Copyright (C) 1989, Digital Equipment Corporation |All rights reserved. | See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. | | Last modified on Fri Apr 7 09:06:48 PDT 1995 by kalsow | modified on Mon Mar 21 17:40:31 PST 1994 by wobber | modified on Sat Jun 26 17:07:03 1993 by gnelson | modified on Fri May 14 16:15:26 PDT 1993 by mjordan | modified on Wed Apr 21 16:35:05 PDT 1993 by mcjones | modified On Mon Apr 5 14:51:30 PDT 1993 by muller | modified on Mon Feb 22 10:08:49 PST 1993 by jdd
UNSAFE MODULEThe debugger, m3gdb, depends on these pieces of the thread implementation:ThreadPosix EXPORTSThread ,ThreadF ,Scheduler ,SchedulerPosix ,RTThreadInit ; IMPORT Cerrno, Cstring, FloatMode, MutexRep, RT0u, RTError, RTMisc, RTParams, RTPerfTool, RTProcedureSRC, RTProcess, RTThread, RTIO, ThreadEvent, Time, TimePosix, Unix, Usignal, Utime, Word; REVEAL (* Remember, the report (p 43-44) says that MUTEX is predeclared and <: ROOT; just pretend that we have "TYPE MUTEX <: ROOT" in our interface. The sem field is where we store the semaphore that implements the mutual exclusion and waitingForMe is the head of the list of threads that are waiting for the mutex to be released so that they can acquire it (the list is continued in the nextWaitingForMutex field of the threads) *) MUTEX = MutexRep.Public BRANDED "Mutex Posix-1.0" OBJECT holder : T := NIL; waitingForMe : T := NIL; OVERRIDES acquire := LockMutex; release := UnlockMutex; END; (* Threads that wait on a condition are inserted in the waitingForMe list, which is continued in the nextWaitingForCondition field of the waiting threads. *) Condition = BRANDED "Thread.Condition Posix-1.0" OBJECT waitingForMe: T := NIL; END; TYPE SelectRec = RECORD fd: CARDINAL := 0; read: BOOLEAN := FALSE; waitResult: WaitResult := WaitResult.Ready; (* fields relevant for new and old implementation *) timeout := UTime{0, 0}; hasTimeout: BOOLEAN := FALSE; errno: INTEGER := 0; index: CARDINAL := 0; set: FDSet := FDSet{}; END;
"Thread.T" is a record or object type with fields: "id" an integer, "state" an enumeration (with fixed known values), "next" a pointer to a "Thread.T" "waitingForCondition" a pointer "waitingForMutex" a pointer "waitingForTime" a "time" "context" a record with a field named "buf" which is a jump buffer.Eric Muller, 3/16/94
REVEAL T = BRANDED "Thread.T Posix-1.6" OBJECT state: State; id: Id; (* our work and its result *) closure : Closure; result : REFANY := NIL; (* the threads are organized in a circular list *) previous, next: T; (* next thread that waits for: CASE state OF | waiting => the same condition; | locking => the same mutex; | pausing => a specified time; | blocking => some IO; *) nextWaiting: T; (* if state = waiting, the condition on which we wait *) waitingForCondition: Condition; waitingForMutex: Mutex; (* if state = pausing, the time at which we can restart *) waitingForTime : UTime; (* true if we are waiting during an AlertWait or AlertJoin or AlertPause *) alertable: BOOLEAN := FALSE; (* true if somebody alerted us and we did not TestAlert *) alertPending : BOOLEAN := FALSE; (* This condition is signaled then the thread terminates; other threads that want to join can just wait for it *) endCondition: Condition; (* where we carry our work. The first thread runs on the original C program stack and its context.stack is NIL *) context : Context; (* if state = blocking, the descriptors we are waiting on *) select : SelectRec := SelectRec{}; (* state that is available to the floating point routines *) floatState : FloatMode.ThreadState; END; TYPE IntPtr = UNTRACED REF INTEGER;------------------------------------------------------- Unix time hack! ---
TYPE UTime = Utime.struct_timeval; TimeZone = Utime.struct_timezone; PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- globals ---UTimeNow (): UTime = VAR tv: UTime; tz: TimeZone; BEGIN EVAL Utime.gettimeofday (tv, tz); RETURN tv; END UTimeNow; PROCEDURETime_Add (READONLY t1, t2: UTime): UTime = VAR res: UTime; BEGIN res.tv_sec := t1.tv_sec + t2.tv_sec; res.tv_usec := t1.tv_usec + t2.tv_usec; IF res.tv_usec > 1000000 THEN DEC (res.tv_usec, 1000000); INC (res.tv_sec, 1); END; RETURN res; END Time_Add; PROCEDURETime_Subtract (READONLY t1, t2: UTime): UTime = VAR res: UTime; BEGIN res.tv_sec := t1.tv_sec - t2.tv_sec; res.tv_usec := t1.tv_usec - t2.tv_usec; IF res.tv_usec < 0 THEN INC (res.tv_usec, 1000000); DEC (res.tv_sec, 1); END; RETURN res; END Time_Subtract; PROCEDURETime_Compare (READONLY t1, t2: UTime): [-1 .. 1] = BEGIN IF t1.tv_sec > t2.tv_sec THEN RETURN 1; ELSIF t1.tv_sec < t2.tv_sec THEN RETURN -1; ELSIF t1.tv_usec = t2.tv_usec THEN RETURN 0; ELSIF t1.tv_usec > t2.tv_usec THEN RETURN 1; ELSE RETURN -1; END; END Time_Compare;
