<*PRAGMA LL*> MODULEA; IMPORT JunoBuild, JunoPt; IMPORT JunoAST, JunoASTUtils, JunoChkBNF, JunoCompileErr, JunoScope; IMPORT JunoRT, JunoValue AS Value, JunoRTError; IMPORT Atom, AtomRefTbl, Fmt; CONST InitCacheSize = 30; REVEAL T = TPublic BRANDED "CurrCmd.T" OBJECT ast: JunoAST.Cmd; scp: JunoScope.T; pointCache, oldPointCache: AtomRefTbl.Default; othersCache, oldOthersCache: AtomRefTbl.Default; changedVal: REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN; END; CurrCmd
contains ast
, an AST representing a current command. This
field should never be NIL
maps names of variables representing points to their
current positions, represented as Value.T
's. The othersCache
similar, but maps to all values that are not pairs of real numbers.
The old...
caches are used to tell when one of the cached values has
changed, to avoid unnecessary compilations of the current command.
The changedVal
array is set by the FillCache
procedure, and used by the
procedure. If there are n
variables in the current
command, then changedVal[i]
for 0 <= i < n
is true iff the current
value of the i
th variable is different from the cached value, or if there
is no value cached for the i
th variable.
VAR R2DotPlus := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromTexts("R2", "Plus");----------------- Creation / Replacement / Accessors --------------------
PROCEDURE--------------------- Scope-Related Operations --------------------------New (ast: JunoAST.Cmd; scp: JunoScope.T): T = VAR res: T; BEGIN <* ASSERT ast # NIL *> res := NEW(T, ast := ast, pointCache := NEW(AtomRefTbl.Default).init(sizeHint := InitCacheSize), oldPointCache := NEW(AtomRefTbl.Default).init(sizeHint := InitCacheSize), othersCache := NEW(AtomRefTbl.Default).init(sizeHint := InitCacheSize), oldOthersCache := NEW(AtomRefTbl.Default).init(sizeHint:=InitCacheSize), changedVal := NEW(REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN, InitCacheSize)); IF scp = NIL THEN scp := JunoScope.New(NIL) END; res.scp := scp; RETURN res END New; PROCEDUREGetAST (cc: T): JunoAST.Cmd = BEGIN RETURN cc.ast END GetAST; PROCEDUREChangeAST (cc: T; ast: JunoAST.Cmd) = BEGIN <* ASSERT ast # NIL *> cc.ast := ast; cc.codeValid := FALSE; ClearCaches(cc) END ChangeAST; PROCEDUREGetVariables (ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.NearVarList = BEGIN TYPECASE ast OF JunoAST.Proj (p) => RETURN p.vars ELSE RETURN JunoAST.EmptyNVList END END GetVariables; PROCEDUREGetVariable (ast: JunoAST.T; name: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.NearVarLink = VAR vars := GetVariables(ast); BEGIN VAR v: JunoAST.NearVarLink := vars.head; BEGIN WHILE v # NIL DO IF v.id = name THEN RETURN v END; v := v.next END END; RETURN NIL END GetVariable; PROCEDUREGetConstraint (ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.Formula = BEGIN TYPECASE ast OF JunoAST.Proj (p) => TYPECASE p.body OF JunoAST.Guard (g) => RETURN g.grd ELSE (* SKIP *) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN JunoAST.TrueVal END GetConstraint; PROCEDUREGetCmd (ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.Cmd = BEGIN TYPECASE ast OF JunoAST.Proj (p) => TYPECASE p.body OF JunoAST.Guard (g) => RETURN g.body ELSE RETURN p.body END ELSE RETURN ast END END GetCmd;
