
 Copyright (C) 1994, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Last modified on Mon Mar 14 10:48:18 PST 1994 by heydon     

By default, the procedures in the FmtBuf interface for formatting real numbers use the current rounding mode to round the result when fewer digits of precision are requested than are provided automatically by Float.ToDecimal. In order to test the implementation of the FmtBuf interface, we would like to be able to exercise it under each rounding mode. Unfortunately, not all rounding modes are necessarily supported by each architecture. In particular, the FloatMode.SetRounding procedure may raise the exception FloatMode.Failure if the requested rounding mode is not supported by the underlying architecture.

This interface provides a mechanism for test programs to override this default behavior and fix the current rounding mode, even if it is not supported by the underlying architecture.

IMPORT FloatMode;

  useCurrentRounding := TRUE;
  testRoundingMode: FloatMode.RoundingMode;
If useCurrentRounding is TRUE, then the procedures in FmtBuf for formatting real numbers use the current rounding mode. In this case, the value of the global variable testRoundingMode is ignored.

If useCurrentRounding is FALSE, then these procedures use testRoundingMode as the rounding mode, even if it is not a rounding mode supported by the underlying architecture.

END FmtBufTest.