VAR preemption: BOOLEAN; (* this is really a constant, but we need to take its address *) ZeroTimeout := UTime{0, 0}; VAR (* we start the heavy machinery only when we have more than one thread *) multipleThreads: BOOLEAN := FALSE; topThread: T; (* the thread in which Main runs *) pausedThreads : T; selected_interval:= UTime{0, 100 * 1000}; defaultStackSize := 3000; stack_grows_down: BOOLEAN; VAR stats: RECORD n_forks := 0; n_dead := 0; n_joins := 0; END; EXCEPTION InternalError; <*FATAL InternalError*> CONST ForkYieldRatio = 5; VAR nextId: Id := 1; VAR dead_stacks: T := NIL; (* dead threads waiting to have their stacks disposed *)------------------------------------------------- user-level procedures ---
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- MUTEXes --- Note: {Unlock,Lock}Mutex are the routines called directly by the compiler. Acquire and Release are the routines exported through the Thread interfaceGetDefaultStackSize (): CARDINAL = BEGIN RETURN defaultStackSize; END GetDefaultStackSize; PROCEDUREMinDefaultStackSize (new_min: CARDINAL) = BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); defaultStackSize := MAX (defaultStackSize, new_min); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); END MinDefaultStackSize; PROCEDUREIncDefaultStackSize (inc: CARDINAL) = BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); INC (defaultStackSize, inc); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); END IncDefaultStackSize; PROCEDUREFork (cl: Closure): T = VAR t: T; stack_size: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* make sure that thread switching keeps up with thread creation *) INC (stats.n_forks); IF (stats.n_forks MOD ForkYieldRatio) = 0 THEN Yield () END; INC (RT0u.inCritical); IF NOT multipleThreads THEN (* this is the first time we have more than one thread; we can start to consider switching *) multipleThreads := TRUE; StartSwitching (); END; t := NEW (T, closure := cl, id := nextId); INC (nextId); (* determine the size of the stack for this thread *) stack_size := defaultStackSize; TYPECASE cl OF | SizedClosure (scl) => IF scl.stackSize # 0 THEN stack_size := scl.stackSize; END; ELSE (*skip*) END; (* allocate a condition variable for this thread *) t.endCondition := NEW (Condition); (* link the thread into the global ring *) :=; t.previous := self; := t; := t; InitContext (t.context, stack_size); CanRun (t); IF hooks # NIL THEN hooks.fork (t) END; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); RETURN t; END Fork; PROCEDUREJoin (t: T): REFANY RAISES {} = <*FATAL Alerted*> BEGIN self.alertable := FALSE; RETURN XJoin (t); END Join; PROCEDUREAlertJoin (t: T): REFANY RAISES {Alerted} = BEGIN self.alertable := TRUE; RETURN XJoin (t); END AlertJoin; PROCEDUREXJoin (t: T): REFANY RAISES {Alerted} = VAR c: Condition; BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); WHILE (t.state # State.dying) AND (t.state # State.dead) DO (*** INLINE Wait (RT0u.inCritical, t.endCondition) ***) c := t.endCondition; ICannotRun (State.waiting); self.waitingForCondition := c; self.nextWaiting := c.waitingForMe; c.waitingForMe := self; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); InternalYield (); INC (RT0u.inCritical); END; t.state := State.dead; IF perfOn THEN PerfChanged (, State.dead); END; INC (stats.n_joins); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); RETURN t.result; END XJoin; PROCEDUREWait (m: Mutex; c: Condition) = <*FATAL Alerted*> BEGIN self.alertable := FALSE; XWait (m, c); END Wait; PROCEDUREAlertWait (m: Mutex; c: Condition) RAISES {Alerted} = BEGIN self.alertable := TRUE; XWait (m, c); END AlertWait; PROCEDUREXWait (m: Mutex; c: Condition) RAISES {Alerted} = BEGIN TRY INC (RT0u.inCritical); EVAL XRelease (m); ICannotRun (State.waiting); self.waitingForCondition := c; self.nextWaiting := c.waitingForMe; c.waitingForMe := self; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); InternalYield (); FINALLY LockMutex (m); END; END XWait; PROCEDURESignal (c: Condition) = BEGIN XSignal (c, 1); END