PROCEDURE--------------------------- Modification --------------------------------GetScope (cc: T): JunoScope.T = BEGIN RETURN cc.scp END GetScope; PROCEDURESetScope (cc: T; scp: JunoScope.T) = BEGIN cc.scp := scp END SetScope; PROCEDURENewDeclName (cc: T; prefix: TEXT; tryEmptySuffix := FALSE): TEXT = VAR res := prefix; i := 0; BEGIN WHILE (i = 0 AND NOT tryEmptySuffix) OR JunoScope.Lookup(cc.scp, Atom.FromText(res), localOnly := TRUE) # NIL DO res := prefix & Fmt.Int(i); INC(i) END; RETURN res END NewDeclName;
PROCEDURESkipify (ast: JunoAST.Cmd): JunoAST.Cmd = BEGIN TYPECASE ast OF JunoAST.Proj (p) => RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Proj, bp := p, vars := p.vars, body := Skipify(p.body)) | JunoAST.Guard (g) => RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Guard, bp := g, grd := g.grd, body := Skipify(g.body)) ELSE RETURN JunoAST.SkipVal END END Skipify; PROCEDUREAddVariable ( cc: T; v: JunoAST.Id; loc: JunoPt.T; near: JunoAST.Expr; frozen := FALSE) = VAR new := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := v, hint := near, frozen := frozen); BEGIN <* ASSERT near # NIL *> TYPECASE cc.ast OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Proj (p) => VAR v2 := p.vars.head; BEGIN WHILE v2.next # NIL DO <* ASSERT v2.id # v *> v2 := v2.next END; v2.next := new; p.vars.size := p.vars.size + 1 END | JunoAST.Cmd (c) => cc.ast := NEW(JunoAST.Proj, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, bp := JunoAST.End, size := 1, head := new), body := c) END; EVAL cc.pointCache.put(v, Value.NewPoint(loc.x, loc.y)); cc.codeValid := FALSE END AddVariable; PROCEDUREAddConstraint (cc: T; con: JunoAST.Constraint) = BEGIN TYPECASE cc.ast OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Proj (p) => AddConstraint1(p.body, con) | JunoAST.Cmd => AddConstraint1(cc.ast, con) END; cc.codeValid := FALSE END AddConstraint; PROCEDUREAddConstraint1 ( VAR (*INOUT*) ast: JunoAST.Cmd; con: JunoAST.Constraint) = BEGIN TYPECASE ast OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Guard (g) => AddConstraint2(g.grd, con) | JunoAST.Cmd (c) => ast := NEW(JunoAST.Guard, bp := JunoAST.End, grd := con, body := c) END END AddConstraint1; PROCEDUREAddConstraint2 ( VAR (*INOUT*) f: JunoAST.Formula; con: JunoAST.Constraint) = BEGIN TYPECASE f OF JunoAST.Or (or) => AddConstraint2(or.f2, con) ELSE f := NEW(JunoAST.And, bp := JunoAST.End, f1 := f, f2 := con) END END AddConstraint2; PROCEDUREAddCommand (cc: T; cmd: JunoAST.Cmd) = BEGIN TYPECASE cc.ast OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Proj (p) => AddCommand1(p.body, cmd) | JunoAST.Cmd => AddCommand2(cc.ast, cmd) END; cc.codeValid := FALSE END AddCommand; PROCEDUREAddCommand1 (VAR (*INOUT*) c1: JunoAST.Cmd; c2: JunoAST.Cmd) = BEGIN TYPECASE c1 OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Guard (g) => AddCommand2(g.body, c2) | JunoAST.Cmd => AddCommand2(c1, c2) END END AddCommand1; PROCEDUREAddCommand2 (VAR (*INOUT*) c1: JunoAST.Cmd; c2: JunoAST.Cmd) = BEGIN TYPECASE c1 OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Skip => c1 := c2 | JunoAST.Cmd => c1 := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := c1, c2 := c2) END END AddCommand2; PROCEDURERemCommand (cc: T): BOOLEAN = VAR