hash [h], key); IF (x # NIL) THEN RETURN x END; END; RETURN SearchListEQ (top.idents, key); END LookUp; PROCEDURESearchEQ (n: Node; key: Type.T): Type.T = VAR l: List; t: T; BEGIN (* look for the chain header *) LOOP IF (n = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; IF Type.IsEqual (n.key, key, NIL) THEN EXIT END; n :=; END; (* has it already been reduced? *) l :=; IF (l # NIL) THEN t := l.ident; IF NOT t.equal THEN RETURN NIL END; IF (NOT t.checked) THEN CheckRHS (t) END; NoteUse (l); RETURN t.rhs; END; (* no, then search the full list for a match *) RETURN SearchListEQ (n.contents, key); END SearchEQ; PROCEDURESearchListEQ (l: List; key: Type.T): Type.T = VAR t: T; BEGIN WHILE (l # NIL) DO t := l.ident; <* ASSERT t.lhs # NIL OR t.rhs = NIL *> (* => LHS is bound *) IF (t.equal) AND Type.IsEqual (t.lhs, key, NIL) THEN IF (NOT t.checked) THEN CheckRHS (t) END; NoteUse (l); RETURN t.rhs; END; l :=; END; RETURN NIL; (* didn't find a full revelation *) END SearchListEQ; PROCEDURELookUpAll (key: Type.T; VAR(*OUT*) x: TypeSet) = VAR h: INTEGER; BEGIN x.cnt := 0; x.others := NIL; key := Type.Strip (key); IF (top.idents # NIL) THEN SearchListAll (top.idents, key, x); END; IF (top.hash # NIL) THEN Reduce (top, key); h := OpaqueType.UID (key) MOD NUMBER (top.hash^); SearchAll (top.hash [h], key, x); END; END LookUpAll; PROCEDURESearchAll (n: Node; key: Type.T; VAR x: TypeSet) = VAR t: T; BEGIN (* search the list for a matching node *) LOOP IF (n = NIL) THEN RETURN END; IF Type.IsEqual (n.key, key, NIL) THEN EXIT END; n :=; END; IF ( # NIL) THEN NoteUse (; t :=; <* ASSERT Type.IsEqual (t.lhs, key, NIL) *> IF (NOT t.checked) THEN CheckRHS (t) END; AddType (x, t.rhs); ELSE (* we haven't reduced this node yet => return all possible nodes *) SearchListAll (n.contents, key, x); END; END SearchAll; PROCEDURESearchListAll (l: List; key: Type.T; VAR x: TypeSet) = VAR t: T; BEGIN WHILE (l # NIL) DO t := l.ident; <* ASSERT t.lhs # NIL OR t.rhs = NIL *> (* => LHS is bound *) IF Type.IsEqual (t.lhs, key, NIL) THEN NoteUse (l); IF (NOT t.checked) THEN CheckRHS (t) END; AddType (x, t.rhs); END; l :=; END; END SearchListAll; PROCEDUREAddType (VAR x: TypeSet; t: Type.T) = BEGIN IF (x.cnt < NUMBER (x.types)) THEN x.types [x.cnt] := t; INC (x.cnt); ELSE x.others := NEW (TypeList, next := x.others, type := t); END; END AddType; PROCEDURENoteUse (l: List) = BEGIN IF (Scanner.in_main) THEN l.used := TRUE; IF (l.home # NIL) THEN l.home.used := TRUE END; END; END NoteUse; PROCEDURECheckRHS (t: T) = (* we're doing a lookup while the revelations are being checked... *) VAR save := Scanner.offset; BEGIN t.rhs := Type.Check (t.rhs); Scanner.offset := save; END CheckRHS; PROCEDUREReuse (s: Set) = VAR iter: Iterator; BEGIN InitIterator (s, iter); WHILE Iterate (iter) DO iter.cur.used := FALSE; END; END Reuse; PROCEDUREDeclare (s: Set; VAR full_info, partial_info: INTEGER) = VAR l: List; n_full, n_partial := 0; iter: Iterator; BEGIN (* generate the link info for the revelations defined or used here and count the exported revelations *) InitIterator (s, iter); WHILE Iterate (iter) DO l := iter.cur; IF (l.used) OR (l.local) THEN DeclareRevelation (l.ident, l.local, n_full, n_partial); END; END; full_info := -1; partial_info := -1; IF (n_full > 0) THEN full_info := GenList (s, n_full, TRUE); END; IF (n_partial > 0) THEN partial_info := GenList (s, n_partial, FALSE); END; END Declare; PROCEDUREGenList (s: Set; cnt: INTEGER; eq: BOOLEAN): INTEGER = VAR base := Module.Allocate (cnt * M3RT.RV_SIZE + Target.Integer.size, Target.Integer.align, TRUE, "revelations"); offs := base; iter : Iterator; l : List; BEGIN InitIterator (s, iter); WHILE Iterate (iter) DO l := iter.cur; IF (l.local) AND (l.ident.equal = eq) THEN CG.Init_intt (offs + M3RT.RV_lhs_id, Target.Integer.size, Type.GlobalUID (l.ident.lhs), TRUE); CG.Init_intt (offs + M3RT.RV_rhs_id, Target.Integer.size, Type.GlobalUID (l.ident.rhs), TRUE); INC (offs, M3RT.RV_SIZE); END; END; RETURN base; END GenList; PROCEDUREDeclareRevelation (t: T; exported: BOOLEAN; VAR full, partial: INTEGER) = VAR interface := (NOT exported) OR (Module.IsInterface ()); lhs_uid := Type.GlobalUID (t.lhs); rhs_uid := Type.GlobalUID (t.rhs); BEGIN Value.Declare (t.obj); Type.Compile (t.rhs); Type.Compile (t.lhs); Host.env.note_revelation (, interface, lhs_uid, rhs_uid, t.equal, NOT exported); IF (exported) THEN IF (t.equal) THEN CG.Reveal_opaque (lhs_uid, rhs_uid); ObjectType.NoteOffsets (t.lhs, t.rhs); INC (full); ELSE INC (partial); END; END; END DeclareRevelation; PROCEDUREInitIterator (s: Set; VAR i: Iterator) = BEGIN i.cur := NIL; i.set := s; i.next_list := s.idents; i.next_node := NIL; i.next_hash := 0; i.max_hash := 0; IF (s.hash # NIL) THEN i.max_hash := NUMBER (s.hash^); END; END InitIterator; PROCEDUREIterate (VAR i: Iterator): BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF i.next_list # NIL THEN i.cur := i.next_list; i.next_list :=; RETURN TRUE; END; IF (i.next_node # NIL) THEN i.next_list := i.next_node.contents; i.next_node :=; RETURN Iterate (i); END; WHILE (i.next_hash < i.max_hash) AND (i.next_node = NIL) DO i.next_node := i.set.hash[i.next_hash]; INC (i.next_hash); END; IF (i.next_node # NIL) THEN RETURN Iterate (i); END; i.cur := NIL; RETURN FALSE; END Iterate; BEGIN END Revelation.