Signal; PROCEDUREBroadcast (c: Condition) = BEGIN XSignal (c, -1); END Broadcast; PROCEDUREXSignal (c: Condition; limit: INTEGER) = VAR t: T; BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); LOOP t := c.waitingForMe; IF (t = NIL) THEN EXIT END; c.waitingForMe := t.nextWaiting; CanRun (t); DEC (limit); IF limit = 0 THEN EXIT END; END; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); END XSignal; PROCEDUREAlert (t: T) = BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); t.alertPending := TRUE; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); END Alert; PROCEDURETestAlert (): BOOLEAN = VAR result: BOOLEAN; BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); result := self.alertPending; self.alertPending := FALSE; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); RETURN result; END TestAlert; PROCEDUREYield () = <*FATAL Alerted*> BEGIN self.alertable := FALSE; InternalYield (); END Yield; PROCEDURESelf (): T = BEGIN RETURN self; END Self;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------- garbage collector support ---Acquire (m: Mutex) = BEGIN m.acquire (); END Acquire; PROCEDURERelease (m: Mutex) = BEGIN m.release (); END Release; PROCEDURELockMutex (m: Mutex) = <*FATAL Alerted*> BEGIN LOOP INC (RT0u.inCritical); IF m.holder = NIL THEN <* ASSERT self # NIL *> m.holder := self; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); RETURN; END; ICannotRun (State.locking); self.waitingForMutex := m; self.nextWaiting := m.waitingForMe; self.alertable := FALSE; m.waitingForMe := self; IF (m.holder = self) THEN ImpossibleAcquire (m); END; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); InternalYield (); END; END LockMutex; PROCEDUREImpossibleAcquire (m: Mutex) = BEGIN DumpEverybody (); OutT ("*** Thread #"); OutI (, 0); OutT (" is trying to reacquire mutex "); OutA (m, 0); OutT (" which it already holds.\n"); RTError.Msg ("ThreadPosix.m3", 438, "impossible Thread.Acquire"); END ImpossibleAcquire; PROCEDUREUnlockMutex (m: Mutex) = <*FATAL Alerted*> VAR waiters: BOOLEAN; BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); waiters := XRelease (m); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); IF waiters THEN self.alertable := FALSE; InternalYield (); END; END UnlockMutex; PROCEDUREXRelease (m: Mutex): BOOLEAN = (* called while inCritical *) VAR t, last_t: T; BEGIN IF m.holder # self THEN SleazyRelease (m) END; m.holder := NIL; t := m.waitingForMe; IF (t = NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* search for the end: t == last thread, last_t == second to last one *) last_t := NIL; WHILE (t.nextWaiting # NIL) DO last_t := t; t := t.nextWaiting END; IF (last_t # NIL) THEN last_t.nextWaiting := NIL; (* multiple threads are waiting *) ELSE m.waitingForMe := NIL; (* only one thread is waiting *) END; t.nextWaiting := NIL; CanRun (t); RETURN TRUE; END XRelease; PROCEDURESleazyRelease (m: Mutex) = BEGIN DumpEverybody (); OutT ("*** Mutex "); OutA (m, 0); IF m.holder = NIL THEN OutT (" is not locked.\n"); ELSE OutT (" is held by thread #"); OutI (, 0); OutT (".\n"); END; RTError.Msg ("Thread.m3", 489, "illegal Thread.Release"); END SleazyRelease;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------- I/O and Timer support ---SuspendOthers () = BEGIN INC(RT0u.inCritical); END SuspendOthers; PROCEDUREResumeOthers () = BEGIN DEC(RT0u.inCritical); END ResumeOthers; PROCEDUREProcessStacks (p: PROCEDURE (start, stop: ADDRESS)) = VAR t:= self; start, stop: ADDRESS; BEGIN (* save my state *) EVAL RTThread.Save (self.context.buf); REPEAT Tos (t.context, start, stop); (* process the stack *) p (start, stop); WITH z = t.context.buf DO (* process the registers *) p (ADR (z), ADR (z) + ADRSIZE (z)) END; t :=; UNTIL t = self; END ProcessStacks;
