MODULE; IMPORT M3ID, CG, Error, Scope, Expr, Stmt, StmtRep; IMPORT EnumType, Type, Int, LInt, Variable, Target, TargetMap, TInt, ErrType; IMPORT IntegerExpr, EnumExpr, Token, Marker, Tracer; FROM Scanner IMPORT Match, MatchID, GetToken, cur; TYPE P = Stmt.T OBJECT scope : Scope.T; var : Variable.T; from : Expr.T; limit : Expr.T; step : Expr.T; body : Stmt.T; OVERRIDES check := Check; compile := Compile; outcomes := GetOutcome; END; PROCEDURE ForStmt Parse (): Stmt.T = TYPE TK = Token.T; VAR id: M3ID.T; p: P; trace: Tracer.T; BEGIN p := NEW (P); StmtRep.Init (p); Match (TK.tFOR); id := MatchID (); trace := Variable.ParseTrace (); Match (TK.tASSIGN); p.from := Expr.Parse (); Match (TK.tTO); p.limit := Expr.Parse (); p.step := NIL; IF (cur.token = TK.tBY) THEN GetToken (); (* BY *) p.step := Expr.Parse (); END; p.var := Variable.New (id, TRUE); p.scope := Scope.New1 (p.var); Variable.BindTrace (p.var, trace); Match (TK.tDO); p.body := Stmt.Parse (); Match (TK.tEND); Scope.PopNew (); RETURN p; END Parse; PROCEDURECheck (p: P; VAR cs: Stmt.CheckState) = VAR tFrom, tTo, tStep : Type.T; minFrom, maxFrom : Target.Int; minLimit, maxLimit : Target.Int; minStep, maxStep : Target.Int; newMin, newMax : Target.Int; zz : Scope.T; errored : BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN Expr.TypeCheck (p.from, cs); Expr.TypeCheck (p.limit, cs); tFrom := Type.Base (Expr.TypeOf (p.from)); tTo := Type.Base (Expr.TypeOf (p.limit)); IF (tFrom = ErrType.T) OR (tTo = ErrType.T) THEN (* already an error... *) tFrom := ErrType.T; tTo := ErrType.T; tStep := Int.T; errored := TRUE; ELSIF EnumType.Is (tFrom) THEN IF NOT Type.IsEqual (tFrom, tTo, NIL) THEN Error.Msg ("\'from\' and \'to\' expressions are incompatible"); errored := TRUE; END; tStep := Int.T; ELSIF (tFrom = Int.T) AND (tTo = Int.T) THEN tStep := Int.T; ELSIF (tFrom = LInt.T) AND (tTo = LInt.T) THEN tStep := LInt.T; ELSE Error.Msg("\'from\' and \'to\' expressions must be compatible ordinals"); errored := TRUE; tStep := Int.T; END; IF p.step = NIL THEN p.step := IntegerExpr.New (tStep, TInt.One) END; Expr.TypeCheck (p.step, cs); IF NOT Type.IsSubtype (Expr.TypeOf (p.step), tStep) THEN Error.Msg ("\'by\' expression must be an integer"); errored := TRUE; END; (* set the type of the control variable *) Variable.BindType (p.var, tFrom, indirect := FALSE, readonly := TRUE, needs_init := FALSE, open_array_ok := FALSE); (* determine the ranges of the control values *) IF Reduce (p.step, minStep) THEN maxStep := minStep; ELSE Expr.GetBounds (p.step, minStep, maxStep); END; IF Reduce (p.from, minFrom) THEN maxFrom := minFrom; ELSE Expr.GetBounds (p.from, minFrom, maxFrom); END; IF Reduce (p.limit, minLimit) THEN maxLimit := minLimit; ELSE Expr.GetBounds (p.limit, minLimit, maxLimit); END; IF TInt.EQ (minStep, TInt.Zero) AND TInt.EQ (maxStep, TInt.Zero) THEN (* warning suggested by Ernst A. Heinz <> to catch typos. (March 19, 1995) *) Error.Warn (1, "zero \'by\' value in FOR loop"); errored := TRUE; END; (* try to tighten up the range of the new index variable *) IF TInt.LE (TInt.Zero, minStep) THEN (* we're counting up! *) newMin := minFrom; newMax := maxLimit; ELSIF TInt.LT (maxStep, TInt.Zero) THEN (* we're counting down *) newMin := minLimit; newMax := maxFrom; ELSE (* we might be counting in either direction... *) IF TInt.LT (minFrom, minLimit) THEN newMin := minFrom; ELSE newMin := minLimit; END; IF TInt.LT (maxFrom, maxLimit) THEN newMax := maxLimit; ELSE