MODULEFloating-point values ---------------------------------------------------FmtBuf EXPORTSFmtBuf ,FmtBufF ,FmtBufTest ; IMPORT Text, Word, Convert, FloatMode, Process; IMPORT Real AS R, LongReal AS LR, Extended AS ER; IMPORT RealFloat, LongFloat, ExtendedFloat; PROCEDUREInt (VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; n: INTEGER; base: Base := 10): CARDINAL = <* FATAL Convert.Failed *> BEGIN RETURN Convert.FromInt(b, n, base, prefix := FALSE) END Int; PROCEDUREUnsigned (VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; n: Word.T; base: Base := 16): CARDINAL = <* FATAL Convert.Failed *> BEGIN RETURN Convert.FromUnsigned(b, n, base, prefix := FALSE) END Unsigned;
PROCEDUREThe different styles have the following formats, where:Real ( VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; x: REAL; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := R.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE) : CARDINAL = VAR da := RealFloat.ToDecimal(x); num: NumAttr; BEGIN num.class := ClassMapReal[da.class]; num.kind := IEEEKind.Single; num.maxExpDigits := R.MaxExpDigits; num.sign := da.sign; IF num.class = Class.Number THEN num.len := da.len; num.exp := da.exp; num.errorSign := da.errorSign END; RETURN Float(b, num, da.digits, FmtRec{style, prec, literal}) END Real; PROCEDURELongReal ( VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; x: LONGREAL; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := LR.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE) : CARDINAL = VAR da := LongFloat.ToDecimal(x); num: NumAttr; BEGIN num.class := ClassMapLong[da.class]; num.kind := IEEEKind.Double; num.maxExpDigits := LR.MaxExpDigits; num.sign := da.sign; IF num.class = Class.Number THEN num.len := da.len; num.exp := da.exp; num.errorSign := da.errorSign END; RETURN Float(b, num, da.digits, FmtRec{style, prec, literal}) END LongReal; PROCEDUREExtended ( VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; x: EXTENDED; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := ER.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE) : CARDINAL = VAR da := ExtendedFloat.ToDecimal(x); num: NumAttr; BEGIN num.class := ClassMapExtd[da.class]; num.kind := IEEEKind.Extended; num.maxExpDigits := ER.MaxExpDigits; num.sign := da.sign; IF num.class = Class.Number THEN num.len := da.len; num.exp := da.exp; num.errorSign := da.errorSign END; RETURN Float(b, num, da.digits, FmtRec{style, prec, literal}) END Extended;
"D" represents a digit, "PP***P" represents a total of "prec" digits, "XX***X" represents a total of T.MaxExpDigits for floating-point type "T", "DD***D" represents a total of "whole" digits
Style.Sci: (-| )D.PP***Pe(+|-)XX***X width = prec + T.MaxExpDigits + 5 Style.Fix: [-]DD***D.PP***P width = prec + whole + 1 [ + 1 ]
has either the Style.Sci
or the Style.Fix
depending on the magnitude of the number. In both cases, if prec = 0
, the
decimal point is dropped (unless the number is being rendered as a Modula-3
literal, in which case the decimal is not dropped and an extra zero is
added after the decimal).