changed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN TYPECASE cc.ast OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Skip => changed := FALSE | JunoAST.Proj (p) => changed := RemCommand1(p.body) | JunoAST.Cmd => changed := RemCommand2(cc.ast) END; cc.codeValid := cc.codeValid AND NOT changed; RETURN changed END RemCommand; PROCEDURERemCommand1 (VAR (*INOUT*) cmd: JunoAST.Cmd): BOOLEAN = BEGIN TYPECASE cmd OF <* NOWARN *> JunoAST.Guard (g) => RETURN RemCommand2(g.body) | JunoAST.Cmd => RETURN RemCommand2(cmd) END END RemCommand1; PROCEDURERemCommand2 (VAR (*INOUT*) ast: JunoAST.Cmd): BOOLEAN = VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN TYPECASE ast OF JunoAST.Skip => res := FALSE; | JunoAST.Seq (seq) => res := RemCommand2(seq.c2); IF seq.c2 = JunoAST.SkipVal THEN ast := seq.c1; res := TRUE END | JunoAST.Cmd => ast := JunoAST.SkipVal; res := TRUE END; RETURN res END RemCommand2; PROCEDUREDoRel (cc: T; c, a, b: JunoAST.Id) = VAR v := GetVariable(cc.ast, c); BEGIN VAR aa, bb: JunoAST.Id; BEGIN IF IsRelHint(v.hint, aa, bb) AND a = aa AND b = bb THEN v.hint := PointValue(cc, c); cc.codeValid := FALSE; RETURN END END; (* Make the hint of the form "c ~= (x, y) REL (a, b)" *) VAR ax, ay, bx, by: Real; BEGIN EVAL PointLocation(cc, a, ax, ay); EVAL PointLocation(cc, b, bx, by); v.hint := MkRelHint(cc, c, a, ax, ay, b, bx, by, v.hint); cc.codeValid := FALSE END END DoRel; PROCEDUREIsRelHint (hint: JunoAST.Expr; VAR (*OUT*) a, b: JunoAST.Id): BOOLEAN =
is of the form (num, num) REL (p,q), forId
, seta,b := p,q
and returnTRUE
; else returnFALSE
BEGIN IF hint = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; TYPECASE hint OF JunoAST.Rel (rel) => TYPECASE rel.e2 OF JunoAST.Pair (p) => TYPECASE p.e1 OF JunoAST.QId (p1) => TYPECASE p.e2 OF JunoAST.QId (p2) => IF p1.id0 = JunoAST.NilId AND p2.id0 = JunoAST.NilId AND IsNumericPoint(rel.e1) THEN a := p1.id1; b := p2.id1; RETURN TRUE END ELSE (* SKIP *) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN FALSE END IsRelHint; PROCEDUREIsRel1Hint (hint: JunoAST.Expr; VAR (*OUT*) a: JunoAST.Id): BOOLEAN =
is of the formR2.Plus(p, (num, num))
, forId
, seta := p
and returnTRUE
; else returnFALSE
BEGIN TYPECASE hint OF NULL => (*SKIP*) | JunoAST.Call (call) => IF call.ins.size = 2 THEN TYPECASE call.ins.head.expr OF JunoAST.QId (arg0) => IF arg0.id0 = JunoAST.NilId AND JunoASTUtils.EqualQIds(call.name, R2DotPlus) AND IsNumericPoint(call.ins.head.next.expr) THEN a := arg0.id1; RETURN TRUE END ELSE (* SKIP *) END END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN FALSE END IsRel1Hint; PROCEDUREDoRel1 (cc: T; c, a: JunoAST.Id) = VAR v := GetVariable(cc.ast, c); BEGIN VAR aa: JunoAST.Id; BEGIN IF IsRel1Hint(v.hint, aa) AND a = aa THEN v.hint := PointValue(cc, c); cc.codeValid := FALSE; RETURN END END; (* Make the hint of the form "c ~= R2.Plus(a, (x, y))" *) VAR ax, ay: Real; BEGIN EVAL PointLocation(cc, a, ax, ay); v.hint := MkRel1Hint(cc, c, a, ax, ay, v.hint); cc.codeValid := FALSE END END DoRel1; PROCEDUREMkRelHint (cc: T; c: JunoAST.Id; a: JunoAST.Id; ax, ay: Real; b: JunoAST.Id; bx, by: Real; else: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Expr =
's position relative toa
, or returnelse
if this is not possible.
