INTERFACE--------------------------------------------- garbage collector support ---ThreadF ; IMPORT FloatMode, Thread;
PROCEDURE SuspendOthers ();
Suspend all threads except the caller's
PROCEDURE ResumeOthers ();
Resume the threads suspended by SuspendOthers
PROCEDURE ProcessStacks (p: PROCEDURE (start, stop: ADDRESS));
Apply p to each thread stack, with [start..stop) being the limits of the stack. All other threads must be suspended. ProcessStacks exists solely for the garbage collector.
------------------------------------------------ floating point support ---
PROCEDURE MyFPState (): UNTRACED REF FloatMode.ThreadState;
returns the saved floating point state for the current thread. WARNING: the return value is an untraced pointer to a traced Thread.T!!
-------------------------------------------------- showthreads support ---
TYPE State = { alive (* can run *), waiting (* waiting for a condition via Wait *), locking (* waiting for a mutex to be unlocked *), pausing (* waiting until some time is arrived *), blocking (* waiting for some IO *), dying (* done, but not yet joined *), dead (* done and joined *) }; TYPE Id = INTEGER;--------------------------------------------------------- hooks support ---
PRIVATE VAR hooks: Hooks := NIL
TYPE Hooks = OBJECT METHODS fork (t: Thread.T); (* called with RT0u.inCritical > 0 *) die (t: Thread.T); (* called with RT0u.inCritical > 0 *) END; PROCEDURE RegisterHooks (h: Hooks; init := TRUE): Hooks RAISES {};
return current hooks and set hooks := h. If init is true, call hooks.fork (t) for every thread t in the ring in a single critical section.
return Id of caller
<*EXTERNAL "ThreadF__myId"*> VAR myId: Id; (* The id of the currently running thread *)------------------------------------------------------------ preemption ---
PROCEDURE SetSwitchingInterval (usec: CARDINAL);
Sets the time between thread preemptions to 'usec' microseconds. Note that most Unix systems dont guarantee much if any precision on timer interrupts. The default value is 100 milliseconds.
END ThreadF.