
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Thu May  2 09:36:00 PDT 1996 by heydon                   
      modified on Fri Dec  2 15:35:09 PST 1994 by gnelson                  
      modified on Mon Oct 31 18:13:52 PST 1994 by isard                    

INTERFACE RedundantLSolve;
This interface provides a procedure P that approximately solves a set of simultaneous linear equations. P is designed to be used as a subroutine to solve simultaneous nonlinear equations by Newton interation: at each stage of the iteration, the nonlinear equations are approximated by linear ones around the current point, these linear equations are solved, and the current point is moved to the solution found.

The reason that P finds only an approximate solution instead of an exact one is that the approximate solution works better in the case that the nonlinear equations are redundant but consistent (for example, x^2=4 AND x^3=8). In this case the linear approximation often produces inconsistent or very ill-conditioned linear systems.

So, instead of solving

      x : Ax = b
the procedure P solves

       x : | b - Ax | < |b| / 2
That is, it sets x so that the norm of b - Ax is less than half the norm of b. This criterion guarantees that progress in made in the overall Newton iteration on the non-linear problem.

The procedure P attempts to find a small x that satisfies the constraint. It is not guaranteed to find the smallest x in any precise sense, but if A is very ill-conditioned (as in the case where the nonlinear problem is redundant but consistent) the procedure avoids the directions of motion corresponding to the small singular values of A, and if A is very underconstrained, so that there are many dimensions worth of xs that will solve the constraint, then the Gram-Schmidt algorithm is used to find the one that is shortest in the Euclidean norm.

FROM JunoValue IMPORT Real;


  Vector = ARRAY OF Real;
  Matrix = ARRAY OF Vector;

  m, n: CARDINAL;
  VAR (*INOUT*) a: Matrix;
  VAR (*OUT*) x: Vector);
Set x to the approximate solution of Ax=b, where matrix A is stored as a[0..m-1,0..n-1] and vector b is stored as a[0..m-1,n].

VAR logWr: Wr.T := NIL;
If the internal variable RedundantLSolve.debug exceeds zero, information is written to logWr each time P is called.

PROCEDURE SetGramSchmidt(on: BOOLEAN);
By default, calls to P use the Gram-Schmidt algorithm to compute a minimal solution in the underconstrained case. This procedure can be used to disable (or re-enable) that process.

END RedundantLSolve.

interface JunoValue is in: