MODULE; FROM JunoValue IMPORT Real, Sqrt; RedundantLSolve
IMPORT IO; IMPORT Wr, Fmt, Text; FROM Thread IMPORT Alerted; <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Alerted *> VAR debug := 0;
debug >= 1 => show initial and scaled matrices debug >= 2 => show row-echelon matrix debug >= 3 => show column permutation, row-echelon matrix, original & orthonormal basis, and minimal solution
VAR UseGramSchmidt := TRUE; VAR UseCompletePivoting := TRUE; PROCEDUREThe constantsSetGramSchmidt (flag: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN UseGramSchmidt := flag END SetGramSchmidt; TYPE T = Real; CardArray = REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL; CONST InitRows = 50; InitCols = 50; VAR Indent := 9; Prec := 3; FieldWidth := Prec + 8; VAR c1 := 0.66; c2 := 0.5;
and c2
are used in the Veach Heuristic.
PROCEDURELogT (t: TEXT) = BEGIN IO.Put(t, logWr) END LogT; PROCEDUREEtpLogSolveRow (<*UNUSED*> ops: INTEGER) = BEGIN END EtpLogSolveRow; PROCEDUREShowMatrix (m, n: CARDINAL; READONLY a: Matrix; READONLY t: TEXT) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(logWr, " " & t & ":\n"); FOR i := 0 TO m - 1 DO ShowVector(n, a[i]); END; Wr.Flush(logWr) END ShowMatrix; PROCEDUREShowVector (n: CARDINAL; READONLY v: Vector) = BEGIN Wr.PutText(logWr, Fmt.Pad("", Indent)); FOR j := 0 TO n - 1 DO Wr.PutText(logWr, Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Real(v[j], Fmt.Style.Sci, prec := Prec), FieldWidth)) END; Wr.PutChar(logWr, '\n'); END ShowVector; VAR p := NEW(REF Vector, InitCols); (* solution vector (not permuted) *) temp := NEW(REF Vector, InitCols); (* temporary vector for "SwapRows" *) basis := NEW(REF Matrix, InitCols, InitCols); colPerm := NEW(CardArray, InitCols); rowMax := NEW(CardArray, InitRows); (* "colPerm[c]" (0 <= c < n) is the index in "x" of the unknown represented by column "c" of matrix "a". "rowMax[i]" (0 <= i < m) is the index of the column of row "i" of "A" with largest absolute value (note that "A" does not include column "n" of the matrix "a"). *) PROCEDUREP ( m, n: CARDINAL; VAR (*INOUT*) a: Matrix; VAR (*OUT*) x: Vector) = (* Matrix "A" is stored in "a[0..m-1, 0..n-1]". Vector "b" is stored in "a[0..m-1, n]". IMPLEMENTATION: The current implementation reduces "A" to a row-echelon form in which all of the pivot elements are along "A"'s diagonal. At each stage, it chooses the element with largest magnitude in the remaining sub-matrix and swaps rows and columns as necessary to make that element the next pivot. Once the matrix has been reduced to this row-echelon form, it may be under-constrained. In that case, the implementation chooses for the solution the point on the solution space with smallest L2 norm (i.e., the point closest to the origin in Euclidean space). *) VAR rc: INTEGER := 0; (* We only consider pivots along the diagonal of "A", so the current row and the current column are always the same value, called "rc". *) PROCEDURE InitColPerm() = (* Make sure "NUMBER(colPerm^) >= n", and initialize "colPerm[i] = i" for "i <= 0 < n". *) BEGIN (* make sure "colPerm" is large enough *) IF NUMBER(colPerm^) < n THEN colPerm := NEW(CardArray, MAX(n, 2 * NUMBER(colPerm^))) END; (* initialize to identity permutation *) FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO colPerm[i] := i END END InitColPerm; PROCEDURE InitRowMax() = (* Initialize "rowMax" so it satisfies its invariant. Also, scale