MODULE; IMPORT JunoAST, JunoScope, StackTbl, JunoASTUtils AS Utils; IMPORT IndexedNF, JunoUnparse; FROM JunoCompileErr IMPORT Error, Raise; IMPORT Wr, Atom, IntRefTbl, RefList, Fmt; FROM Stdio IMPORT stderr; FROM Thread IMPORT Alerted; <* FATAL Wr.Failure, Alerted *> VAR debug := 0; JunoCompileNF
= 0 => no debugging output>= 1 => show predicate/assignment extraction & in-line expansions >= 2 => show hint propagation
VAR (* CONST *) dummyVar := Atom.FromText("_x"); (* name of newly introduced "E" vars *)============================= Normalize =================================
PROCEDURENormalize (p: JunoAST.Formula; tbl: StackTbl.T): JunoAST.NormalForm = VAR inf := IndexedNF.New(var_cnt := 100, conj_cnt := 200); BEGIN Flatten(p, tbl, inf); B1(tbl, inf); VAR res := IndexedNF.ToNF(inf); BEGIN IndexedNF.Dispose(inf); RETURN res END END Normalize; PROCEDUREFlatten ( READONLY p: JunoAST.Formula; tbl: StackTbl.T; VAR (*INOUT*) res: IndexedNF.T) =
is interpretted as a conjunction. Ungroup the conjuncts and store them inres
. There is one special case:For each conjunct of the form
(E nearvars :: P)
, add the existentially quantified variables to the list of variables to solve for inres
, and add any hints for those variables and the ungrouped bodyP
to the conjuncts ofres
.IMPLEMENTATION: To make this more efficient, we may want to allocate the
local from an avail list.
VAR stack := NEW(REF JunoAST.Formulas, 50); sp: CARDINAL := 0; PROCEDURE Push(READONLY f: JunoAST.Formula) = BEGIN IF sp = NUMBER(stack^) THEN VAR new := NEW(REF JunoAST.Formulas, 2 * NUMBER(stack^)); BEGIN SUBARRAY(new^, 0, NUMBER(stack^)) := stack^; stack := new END END; stack[sp] := f; INC(sp) END Push; (* Flatten *) VAR pred: JunoAST.Formula; BEGIN res.bp := p; res.v_cnt := 0; res.c_cnt := 0; Push(p); WHILE sp # 0 DO DEC(sp); pred := Utils.Ungroup(stack[sp]); TYPECASE pred OF JunoAST.And (and) => Push(and.f2); Push(and.f1) | JunoAST.Or (or) => PROCEDURE IsTrue(f: JunoAST.NormalForm): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN NUMBER(f.var^) = 0 AND NUMBER(f.conj^) = 1 AND f.conj[0] = JunoAST.TrueVal END IsTrue; VAR f1 := Normalize(or.f1, tbl); f2 := Normalize(or.f2, tbl); BEGIN IF IsTrue(f1) OR IsTrue(f2) THEN IndexedNF.AddConj(res, JunoAST.TrueVal) ELSE IndexedNF.AddConj(res, NEW(JunoAST.Or, bp := or, f1:=f1, f2:=f2)) END END | JunoAST.Not (not) => IndexedNF.AddConj(res, NEW(JunoAST.Not, bp := not, f := Normalize(not.f, tbl))) | JunoAST.Exists (e) => VAR uv := e.vars; hints := Utils.ExtractHints(uv); BEGIN Push(e.f); IF hints # JunoAST.TrueVal THEN Push(hints) END; IndexedNF.AddVarList(res, Utils.StripHints(uv)); (* Set the "evar" bits of the variables just added to "res" *) FOR i := res.v_cnt - uv.size TO res.v_cnt - 1 DO res.var[i].evar := TRUE END END ELSE IndexedNF.AddConj(res, pred) END END END Flatten; PROCEDUREB1 (tbl: StackTbl.T; VAR (*INOUT*) res: IndexedNF.T) =
into an equivalent formula, all of whose simple formulas are normal. This process may require the introduction of new existentially quantified variables; the indices for the new variables are taken fromtbl
.Requires all top-level formulas in
to be ungrouped. This code is still responsible for ungrouping the sub-expressions in equalities.
