File: Procedure.m3 Last Modified On Tue Jun 20 09:58:41 PDT 1995 by kalsow Modified On Tue Jun 13 20:00:51 PDT 1995 by ericv Modified On Thu Dec 5 17:21:10 PST 1991 by muller
MODULE; IMPORT M3, M3ID, CG, Value, ValueRep, Type, Scope, Error, Host; IMPORT ProcType, Stmt, BlockStmt, Marker, Coverage, M3RT; IMPORT CallExpr, Token, Variable, ProcExpr, Tracer; IMPORT Scanner, Decl, ESet, ProcBody, Target, Expr, Formal; FROM Scanner IMPORT GetToken, Match, MatchID, cur; REVEAL T = Value.T BRANDED OBJECT intf_peer : T; impl_peer : T; next_defn : T; signature : Type.T; syms : Scope.T; block : Stmt.T; body : Body; result : Variable.T; builtin : BOOLEAN; predefined : BOOLEAN; needs_raises : BOOLEAN; direct : BOOLEAN; fails : ESet.T; cg_proc : CG.Proc; next_cg_proc : T; end_origin : INTEGER; OVERRIDES typeCheck := Check; set_globals := ValueRep.NoInit; load := Load; declare := Declarer; const_init := ValueRep.NoInit; need_init := NeedInit; lang_init := LangInit; user_init := ValueRep.NoInit; toExpr := ToExpr; toType := ValueRep.NoType; typeOf := TypeOf; base := ValueRep.Self; add_fp_tag := AddFPTag; fp_type := FPType; END; TYPE Body = ProcBody.T OBJECT self: T; OVERRIDES gen_decl := EmitDecl; gen_body := EmitBody; END; VAR (*CONST*) resultName : M3ID.T := M3ID.NoID; returnName : M3ID.T := M3ID.NoID; VAR defined_procs: T := NIL; (* interface procedures that are implemented in the current compilation unit *) VAR cg_procs: T := NIL; (* procedures that have M3CG attachments *) PROCEDURE Procedure Reset () = VAR t, u: T; BEGIN (* disconnect the interface->implementation mappings *) t := defined_procs; WHILE (t # NIL) DO u := t; t := t.next_defn; u.impl_peer := NIL; u.next_defn := NIL; END; defined_procs := NIL; (* release any M3CG objects that were created. *) t := cg_procs; WHILE (t # NIL) DO u := t; t := t.next_cg_proc; u.cg_proc := NIL; u.next_cg_proc := NIL; u.body := NIL; END; cg_procs := NIL; END Reset; PROCEDUREParseDecl (READONLY att: Decl.Attributes; headerOnly: BOOLEAN := FALSE) = TYPE TK = Token.T; VAR t: T; id, final_id: M3ID.T; cc := att.callingConv; BEGIN Match (TK.tPROCEDURE); id := MatchID (); t := Create (id); t.unused := att.isUnused; t.obsolete := att.isObsolete; IF (att.isExternal) THEN t.external := TRUE; IF (att.alias = M3ID.NoID) THEN t.extName :=; ELSE t.extName := att.alias; END; END; IF (cc = NIL) THEN cc := Target.DefaultCall; END; t.signature := ProcType.ParseSignature (id, cc); Scope.Insert (t); IF (cur.token = TK.tEQUAL) THEN t.body := NEW (Body, self := t); ProcBody.Push (t.body); GetToken (); (* = *) IF (headerOnly) THEN Error.ID (id, "procedure declaration cannot include a body"); END; IF (att.isExternal) THEN Error.WarnID (2, id, "external procedure cannot include a body"); t.external := FALSE; t.extName := M3ID.NoID; END; t.syms := Scope.PushNew (TRUE, id); t.block := BlockStmt.Parse (FALSE); t.fails := BlockStmt.ExtractFails (t.block); t.end_origin := Scanner.offset; final_id := MatchID (); IF (final_id # id) THEN Error.ID (id, "Initial name doesn\'t match final name"); END; Scope.PopNew (); ProcBody.Pop (); ELSIF (headerOnly) OR (att.isExternal) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (cur.token = TK.tSEMI) THEN t.body := NEW (Body, self := t); ProcBody.Push (t.body); (* try accepting the Modula-2 syntax *) Error.ID (id, "expecting \'=\' before procedure body"); GetToken (); (* ; *) t.syms := Scope.PushNew (TRUE, id); t.block := BlockStmt.Parse (FALSE); t.fails := BlockStmt.ExtractFails (t.block); t.end_origin := Scanner.offset; final_id := MatchID (); IF (final_id # id) THEN Error.ID (id, "Initial name doesn\'t match final name"); END; Scope.PopNew (); ProcBody.Pop (); ELSE Error.ID (id, "procedure declaration must include a body"); END; Match (TK.tSEMI); END ParseDecl; PROCEDUREIsEqual (a, b: Value.T): BOOLEAN = VAR ta, tb: T; BEGIN a := Value.Base (a); b := Value.Base (b); IF (a = b) THEN RETURN TRUE END; TYPECASE a OF | NULL => RETURN FALSE; | T(t) => ta := t; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; TYPECASE b OF | NULL => RETURN FALSE; | T(t) => tb := t; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; RETURN (ta.intf_peer = tb) OR (tb.intf_peer = ta) OR (ta.impl_peer = tb) OR (tb.impl_peer = ta); END IsEqual; PROCEDURECreate (name: M3ID.T): T = VAR t: T; BEGIN t := NEW (T); ValueRep.Init (t, name, Value.Class.Procedure); t.readonly := TRUE; t.intf_peer := NIL; t.impl_peer := NIL; t.next_defn := NIL; t.signature := NIL; t.syms := NIL; t.body := NIL; t.block := NIL; t.external := FALSE; t.builtin := FALSE; t.predefined := FALSE; t.result := NIL; t.extName := M3ID.NoID; t.needs_raises := TRUE; t.fails := NIL; t.cg_proc := NIL; t.next_cg_proc := NIL; t.end_origin := t.origin; RETURN t; END Create; PROCEDUREDefine (name : TEXT; methods : CallExpr.MethodList; reserved : BOOLEAN; signature : Type.T := NIL) = VAR t: T; s: M3ID.T; sig: Type.T; BEGIN IF (signature = NIL) THEN sig := ProcType.New (NIL); ELSE sig := signature; END; ProcType.SetMethods (sig, methods); s := M3ID.Add (name); t := Create (s); t.signature := sig; t.builtin := (signature = NIL); t.predefined := TRUE; Scope.Insert (t); IF (reserved) THEN Scanner.NoteReserved (s, t) END; END Define; PROCEDURENoteExport (implv, intfv: Value.T) = VAR impl: T := Value.Base (implv); intf: T := Value.Base (intfv); BEGIN IF (impl.intf_peer # NIL) OR (intf.impl_peer # NIL) THEN Redefined (impl, NIL(*intf*)); ELSE IF NOT Type.IsAssignable (intf.signature, impl.signature) THEN Redefined (impl, NIL(*intf*)); END; intf.next_defn := defined_procs; defined_procs := intf; intf.impl_peer := impl; impl.intf_peer := intf; impl.scope := intf.scope; (* retain the exported module name *) impl.used := TRUE; END; END NoteExport; PROCEDURETypeOf (p: T): Type.T = BEGIN RETURN p.signature; END TypeOf; PROCEDURECheck (p: T; VAR cs: Value.CheckState) = BEGIN EVAL Type.Check (p.signature); (* NOTE: don't save the signature returned by Type.Check cause if you do, the formals will be reused by procedures with the same signature. *) Value.TypeCheck (p.intf_peer, cs); (* defer the rest to CheckBody *) END Check; PROCEDURECheckBody (p: T; VAR cs: Value.CheckState) = VAR v : Variable.T; formal : Value.T; n_formals : INTEGER; result : Type.T; zz : Scope.T; raises : ESet.T; save : Value.CheckState; f_info : Formal.Info; cconv : CG.CallingConvention; BEGIN IF (p.body = NIL) THEN RETURN END; Coverage.NoteProcedure (p); zz := Scope.Push (p.syms); := Value.GlobalName (p, dots := TRUE, with_module := FALSE); result := ProcType.Result (p.signature); cconv := ProcType.CallConv (p.signature); (* create a variable for the return result *) IF cconv.results_on_left THEN CheckResult (p, result); END; (* create local variables for each of the formals *) formal := ProcType.Formals (p.signature); n_formals := 0; WHILE (formal # NIL) DO v := Variable.NewFormal (formal,; Scope.Insert (v); Formal.Split (formal, f_info); Variable.BindTrace (v, f_info.trace); formal.scope := v.scope; (* identify the full names of the formal & its local variable *) formal :=; INC (n_formals); END; (* create a variable for the return