newMax := maxFrom; END; END; Variable.SetBounds (p.var, newMin, newMax); IF NOT errored AND TInt.LT (newMax, newMin) THEN Error.Warn (1, "FOR loop body is unreachable (empty range)"); END; zz := Scope.Push (p.scope); Scope.TypeCheck (p.scope, cs); Marker.PushExit (CG.No_label); Stmt.TypeCheck (p.body, cs); Marker.Pop (); Scope.Pop (zz); END Check; PROCEDUREReduce (VAR expr: Expr.T; VAR i: Target.Int): BOOLEAN = VAR e: Expr.T; t: Type.T; BEGIN e := Expr.ConstValue (expr); IF (e = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE END; expr := e; RETURN IntegerExpr.Split (e, i, t) OR EnumExpr.Split (e, i, t); END Reduce; PROCEDURECompile (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes = VAR step, limit, from: Expr.T; step_val, limit_val, from_val: Target.Int; step_min, step_max: Target.Int; t: Type.T; oc: Stmt.Outcomes; zz: Scope.T; index, to, by: CG.Var; t_index, t_to, t_by: CG.Val; l_top, l_test, l_less, l_exit: CG.Label; type: Type.T; global, indirect, lhs, index_copy: BOOLEAN; info: Type.Info; offset: INTEGER; cg_type: CG.Type; uid: INTEGER; BEGIN Variable.Split (p.var, type, global, indirect, lhs); IF Type.IsSubtype (type, LInt.T) THEN cg_type := Target.Longint.cg_type; uid := Type.GlobalUID (LInt.T); ELSE cg_type := Target.Integer.cg_type; uid := Type.GlobalUID (Int.T); END; from := Expr.ConstValue (p.from); IF (from = NIL) THEN Expr.Prep (p.from); Expr.Compile (p.from); t_index := CG.Pop_temp (); ELSE (* lower bound is a constant *) from_val := TInt.Zero; EVAL IntegerExpr.Split (from, from_val, t) OR EnumExpr.Split (from, from_val, t); END; limit := Expr.ConstValue (p.limit); IF (limit = NIL) THEN Expr.Prep (p.limit); Expr.Compile (p.limit); t_to := CG.Pop_temp (); ELSE (* upper bound is a constant *) limit_val := TInt.Zero; EVAL IntegerExpr.Split (limit, limit_val, t) OR EnumExpr.Split (limit, limit_val, t); END; step := Expr.ConstValue (p.step); IF (step = NIL) THEN (* non-constant step value *) Expr.Prep (p.step); Expr.Compile (p.step); t_by := CG.Pop_temp (); Expr.GetBounds (p.step, step_min, step_max); ELSE (* step is a constant *) step_val := TInt.Zero; EVAL IntegerExpr.Split (step, step_val, t) OR EnumExpr.Split (step, step_val, t); END; l_top := CG.Next_label (3); l_test := l_top + 1; l_exit := l_top + 2; zz := Scope.Push (p.scope); Scope.Enter (p.scope); Scope.InitValues (p.scope); IF Type.IsEqual (type, Int.T, NIL) OR Type.IsEqual (type, LInt.T, NIL) THEN (* use the user's variable *) index_copy := FALSE; Variable.LocalCGName (p.var, index, offset); <*ASSERT offset = 0*> ELSE (* declare a fresh local variable for the index *) (* 'cause small variables may overflow at the end of their ranges *) index_copy := TRUE; index := CG.Declare_local (M3ID.NoID, TargetMap.CG_Size[cg_type], TargetMap.CG_Align[cg_type], cg_type, uid, in_memory := FALSE, up_level := FALSE, f := CG.Always); END; IF (from = NIL) THEN CG.Push (t_index); CG.Store_int (cg_type, index); CG.Free (t_index); ELSE CG.Load_integer (cg_type, from_val); CG.Store_int (cg_type, index); END; IF (limit = NIL) THEN (* declare the local variable *) to := CG.Declare_local (M3ID.NoID, TargetMap.CG_Size[cg_type], TargetMap.CG_Align[cg_type], cg_type, uid, in_memory := FALSE, up_level := FALSE, f := CG.Maybe); CG.Push (t_to); CG.Store_int (cg_type, to); CG.Free (t_to); END; IF (step = NIL) THEN (* declare the local variable *) by := CG.Declare_local (M3ID.NoID, TargetMap.CG_Size[cg_type], TargetMap.CG_Align[cg_type], cg_type, uid, in_memory := FALSE, up_level := FALSE, f := CG.Maybe); CG.Push (t_by); CG.Store_int (cg_type, by); CG.Free (t_by); END; IF (from = NIL) OR (limit = NIL) OR (step = NIL) THEN (* we don't know all three values... *) CG.Jump (l_test); ELSIF TInt.LE (TInt.Zero, step_val) AND TInt.LE (from_val, limit_val) THEN (* we know we'll execute the loop at least once. *) ELSIF TInt.LE (step_val, TInt.Zero) AND TInt.LE (limit_val, from_val) THEN (* we know we'll execute the loop at least once. *) ELSE (* we won't execute the loop... *) CG.Jump (l_test); END; CG.Set_label (l_top); Marker.PushExit (l_exit); IF (index_copy) THEN (* make the user's variable equal to the counter *) EVAL Type.CheckInfo (type, info); Variable.LoadLValue (p.var); CG.Load_int (cg_type, index); CG.Store_indirect (info.stk_type, 0, info.size); END; Variable.ScheduleTrace (p.var); oc := Stmt.Compile (p.body); (* increment the counter *) CG.Gen_location (p.origin); CG.Load_int (cg_type, index); IF (step # NIL) THEN CG.Load_integer (cg_type, step_val); ELSE CG.Load_int (cg_type, by); END; CG.Add (cg_type); CG.Store_int (cg_type, index); (* generate the loop test *) CG.Gen_location (p.origin); CG.Set_label (l_test); IF (step # NIL) THEN (* constant step value *) CG.Load_int (cg_type, index); IF (limit # NIL) THEN CG.Load_integer (cg_type, limit_val); ELSE CG.Load_int (cg_type, to); END; IF TInt.LE (TInt.Zero, step_val) THEN CG.If_compare (cg_type, CG.Cmp.LE, l_top, CG.Likely); ELSE CG.If_compare (cg_type, CG.Cmp.GE, l_top, CG.Likely); END; ELSIF TInt.LE (TInt.Zero, step_min) THEN (* positive, variable step value *) CG.Load_int (cg_type, index); IF (limit # NIL) THEN CG.Load_integer (cg_type, limit_val); ELSE CG.Load_int (cg_type, to); END; CG.If_compare (cg_type, CG.Cmp.LE, l_top, CG.Likely); ELSIF TInt.LT (step_max, TInt.Zero) THEN (* negative, variable step value *) CG.Load_int (cg_type, index); IF (limit # NIL) THEN CG.Load_integer (cg_type, limit_val); ELSE CG.Load_int (cg_type, to); END; CG.If_compare (cg_type, CG.Cmp.GE, l_top, CG.Likely); ELSE (* variable step value *) l_less := CG.Next_label (2); CG.Load_int (cg_type, by); CG.Load_integer (cg_type, TInt.Zero); CG.If_compare (cg_type, CG.Cmp.LT, l_less, CG.Likely); CG.Load_int (cg_type, index); IF (limit # NIL) THEN CG.Load_integer (cg_type, limit_val); ELSE CG.Load_int (cg_type, to); END; CG.If_compare (cg_type, CG.Cmp.LE, l_top, CG.Likely); CG.Jump (l_less+1); CG.Set_label (l_less); CG.Load_int (cg_type, index); IF (limit # NIL) THEN CG.Load_integer (cg_type, limit_val); ELSE CG.Load_int (cg_type, to); END; CG.If_compare (cg_type, CG.Cmp.GE, l_top, CG.Likely); CG.Set_label (l_less+1); END; Marker.Pop (); CG.Set_label (l_exit); Scope.Exit (p.scope); Scope.Pop (zz); (* a FOR can fall through if its index range may be empty *) (* or if its body can fall through or exit. -- Ernst Heinz *) IF (Stmt.Outcome.Exits IN oc) OR (from = NIL) OR (limit = NIL) OR (step = NIL) OR (NOT TInt.LT (step_val, TInt.Zero) AND TInt.LT (limit_val, from_val)) OR ( TInt.LT (step_val, TInt.Zero) AND TInt.LT (from_val, limit_val)) THEN oc := oc + Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough}; END; RETURN oc - Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.Exits}; END Compile; PROCEDUREGetOutcome (p: P): Stmt.Outcomes = BEGIN RETURN Stmt.GetOutcome (p.body) - Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.Exits} + Stmt.Outcomes {Stmt.Outcome.FallThrough}; END GetOutcome; BEGIN END ForStmt.