PROCEDUREPause (n: LONGREAL)= <*FATAL Alerted*> VAR until := TimePosix.ToUtime (n + Time.Now ()); BEGIN XPause(until, FALSE); END Pause; PROCEDUREAlertPause (n: LONGREAL) RAISES {Alerted}= VAR until := TimePosix.ToUtime (n + Time.Now ()); BEGIN XPause(until, TRUE); END AlertPause; PROCEDUREXPause (READONLY until: UTime; alertable := FALSE) RAISES {Alerted} = BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); self.waitingForTime := until; self.alertable := alertable; ICannotRun (State.pausing); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); InternalYield (); END XPause; CONST FDSetSize = BITSIZE(INTEGER); TYPE FDSet = SET OF [0 .. FDSetSize-1]; FDS = REF ARRAY OF FDSet; VAR gMaxActiveFDSet, gMaxFDSet: CARDINAL := 1; gReadFDS, gWriteFDS, gExceptFDS: FDS := NEW(FDS, 1); (* gMaxFDSet is NUMBER(gReadFDS^) *) (* gReadFDS, gWriteFDS, and gExceptFDS all have the same length *) (* gMaxActiveFDSet <= gMaxFDSet, gMaxActiveFDSet * FDSetSize > nFD, where nFD is the maximum fd active in any call to XIOWait *) (* gMaxFDSet never decreases *) (* note that using a FD beyond the range of legal FDs produces a checked runtime error *) PROCEDUREIOWait (fd: INTEGER; read: BOOLEAN; timeoutInterval: LONGREAL := -1.0D0): WaitResult = <*FATAL Alerted*> BEGIN self.alertable := FALSE; RETURN XIOWait(fd, read, timeoutInterval); END IOWait; PROCEDUREIOAlertWait (fd: INTEGER; read: BOOLEAN; timeoutInterval: LONGREAL := -1.0D0): WaitResult RAISES {Alerted} = BEGIN self.alertable := TRUE; RETURN XIOWait(fd, read, timeoutInterval); END IOAlertWait; PROCEDUREXIOWait (fd: CARDINAL; read: BOOLEAN; interval: LONGREAL): WaitResult RAISES {Alerted} = VAR res: INTEGER; fdindex := fd DIV FDSetSize; fdset := FDSet{fd MOD FDSetSize}; BEGIN (* If we are in a single-threaded program do just what the user wants *) IF NOT multipleThreads THEN self.alertable := FALSE; IF fdindex >= gMaxActiveFDSet THEN gMaxActiveFDSet := fdindex + 1; IF gMaxFDSet < gMaxActiveFDSet THEN gReadFDS := NEW(FDS, gMaxActiveFDSet); gWriteFDS := NEW(FDS, gMaxActiveFDSet); gExceptFDS := NEW(FDS, gMaxActiveFDSet); gMaxFDSet := gMaxActiveFDSet; END; END; ZeroFDS(); IF read THEN gReadFDS[fdindex] := fdset; ELSE gWriteFDS[fdindex] := fdset; END; IF interval >= 0.0D0 THEN VAR utimeout := UTimeFromTime(interval); BEGIN res := CallSelect(fd+1, ADR(utimeout)); END; ELSE res := CallSelect(fd+1, NIL); END; IF res > 0 THEN RETURN TestFDS(fdindex, fdset, read); ELSIF res = 0 THEN RETURN WaitResult.Timeout; ELSE RETURN WaitResult.Error; END; ELSE (* This thing blocks, schedule it for later *) VAR newRead, newWrite, newExcept: FDS := NIL; BEGIN IF fdindex >= gMaxFDSet THEN (* must do alloc in non-critical *) newRead := NEW(FDS, fdindex+1); newWrite := NEW(FDS, fdindex+1); newExcept := NEW(FDS, fdindex+1); END; INC (RT0u.inCritical); IF fdindex >= gMaxActiveFDSet THEN gMaxActiveFDSet := fdindex + 1; IF gMaxFDSet < gMaxActiveFDSet THEN gReadFDS := newRead; gWriteFDS := newWrite; gExceptFDS := newExcept; gMaxFDSet := gMaxActiveFDSet; END; END; := fd; := read; := fdindex; := fdset; := (interval >= 0.0D0); IF interval >= 0.0D0 THEN := Time_Add(UTimeNow(), UTimeFromTime(interval)); END; ICannotRun (State.blocking); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); END; InternalYield (); Cerrno.SetErrno(; RETURN; END; END XIOWait; PROCEDUREZeroFDS () = BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO gMaxActiveFDSet-1 DO gReadFDS[i] := FDSet{}; gWriteFDS[i] := FDSet{}; END; END ZeroFDS;
PROCEDURE InclFDS(fd: CARDINAL; read: BOOLEAN) = VAR set := fd DIV FDSetSize; sset := FDSet{fd MOD FDSetSize}; BEGIN IF read THEN gReadFDS[set] := gReadFDS[set] + sset; ELSE gWriteFDS[set] := gWriteFDS[set] + sset; END; END InclFDS;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ timer-based preemption ---TestFDS (index: CARDINAL; set: FDSet; read: BOOLEAN): WaitResult = BEGIN IF (set * gExceptFDS[index]) # FDSet{} THEN IF read THEN IF (set * gReadFDS[index]) # FDSet{} THEN RETURN WaitResult.Ready; END; IF (set * gWriteFDS[index]) = FDSet{} THEN RETURN WaitResult.FDError; END; ELSE IF (set * gWriteFDS[index]) # FDSet{} THEN RETURN WaitResult.Ready; END; IF (set * gReadFDS[index]) = FDSet{} THEN RETURN WaitResult.FDError; END; END; END; RETURN WaitResult.Timeout; END TestFDS; PROCEDURECallSelect (nfd: CARDINAL; timeout: UNTRACED REF UTime): INTEGER = TYPE FDSPtr = UNTRACED REF Unix.FDSet; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO gMaxActiveFDSet-1 DO gExceptFDS[i] := gReadFDS[i] + gWriteFDS[i]; END; res :=, LOOPHOLE (ADR(gReadFDS[0]), FDSPtr), LOOPHOLE (ADR(gWriteFDS[0]), FDSPtr), LOOPHOLE (ADR(gExceptFDS[0]), FDSPtr), timeout); IF res > 0 THEN FOR i := 0 TO gMaxActiveFDSet-1 DO gExceptFDS[i] := gExceptFDS[i] + gReadFDS[i] + gWriteFDS[i]; END; END; RETURN res; END CallSelect; PROCEDUREUTimeFromTime (time: Time.T): UTime = VAR floor := FLOOR(time); BEGIN RETURN UTime{floor, FLOOR(1.0D6 * (time - FLOAT(floor, LONGREAL)))}; END UTimeFromTime;