result *) IF NOT cconv.results_on_left THEN CheckResult (p, result); END; raises := ProcType.Raises (p.signature); save := cs; cs.raises_others := FALSE; ESet.TypeCheck (p.fails); ESet.Push (cs, raises, p.fails, stop := TRUE); p.checked := TRUE; INC (Type.recursionDepth); Scope.TypeCheck (p.syms, cs); Marker.PushProcedure (result, p.result, cconv); Stmt.TypeCheck (p.block, cs); Marker.Pop (); Scope.WarnUnused (p.syms); DEC (Type.recursionDepth); p.needs_raises := cs.raises_others; cs.raises_others := save.raises_others; ESet.Pop (cs, raises, p.fails, stop := TRUE); Scope.Pop (zz); END CheckBody; PROCEDURECheckResult (p: T; result: Type.T) = VAR v: Variable.T; formal: Value.T; BEGIN IF (result = NIL) THEN RETURN; END; IF (resultName = M3ID.NoID) THEN resultName := M3ID.Add ("_result"); END; IF (returnName = M3ID.NoID) THEN returnName := M3ID.Add ("_return"); END; IF ProcType.LargeResult (result) THEN formal := Formal.New (Formal.Info {returnName, Formal.Mode.mVAR, -1, result, NIL, FALSE, NIL}); formal.imported := FALSE; formal.origin := p.origin; formal.used := TRUE; Scope.Insert (formal); v := Variable.NewFormal (formal, resultName); ELSE v := Variable.New (resultName, TRUE); Variable.BindType (v, result, indirect := FALSE, readonly := FALSE, needs_init := FALSE, open_array_ok := FALSE); END; v.imported := FALSE; v.origin := p.origin; v.used := TRUE; Scope.Insert (v); p.result := v; END CheckResult; PROCEDURELoad (t: T) = BEGIN IF (t.builtin) THEN Error.ID (, "builtin operation is not a procedure"); END; IF (t.impl_peer # NIL) THEN t := t.impl_peer; END; t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); CG.Load_procedure (t.cg_proc); END Load; PROCEDURELoadStaticLink (t: T) = BEGIN IF (t.builtin) THEN Error.ID (, "builtin operation is not a procedure"); END; IF (t.impl_peer # NIL) THEN t := t.impl_peer; END; t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); IF IsNested (t) THEN CG.Load_static_link (t.cg_proc); ELSE CG.Load_nil (); END; END LoadStaticLink; PROCEDUREImportProc (p: T; name: TEXT; n_formals: INTEGER; cg_result: CG.Type; cc: CG.CallingConvention) = VAR zz: Scope.T; new: BOOLEAN; BEGIN <*ASSERT p.cg_proc = NIL*> p.next_cg_proc := cg_procs; cg_procs := p; p.cg_proc := CG.Import_procedure (M3ID.Add (name), n_formals, cg_result, cc, new); IF (new) THEN (* declare the formals *) IF (p.syms # NIL) THEN zz := Scope.Push (p.syms); Scope.Enter (p.syms); Scope.Pop (zz); ELSE DeclareFormals (p, cc); END; END; END ImportProc; PROCEDUREDeclareFormals (p: T; cc: CG.CallingConvention) = VAR v : Value.T; formals := ProcType.Formals (p.signature); result := ProcType.Result (p.signature); BEGIN (* declare types for each of the formals *) v := formals; WHILE (v # NIL) DO Formal.EmitDeclaration (v, TRUE, TRUE); v :=; END; (* declare parameters for each of the formals *) IF cc.results_on_left THEN DeclareResult (result); END; v := formals; WHILE (v # NIL) DO Formal.EmitDeclaration (v, FALSE, TRUE); v :=; END; IF NOT cc.results_on_left THEN DeclareResult (result); END; END DeclareFormals; PROCEDUREDeclareResult (result: Type.T) = VAR result_id : INTEGER; BEGIN IF (result # NIL) AND ProcType.LargeResult (result) THEN IF (returnName = M3ID.NoID) THEN returnName := M3ID.Add ("_return"); END; result_id := CG.Declare_indirect (Type.GlobalUID (result)); EVAL CG.Declare_param (returnName, Target.Address.size, Target.Address.align, CG.Type.Addr, result_id, in_memory := FALSE, up_level := FALSE, f := CG.Maybe); END; END DeclareResult; PROCEDUREDeclarer (p: T): BOOLEAN = VAR zz: Scope.T; par: CG.Proc := NIL; cg_result: CG.Type; name := Value.GlobalName (p, dots := FALSE, with_module := TRUE); type: CG.TypeUID; sig := p.signature; n_formals: INTEGER; cconv: CG.CallingConvention; BEGIN IF (p.predefined) AND (p.body = NIL) THEN (* don't bother importing Word.