PROCEDUREFloat ( VAR (*OUT*) b: T; READONLY num: NumAttr; VAR (*IN*) digits: Digits; READONLY fmt: FmtRec) : CARDINAL = BEGIN CASE num.class OF Class.NaN => RETURN NaN(b, num, fmt) | Class.Inf => RETURN Inf(b, num, fmt) | Class.Zero => RETURN Zero(b, num, fmt) | Class.Number => RETURN Number(b, num, digits, fmt) END END Float; PROCEDURESciWidth (READONLY fmt: FmtRec; maxExpDigits: CARDINAL): CARDINAL =
Return the width of a number formated forStyle.Sci
digits of precision andmaxExpDigits
in the exponent. Iffmt.prec = 0
, the decimal is dropped unlessfmt.literal = TRUE
VAR res: CARDINAL := fmt.prec + maxExpDigits + 5; BEGIN IF fmt.prec = 0 THEN IF fmt.literal THEN INC(res) (* include extra '0' after '.' *) ELSE DEC(res) (* don't include '.' *) END END; RETURN res END SciWidth; TYPE KindValues = ARRAY IEEEKind OF TEXT; TwoKindValues = ARRAY [0..1] OF KindValues; CONST LitSpecials = TwoKindValues{ KindValues{"0.0/0.0", "0.0d0/0.0d0", "0.0x0/0.0x0"}, KindValues{"1.0/0.0", "1.0d0/0.0d0", "1.0x0/0.0x0"}}; PROCEDURENaN (VAR (*OUT*) b: T; READONLY num: NumAttr; READONLY fmt: FmtRec) : CARDINAL = VAR str: TEXT; BEGIN IF fmt.literal THEN str := LitSpecials[0, num.kind] ELSE str := "NaN" END; RETURN Special(b, num, fmt, str) END NaN; PROCEDUREInf (VAR (*OUT*) b: T; READONLY num: NumAttr; READONLY fmt: FmtRec) : CARDINAL = VAR str: TEXT; truncate: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF fmt.literal THEN str := LitSpecials[1, num.kind]; truncate := FALSE ELSE str := "Infinity"; truncate := TRUE END; RETURN Special(b, num, fmt, str, truncate := truncate) END Inf; PROCEDURESpecial ( VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; READONLY num: NumAttr; READONLY fmt: FmtRec; str: TEXT; truncate := FALSE) : CARDINAL =
Format the stringstr
into the bufferb
, and return the number of characters inserted.
is notStyle.Sci
, then the result is eitherstr
is 0 or 1, respectively.
, the result is the concatenation of a space or minus sign andstr
followed by sufficient space characters to pad the result to overall width for scientific notation formatting according tonum.maxExpDigits
, andfmt.literal
. If the leading space or minus sign followed bystr
does not fit in this width andtruncate
, thenstr
is first truncated to 3 characters.
PROCEDURE AppendBlanks( VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; VAR (*INOUT*) pos: CARDINAL; num: CARDINAL) = (* Append "num" blanks to "b" starting at "pos". Requires "num > 0". *) CONST BlanksLen = 20; Blanks = ARRAY [0..BlanksLen-1] OF CHAR{' ', ..}; VAR toGo := num; copyCnt: CARDINAL; BEGIN <* ASSERT num > 0 *> REPEAT copyCnt := MIN(toGo, BlanksLen); SUBARRAY(b, pos, copyCnt) := SUBARRAY(Blanks, 0, copyCnt); DEC(toGo, copyCnt); INC(pos, copyCnt) UNTIL toGo = 0 END AppendBlanks; (* Special *) VAR res: CARDINAL; BEGIN CASE OF Style.Fix, Style.Auto => VAR strLen := Text.Length(str); BEGIN res := num.sign; IF res = 1 THEN b[0] := '-' END; Text.SetChars (SUBARRAY(b, res, strLen), str); INC(res, strLen) END | Style.Sci => IF num.sign = 0 THEN b[0] := ' ' ELSE b[0] := '-' END; VAR name: TEXT; nmLen: CARDINAL; strLen := Text.Length(str); sciWidth := SciWidth(fmt, num.maxExpDigits); BEGIN IF strLen >= sciWidth AND truncate THEN name := Text.Sub(str, 0, 3); nmLen := 3 ELSE name := str; nmLen := strLen END; Text.SetChars (SUBARRAY(b, 1, nmLen), name); res := 1 + nmLen; WITH num = sciWidth - res DO IF num > 0 THEN AppendBlanks(b, res, num) END END END END; RETURN res END Special; CONST SignChar = ARRAY [0..1] OF CHAR{ ' ', '-' }; ExpChar = ARRAY IEEEKind OF CHAR{ 'e', 'd', 'x' }; MaxExpDigits = MAX(R.MaxExpDigits, MAX(LR.MaxExpDigits, ER.MaxExpDigits)); PROCEDUREAppendZeros ( VAR (*INOUT*) b: T; VAR (*INOUT*) pos: CARDINAL; num: CARDINAL) =
