File: UserProc.m3 Last Modified On Tue Jun 20 15:59:11 PDT 1995 By kalsow Modified On Thu Jun 15 12:16:47 PDT 1995 By ericv
MODULE; IMPORT M3ID, CG, Type, Expr, ExprRep, ProcType, Formal; IMPORT Procedure, NamedExpr, Variable, QualifyExpr, Value; IMPORT CallExpr, ProcExpr, Marker, ErrType; PROCEDURE UserProc TypeOf (ce: CallExpr.T): Type.T = VAR t: Type.T; proc := ce.proc; BEGIN t := Expr.TypeOf (proc); IF (t = ErrType.T) THEN RETURN t; END; IF (t = NIL) THEN t := QualifyExpr.MethodType (proc) END; RETURN ProcType.Result (Type.Base (t)); END TypeOf; PROCEDURENeedsAddress (<*UNUSED*> ce: CallExpr.T) = BEGIN (* ya, my result is a structure that needs an address... *) END NeedsAddress; PROCEDURECheck (ce: CallExpr.T; VAR cs: Expr.CheckState) = VAR t: Type.T; formals: Value.T; BEGIN t := Expr.TypeOf (ce.proc); IF (t = NIL) THEN t := QualifyExpr.MethodType(ce.proc) END; t := Type.Base (t); formals := ProcType.Formals (t); IF Formal.CheckArgs (cs, ce.args, formals, ce.proc) THEN END; ce.type := ProcType.Result (t); END Check; PROCEDURECompile (ce: CallExpr.T) = BEGIN (* all the real work is done by Prep *) IF (ce.tmp # NIL) THEN CG.Push (ce.tmp); CG.Boost_alignment (ce.align); CG.Free (ce.tmp); ce.tmp := NIL; END; END Compile; PROCEDUREPrep (ce: CallExpr.T) = VAR proc : Expr.T := ce.proc; args : Expr.List := ce.args; p_value : Value.T; p_type : Type.T; p_temp : CG.Val; t_result : Type.T; cg_result : CG.Type; tmp_result : CG.Var; lhs_result : CG.Val := NIL; align_result : INTEGER; large_result : BOOLEAN := FALSE; formals, v : Value.T; n : INTEGER; result_info : Type.Info; callConv : CG.CallingConvention; BEGIN (* If this is a direct structure return, the LHS has already * been prepped and compiled -- save it. *) IF ce.do_direct THEN lhs_result := CG.Pop (); END; p_type := Expr.TypeOf (proc); IF (p_type = NIL) THEN p_type := QualifyExpr.MethodType (proc); END; p_type := Type.Base (p_type); (* grab the formals list *) formals := ProcType.Formals (p_type); callConv := ProcType.CallConv (p_type); (* prep the target *) IF NOT IsProcedureLiteral (proc, p_value) THEN Expr.Prep (proc); p_value := NIL; END; (* prep the actuals *) IF callConv.args_left_to_right THEN v := formals; n := 0; WHILE (v # NIL) DO Formal.PrepArg (v, args[n]); v :=; INC (n); END; ELSE (* use the runtime stack to reverse the list... *) PrepRightToLeft (formals, args, 0); END; (* get the result type and allocate the temp for return results *) t_result := Type.CheckInfo (ProcType.Result (p_type), result_info); cg_result := ProcType.CGResult (p_type); align_result := result_info.alignment; large_result := ProcType.LargeResult (t_result); IF large_result AND NOT ce.do_direct THEN tmp_result := CG.Declare_temp (result_info.size, align_result, CG.Type.Struct, in_memory := TRUE); END; (* start the call *) IF (p_value # NIL) THEN Procedure.StartCall (p_value); ELSIF CouldBeClosure (proc) THEN Expr.Compile (proc); p_temp := CG.Pop_temp (); CG.Start_call_indirect (cg_result, callConv); ELSE Expr.Compile (proc); p_temp := CG.Pop (); CG.Start_call_indirect (cg_result, callConv); END; (* pass the arguments *) IF large_result AND (callConv.args_left_to_right = callConv.results_on_left) THEN GenResultArg (lhs_result, tmp_result, align_result); END; IF callConv.args_left_to_right THEN EVAL QualifyExpr.PassObject (proc); v := formals; n := 0; WHILE (v # NIL) DO Formal.EmitArg (proc, v, args[n]); v :=; INC (n); END; ELSE (* evaluate args right to left *) (* use the runtime stack to reverse the list... *) EmitRightToLeft (proc, formals, args, 0); EVAL QualifyExpr.PassObject (proc); END; IF large_result AND (callConv.args_left_to_right # callConv.results_on_left) THEN GenResultArg (lhs_result, tmp_result, align_result); END; (* generate the call *) IF (p_value # NIL) THEN ce.tmp := Procedure.EmitValueCall (p_value); ELSIF CouldBeClosure (proc) THEN ce.tmp := GenClosureCall (p_temp, cg_result, p_type, callConv); CG.Free (p_temp); ELSE CG.Push (p_temp); CG.Gen_Call_indirect (cg_result, callConv); ce.tmp := Marker.EmitExceptionTest (p_type, need_value := TRUE); CG.Free (p_temp); END; ce.align := align_result; IF (large_result) THEN <*ASSERT ce.tmp = NIL *> IF ce.do_direct THEN ce.tmp := lhs_result; ELSE CG.Load_addr_of_temp (tmp_result, 0, align_result); ce.tmp := CG.Pop (); END; END; END Prep; PROCEDUREPrepRightToLeft (formal: Value.T; args: Expr.List; cnt: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF (formal # NIL) THEN PrepRightToLeft (, args, cnt+1); Formal.PrepArg (formal, args[cnt]); END; END PrepRightToLeft; PROCEDUREEmitRightToLeft (proc: Expr.T; formal: Value.T; args: Expr.List; cnt: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF (formal # NIL) THEN EmitRightToLeft (proc,, args, cnt+1); Formal.EmitArg (proc, formal, args[cnt]); END; END EmitRightToLeft; PROCEDUREGenResultArg (lhs: CG.Val; tmp: CG.Var; align: CG.Alignment) = BEGIN IF (lhs # NIL) THEN CG.Push (lhs); ELSE CG.Load_addr_of (tmp, 0, align); END; CG.Pop_param (CG.Type.Addr); END GenResultArg; PROCEDUREGenClosureCall (p_temp: CG.Val; result: CG.Type; sig: Type.T; cc: CG.CallingConvention): CG.Val = VAR skip := CG.Next_label (); BEGIN CG.If_closure (p_temp, CG.No_label, skip, CG.Maybe); CG.Push (p_temp); CG.Closure_frame (); CG.Pop_static_link (); CG.Push (p_temp); CG.Closure_proc (); CG.Store_temp (p_temp); CG.Set_label (skip); CG.Push (p_temp); CG.Gen_Call_indirect (result, cc); RETURN Marker.EmitExceptionTest (sig, need_value := TRUE); END GenClosureCall; PROCEDURECouldBeClosure (proc: Expr.T): BOOLEAN = VAR name: M3ID.T; value: Value.T; BEGIN RETURN (NamedExpr.Split (proc, name, value)) AND (Value.ClassOf (value) = Value.Class.Var) AND (Variable.HasClosure (value)); END CouldBeClosure; PROCEDUREIsProcedureLiteral (e: Expr.T; VAR proc: Value.T): BOOLEAN = VAR name: M3ID.T; v: Value.T; vc: Value.Class; BEGIN e := Expr.ConstValue (e); IF (e = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF NOT (NamedExpr.Split (e, name, v) OR QualifyExpr.Split (e, v) OR ProcExpr.Split (e, v)) THEN RETURN FALSE END; vc := Value.ClassOf (v); IF (vc = Value.Class.Procedure) THEN proc := Value.Base (v); RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (******* RETURN (NamedExpr.Split (e, name, proc) OR QualifyExpr.Split (e, proc) OR ProcExpr.Split (e, proc)) AND (Value.ClassOf (proc) = Value.Class.Procedure); *******) END IsProcedureLiteral; PROCEDUREInitialize () = BEGIN Methods := CallExpr.NewMethodList (0, 99999, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, NIL, TypeOf, NeedsAddress, Check, Prep, Compile, CallExpr.NoLValue, CallExpr.NoLValue, CallExpr.PrepNoBranch, CallExpr.NoBranch, CallExpr.NoValue, CallExpr.NoBounds, CallExpr.IsNever, (* writable *) CallExpr.IsNever, (* designator *) CallExpr.NotWritable (* noteWriter *)); END Initialize; BEGIN END UserProc.