* procedures or declaring their signatures, but do generate a version stamp dependency *) RETURN TRUE; END; IF (p.intf_peer # NIL) THEN sig := p.intf_peer.signature; Type.Compile (sig); END; Type.Compile (p.signature); type := Type.GlobalUID (p.signature); (* try to compile the imported type first... *) cg_result := ProcType.CGResult (p.signature); n_formals := ProcType.NFormals (p.signature); cconv := ProcType.CallConv (p.signature); IF (p.body = NIL) THEN (* it's not a local procedure *) IF p.impl_peer # NIL THEN (* it's an interface procedure that's implemented in this module *) Value.Declare (p.impl_peer); RETURN FALSE; ELSE (* it's an imported procedure *) ImportProc (p, name, n_formals, cg_result, cconv); RETURN TRUE; END; END; IF (p.body.parent # NIL) THEN par := p.body.parent.cg_proc END; p.next_cg_proc := cg_procs; cg_procs := p; p.cg_proc := CG.Declare_procedure (M3ID.Add (name), n_formals, cg_result, p.body.level, cconv, exported := (p.exported OR p.imported), parent := par); p.body.cg_proc := p.cg_proc; Scanner.offset := p.origin; IF (p.syms # NIL) THEN zz := Scope.Push (p.syms); Scope.Enter (p.syms); Scope.Pop (zz); END; RETURN TRUE; END Declarer; PROCEDURENeedInit (t: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t.body # NIL) AND (t.body.level > 0); END NeedInit; PROCEDURELangInit (t: T) = VAR x: Body := t.body; BEGIN IF (x = NIL) OR (x.level <= 0) THEN (* outer-level proc => don't do anything *) ELSIF (Host.inline_nested_procs) THEN GenBody (t); ELSE CG.Note_procedure_origin (t.cg_proc); END; END LangInit; PROCEDUREToExpr (t: T): Expr.T = BEGIN RETURN ProcExpr.New (t); END ToExpr; PROCEDUREIsNested (t: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t # NIL) AND (t.body # NIL) AND (t.body.level # 0); END IsNested; PROCEDUREStaticLevel (t: T): INTEGER = BEGIN IF (t = NIL) OR (t.body = NIL) THEN RETURN 0; ELSE RETURN t.body.level; END; END StaticLevel; PROCEDURECGName (t: T): CG.Proc = BEGIN IF (t.impl_peer # NIL) THEN t := t.impl_peer; END; t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); RETURN t.cg_proc; END CGName; PROCEDUREEmitDecl (x: Body) = BEGIN Value.Declare (x.self); END EmitDecl; PROCEDUREEmitBody (x: Body) = VAR p: T := x.self; BEGIN IF (x.level <= 0) OR (NOT Host.inline_nested_procs) THEN GenBody (p); END; END EmitBody; PROCEDUREGenBody (p: T) = VAR tresult : Type.T; oc : Stmt.Outcomes; zz : Scope.T; fallThru : BOOLEAN; l : CG.Label; frame : CG.Var; cconv : CG.CallingConvention; BEGIN IF (Host.inline_nested_procs) AND (p.body # NIL) AND (p.body.level > 0) THEN (* make sure outer-level variable initializations are traced in the outer procedure, before we enter the nested one.*) Tracer.EmitPending (); END; Scanner.offset := p.origin; zz := Scope.Push (p.syms); tresult := ProcType.Result (p.signature); cconv := ProcType.CallConv (p.signature); CG.Gen_location (p.origin); CG.Begin_procedure (p.cg_proc); Scope.Enter (p.syms); Marker.PushProcedure (tresult, p.result, cconv); Marker.AllocReturnTemp (); StartRaises (p, l, frame); Scope.InitValues (p.syms); Scanner.offset := BlockStmt.BodyOffset (p.block); Coverage.CountProcedure (p); oc := Stmt.Compile (p.block); fallThru := (Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough IN oc); EndRaises (p, l, frame, fallThru); IF (fallThru) THEN