VAR x, y, cx, cy: Real; BEGIN IF NOT PointLocation(cc, c, cx, cy) THEN RETURN else END; IF NOT JunoPt.RelVal(cx, cy, ax, ay, bx, by, x, y) THEN RETURN else END; RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Rel, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x, y), e2 := NEW(JunoAST.Pair, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromIds(JunoAST.NilId, a), e2 := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromIds(JunoAST.NilId, b))) END MkRelHint; PROCEDUREMkRel1Hint (cc: T; c: JunoAST.Id; a: JunoAST.Id; ax, ay: Real; else: JunoAST.Expr): JunoAST.Expr =
's position relative toa
VAR x, y, cx, cy: Real; BEGIN IF NOT PointLocation(cc, c, cx, cy) THEN RETURN else END; x := cx - ax; y := cy - ay; RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Call, bp := JunoAST.End, name := R2DotPlus, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList, ins := NEW(JunoAST.ExprList, bp := JunoAST.End, size := 2, head := NEW(JunoAST.ExprLink, expr := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(a), next := NEW(JunoAST.ExprLink, expr := JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x, y))))) END MkRel1Hint;------------------------ Operations on Points ---------------------------
PROCEDUREPointLocation (cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id; VAR (*OUT*) h, v: Real): BOOLEAN =
to the coordinates of the point nameda
and return TRUE; return FALSE if there is no such point in the cache.
VAR vl: Value.T; BEGIN IF cc.pointCache.get(a, vl) THEN TYPECASE vl OF <* NOWARN *> REF Value.Pair (p) => h := NARROW(p.car, REF Real)^; v := NARROW(p.cdr, REF Real)^; RETURN TRUE END ELSE RETURN FALSE END END PointLocation; PROCEDUREPointValue (cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.Pair =
Requires that the point nameda
is incc.pointCache
. Returns an AST corresponding to the point's value in the cache.
VAR x, y: Real; inCache := PointLocation(cc, a, (*OUT*) x, (*OUT*) y); BEGIN <* ASSERT inCache *> RETURN JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x, y) END PointValue; PROCEDUREFreezePoint (cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id) = VAR v := GetVariable(cc.ast, a); BEGIN <* ASSERT v # NIL *> v.frozen := NOT v.frozen; cc.codeValid := FALSE END FreezePoint; PROCEDUREIsFrozen (cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id): BOOLEAN = VAR v := GetVariable(cc.ast, a); BEGIN IF v = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE RETURN v.frozen END END IsFrozen; PROCEDUREDiffNumericPair (p: JunoAST.Pair; x, y: Real): BOOLEAN =
Return TRUE iffp
is a pair of constant numbers, but differs from the pair(x, y)
VAR px, py: Real; BEGIN RETURN IsNumber(p.e1, px) AND IsNumber(p.e2, py) AND (x # px OR y # py) END DiffNumericPair; PROCEDUREIsNumericPoint (e: JunoAST.Expr): BOOLEAN =
Return TRUE iff e
is a pair of real numbers.
BEGIN TYPECASE e OF NULL => (*SKIP*) | JunoAST.Pair (p) => VAR dummy: Real; BEGIN RETURN IsNumber(p.e1, dummy) AND IsNumber(p.e2, dummy) END ELSE (*SKIP*) END; RETURN FALSE END IsNumericPoint; PROCEDUREIsNumber (e: JunoAST.Expr; VAR (*OUT*) v: Real): BOOLEAN =
Return TRUE iffe
a numeric constant of the form<number>
or- <number>
, and if so, setv
to its value.