PROCEDUREDisableSwitching () = BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); END DisableSwitching; PROCEDUREEnableSwitching () = BEGIN DEC (RT0u.inCritical); END EnableSwitching; PROCEDUREStartSwitching () =
set the SIGVTALRM timer and handler; can be called to change the switching interval
VAR it, oit: Utime.struct_itimerval; BEGIN IF preemption THEN RTThread.setup_sigvtalrm (LOOPHOLE(switch_thread,Usignal.SignalHandler)); it.it_interval := selected_interval; it.it_value := selected_interval; IF Utime.setitimer (Utime.ITIMER_VIRTUAL, it, oit) # 0 THEN RAISE InternalError; END; RTThread.allow_sigvtalrm (); END; END StartSwitching; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------- scheduler ---switch_thread (<*UNUSED*> sig, code: INTEGER; <*UNUSED*> scp: ADDRESS) RAISES {Alerted} = BEGIN RTThread.allow_sigvtalrm (); IF RT0u.inCritical = 0 THEN InternalYield () END; END switch_thread; PROCEDURESetSwitchingInterval (usec: CARDINAL) = BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); selected_interval.tv_sec := usec DIV 1000000; selected_interval.tv_usec := usec MOD 1000000; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); IF multipleThreads THEN StartSwitching () END; END SetSwitchingInterval;
PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------- low-level coroutines ---CanRun (t: T) = BEGIN t.state := State.alive; t.nextWaiting := NIL; t.waitingForCondition := NIL; t.waitingForMutex := NIL; IF perfOn THEN PerfChanged (, State.alive); END; END CanRun; PROCEDUREICannotRun (newState: State) = BEGIN self.state := newState; IF perfOn THEN PerfChanged (, newState); END; END ICannotRun; PROCEDUREInternalYield () RAISES {Alerted} = VAR t, from: T; blockingNfds: CARDINAL; scanned := FALSE; (* scanned => gReadFDS, ... gExceptFDS have been set by a select call that includes the masks of all blocked threads in the prefix up the thread list up to the first runnable thread, or the whole list if there is no runnable thread. INVARIANT: scanned OR (selectResult = 0) *) somePausing, someBlocking: BOOLEAN; now : UTime; earliest : UTime; selectResult := 0; do_alert : BOOLEAN; did_delete : BOOLEAN; BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); <*ASSERT RT0u.inCritical = 1 *> from :=; (* remember where we started *) now := UTimeNow (); LOOP t := from; IF NOT scanned OR selectResult < 0 THEN ZeroFDS(); END; blockingNfds := 0; did_delete := FALSE; somePausing := FALSE; someBlocking := FALSE; LOOP CASE t.state OF | State.waiting => IF t.alertable AND t.alertPending THEN WITH c = t.waitingForCondition DO IF c.waitingForMe = t THEN c.waitingForMe := t.nextWaiting; ELSE VAR tt := c.waitingForMe; BEGIN WHILE tt.nextWaiting # t DO tt := tt.nextWaiting; END; tt.nextWaiting := t.nextWaiting; END; END; END; CanRun (t); EXIT; END; | State.locking => <*ASSERT NOT t.alertable*> | State.pausing => IF t.alertable AND t.alertPending THEN CanRun (t); EXIT; ELSIF Time_Compare (t.waitingForTime, now) <= 0 THEN CanRun (t); EXIT; ELSIF NOT somePausing THEN earliest := t.waitingForTime; somePausing := TRUE; ELSIF Time_Compare (t.waitingForTime, earliest) < 0 THEN earliest := t.waitingForTime; END; | State.blocking => IF t.alertable AND t.alertPending THEN CanRun (t); EXIT; ELSIF NOT scanned THEN blockingNfds := MAX (blockingNfds, + 1); IF THEN gReadFDS[] := gReadFDS[] +; ELSE gWriteFDS[] := gWriteFDS[] +; END; someBlocking := TRUE ELSE (* scanned is TRUE *) IF selectResult < 0 THEN IF THEN gReadFDS[] :=; ELSE gWriteFDS[] :=; END; VAR n := CallSelect(, ADR(ZeroTimeout)); BEGIN IF n > 0 THEN := TestFDS(,,; CanRun(t); EXIT; ELSIF n < 0 THEN := Cerrno.GetErrno(); := WaitResult.Error; CanRun(t); EXIT; END; END; ELSIF selectResult > 0 THEN VAR res := TestFDS(,,; BEGIN IF res # WaitResult.Timeout THEN := res; CanRun(t); EXIT; END; END; END; (* Not runnable, but its timer may have expired *) IF AND Time_Compare (, now) <= 0 THEN := 0; := WaitResult.Timeout; CanRun (t); EXIT; END; END; IF THEN IF NOT somePausing THEN earliest :=; somePausing := TRUE; ELSIF Time_Compare (, earliest) < 0 THEN earliest :=; END END | State.dying, State.dead => (* remove this guy from the ring *) IF perfOn THEN PerfDeleted (; END; IF hooks # NIL THEN hooks.die (t) END; VAR tmp := t.previous; BEGIN IF (t = from) THEN from := tmp END; := tmp; :=; t.previous := NIL; := dead_stacks; dead_stacks := t; t := tmp; did_delete := TRUE; END; | State.alive => EXIT; END; (* case *) t :=; IF t = from THEN IF