VAR i: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN WHILE i # res.c_cnt DO TYPECASE res.conj[i] OF JunoAST.Or, JunoAST.Not => INC(i) (* don't modify compound formulas *) | JunoAST.Equals (p) => (* rules C2.30, C2.33 *) VAR e1 := Utils.Ungroup(p.e1); e2 := Utils.Ungroup(p.e2); var: JunoAST.AtomicExpr := NIL; rhs: JunoAST.Expr; BEGIN TYPECASE e1 OF JunoAST.AtomicExpr (ae) => var := ae; rhs := e2 ELSE TYPECASE e2 OF JunoAST.AtomicExpr (ae) => var := ae; rhs := e1 ELSE (* SKIP *) END END; IF var # NIL THEN TYPECASE rhs OF (* form: x ~= y *) JunoAST.AtomicExpr => (* SKIP *) (* rule C2.38 *) ELSE VAR flat := Unnest(rhs, tbl); BEGIN IF flat.vars.size # 0 THEN (* form: v ~= f(...,g(..),...) *) res.conj[i] := NEW(JunoAST.Equals, (* rule C2.33 *) e1 := var, e2 := flat.t0, near := p.near); IndexedNF.AddVarList(res, flat.vars); FormEqualities(flat.vars, flat.terms, near := p.near); IndexedNF.AddConjList(res, flat.terms) ELSIF var # e1 THEN res.conj[i] := NEW(JunoAST.Equals, (* swap lhs and rhs *) e1 := var, e2 := rhs, near := p.near) END END END; INC(i) ELSE (* form: f(...) ~= g(...) *) VAR v := DummyVar(tbl); qid := Utils.QIdFromNearVar(v); BEGIN (* swap in last element *) DEC(res.c_cnt); res.conj[i] := res.conj[res.c_cnt]; (* add two new equalities *) IndexedNF.AddVar(res, v); (* rule C2.30 *) IndexedNF.AddConj(res, NEW(JunoAST.Equals, bp := p, e1 := qid, e2 := e1, near := p.near)); IndexedNF.AddConj(res, NEW(JunoAST.Equals, bp := p, e1 := qid, e2 := e2, near := p.near)) END END (* IF *) END (* BEGIN *) ELSE (* form: p(...,g(..),...) *) VAR flat := Unnest(res.conj[i], tbl); BEGIN (* rule C2.32 *) IF flat.vars.size # 0 THEN res.conj[i] := flat.t0; IndexedNF.AddVarList(res, flat.vars); FormEqualities(flat.vars, flat.terms); IndexedNF.AddConjList(res, flat.terms) END END; INC(i) END (* TYPECASE *) END (* WHILE *) END B1; PROCEDUREDummyVar (tbl: StackTbl.T): JunoAST.NearVarLink =
Return an unhinted, E-quantified dummy variable with the next available
local index according to tbl
VAR res := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := dummyVar, hint := JunoAST.NilExpr, evar := TRUE, index := tbl.next_index); BEGIN INC(tbl.next_index); RETURN res END DummyVar; PROCEDUREFormEqualities ( v: JunoAST.NearVarList; t: JunoAST.ExprList; near := FALSE) =
are lists of the same length. Destructively changes the listt
so that the new value fort_i.expr
is an equality betweenv_i
and the old value oft_i.expr
. Ifnear
, then each equality is a near equality.
VAR curr_v := v.head; curr_t := t.head; BEGIN <* ASSERT v.size = t.size *> WHILE curr_t # NIL DO curr_t.expr := NEW(JunoAST.Equals, near := near, e1 := Utils.QIdFromNearVar(curr_v), e2 := curr_t.expr); curr_v :=; curr_t := END END FormEqualities; TYPE FlatRec = RECORD t0: JunoAST.Expr; vars: JunoAST.NearVarList; terms: JunoAST.ExprList; END;If
is a FlatRec
, then each variable in fr.vars
is unhinted and has
its evar
bit set.
PROCEDUREUnnest (t: JunoAST.Expr; tbl: StackTbl.T): FlatRec =
The expressiont
is assumed to be of the formf(e1,e2,...,en)
, wheref
represents either a built-in or user-defined predicate or function (note thatt
is not a parenthesized expression). Each of the argument expressionse_i
is either atomic or non-atomic. The procedure returns afr: FlatRec
such thatfr.t0
is obtained fromt
by replacing each non-atomic argument by a dummy variable,fr.vars
is a list of these dummy variables, andfr.terms
contains the union of the terms obtained by recursively unnesting the original non-atomice_i
VAR last_v := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink); (* sentinal *) curr_t := NEW(JunoAST.ExprLink, expr := t); last_t := curr_t; f: FlatRec; BEGIN <* ASSERT NOT ISTYPE(t, JunoAST.AtomicExpr) *> f.vars := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, head := last_v); f.terms := NEW(JunoAST.ExprList, size := 1, head := curr_t); (* Loop invariants: | 1) All terms before "curr_t" have been unnested. | 2) All expressions on the list "f.terms.head" are ungrouped. | 3) "last_t" points to the last expression on the list "f.terms.head". | 4) "last_v" points to the last var on the list "f.vars". *) WHILE curr_t # NIL DO PROCEDURE ProcessArg(e: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Expr = BEGIN e := Utils.Ungroup(e); IF ISTYPE(e, JunoAST.AtomicExpr) THEN RETURN e END; VAR v: JunoAST.NearVarLink := DummyVar(tbl); BEGIN := v; last_v := v; INC(f.vars.size); := NEW(JunoAST.ExprLink, expr := e); last_t :=; INC(f.terms.size); RETURN Utils.QIdFromNearVar(v) END END ProcessArg; BEGIN curr_t.expr := Utils.MapArgs(curr_t.expr, ProcessArg); curr_t := END END; f.vars.head :=; (* skip sentinal *) f.t0 := f.terms.head.expr; f.terms.head :=; DEC(f.terms.size); RETURN f END Unnest;================================ ToCmd ==================================
TYPE FormCmd = RECORD f: JunoAST.Formula; kind: CARDINAL END; FormCmds = ARRAY OF FormCmd;A
represents a formula to be compiled into a command. If fc
a FormCmd
, then fc.kind
is 0 if fc.f
is to become a test, 1 if fc.f
is to become an assignment to its left variable, and 2 if fc.f
is to
become an assignment to its right variable.
EXCEPTION ExtraNearConstraints;
Raised by Phase2()
PROCEDUREToCmd ( nf: JunoAST.NormalForm; scp: JunoScope.T; stack_tbl: StackTbl.T; xtra_vars: JunoAST.NearVarList := NIL): JunoAST.Cmd RAISES {Error} =
IMPLEMENTATION: The implementation works in two phases. Roughly speaking, the first phase repeatedly reduces the number of unknowns and in-line substitutes non-primitive predicate and function calls. The second phase propagates hints without reducing the number of unknowns. In both phases, thefrozen
bit of a variable is set whenever an assignment to that variable is generated in the result, indicating that the variable has a valid value prior to the query.The first phase works in two parts. The first part (Phase1A) works by extracting predicate calls and equalities all of whose components are literals or known variables. The normal simple formulas so extracted are converted to queries (with no unknowns) and assignment statements. As opposed to the Prolog implementation, this implementation extracts formulas to be converted to queries before it extracts formulas to be converted to assignments.