zero characters ('0') tob
starting atpos
, and advancepos
. Requiresnum > 0
CONST ZerosLen = 20; Zeros = ARRAY [0..ZerosLen-1] OF CHAR{'0', ..}; VAR toGo := num; copyCnt: CARDINAL; BEGIN <* ASSERT num > 0 *> REPEAT copyCnt := MIN(toGo, ZerosLen); SUBARRAY(b, pos, copyCnt) := SUBARRAY(Zeros, 0, copyCnt); DEC(toGo, copyCnt); INC(pos, copyCnt) UNTIL toGo = 0 END AppendZeros; PROCEDUREZero (VAR (*OUT*) b: T; READONLY num: NumAttr; READONLY fmt: FmtRec) : CARDINAL = VAR res: CARDINAL; fullPrec: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF fmt.prec = 0 AND fmt.literal THEN fullPrec := 1 ELSE fullPrec := fmt.prec END; CASE OF Style.Sci => b[0] := SignChar[num.sign]; b[1] := '0'; res := 2; IF fullPrec > 0 THEN b[res] := '.'; INC(res); AppendZeros(b, res, fullPrec) END; IF fmt.literal AND num.kind # IEEEKind.Single THEN b[res] := ExpChar[num.kind]; b[res+1] := '0'; INC(res, 2) END; CONST Spaces = ARRAY [0..MaxExpDigits+1] OF CHAR{' ', ..}; VAR cnt := SciWidth(fmt, num.maxExpDigits) - res; BEGIN <* ASSERT cnt > 0 *> (* "cnt" will be the space for the exponent, which requires 2 + "T.MaxExpDigits". The size of the "Spaces" array guarantees that "cnt <= NUMBER(spaces)". *) SUBARRAY(b, res, cnt) := SUBARRAY(Spaces, 0, cnt); INC(res, cnt) END | Style.Fix => IF num.sign = 1 THEN b[0] := '-' END; b[num.sign] := '0'; res := num.sign + 1; IF fullPrec > 0 THEN b[res] := '.'; INC(res); AppendZeros(b, res, fullPrec) END; IF fmt.literal AND num.kind # IEEEKind.Single THEN b[res] := ExpChar[num.kind]; b[res+1] := '0'; INC(res, 2) END | Style.Auto => CONST LitZero = TwoKindValues{ KindValues{ "0.0", "0.0d0", "0.0x0"}, KindValues{"-0.0", "-0.0d0", "-0.0x0"}}; AutoZero = ARRAY [0..1] OF TEXT{"0", "-0"}; VAR str: TEXT; BEGIN IF fmt.literal THEN str := LitZero[num.sign, num.kind] ELSE str := AutoZero[num.sign] END; res := Text.Length(str); Text.SetChars (b, str); END END; RETURN res END Zero; PROCEDURENumber ( VAR (*OUT*) b: T; READONLY num: NumAttr; VAR (*IN*) digits: Digits; READONLY fmt: FmtRec) : CARDINAL = CONST Zero = ORD('0'); VAR pos: CARDINAL := 0; PROCEDURE FmtNum(len, prec: CARDINAL; shift: INTEGER) = (* Write the first "len" digits of "digits" into "b" starting at position "pos", inserting a decimal point between digits "digits[shift-1]" and "digits[shift]". If "shift <= 0", a suitable number of leading digits are written. A total of "prec" digits are written after the decimal point. Hence, if "shift <= 0", only "MAX(0, MIN(len, prec + shift))" of the "len" digits are written. If "prec > len - shift", then a suitable number of trailing zeros are written. If "prec = 0", no decimal point is written, unless "fmt.literal" is "TRUE", in which case a decimal and a single "0" are written. This procedure increments "pos" by the number of characters written. There are 3 cases to consider: the decimal is to the left of the "len" digits (i.e., "shift <= 0"), the decimal is between some of these digits (i.e., "0 < shift < len"), or it is to the right of the digits (i.e., "len <= shift"). *) (* FmtNum *) VAR toGo := prec; curr: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* Write digits before decimal point: *) IF shift <= 0 THEN curr := 0; b[pos] := '0'; INC(pos) ELSE curr := MIN(shift, len); (* write leading digits *) FOR i := 0 TO curr - 1 DO b[pos] := VAL(digits[i] + Zero, CHAR); INC(pos) END; (* write zeros down to units place, if necessary *) IF len < shift THEN AppendZeros(b, pos, shift-len) END END; (* Handle "prec = 0" case *) IF prec = 0 THEN IF fmt.literal THEN b[pos] := '.'; b[pos+1] := '0'; INC(pos, 2) END; RETURN END; (* Write decimal point and "prec" digits after it: *) b[pos] := '.'; INC(pos); IF shift <= 0 THEN WITH zeroCnt = MIN(toGo, ABS(shift)) DO IF zeroCnt > 0 THEN AppendZeros(b, pos, zeroCnt); DEC(toGo, zeroCnt) END END END; IF shift <= 0 OR shift < len THEN WITH digCnt = MIN(toGo, len - curr) DO FOR i := curr TO curr + digCnt - 1 DO b[pos] := VAL(digits[i] + Zero, CHAR); INC(pos) END; DEC(toGo, digCnt) END END; IF toGo > 0 THEN AppendZeros(b, pos, toGo) END END FmtNum; PROCEDURE DelTrailingZeros() = (* Requires "pos > 0 AND (E i: 0 <= i < pos: b[i] = '.')". *) BEGIN REPEAT DEC(pos) UNTIL b[pos] # '0'; IF b[pos] = '.' THEN IF fmt.literal THEN INC(pos); b[pos] := '0' ELSE DEC(pos) END END; INC(pos) END DelTrailingZeros; PROCEDURE FmtExp(exp: INTEGER; auto: BOOLEAN) = (* Write the exponent portion of a number in scientific notation to the array "b" starting at position "pos", and increment "pos" by the number of characters written. The written characters take the form: "e(+|-)XX**X", where the value of "XX**X" is "exp", left-padded with zeros to have width "num.maxExpChars". If "fmt.literal" is "TRUE", then the leading character is one of "e", "d", or "x" depending on "num.sign". If "auto" is "TRUE", then the plus sign and leading exponent zeros, if any, are dropped. *) CONST ExpSignChar = ARRAY [0..1] OF CHAR{ '+', '-' }; VAR expLen: CARDINAL; expBuf: ARRAY [0..MaxExpDigits-1] OF CHAR; BEGIN IF fmt.literal THEN b[pos] := ExpChar[num.kind] ELSE b[pos] := 'e' END; INC(pos); expLen := Unsigned(expBuf, ABS(exp), base := 10); IF auto THEN IF exp < 0 THEN b[pos] := '-'; INC(pos) END ELSE b[pos] := ExpSignChar[ORD(exp < 0)]; INC(pos); CONST Zeros = ARRAY [0..MaxExpDigits-1] OF CHAR{'0', ..}; VAR zLen: INTEGER := num.maxExpDigits - expLen; BEGIN (* The size of the "Zeros" array is chosen so as to guarantee that "zLen <= NUMBER(Zeros)". *) IF zLen > 0 THEN SUBARRAY(b, pos, zLen) := SUBARRAY(Zeros, 0, zLen); INC(pos, zLen) END END END; SUBARRAY(b, pos, expLen) := SUBARRAY(expBuf, 0, expLen); INC(pos, expLen) END FmtExp; (* Number *) VAR carry: BOOLEAN; exp := num.exp; len: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE OF Style.Sci => len := fmt.prec + 1; carry := Round(num, digits, len); IF carry THEN INC(exp) END; b[pos] := SignChar[num.sign]; INC(pos); FmtNum(len, prec := fmt.prec, shift := 1); FmtExp(exp, auto := FALSE) | Style.Fix => len := fmt.prec + 1 + num.exp; carry := Round(num, digits, len); IF carry THEN INC(exp, 1 + ABS(MIN(0, len))) END; IF num.sign = 1 THEN b[pos] := '-'; INC(pos) END; FmtNum(len, prec := fmt.prec, shift := 1 + exp); IF fmt.literal AND num.kind # IEEEKind.Single THEN b[pos] := ExpChar[num.kind]; b[pos+1] := '0'; INC(pos, 2) END | Style.Auto => len := fmt.prec + 1; carry := Round(num, digits, len); IF carry THEN INC(exp) END; IF num.sign = 1 THEN b[pos] := '-'; INC(pos) END; IF ABS(exp) >= 6 THEN FmtNum(len, prec := fmt.prec, shift := 1); IF fmt.prec > 0 THEN DelTrailingZeros() END; FmtExp(exp, auto := TRUE) ELSE WITH shift = 1 + exp, prec = MAX(fmt.prec, len - shift) DO FmtNum(len, prec := prec, shift := shift); IF prec > 0 THEN DelTrailingZeros() END END; IF fmt.literal AND num.kind # IEEEKind.Single THEN b[pos] := ExpChar[num.kind]; b[pos+1] := '0'; INC(pos, 2) END END END; RETURN pos END Number; PROCEDURERound ( READONLY num: NumAttr; VAR (*IN*) digits: Digits; VAR (*INOUT*) len: INTEGER) : BOOLEAN =