CG.Gen_location (p.end_origin); IF (tresult = NIL) THEN Marker.EmitReturn (NIL, fromFinally := FALSE); ELSE Error.WarnID (1,, "function may not return a value"); IF Host.doReturnChk THEN CG.Abort (CG.RuntimeError.NoReturnValue); oc := oc - Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough}; END; END; END; Marker.Pop (); Scope.Exit (p.syms); CG.End_procedure (p.cg_proc); Scope.Pop (zz); END GenBody; PROCEDUREStartRaises (t: T; VAR(*OUT*)l: CG.Label; VAR(*OUT*)frame: CG.Var) = VAR raises: ESet.T; eset: CG.Var; eoffset: INTEGER; frame_size : INTEGER; BEGIN IF (NOT Host.doRaisesChk) OR (NOT t.needs_raises) THEN RETURN END; raises := ProcType.Raises (t.signature); IF ESet.RaisesAny (raises) THEN RETURN END; IF Target.Has_stack_walker THEN frame_size := 0; ELSIF ESet.RaisesNone (raises) THEN frame_size := M3RT.EF_SIZE; ELSE frame_size := M3RT.EF3_SIZE; END; frame := NIL; IF frame_size # 0 THEN frame := CG.Declare_local (M3ID.NoID, frame_size, Target.Address.align, CG.Type.Struct, 0, in_memory := TRUE, up_level := FALSE, f := CG.Never); END; l := CG.Next_label (2); CG.Set_label (l, barrier := TRUE); Marker.PushRaises (l, l+1, raises, frame); IF Target.Has_stack_walker THEN Marker.SaveFrame (); ELSIF ESet.RaisesNone (raises) THEN Marker.PushFrame (frame, M3RT.HandlerClass.RaisesNone); ELSE ESet.GetAddress (raises, eset, eoffset); CG.Load_addr_of (eset, eoffset, Target.Address.align); CG.Store_addr (frame, M3RT.EF3_raises); Marker.PushFrame (frame, M3RT.HandlerClass.Raises); END; END StartRaises; PROCEDUREEndRaises (t: T; l: CG.Label; frame: CG.Var; fallThru: BOOLEAN) = VAR raises: ESet.T; BEGIN IF (NOT Host.doRaisesChk) OR (NOT t.needs_raises) THEN RETURN END; raises := ProcType.Raises (t.signature); IF ESet.RaisesAny (raises) THEN RETURN END; CG.Set_label (l+1, barrier := TRUE); Marker.Pop (); IF Target.Has_stack_walker THEN (* nothing to do on exit *) ELSIF fallThru THEN Marker.PopFrame (frame); END; END EndRaises; PROCEDUREStartCall (t: T) = VAR result := ProcType.CGResult (t.signature); BEGIN IF (t.impl_peer # NIL) THEN t := t.impl_peer; END; t.used := TRUE; Value.Declare (t); CG.Start_call_direct (t.cg_proc, StaticLevel (t), result); END StartCall; PROCEDUREEmitValueCall (t: T): CG.Val = VAR result := ProcType.CGResult (t.signature); BEGIN IF (t.impl_peer # NIL) THEN t := t.impl_peer; END; CG.Call_direct (t.cg_proc, result); RETURN Marker.EmitExceptionTest (t.signature, need_value := TRUE); END EmitValueCall; PROCEDUREEmitCall (t: T) = VAR result := ProcType.CGResult (t.signature); BEGIN IF (t.impl_peer # NIL) THEN t := t.impl_peer; END; CG.Call_direct (t.cg_proc, result); EVAL Marker.EmitExceptionTest (t.signature, need_value := FALSE); END EmitCall; PROCEDURERedefined (t: T; other: Value.T;) = VAR save: INTEGER; BEGIN save := Scanner.offset; IF (other = NIL) THEN Scanner.offset := t.origin; ELSE Scanner.offset := MIN (t.origin, other.origin); END; Error.ID (, "procedure redefined"); Scanner.offset := save; END Redefined; PROCEDURESignature (t: T): Type.T = BEGIN IF (t = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; RETURN t.signature; END Signature; PROCEDUREHasBody (t: T): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN (t # NIL) AND (t.body # NIL); END HasBody; PROCEDUREAddFPTag (t: T; VAR x: M3.FPInfo): CARDINAL = BEGIN ValueRep.FPStart (t, x, "PROCEDURE ", 0, global := TRUE); RETURN 1; END AddFPTag; PROCEDUREFPType (t: T): Type.T = BEGIN IF (t.intf_peer = NIL) THEN RETURN t.signature; ELSE RETURN t.intf_peer.signature; END; END FPType; BEGIN END Procedure.