NOT scanned THEN gMaxActiveFDSet := 1 + ((blockingNfds-1) DIV FDSetSize); END; EXIT; END; END; IF t.state = State.alive AND (scanned OR NOT someBlocking) THEN IF perfOn THEN PerfRunning (; END; (* At least one thread wants to run; transfer to it *) Transfer (self.context, t.context, t); IF (dead_stacks # NIL) THEN FreeDeadStacks () END; do_alert := self.alertable AND self.alertPending; self.alertable := FALSE; IF do_alert THEN self.alertPending := FALSE END; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); IF do_alert THEN RAISE Alerted END; RETURN; ELSIF did_delete THEN (* run through the ring one more time before we block waiting for I/O, pause for a timer or declare deadlock. *) scanned := FALSE; selectResult := 0; ELSIF (selectResult < 0) THEN (* the initial select call failed (ie. erred or was interrupted) and none of the subsequent select calls is responsible.*) scanned := FALSE; selectResult := 0; ELSIF somePausing OR someBlocking THEN IF perfOn THEN PerfRunning (-1); END; IF t.state = State.alive OR somePausing AND Time_Compare(earliest, now) <= 0 THEN selectResult := CallSelect(blockingNfds, ADR(ZeroTimeout)); ELSIF somePausing THEN VAR timeout := Time_Subtract (earliest, now); BEGIN selectResult := CallSelect(blockingNfds, ADR(timeout)); END; ELSE selectResult := CallSelect(blockingNfds, NIL); END; IF selectResult <= 0 THEN now := UTimeNow(); END; scanned := TRUE ELSE IF perfOn THEN PerfRunning (-1); END; DumpEverybody (); RTError.Msg (NIL, 0, "Deadlock !"); END; END; END InternalYield; PROCEDUREFreeDeadStacks () = (* blow away any dead stacks *) VAR x: T; t: T := dead_stacks; BEGIN WHILE (t # NIL) DO <*ASSERT t # self*> IF (t.context.stack.words # NIL) THEN RTThread.FreeStack (t.context.stack); t.context.stack.words := NIL; END; x := t; t :=; := NIL; END; END FreeDeadStacks;
CONST seal = 123456; TYPE Context = RECORD stack: RTThread.Stack; stackTop: ADDRESS; stackBottom: ADDRESS; handlers: ADDRESS; errno: INTEGER; buf: RTThread.State; END; VAR self: T; (* the currently running thread *) VAR modelFrame: UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF Word.T; modelFrameLoc: ADDRESS; modelSP : ADDRESS; modelBuf : RTThread.State;The general strategy is: - at initialization time, get an idea of what the stack frame and environment for a routine is; this is done by InitTopContext/DetermineContext. This context is stored in the
- when a new thread is forked, its stack is initialized from the model stack, and the environment is restored after modifying the entries that depend on the stack position (eg. SP, AP, FP) running in that new context will send us in DetermineContext that will execute the thread closure (actually a shell that runs that closure).
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------- debugging support ---InitTopContext (VAR c: Context; stackbase: ADDRESS) = CONST STACK_SLOP = 8 * ADRSIZE (INTEGER); VAR env: RTThread.State; BEGIN (* The first thread runs on the original stack, we don't want any checks *) c.stack.words := NIL; c.stack.first := NIL; c.stack.last := NIL; c.handlers := NIL; c.errno := 0; IF stack_grows_down THEN c.stackTop := NIL; c.stackBottom := stackbase + STACK_SLOP; ELSE c.stackTop := LOOPHOLE (LAST (INTEGER), ADDRESS); c.stackBottom := stackbase - STACK_SLOP; END; (* determine what should go in the stack of future threads *) WITH i = RTThread.Save (env) DO <* ASSERT i = 0 *> END; DetermineContext (RTThread.SP (env)); END InitTopContext; PROCEDUREDetermineContext (oldSP: ADDRESS) = (* This routine looks at the stack frame for this call and takes it as a model for the frame to put in the stacks of forked threads. It also saves the jmp_buf at the beginning of the call in a global; that jmp_buf will be (after updating the stack pointer) for forked threads *) <*FATAL Alerted*> BEGIN IF (RTThread.Save (modelBuf) = 0) THEN (* first time through; this part is executed only once to determine the model *) modelSP := RTThread.SP (modelBuf); (* Copy the frame (plus pad) to modelStack and remember where that should go in the new stacks *) RTThread.FlushStackCache (); IF debug THEN OutAddr("modelSP: ", modelSP); OutAddr("oldSP: ", oldSP); OutInt("frame size: ", ABS (modelSP - oldSP)); END; modelFrame := NEW (UNTRACED REF ARRAY OF Word.T, ABS (modelSP - oldSP) DIV ADRSIZE (Word.T) + 1 + RTThread.FramePadBottom + RTThread.FramePadTop); IF stack_grows_down THEN (* <* ASSERT oldSP > modelSP *> *) modelFrameLoc := modelSP - RTThread.FramePadTop * ADRSIZE(Word.T); ELSE (* <* ASSERT oldSP < modelSP *> *) modelFrameLoc := oldSP - RTThread.FramePadBottom * ADRSIZE (Word.T); END; EVAL Cstring.memcpy (ADR (modelFrame [0]), modelFrameLoc, NUMBER (modelFrame^) * BYTESIZE (Word.T)); ELSE (* we are starting the execution of a forked thread *) RTThread.handlerStack := self.context.handlers; Cerrno.SetErrno(self.context.errno); RTThread.allow_sigvtalrm (); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); FloatMode.InitThread (self.floatState); self.result := self.closure.apply (); INC (RT0u.inCritical); Broadcast (self.endCondition); ICannotRun (State.dying); INC (stats.n_dead); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); InternalYield (); <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; END DetermineContext; PROCEDUREInitContext (VAR c: Context; size: INTEGER) = VAR offset, SPinFrame: INTEGER; frameLoad: ADDRESS; BEGIN (* allocate a new stack *) RTThread.GetStack (size, c.stack); (* initialize the context fields *) IF stack_grows_down THEN c.stackTop := c.stack.first; c.stackBottom := c.stack.last - ADRSIZE (Word.T); ELSE c.stackTop := c.stack.last - ADRSIZE (Word.T); c.stackBottom := c.stack.first; END; c.handlers := NIL; c.errno := Cerrno.GetErrno(); (* mark the ends of the stack for a sanity check *) LOOPHOLE (c.stackTop, IntPtr)^ := seal; LOOPHOLE (c.stackBottom, IntPtr)^ := seal; IF stack_grows_down THEN SPinFrame := RTThread.FramePadTop * ADRSIZE (Word.T); frameLoad := RTMisc.Align (c.stack.last - 2 * ADRSIZE (Word.T) - NUMBER (modelFrame^) * ADRSIZE (Word.T) - RTThread.StackFrameAlignment + 1 + SPinFrame, RTThread.StackFrameAlignment) - SPinFrame; ELSE SPinFrame := (NUMBER (modelFrame^) - RTThread.FramePadBottom) * ADRSIZE (Word.T); frameLoad := RTMisc.Align (c.stack.first + ADRSIZE (Word.T) + SPinFrame, RTThread.StackFrameAlignment) - SPinFrame; END; offset := (frameLoad + SPinFrame) - modelSP; EVAL Cstring.memcpy (frameLoad, ADR (modelFrame [0]), NUMBER (modelFrame^) * BYTESIZE (Word.T)); RTThread.UpdateFrameForNewSP (frameLoad + SPinFrame, offset); c.buf := modelBuf; RTThread.UpdateStateForNewSP (c.buf, offset); END InitContext; PROCEDURETransfer (VAR from, to: Context; new_self: T) = BEGIN IF (from.stack.words # NIL) AND (LOOPHOLE (from.stackTop, IntPtr)^ # seal OR LOOPHOLE (from.stackBottom, IntPtr)^ # seal) THEN SmashedStack (self); END; IF (to.stack.words # NIL) AND (LOOPHOLE (to.stackTop, IntPtr)^ # seal OR LOOPHOLE (to.stackBottom, IntPtr)^ # seal) THEN SmashedStack (new_self); END; (********* <* ASSERT (from.stack.words = NIL) OR (LOOPHOLE (from.stackTop, IntPtr)^ = seal AND LOOPHOLE (from.stackBottom, IntPtr)^ = seal) *> <* ASSERT (to.stack.words = NIL) OR (LOOPHOLE (to.stackTop, IntPtr)^ = seal AND LOOPHOLE (to.stackBottom, IntPtr)^ = seal) *> **********) IF (ADR (from) # ADR (to)) THEN RTThread.disallow_sigvtalrm (); from.handlers := RTThread.handlerStack; from.errno := Cerrno.GetErrno(); self := new_self; myId :=; RTThread.Transfer (from.buf, to.buf); RTThread.handlerStack := from.handlers; Cerrno.SetErrno(from.errno); RTThread.allow_sigvtalrm (); END; END Transfer; PROCEDURESmashedStack (t: T) = BEGIN DumpEverybody (); OutT ("*** Thread #"); OutI (, 0); OutT ("'s stack overflowed its limits.\n"); OutT ("*** Use Thread.IncDefaultStackSize to get bigger stacks.\n"); RTError.Msg ("ThreadPosix.m3", 1212, "corrupt thread stack"); END SmashedStack; PROCEDURETos (READONLY c: Context; VAR start, stop: ADDRESS) = BEGIN IF stack_grows_down THEN start := RTThread.SP (c.buf); stop := c.stackBottom - ADRSIZE (Word.T); ELSE start := c.stackBottom + ADRSIZE (Word.T); stop := RTThread.SP (c.buf); END; END Tos; PROCEDUREMyFPState (): UNTRACED REF FloatMode.ThreadState = BEGIN RETURN ADR (self.floatState); END MyFPState;