Round the number(num, digits)
digits of precision, modifying the digitsdigits
in place. Requiresnum.len >= 1
. On exit from this procedure,len
is set to the (non-negative) number of digits indigits
that are valid, namely:
"MIN(MAX(len, ORD(RESULT)), num.len)"whereRESULT
denotes the Boolean return value. The final value forlen
can also be expressed by considering two cases:
Input len Output len --------- ----------------- len <= 0 ORD(RESULT) (* since num.len >= 1
| len => 1 MIN(len, num.len) (* since ORD(BOOLEAN) <= 1 *) If "len >= num.len", then this procedure does not change "digits". Otherwise, the values "num.sign", "num.errorSign", and | digits[len], ..., digits[num.len-1] (where we define "digits[i] = 0" for "i < 0"), along with the current rounding mode, are used to decide if the digits | digits[0], ..., digits[len-1] taken as an integer, should be incremented. The algorithm used to make this determination is described below. If it is decided that the number should be incremented and it is all "9"'s (or if it is empty, i.e., "len <= 0"), then incrementing it would cause an overflow. In this case, "digits[0]" is replaced by a "1". The procedure returns TRUE iff an overflow resulted due to incrementing the digits. See the "FmtBufTest" interface for a description of how the "current rounding mode" is determined from the global variables "useCurrentRounding" and "testRoundingMode". *) PROCEDURE NearestInc(tieBreak: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = (* Algorithm to decide whether or not to increment in the "NearestElse..." rounding mode cases. Returns TRUE iff an increment should be done. If "len < 0", the increment is never done. Otherwise, the value "R" is compared to "0.5" as described below. In the event that the decimal approximation is exactly half way between the unincremented and incremented values (i.e., when "R = 0.5" in the above analysis) and is exactly equal to the floating-binary value (i.e., when "num.errorSign = 0"), the result is given by "tieBreak". *) BEGIN IF len < 0 THEN RETURN FALSE END; <* ASSERT 0 <= len AND len < num.len AND 1 <= num.len *> IF digits[len] < 5 THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF digits[len] > 5 THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE VAR i := len + 1; BEGIN WHILE i < num.len AND digits[i] = 0 DO INC(i) END; IF i < num.len THEN RETURN TRUE END; END; CASE num.errorSign OF -1 => RETURN FALSE | 0 => RETURN tieBreak | +1 => RETURN TRUE END END END NearestInc; PROCEDURE Increment(): BOOLEAN = (* Increment the value "digits[0] ... digits[len-1]". If "len <= 0", this does nothing, but is considered to overflow. In the event of an overflow, set "digits[0]" to "1". Return TRUE iff there was an overflow. *) BEGIN (* handle empty prefix case *) IF len <= 0 THEN digits[0] := 1; RETURN TRUE END; (* otherwise, increment from right to left *) VAR i := len; BEGIN REPEAT DEC(i); digits[i] := (digits[i] + 1) MOD 10 UNTIL i = 0 OR digits[i] # 0; IF i = 0 AND digits[i] = 0 THEN digits[0] := 1; RETURN TRUE END END; RETURN FALSE END Increment; CONST RoundingName = ARRAY FloatMode.RoundingMode OF TEXT{ "NearestElseEven", "TowardMinusInfinity", "TowardPlusInfinity", "TowardZero", "NearestElseAwayFromZero", "IBM370", "Other"}; (* Round *) VAR inc: BOOLEAN; roundingMode: FloatMode.RoundingMode; BEGIN <* ASSERT num.len >= 1 *> IF len >= num.len THEN len := num.len; RETURN FALSE END; IF useCurrentRounding THEN roundingMode := FloatMode.GetRounding() ELSE roundingMode := testRoundingMode END; CASE roundingMode OF FloatMode.RoundingMode.TowardZero => inc := FALSE | FloatMode.RoundingMode.TowardMinusInfinity => inc := num.sign = 1 | FloatMode.RoundingMode.TowardPlusInfinity => inc := num.sign = 0 | FloatMode.RoundingMode.NearestElseEven => inc := NearestInc(tieBreak := (len >= 1 AND digits[len-1] MOD 2 = 1)) | FloatMode.RoundingMode.NearestElseAwayFromZero => inc := NearestInc(tieBreak := TRUE) | FloatMode.RoundingMode.IBM370, FloatMode.RoundingMode.Other => Process.Crash("FmtBuf: Unimplemented rounding mode: \"" & RoundingName[roundingMode] & "\".") END; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF inc THEN res := Increment() ELSE res := FALSE END; len := MIN(MAX(len, ORD(res)), num.len); RETURN res END END Round;Algorithm for deciding whether or not to increment in the Round procedure:
Whether or not to increment the digits is determined as follows. Define
and hi
lo = (-1)^num.sign * digits[0] . digits[1] ... digits[len-1] * 10^num.exp hi = lo + (-1)^num.sign * 10^(num.exp - (len-1))Roughly speaking, at the end of the
procedure, the value denoted by
, digits
, len
, and the Boolean return result is either lo
On entry to the Round
procedure, the value represented by the parameters
, digits
, and len
is a decimal approximation da
defined by:
da = (-1)^num.sign * digits[0] . digits[1] ... digits[num.len-1] * 10^num.expThe value
approximates some floating point value r
according to the
procedure Float.ToDecimal
. Since len < num.len
, we have:
(1) ABS(lo) < ABS(da) < ABS(hi)Moreover, by definition of the approximation produced by
, we
can prove that:
(2) ABS(lo) < ABS(r) < ABS(hi)Proof: Without loss of generality, suppose all values are non-negative and that
lo < hi <= r
. By (1), we would then have lo < da < hi <= r
. But
since hi
has fewer digits than da
and is nearer to r
than da
in the
same rounding direction, ToDecimal
would have produced hi
instead of
in this case. Hence, r < hi
. For the same reason, we must also have
lo < r
The relations (1) and (2) guide the development of the algorithm. The algorithm can be divided into cases based on the current rounding mode.
The following table describes when to increment for the rounding modes
, TowardMinusInfinity
, and TowardPlusInfinity
Rounding Mode Increment when... ------------------- ----------------- TowardZero NEVER TowardMinusInfinity num.sign = 1 TowardPlusInfinity num.sign = 0The determination in the
and NearestElseAwayFromZero
cases is made as follows. Let R
be the nonnegative floating-decimal
number defined by
R = 0 . digits[len] ... digits[num.len-1] = sum(i: len <= i < num.len, digits[i] * 10^(len - i - 1))Then the decision whether or not to increment is based to the first order on the value of
as follows:
R < 0.5 R = 0.5 R > 0.5 Increment? NO MAYBE YESWhen
R = 0.5
, we use num.errorSign
to make our decision as follows:
num.errorSign = -1 0 1 Increment? NO MAYBE YESWhen
R = 0.5
and num.errorSign = 0
, the decision to increment or not
depends on the rounding mode, according to the following table:
Rounding Mode Increment when... ----------------------- ----------------- NearestElseEven digits[len-1] MOD 2 = 1 NearestElseAwayFromZero ALWAYSBEGIN END FmtBuf.