the matrix so that the uniform norm of each row is unity. *) BEGIN (* make sure "rowMax" is large enough *) IF NUMBER(rowMax^) < m THEN rowMax := NEW(CardArray, MAX(m, 2 * NUMBER(rowMax^))) END; (* initialize maximum index for each row *) FOR i := 0 TO m - 1 DO WITH currRow = a[i] DO VAR maxVal: T := ABS(currRow[0]); maxCol := 0; BEGIN FOR j := 1 TO n - 1 DO VAR abs := ABS(currRow[j]); BEGIN IF abs > maxVal THEN maxVal := abs; maxCol := j END END END; rowMax[i] := maxCol; IF maxVal # 0.0 THEN (* scale the row so that its uniform norm is unity. *) FOR i := 0 TO n DO currRow[i] := currRow[i] / maxVal END END END END END END InitRowMax; PROCEDURE MaxEntry(r: CARDINAL): CARDINAL = (* Return the index "x" of "rowMax" that maximizes the value "ABS(a[x, rowMax[x]])" for "r <= x < m". Requires "r < m". *) VAR maxVal: T := ABS(a[r, rowMax[r]]); maxR := r; BEGIN FOR i := r + 1 TO m - 1 DO VAR val := ABS(a[i, rowMax[i]]); BEGIN IF val > maxVal THEN maxR := i; maxVal := val END END END; RETURN maxR END MaxEntry; PROCEDURE MaxEntry2(r: CARDINAL): CARDINAL = (* Return the index "x" of "rowMax" that maximizes the value "ABS(a[x,r)" for "x: r <= x < m". Requires "r < m". *) VAR maxVal: T := ABS(a[r, r]); maxR := r; BEGIN FOR i := r + 1 TO m - 1 DO VAR val := ABS(a[i, r]); BEGIN IF val > maxVal THEN maxR := i; maxVal := val END END END; RETURN maxR END MaxEntry2; PROCEDURE SwapCols(c1, c2: CARDINAL) = (* Swap columns "c1" and "c2" of the matrix "a", adjusting "colPerm" and "rowMax" to reflect the swap. *) BEGIN (* swap column values *) FOR i := 0 TO m - 1 DO WITH currRow = a[i], v1 = currRow[c1], v2 = currRow[c2] DO VAR t := v1; BEGIN v1 := v2; v2 := t END END; WITH currMax = rowMax[i] DO IF currMax = c1 THEN currMax := c2 ELSIF currMax = c2 THEN currMax := c1 END END END; (* reflect swap in "colPerm" *) WITH v1 = colPerm[c1], v2 = colPerm[c2] DO VAR t := v1; BEGIN v1 := v2; v2 := t END END END SwapCols; PROCEDURE SwapRows(r1, r2, c: CARDINAL) = (* Swap rows "r1" and "r2" of the matrix "a" from column "c" through column "n", adjusting "rowMax" to reflect the swap. *) BEGIN (* swap rows *) WITH row1 = a[r1], row2 = a[r2], cnt = (n - c) + 1 DO SUBARRAY(temp^, c, cnt) := SUBARRAY(row1, c, cnt); SUBARRAY(row1, c, cnt) := SUBARRAY(row2, c, cnt); SUBARRAY(row2, c, cnt) := SUBARRAY(temp^, c, cnt) END; (* swap "rowMax" entries *) VAR t := rowMax[r1]; BEGIN rowMax[r1] := rowMax[r2]; rowMax[r2] := t END END SwapRows; PROCEDURE Pivot(r, c: CARDINAL) = (* Pivots matrix "a" about location "(r, c)". This sets all entries in column "c" of "a" below row "r" to "0.0" without changing the set of solutions to the equations represented by "a". It also maintain the invariant on "rowMax". *) VAR pivot, factor: T; BEGIN WITH pivotRow = a[r] DO pivot := pivotRow[c]; FOR i := r + 1 TO m - 1 DO WITH currRow = a[i] DO (* adjust row "i" *) IF currRow[c] # 0.0 THEN factor := currRow[c] / pivot; currRow[c] := 0.0; EtpLogSolveRow(n-c); VAR maxCol := c; maxAbs := 0.0; BEGIN FOR j := c+1 TO n-1 DO WITH currRowJ = currRow[j] DO currRowJ := currRowJ - (factor * pivotRow[j]); WITH abs = ABS(currRowJ) DO IF abs > maxAbs THEN maxAbs := abs; maxCol := j END END END END; rowMax[i] := maxCol END; currRow[n] := currRow[n] - (factor * pivotRow[n]) END END END END END Pivot; PROCEDURE SolveRow( r: CARDINAL; c: INTEGER; READONLY v: Vector; homog: BOOLEAN): T = (* Let "a" be matrix in