CONST WaitTag = ARRAY State OF TEXT { "*ready*", "condition ", "mutex ", "timer ", "I/O ", "*dying*", "*dead*" }; PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------ ShowThread hooks ---DumpEverybody () = VAR t: T; BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); OutT ("\n\n*****************************"); OutT ("**********************************\n"); OutT (" id Thread.T closure root"); OutT (" A* waiting for\n"); t := self; REPEAT IF (t = NIL) THEN OutT ("!!! NIL thread in ring !!!\n"); EXIT; END; DumpThread (t); t :=; UNTIL (t = self); OutT ("*****************************"); OutT ("**********************************\n"); RTIO.Flush (); DEC (RT0u.inCritical); END DumpEverybody; PROCEDUREDumpThread (t: T) = TYPE ClosureMethods = UNTRACED REF ARRAY [0..1] OF ADDRESS; TYPE ClosureObject = UNTRACED REF ClosureMethods; VAR pc, proc: ADDRESS; m: MUTEX; co: ClosureObject; name: RTProcedureSRC.Name; file: RTProcedureSRC.Name; BEGIN IF (t = self) THEN OutT (">"); ELSE OutT (" "); END; (* thread ID *) OutI (, 3); (* Thread.T *) OutA (t, 12); (* closure *) OutA (t.closure, 12); (* inital PC *) OutT (" "); pc := NIL; co := LOOPHOLE (t.closure, ClosureObject); IF (co # NIL) AND (co^ # NIL) THEN pc := co^^[0] END; IF (co = NIL) THEN OutT ("*main program* "); ELSE RTProcedureSRC.FromPC (pc, proc, file, name); IF (proc = NIL) OR (proc # pc) THEN OutA (LOOPHOLE (pc, REFANY), 20); ELSE RTIO.PutString (name); Pad (20, Cstring.strlen (name)); END; END; (* alert status *) IF (t.alertable) THEN OutT ("A"); ELSE OutT (" "); END; IF (t.alertPending) THEN OutT ("* "); ELSE OutT (" "); END; (* state *) OutT (WaitTag [t.state]); CASE t.state OF | State.alive => (* nothing *) | State.waiting => OutA (t.waitingForCondition, 0); | State.locking => m := t.waitingForMutex; OutA (m, 0); IF (m # NIL) THEN IF (m.holder = NIL) THEN OutT (" (unlocked)"); ELSE OutT (" (held by #"); OutI (, 0); OutT (")"); END; END; | State.blocking => (* nothing *) | State.pausing => (* nothing *) | State.dying => (* nothing *) | State.dead => (* nothing *) END; OutT ("\n"); END DumpThread; PROCEDUREOutT (t: TEXT) = BEGIN RTIO.PutText (t); END OutT; PROCEDUREOutI (i: INTEGER; width: INTEGER) = BEGIN RTIO.PutInt (i, width); END OutI; PROCEDUREOutA (a: REFANY; width: INTEGER) = BEGIN RTIO.PutHex (LOOPHOLE (a, INTEGER), width); END OutA; VAR pad := ARRAY [0..20] OF CHAR { ' ', .. }; PROCEDUREPad (min, used: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF (used < min) THEN RTIO.PutChars (ADR (pad[0]), min - used); END; END Pad;
VAR perfW : RTPerfTool.Handle; perfOn : BOOLEAN := FALSE; PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- ThreadF hooks ---PerfStart () = BEGIN IF RTPerfTool.Start ("showthread", perfW) THEN perfOn := TRUE; RTProcess.RegisterExitor (PerfStop); END; END PerfStart; PROCEDUREPerfStop () = BEGIN (* UNSAFE, but needed to prevent deadlock if we're crashing! *) RTPerfTool.Close (perfW); END PerfStop; CONST EventSize = (BITSIZE(ThreadEvent.T) + BITSIZE(CHAR) - 1) DIV BITSIZE(CHAR); TYPE TE = ThreadEvent.Kind; PROCEDUREPerfChanged (id: Id; s: State) = VAR e := ThreadEvent.T {kind := TE.Changed, id := id, state := s}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR (e), EventSize); END PerfChanged; PROCEDUREPerfDeleted (id: Id) = VAR e := ThreadEvent.T {kind := TE.Deleted, id := id}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR (e), EventSize); END PerfDeleted; PROCEDUREPerfRunning (id: Id) = VAR e := ThreadEvent.T {kind := TE.Running, id := id}; BEGIN perfOn := RTPerfTool.Send (perfW, ADR (e), EventSize); END PerfRunning;
VAR hooks: Hooks := NIL; PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------------- initialization ---RegisterHooks (h: Hooks; init := TRUE): Hooks RAISES {}= VAR oldHooks: Hooks; t: T; BEGIN INC (RT0u.inCritical); oldHooks := hooks; hooks := h; IF init AND hooks # NIL THEN t := self; REPEAT hooks.fork (t); t :=; UNTIL (t = self); END; DEC (RT0u.inCritical); RETURN oldHooks; END RegisterHooks; PROCEDUREMyId (): Id RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN; END MyId;
PROCEDUREInit ()= VAR xx: INTEGER; BEGIN RT0u.inCritical := 1; topThread := NEW (T, state := State.alive, id := nextId); FloatMode.InitThread (topThread.floatState); INC (nextId); stack_grows_down := ADR (xx) > QQ(); InitTopContext (topThread.context, ADR(xx)); self := topThread; myId :=; pausedThreads := NIL; := topThread; topThread.previous := topThread; RT0u.inCritical := 0; PerfStart (); preemption := NOT RTParams.IsPresent ("nopreemption"); END Init; PROCEDUREOutAddr (s: TEXT; a: ADDRESS) = BEGIN IF NOT debug THEN RETURN END; RTIO.PutText(s); RTIO.PutAddr(a); RTIO.PutText("\r\n"); RTIO.Flush(); END OutAddr; PROCEDUREOutInt (s: TEXT; a: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF NOT debug THEN RETURN END; RTIO.PutText(s); RTIO.PutInt(a); RTIO.PutText("\r\n"); RTIO.Flush(); END OutInt; VAR debug := FALSE; BEGIN END ThreadPosix.