VAR inf := IndexedNF.New(var_cnt := 100, conj_cnt := 200); cmds := NEW(REF FormCmds, 20); (* extracted commands *) tbl: IntRefTbl.T; (* maps variable index to list of AST's (formulas) *) last_near: CARDINAL; (* number of near constraints in "inf.conj[]" *) cmd_cnt: CARDINAL; (* number of commands in "cmds[]" *)IMPLEMENTATION: For efficiency, we may want to allocate the
an avail list.
I1: 0 <= last_near <= inf.c_cnt 0 <= cmd_cnt <= NUMBER(cmd^) I2: Variables inf.var[0..inf.v_cnt-1] are unknown. I3: Formulas inf.conj[0..last_near-1] are near constraints. Forumlas inf.conj[last_near..inf.c_cnt-1] are non-near constraints. I4: Formulas cmd[0..cmd_cnt-1] are formulas that have been extracted to be converted to queries (with no unknowns) and assignments. The "b3cnt" field of these formulas is 0 if they are to become tests, 1 if they are to become assignments to their left variable, and 2 if they are to become assignments to their right variable.
PROCEDURE SwapV(VAR (*INOUT*) v1, v2: JunoAST.NearVarLink) = VAR temp := v1; BEGIN v1 := v2; v2 := temp END SwapV; PROCEDURE SwapF(VAR (*INOUT*) f1, f2: JunoAST.Formula) = VAR temp := f1; BEGIN f1 := f2; f2 := temp END SwapF; PROCEDURE MakeCmd(VAR (*INOUT*) f: JunoAST.Formula; kind: CARDINAL) = (* Move "f" from its location in "inf.conj" to the end of the "cmds" array. Grow the "cmds" array if necessary. *) BEGIN CopyCmd(f, kind); DEC(inf.c_cnt); f := inf.conj[inf.c_cnt] END MakeCmd; PROCEDURE CopyCmd(VAR (*INOUT*) f: JunoAST.Formula; kind: CARDINAL) = (* Copy "f" from its location in "inf.conj" to the end of the "cmds" array. Grow the "cmds" array if necessary. *) BEGIN IF cmd_cnt > LAST(cmds^) THEN VAR new := NEW(REF FormCmds, 2 * NUMBER(cmds^)); BEGIN SUBARRAY(new^, 0, NUMBER(cmds^)) := cmds^; cmds := new END END; cmds[cmd_cnt] := FormCmd{kind := kind, f := f}; INC(cmd_cnt); END CopyCmd; PROCEDURE UpdateB3Cnts(index: INTEGER) = VAR ref: REFANY; BEGIN IF NOT tbl.get(index, ref) THEN <* ASSERT FALSE *> END; VAR l: RefList.T := ref; BEGIN WHILE l # NIL DO VAR f: JunoAST.Formula := l.head; BEGIN DEC(f.b3cnt) END; l := l.tail END END; EVAL tbl.delete(index, ref) END UpdateB3Cnts; PROCEDURE PermuteNearToPrefix(start: CARDINAL) = (* Establish I3, assuming that I3 is already valid for formulas in the range [0..start-1]. Namely, the initial assumptions are that: | | Formulas inf.conj[0..last_near-1] are near constraints. | Forumlas inf.conj[last_near..start-1] are non-near constraints. *) BEGIN FOR i := start TO inf.c_cnt - 1 DO TYPECASE inf.conj[i] OF JunoAST.Equals (e) => IF e.near THEN SwapF(inf.conj[last_near], inf.conj[i]); INC(last_near) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END END END PermuteNearToPrefix; PROCEDURE Phase1A() = (* Extract queries and assignments from "inf.conj[last_near..inf.c_cnt-1]" into "cmd[0..cmd_cnt-1]". Assumes and maintains I1 - I4. Sets "inf.c_cnt" to the lowest and "cmd_cnt" to the highest possible values that still maintain these invariants. *) VAR done := FALSE; debugOutput := FALSE; BEGIN IF debug >= 1 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n Extracting predicates/assignments:\n") END; WHILE NOT done DO done := TRUE; (* Extract as many queries as possible *) VAR i := last_near; BEGIN WHILE i < inf.c_cnt DO IF inf.conj[i].b3cnt = 0 THEN IF debug >= 1 THEN debugOutput := TRUE; Wr.PutText(stderr, " b3cnt = 0, "); JunoUnparse.P(stderr, inf.conj[i], indent := 0, debug := TRUE); Wr.PutChar(stderr, '\n') END; MakeCmd(inf.conj[i], kind := 0) ELSE INC(i) END END END; (* Attempt to extract a single assignment *) FOR i := last_near TO inf.c_cnt - 1 DO IF inf.conj[i].b3cnt = 1 THEN TYPECASE inf.conj[i] OF JunoAST.Equals (e) => IF debug >= 1 THEN debugOutput := TRUE; Wr.PutText(stderr, " b3cnt = 1, "); JunoUnparse.P(stderr, inf.conj[i], indent := 0, debug := TRUE); Wr.PutChar(stderr, '\n') END; VAR j: CARDINAL; qid := UnknownVar(e, SUBARRAY(inf.var^, 0, inf.v_cnt), j); BEGIN IF qid # NIL THEN (* update variable array *) DEC(inf.v_cnt); inf.var[j] := inf.var[inf.v_cnt]; (* update b3cnt fields of relevant expressions *) UpdateB3Cnts(qid.index); <* ASSERT inf.conj[i].b3cnt = 0 *> (* make the formula a command *) MakeCmd(inf.conj[i], kind := 1 + ORD(qid = e.e2)); done := FALSE; (* assignment found; exit FOR loop early *) EXIT END END ELSE (* SKIP *) END END (* IF *) END (* FOR *) END; (* WHILE *) IF debug >= 1 THEN IF NOT debugOutput THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, " <none>\n") END; Wr.Flush(stderr) END END Phase1A; PROCEDURE Phase1B(): BOOLEAN RAISES {Error} = (* In-line expand the first reducible predicate or formula in the array "inf.conj[last_near..inf.c_cnt]" and return TRUE. If all these formulas are irreducible, return FALSE. Raises "Error" if any of the formulas is an invalid application of a function, predicate, or compound formula in a constraint. *) VAR i := last_near; nf: JunoAST.NormalForm; BEGIN WHILE i < inf.c_cnt AND Irreducible(inf.conj[i], nf) DO INC(i) END; IF i = inf.c_cnt THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF debug >= 1 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, " In-line substituting:\n"); JunoUnparse.P(stderr, inf.conj[i], indent := 6, debug := TRUE); Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n with\n"); JunoUnparse.P(stderr, nf, indent := 6, debug := TRUE); Wr.PutChar(stderr, '\n'); Wr.Flush(stderr) END; VAR old_v_cnt, old_c_cnt: CARDINAL; BEGIN (* in-line substitute "inf.conj[i]" *) DEC(inf.c_cnt); inf.conj[i] := inf.conj[inf.c_cnt]; old_v_cnt := inf.v_cnt; IndexedNF.AddVarArray(inf, nf.var^); old_c_cnt := inf.c_cnt; IndexedNF.AddConjArray(inf, nf.conj^); (* update use table *) UpdateUseTbl(tbl, SUBARRAY(inf.var^, old_v_cnt, inf.v_cnt - old_v_cnt), SUBARRAY(inf.conj^, old_c_cnt, inf.c_cnt - old_c_cnt)); (* move new near constraints to front *) PermuteNearToPrefix(start := old_c_cnt) END; RETURN TRUE END Phase1B; PROCEDURE Irreducible( VAR (*INOUT*) f: JunoAST.Formula; VAR (*OUT*) newF: JunoAST.NormalForm) : BOOLEAN RAISES {Error} = (* Return "TRUE" if "f" is a primitive solve predicate. In this case, the value of "newF" on exit is undefined, and if "f" is an equality, its left-hand side is required to be a literal or QId. Otherwise, "f" is a predicate or an equality between a variable and a function; set "newF" to the result of replacing the predicate or function in "f" by its definition and return "FALSE". Requires "f" is not a near constraint. Raises "Error" if "f" is an invalid application of a function, predicate, or compound formula (i.e., "OR" or "NOT") in a constraint. *) BEGIN TYPECASE f OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.LitPred => RETURN TRUE | JunoAST.IsReal, JunoAST.IsText => RETURN TRUE | JunoAST.IsPair (ip) => newF := ExpandIsPair(ip) | JunoAST.Or, JunoAST.Not, JunoAST.IsInt => Raise("You can't write this in a constraint", f) | JunoAST.Call (c) => newF := Substitute(c.normal_form, c.ins, NIL, stack_tbl.next_index - 1, c) | JunoAST.Equals (e) => <* ASSERT NOT e.near *> <* ASSERT ISTYPE(e.e1, JunoAST.AtomicExpr) *> TYPECASE e.e2 OF (* check for triples *) JunoAST.AtomicExpr, JunoAST.Plus, JunoAST.Times, JunoAST.Pair, JunoAST.Atan, JunoAST.Sin, JunoAST.Cos, JunoAST.Exp, JunoAST.Ln => RETURN TRUE | JunoAST.List(list) => newF := ExpandList(e.e1, list) ELSE newF := Substitute(GetFunc(e.e2), Actuals(e.e2), e.e1, stack_tbl.next_index - 1, e) END | JunoAST.Relation (r) => newF := Substitute(GetPred(r), Actuals(r), NIL, stack_tbl.next_index - 1, r); END; RETURN FALSE END Irreducible; PROCEDURE Substitute( nf: JunoAST.NormalForm; actuals: JunoAST.ExprList; (* IN parameters *) last_actual: JunoAST.Expr; (* single OUT result parameter *) index_delta: CARDINAL; bp: JunoAST.Formula): JunoAST.NormalForm = (* Return a new normal-form formula equivalent to "nf" with all free occurrences of the "formals" in "nf" replaced by the corresponding "actuals", and with the index of each *local* variable of "nf" incremented by "index_delta". The last actual only counts if it is not NIL. This procedure has the side-effect of incrementing the global "stack_tbl.next_index" by the number of local variables in "nf", namely, "NUMBER(nf.var^)". All newly consed nodes have the given "bp". *) VAR arg_cnt := actuals.size + ORD(last_actual # NIL); args := NEW(REF ARRAY OF JunoAST.Expr, arg_cnt); PROCEDURE SubstExpr(e: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Expr = BEGIN TYPECASE Utils.Ungroup(e) OF JunoAST.LitValue => RETURN e | JunoAST.QId (q) => IF q.type = JunoAST.IdType.Local THEN IF q.index < 0 THEN (* "q" is a formal parameter *) RETURN args[arg_cnt + q.index] ELSE (* "q" is a local variable *) RETURN NEW(JunoAST.QId, bp := q, id0 := q.id0, id1 := q.id1, type := q.type, index := q.index + index_delta) END ELSE RETURN q (* "q" is a const or global var *) END ELSE RETURN Utils.MapArgs(e, SubstExpr) END END SubstExpr; (* Substitute *) VAR subst_inf := IndexedNF.New(var_cnt := 100, conj_cnt := 200); BEGIN (* Copy "nf" to global "subst_inf" *) IndexedNF.FromNF(nf, subst_inf); subst_inf.bp := bp; (* Build "args" array with IN parameters last (in order) and single OUT parameter first (if it exists) *) VAR curr := actuals.head; i := arg_cnt - actuals.size; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO <* ASSERT ISTYPE(curr.expr, JunoAST.AtomicExpr) *> args[i] := curr.expr; INC(i); curr := END; IF last_actual # NIL THEN args[0] := last_actual END END; (* Increase the index of each local variable by "index_delta" *) FOR i := 0 TO subst_inf.v_cnt - 1 DO WITH v = subst_inf.var[i] DO v := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id :=, hint := v.hint, evar := v.evar, index := v.index + index_delta) END END; (* Copy and substitute in each conjunct *) FOR i := 0 TO subst_inf.c_cnt - 1 DO subst_inf.conj[i] := SubstExpr(subst_inf.conj[i]) END; INC(stack_tbl.next_index, subst_inf.v_cnt); VAR res := IndexedNF.ToNF(subst_inf); BEGIN IndexedNF.Dispose(subst_inf); RETURN res END END Substitute; PROCEDURE GetFunc(call: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.NormalForm RAISES {Error} = (* Return the normal form bound in "scp" to the user-defined or built-in function at the root of "call". Requires that "call" is not one of the built-in functions understood by the Juno solver or a "JunoAST.List". If "call" has type "JunoAST.Call", then this procedure relies on the fact that JunoCompile.AnnotateAtoms has annotated "call.normal_form" such that: if "call" represents a function call, then "call.normal_form" is the normal form for that function's body, and if "call" represents a functional procedure call, then "call.normal_form" is NIL. In the latter case, "Error" will be raised with an appropriate message. Raises "Error" if "call" is illegal in a constraint. *) VAR name: JunoAST.QId; BEGIN TYPECASE call OF JunoAST.UMinus => name := JunoAST.UMinusName | JunoAST.Car => name := JunoAST.CarName | JunoAST.Cdr => name := JunoAST.CdrName | JunoAST.Minus => name := JunoAST.MinusName | JunoAST.Divide => name := JunoAST.DivideName | JunoAST.Rel => name := JunoAST.RelName | JunoAST.Atan, JunoAST.Sin, JunoAST.Cos, JunoAST.Exp, JunoAST.Ln, JunoAST.Plus, JunoAST.Times, JunoAST.Pair, JunoAST.List => <* ASSERT FALSE *> | JunoAST.Call (c) => IF c.normal_form # NIL THEN RETURN c.normal_form ELSE Raise("Procedure calls aren't allowed in constraints", c) END ELSE Raise("You can't write this in a constraint", call) END; VAR dummy: JunoScope.Entity; f: JunoScope.Func; BEGIN f := JunoScope.LookupQId(scp, name, dummy); <* ASSERT f # NIL *> (* Built-ins must be in defined *) RETURN f.normal_form END END GetFunc; PROCEDURE GetPred(r: JunoAST.Relation): JunoAST.NormalForm RAISES {Error} = (* Return the normal form bound in "scp" to the built-in relation "r". Requires that "r" is not the equality relation. Raises "Error" if "r" is an invalid predicate in a constraint. *) VAR name: JunoAST.QId; BEGIN TYPECASE r OF JunoAST.Cong => name := JunoAST.CongName | JunoAST.Para => name := JunoAST.ParaName | JunoAST.Hor => name := JunoAST.HorName | JunoAST.Ver => name := JunoAST.VerName | JunoAST.Equals => <* ASSERT FALSE *> ELSE Raise("You can't write this in a constraint", r) END; VAR dummy: JunoScope.Entity; p: JunoScope.Pred; BEGIN p := JunoScope.LookupQId(scp, name, dummy); <* ASSERT p # NIL *> (* built-ins must be in scope *) RETURN p.normal_form END END GetPred; PROCEDURE ExpandIsPair(ip: JunoAST.IsPair): JunoAST.NormalForm = (* Return a new normal-form formula equivalent to "ip" that does not contain a PAIR predicate at the top level. In particular, "PAIR(e)" is tranlated into the formula: "(E _x[1], _x[2] :: e = (_x[1], _x[2]))". The indices for the newly quantified variables are actually taken from "stack_tbl.next_index".*) VAR vars := NewNearVars(2); f := NEW(REF JunoAST.Formulas, 1); BEGIN f[0] := NEW(JunoAST.Equals, bp := ip, e1 := ip.e, e2 := NEW(JunoAST.Pair, e1 := Utils.QIdFromNearVar(vars[0]), e2 := Utils.QIdFromNearVar(vars[1]))); RETURN NEW(JunoAST.NormalForm, conj := f, var := vars) END ExpandIsPair; PROCEDURE ExpandList( id: JunoAST.AtomicExpr; l: JunoAST.List): JunoAST.NormalForm = (* Return a new normal-form formula not containing any "JunoAST.List"'s at the top level and equivalent to "id = l". For example, if "id" is "a" and "l" is "[1,2,3]", then return the formula: | (E _x[1], _x[2] :: | a = (1, _x[1]) | AND _x[1] = (2, _x[2]) | AND _x[2] = (3, NIL)) The indices for the newly quantified variables are actually taken from "stack_tbl.next_index". *) VAR vars := NewNearVars(l.elts.size - 1); f := NEW(REF JunoAST.Formulas, l.elts.size); lhs: JunoAST.AtomicExpr := id; cdr: JunoAST.NearVarLink; currE := l.elts.head; BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(f^) TO LAST(f^) DO IF i < LAST(f^) THEN cdr := vars[i] ELSE cdr := NIL END; VAR cdrVal := QIdFromNearVarOrNil(cdr); BEGIN f[i] := NEW(JunoAST.Equals, e1 := lhs, e2 := NEW(JunoAST.Pair, e1 := currE.expr, e2 := cdrVal)); lhs := cdrVal END; currE := END; RETURN NEW(JunoAST.NormalForm, conj := f, var := vars) END ExpandList; PROCEDURE NewNearVars(cnt: CARDINAL): REF JunoAST.Vars = (* Return an array of size "cnt" of unhinted E-quantified dummy near vars. The dummy variables have the same name (the value of the global "dummyVar"), but they are given distinct indices from "stack_tbl". *) VAR res := NEW(REF JunoAST.Vars, cnt); BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(res^) TO LAST(res^) DO res[i] := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := dummyVar, evar := TRUE, hint := JunoAST.NilExpr, index := stack_tbl.next_index); INC(stack_tbl.next_index) END; RETURN res END NewNearVars; PROCEDURE Phase2() RAISES { ExtraNearConstraints } = (* Extract hint assignments from "inf.conj[0..inf.c_cnt-1]". Requires I1 - I4. Any near constraints that could be extracted are deleted from "inf.conj[0..inf.c_cnt-1]". Raises "ExtraNearConstraints" if there were any active near constraints that could not be extracted. IMPLEMENTATION: During this phase, the "b3cnt" field of the formulas that are active candidates for processing represents the number of unhinted (not unknown) variables remaining in that formula. See Allan's notes from 9-Nov-92 for more details about this phase. *) VAR done := FALSE; last_unhinted := inf.v_cnt; active_near := last_near; (* Invariant: | | I2': Variables inf.var[0..last_unhinted-1] are unhinted unknowns. | Variables inf.var[last_unhinted..inf.v_cnt-1] are hinted unknowns. *) PROCEDURE ShowConstraints(msg: TEXT) = CONST n = 7; nl = "\n "; BEGIN Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n " & msg); Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n Unhinted Vars:" & nl); IF 0 > last_unhinted - 1 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, "<none>") END; FOR i := 0 TO last_unhinted - 1 DO JunoUnparse.P(stderr, Utils.QIdFromNearVar(inf.var[i]), indent := 0, debug := TRUE); IF i < last_unhinted - 1 THEN IF i MOD n = (n - 1) THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, nl) ELSE Wr.PutText(stderr, ", ") END END END; Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n Hinted Vars:" & nl); IF last_unhinted > inf.v_cnt - 1 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, "<none>") END; FOR i := last_unhinted TO inf.v_cnt - 1 DO JunoUnparse.P(stderr, Utils.QIdFromNearVar(inf.var[i]), indent := 0, debug := TRUE); IF i < inf.v_cnt - 1 THEN IF (i - last_unhinted) MOD n = (n - 1) THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, nl) ELSE Wr.PutText(stderr, ", ") END END END; Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n Constraints:" & nl); IF 0 > inf.c_cnt - 1 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, "<none>") END; FOR i := 0 TO inf.c_cnt - 1 DO Wr.PutText(stderr, "b3cnt = " & Fmt.Int(inf.conj[i].b3cnt) & ", "); JunoUnparse.P(stderr, inf.conj[i], indent := 0, debug := TRUE); IF i < inf.c_cnt - 1 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, nl) END END; Wr.PutChar(stderr, '\n'); Wr.Flush(stderr) END ShowConstraints; (* Phase2 *) BEGIN (* Some variables (passed in queries to the compiler) may already be designated as hinted, so move them to the end of the array. *) VAR i := 0; BEGIN WHILE i < last_unhinted DO IF inf.var[i].frozen THEN DEC(last_unhinted); SwapV(inf.var[i], inf.var[last_unhinted]); UpdateB3Cnts(inf.var[last_unhinted].index) ELSE INC(i) END END END; (* Extract hint-initializing assignments (Rules 2 & 4) *) IF debug >= 2 THEN ShowConstraints("Extracting hint assignments from:") END; WHILE NOT done DO done := TRUE; FOR i := 0 TO inf.c_cnt - 1 DO IF inf.conj[i].b3cnt = 1 THEN TYPECASE inf.conj[i] OF JunoAST.Equals (e) => VAR j: CARDINAL; qid := UnknownVar(e, SUBARRAY(inf.var^,0,last_unhinted), j); BEGIN IF qid # NIL THEN (* update variable array *) (* Set "inf.var[j]" to a copy of itself w/ "frozen:=TRUE" *) VAR old := inf.var[j]; BEGIN inf.var[j] := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id :=, evar := old.evar, frozen := TRUE, hint := old.hint, index := old.index, next := END; DEC(last_unhinted); SwapV(inf.var[j], inf.var[last_unhinted]); (* update b3cnt fields of relevant expressions *) UpdateB3Cnts(qid.index); <* ASSERT inf.conj[i].b3cnt = 0 *> (* copy formula to "cmds" array *) CopyCmd(inf.conj[i], kind := 1 + ORD(qid = e.e2)); (* Delete near formula within "inf.conj" *) IF e.near THEN DEC(inf.c_cnt); inf.conj[i] := inf.conj[inf.c_cnt]; DEC(active_near) END; done := FALSE; (* assignment found; exit FOR loop early *) EXIT END END ELSE (* SKIP *) END END END END; (* WHILE *) (* Eliminate near constraints on hinted or known vars (Rule 3) *) IF debug >= 2 THEN ShowConstraints("Eliminating extra near constraints:") END; VAR i := 0; near_found: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE i < inf.c_cnt DO near_found := FALSE; IF inf.conj[i].b3cnt = 0 THEN TYPECASE inf.conj[i] OF JunoAST.Equals (e) => IF e.near THEN near_found := TRUE; DEC(inf.c_cnt); inf.conj[i] := inf.conj[inf.c_cnt]; DEC(active_near) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END END; IF NOT near_found THEN INC(i) END END END; IF debug >= 2 THEN ShowConstraints("Done processing hints:") END; IF active_near > 0 THEN RAISE ExtraNearConstraints END END Phase2; PROCEDURE PreQueryCmd(READONLY forms: FormCmds): JunoAST.Cmd RAISES {Error} = (* Return a sequence of queries and assignments formed from the formulas in "forms". The order of the commands in the result matches the order of the input formulas. The "kind" field of each formula is used to produce a corresponding query (when "b3cnt = 0") or assignment (when "b3cnt = 1" or "b3cnt = 2"). The result always ends with "JunoAST.SkipVal". *) VAR res: JunoAST.Cmd := JunoAST.SkipVal; curr: JunoAST.Cmd; BEGIN FOR i := LAST(forms) TO FIRST(forms) BY -1 DO CASE forms[i].kind OF <* NOWARN *> 0 => curr := C2q2(forms[i].f) | 1 => VAR eq := NARROW(forms[i].f, JunoAST.Equals); BEGIN curr := NEW(JunoAST.Assign, bp := forms[i].f, vars := Utils.NewQIdList(eq.e1), exprs := Utils.NewExprList(eq.e2)) END | 2 => VAR eq := NARROW(forms[i].f, JunoAST.Equals); BEGIN curr := NEW(JunoAST.Assign, bp := forms[i].f, vars := Utils.NewQIdList(eq.e2), exprs := Utils.NewExprList(eq.e1)) END END; IF curr # JunoAST.SkipVal THEN res := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, c1 := curr, c2 := res) END END; RETURN res END PreQueryCmd; PROCEDURE C2q2(pred: JunoAST.Formula): JunoAST.Cmd RAISES {Error} = (* This procedure works like "JunoCompile.C2q", but with the following exceptions: | 1) It does not handle "And" and "Exists" predicates, and | 2) It recursively calls "ToCmd" (instead of "C2q") on the arguments | to "Not" and "Or". *) BEGIN TYPECASE Utils.Ungroup(pred) OF JunoAST.True => RETURN JunoAST.SkipVal | JunoAST.False => RETURN JunoAST.FailVal | JunoAST.Differs (p) => (* rule C2.17 *) RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Flip, body := NEW(JunoAST.Query, f := NEW(JunoAST.Equals, bp := p, e1 := p.e1, e2 := p.e2), vars := JunoAST.EmptyNVList)) | JunoAST.Not (p) => RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Flip, bp := p, body := ToCmd(p.f, scp, stack_tbl)) | JunoAST.Or (p) => RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Else, bp := p, c1 := ToCmd(p.f1, scp, stack_tbl), c2 := ToCmd(p.f2, scp, stack_tbl)) ELSE (* rule C2.21 *) RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Query, f := pred, vars := JunoAST.EmptyNVList) END END C2q2; PROCEDURE Combine(pre: JunoAST.Cmd; post: IndexedNF.T): JunoAST.Cmd = (* Return a sequence of the commands "pre" and the solve query "post". Either or both of "pre" and "post" may be "empty". "Pre" is empty if it is "JunoAST.SkipVal". "Post" is empty if it has no variables to solve for (in which case, it is required not to have any conjuncts to solve for either). If one or the other is empty, return the other. If both are empty, return "pre" (i.e., "SKIP"). *) VAR res: JunoAST.Cmd; BEGIN IF post.v_cnt = 0 THEN <* ASSERT post.c_cnt = 0 *> RETURN pre END; VAR qNF := IndexedNF.ToNF(post); qCmd := NEW(JunoAST.ConjQuery, var := qNF.var, conj := qNF.conj); BEGIN IF pre = JunoAST.SkipVal THEN res := qCmd ELSE res := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, c1 := pre, c2 := qCmd) END END; RETURN res END Combine; (* ToCmd *) BEGIN (* Check the pre-condition *) FOR i := 0 TO LAST(nf.var^) DO WITH v = nf.var[i] DO <* ASSERT v.evar=TRUE AND v.hint=JunoAST.NilExpr AND v.frozen=FALSE *> END END; IF xtra_vars # NIL THEN VAR l := xtra_vars.head; BEGIN WHILE l # NIL DO <* ASSERT l.evar=FALSE AND l.hint=JunoAST.NilExpr *> l := END END END; (* Create an indexed normal form that includes "vars" *) IndexedNF.FromNF(nf, inf); IF xtra_vars # NIL THEN IndexedNF.AddVarList(inf, xtra_vars) END; (* Create and initialize a new use table *) tbl := NEW(IntRefTbl.Default).init(inf.v_cnt); UpdateUseTbl(tbl, SUBARRAY(inf.var^, 0, inf.v_cnt), nf.conj^); (* Establish I1, I2, I3, and I4 *) last_near := 0; cmd_cnt := 0; PermuteNearToPrefix(start := 0); (* Loop until no more substitutions are possible *) IF debug >= 1 THEN Wr.PutText(stderr, "\n Simplifying constraint...\n") END; REPEAT Phase1A() UNTIL NOT Phase1B(); (* Propagate hints *) TRY Phase2() EXCEPT ExtraNearConstraints => Raise("Extra near constraints", nf) END; (* Construct return result *) VAR body := Combine(PreQueryCmd(SUBARRAY(cmds^, 0, cmd_cnt)), inf); BEGIN IndexedNF.Dispose(inf); RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Safe, bp := nf, body := body) END END ToCmd; PROCEDUREUpdateUseTbl ( VAR (*INOUT*) tbl: IntRefTbl.T; READONLY vars: JunoAST.Vars; READONLY nsf: JunoAST.Formulas) =Incrementally updatetbl