row-echelon form. The entry "a[r, c]" is assumed to be a pivot element of "a". "SolveRow" returns the value for "v[c]" using the previously computed values of "v[c+1..n-1]". The value returned for "v[c]" satisfies: | (+ i: c <= i < n: a[r, i] * v[i]) = x where "x = 0" if "homog" is "TRUE" and "x = a[r, n]" if "homog" is "FALSE". *) VAR sum: T; BEGIN WITH rowR = a[r] DO (* incorporate known values to the right of "c" *) IF homog THEN sum := 0.0 ELSE sum := rowR[n] END; FOR i := c + 1 TO n - 1 DO sum := sum - (rowR[i] * v[i]) END; RETURN sum / rowR[c] END END SolveRow; PROCEDURE BackProp(rc: CARDINAL; VAR (*INOUT*) res: Vector; homog := FALSE) = (* Sets the values of the solution vector entries "res[0..rc-1]" so as to satisfy "A * res = b". Assumes that the values of "res[rc..n-1]" are valid. If "homog" is "TRUE", then solves the system "A * res = 0". *) BEGIN FOR i := rc - 1 TO 0 BY -1 DO res[i] := SolveRow(i, i, res, homog); END END BackProp; PROCEDURE MakeBases(dim: CARDINAL) = (* Forms "dim" dimensional basis vectors in "basis[0..dim-1]". *) VAR ndim := n - dim; BEGIN (* Zero last "dim" entries of each basis vector *) FOR i := 0 TO dim - 1 DO WITH currRow = basis[i] DO FOR j := ndim TO n - 1 DO currRow[j] := 0.0 END END END; FOR i := 0 TO dim - 1 DO basis[i, rc + i] := 1.0; (* form i'th basis vector *) BackProp(rc, basis[i], TRUE); END END MakeBases; PROCEDURE GramSchmidt(dim: CARDINAL; VAR (*INOUT*) b: Matrix) = (* Convert the "dim" x "n" matrix of "dim" basis vectors "b" into an orthonormal basis using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm. The basis vectors are stored in "b[0..dim-1]"; they are assumed to span a space of dimension "dim". *) BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO dim - 1 DO WITH rowI = b[i] DO (* orthogonalize "b[i]"; "b[0..i-1]" are orthonormal *) FOR j := 0 TO i - 1 DO WITH rowJ = b[j] DO VAR dot := Dot(rowI, rowJ); BEGIN FOR k := 0 TO n - 1 DO rowI[k] := rowI[k] - (dot * rowJ[k]) END END END END; (* normalize "b[i]" *) VAR len := L2Norm(rowI); BEGIN <* ASSERT len > 0.0 *> FOR k := 0 TO n - 1 DO rowI[k] := rowI[k] / len END END END END END GramSchmidt; PROCEDURE L2Norm(READONLY v: Vector): T = VAR sum := Dot(v, v); BEGIN RETURN Sqrt(sum) END L2Norm; PROCEDURE Dot(READONLY v1, v2: Vector): T = VAR res := 0.0; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO res := res + (v1[i] * v2[i]) END; RETURN res END Dot; PROCEDURE VeachHeuristic(): CARDINAL = (* Use Eric Veach's heuristic to compute and return how many rows to use. On entry, "c1" is the fraction of the L1 norm of the residual vector that must be accounted for, and "c2" is the additional shrinkage that will be allowed in the pivot elements of rows that will be added on for free (relative to the pivot element of the row that is required in order to get "c1" of the L1 norm of the residual. The procedure returns the number of rows to ignore. *) VAR residnorm := 0.0; goal: REAL; numToUse: CARDINAL; pivtotal := 0.0; CONST Epsilon = 1.0E-6; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO m - 1 DO residnorm := residnorm + ABS(a[j, n]) END; IF residnorm = 0.0 THEN RETURN 0 END; goal := residnorm * c1; (* use at least enough rows to reduce the residual norm by "goal". *) residnorm := 0.0; numToUse := 0; WHILE residnorm < goal AND numToUse < MIN(n,m) AND ABS(a[numToUse,numToUse]) > Epsilon DO residnorm := residnorm + ABS(a[numToUse, n]); pivtotal := pivtotal + ABS(a[numToUse, numToUse]); INC(numToUse) END; (* Now the sum of the residuals in the first "numToUse" rows is at least "goal"; or else "numToUse=m". Use any additional rows whose pivots are not too small; that is, not smaller than "c2" times the average magnitude of one of the pivots in use: *) IF numToUse > 0 THEN VAR limit := c2 * (pivtotal / FLOAT(numToUse)); BEGIN WHILE numToUse < MIN(m,n) AND ABS(a[numToUse, numToUse]) >= limit DO INC(numToUse) END END END; RETURN numToUse; END VeachHeuristic; (* PROCEDURE P *) BEGIN (* Check for buggy call *) IF NUMBER(a) < m OR (m > 0 AND NUMBER(a[0]) < n + 1) OR NUMBER(x) < n THEN <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; (* make sure "temp" is large enough for "SwapRows" *) IF NUMBER(temp^) < n + 1 THEN temp := NEW(REF Vector, MAX(n + 1, 2 * NUMBER(temp^))) END; IF debug >= 1 THEN ShowMatrix(m, n + 1, a, "Matrix before scaling") END; (* initialize bookkeeping arrays *) InitRowMax(); IF debug >= 1 THEN ShowMatrix(m, n+1, a, "Matrix after scaling") END; InitColPerm(); (* Put Matrix A in Row-Echelon form *) VAR maxRow, maxCol: CARDINAL; CONST Epsilon = 1.0E-6; (* Pivots must have magnitude at least "Epsilon". *) BEGIN WHILE rc < MIN(m, n) DO IF UseCompletePivoting THEN maxRow := MaxEntry(rc); maxCol := rowMax[maxRow] ELSE maxRow := MaxEntry2(rc); maxCol := rc END; IF ABS(a[maxRow, maxCol]) > Epsilon THEN IF rc # maxCol THEN SwapCols(rc, maxCol) END; IF rc # maxRow THEN SwapRows(rc, maxRow, rc) END; Pivot(rc, rc); END; INC(rc) END END; IF debug >= 2 THEN ShowMatrix(m, n+1, a, "After pivoting") END; IF debug >= 3 THEN Wr.PutText(logWr, " Column Permutation:\n"); Wr.PutText(logWr, Fmt.Pad("", Indent)); FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO VAR c := Text.FromChar(VAL(colPerm[i] + ORD('a'), CHAR)); BEGIN Wr.PutText(logWr, Fmt.Pad(c, FieldWidth)) END END; Wr.PutChar(logWr, '\n'); ShowMatrix(m, n + 1, a, "Row-Echelon Matrix"); END; rc := VeachHeuristic(); IF debug >= 2 THEN LogT("number of rows to use: "); IO.PutInt(rc, logWr); LogT("\n") END; IF rc = 0 THEN FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO x[i] := 0.0 END END; (* Back-propagate solution values *) IF n > NUMBER(p^) THEN p := NEW(REF Vector, MAX(n, 2 * NUMBER(p^))) END; FOR i := rc TO n - 1 DO p[i] := 0.0 END; BackProp(rc, p^); (* Check if system is under-constrained *) IF rc < n AND UseGramSchmidt THEN (* Use Gram-Schmidt to find the solution with smallest L2 norm. *) IF n > NUMBER(basis^) THEN VAR new_size := MAX(n, 2 * NUMBER(basis^)); BEGIN basis := NEW(REF Matrix, new_size, new_size) END END; VAR dim := n - rc; BEGIN (* compute the basis vectors *) MakeBases(dim); IF debug >= 3 THEN Wr.PutText(logWr, " Particular Solution:\n"); ShowVector(n, p^); ShowMatrix(dim, n, basis^, "Original Basis") END; (* make the basis orthonormal *) GramSchmidt(dim, basis^); IF debug >= 3 THEN ShowMatrix(dim, n, basis^, "Orthonormal Basis") END; (* compute the minimal solution in "p" *) FOR i := 0 TO dim - 1 DO WITH basisI = basis[i] DO VAR alpha := Dot(p^, basisI); BEGIN FOR k := 0 TO n - 1 DO p[k] := p[k] - (alpha * basisI[k]) END END END END; IF debug >= 3 THEN Wr.PutText(logWr, " Minimal Solution:\n"); ShowVector(n, p^) END END END; (* Permute solution "p" into result "x" *) FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO x[colPerm[i]] := p[i] END END P; BEGIN END RedundantLSolve.