to contain new entries for the variablesvars
. For eachv
in the resulting table, lettbl(v) = l
before the call (l
is the empty list for anyv
), and lettbl(v) = l'
after the call. Thenl' = lpre & l
, wherelpre
is a list of those formulas innsf
that containv
. The formulaf
appears inlpre
exactly as many times asv
occurs inf
, which number is also added tof.b3cnt
. Requires that eachnsf[i]
is a normal simple formula.VAR curr_nsf: JunoAST.Formula; PROCEDURE CntUse(e: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Expr = (* For each local variable "v" that occurs in "e" and whose index is registered in "tbl", add the formula "curr_nsf" to the list of formulas associated with "v" in the table "tbl", and increment the "b3cnt" field of "curr_nsf". Returns Modula-3 "NIL" (so it can be passed as an argument to "JunoASTUtils.MapArgs"). *) BEGIN e := Utils.Ungroup(e); TYPECASE e OF JunoAST.LitValue => (* SKIP *) | JunoAST.QId (q) => VAR ref: REFANY; BEGIN <* ASSERT q.index # 0 *> IF q.type = JunoAST.IdType.Local AND tbl.get(q.index, ref) THEN INC(curr_nsf.b3cnt); VAR rl: RefList.T := ref; BEGIN EVAL tbl.put(q.index, RefList.Cons(curr_nsf, rl)) END END END | JunoAST.Not (not) => EVAL CntUse(not.f); | JunoAST.Or (or) => EVAL CntUse(or.f1); EVAL CntUse(or.f2); | JunoAST.NormalForm (nf) => FOR i := 0 TO LAST(nf.conj^) DO EVAL CntUse(nf.conj[i]) END ELSE EVAL Utils.MapArgs(e, CntUse) END; RETURN NIL END CntUse; (* UpdateUseTbl *) BEGIN (* Install a new entry in the table for each variable *) FOR i := FIRST(vars) TO LAST(vars) DO <* ASSERT vars[i].index # 0 *> EVAL tbl.put(vars[i].index, NIL); END; (* Update the table and use counts for each normal simple formula *) FOR i := FIRST(nsf) TO LAST(nsf) DO curr_nsf := nsf[i]; TYPECASE curr_nsf OF JunoAST.Equals (e) => EVAL CntUse(e.e1); EVAL CntUse(e.e2) ELSE EVAL CntUse(curr_nsf) END END END UpdateUseTbl;========================== MISCELLANEOUS ================================PROCEDUREActuals (call: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.ExprList =Return the actual arguments tocall
in left-to-right order.VAR res := NEW(JunoAST.ExprList); PROCEDURE ConsArg(e: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Expr = BEGIN res.head := NEW(JunoAST.ExprLink, expr := e, next := res.head); INC(res.size); RETURN e END ConsArg; (* Actuals *) BEGIN EVAL Utils.MapArgs(call, ConsArg); res.head := ReverseExprList(res.head); RETURN res; END Actuals; PROCEDUREReverseExprList (el: JunoAST.ExprLink): JunoAST.ExprLink =Destructively reverse the listel
in place, and return a pointer to the head of the new list.VAR curr, next: JunoAST.ExprLink; BEGIN IF el # NIL THEN next :=; := NIL; WHILE next # NIL DO curr := next; next :=; := el; el := curr END END; RETURN el END ReverseExprList; PROCEDUREUnknownVar ( r: JunoAST.Relation; READONLY unknowns: JunoAST.Vars; VAR (*OUT*) index: CARDINAL): JunoAST.QId =Returnr.e1
if either is a local variable appearing inunknowns
. In this case, setindex
to the index of the identifier inunknowns
. If there is no such local variable, the value ofindex
is undefined; returnNIL
.PROCEDURE CheckExpr(e: JunoAST.Expr; VAR (*OUT*) index: CARDINAL): JunoAST.QId = VAR j: INTEGER; BEGIN TYPECASE e OF JunoAST.QId (q) => IF q.type = JunoAST.IdType.Local THEN j := MemVars(q.index, unknowns); IF j >= 0 THEN index := j; RETURN q END END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN NIL END CheckExpr; (* UnknownVar *) VAR res: JunoAST.QId; BEGIN res := CheckExpr(r.e1, index); IF res = NIL THEN res := CheckExpr(r.e2, index) END; RETURN res END UnknownVar; PROCEDUREMemVars (index: INTEGER; READONLY vars: JunoAST.Vars): INTEGER =Return the index of the variable invars
having indexindex
, or -1 if there is no such variable.BEGIN <* ASSERT index # 0 *> FOR i := FIRST(vars) TO LAST(vars) DO IF index = vars[i].index THEN RETURN i END END; RETURN -1 END MemVars; PROCEDUREQIdFromNearVarOrNil (v: JunoAST.NearVarLink): JunoAST.AtomicExpr =Ifv = NIL
, return the Juno valueNIL
; otherwise, returnUtils.QIdFromNearVar(v)
.BEGIN IF v = NIL THEN RETURN JunoAST.NilVal ELSE RETURN Utils.QIdFromNearVar(v) END END QIdFromNearVarOrNil; BEGIN END JunoCompileNF.