BEGIN TYPECASE e OF JunoAST.Number (n) => v := n.val; RETURN TRUE | JunoAST.UMinus (u) => VAR res := IsNumber(u.e, v); BEGIN IF res THEN v := -v END; RETURN res END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN FALSE END IsNumber; PROCEDUREMovePoint (cc: T; a: JunoAST.Id; x, y: Real) = VAR v: JunoAST.NearVarLink := GetVariable(cc.ast, a); BEGIN <* ASSERT v # NIL AND v.hint # JunoAST.NilExpr *> VAR newV := Value.NewPoint(x, y); oldV: Value.T; BEGIN (* only do work if the point does not already have the given value *) IF NOT (cc.pointCache.get(v.id, oldV) AND Value.Equal(newV, oldV)) THEN EVAL cc.pointCache.put(v.id, newV); EVAL MovePoint1(cc, v, x, y); cc.codeValid := FALSE END END END MovePoint; PROCEDUREMovePoint1 ( cc: T; v: JunoAST.NearVarLink; x, y: Real; changed := TRUE): BOOLEAN =
to have the value(x, y)
, preserving the current structure of the hint. For the current hint to be changed, it must be either a simple pair, a literal value, an expression of the form(x,y) REL (a, b)
, wherex
are numbers, or an expression of the formR2.Plus(a, (x,y))
. In the latter two cases, the values for the pointsa
are read fromcc.pointCache
, and the pair(x,y)
is updated. If none of these cases applies, the hint is unchanged. Returns TRUE iff the hintv.hint
was changed.If
and the hint is absolute, then the hint is not changed andFALSE
is returned.
VAR res := FALSE; aa, bb: JunoAST.Id; BEGIN <* ASSERT v.hint # NIL AND v.hint # JunoAST.NilExpr *> TYPECASE v.hint OF JunoAST.Pair (p) => (* The hint is of the form "(x, y)" *) IF changed AND DiffNumericPair(p, x, y) THEN res := TRUE; p.e1 := JunoASTUtils.NewNumber(x); p.e2 := JunoASTUtils.NewNumber(y) END ELSE IF IsLiteral(v.hint) THEN (* update hint if it is a literal of some sort *) res := TRUE; v.hint := JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x, y) ELSIF IsRelHint(v.hint, aa, bb) THEN (* The hint is of the form "(num, num) REL (aa, bb)" *) VAR ax, ay, bx, by, x2, y2: Real; BEGIN IF PointLocation(cc, aa, ax, ay) AND PointLocation(cc, bb, bx, by) AND JunoPt.RelVal(x, y, ax, ay, bx, by, x2, y2) THEN VAR r: JunoAST.Rel := v.hint; p1: JunoAST.Pair := r.e1; BEGIN IF DiffNumericPair(p1, x2, y2) THEN res := TRUE; r.e1 := JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x2, y2) END END END END ELSIF IsRel1Hint(v.hint, aa) THEN (* The hint is of the form "R2.Plus(aa, (num, num))" *) VAR ax, ay, x2, y2: Real; BEGIN IF PointLocation(cc, aa, ax, ay) THEN x2 := x - ax; y2 := y - ay; VAR call: JunoAST.Call := v.hint; p1: JunoAST.Pair := call.ins.head.next.expr; BEGIN IF DiffNumericPair(p1, x2, y2) THEN res := TRUE; call.ins.head.next.expr := JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x2, y2) END END END END END END; RETURN res END MovePoint1; PROCEDUREIsLiteral (expr: JunoAST.Expr): BOOLEAN =
Return TRUE iffexpr
is a literal value, namely, a (possibly negated) number, a text, the value JunoNIL
, a list of literals, or a parenthesized literal.
BEGIN IF expr = JunoAST.NilExpr THEN RETURN TRUE END; TYPECASE expr OF JunoAST.Number, JunoAST.Text, JunoAST.Nil => RETURN TRUE | JunoAST.UMinus (minus) => RETURN IsLiteral(minus.e) | JunoAST.List (l) => VAR res := TRUE; curr := l.elts.head; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL AND res DO res := res AND IsLiteral(curr.expr); curr := curr.next END; RETURN res END | JunoAST.GroupedExpr (g) => RETURN IsLiteral(g.expr) ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsLiteral; PROCEDURE------------------------ Folding Operations -----------------------------ForAllPoints (cc: T; p: PointProc) = VAR it := cc.pointCache.iterate(); a: Atom.T; v: Value.T; BEGIN WHILE it.next(a, v) DO VAR pair := NARROW(v, REF Value.Pair); x := NARROW(pair.car, REF Real); y := NARROW(pair.cdr, REF Real); BEGIN p(a, JunoPt.T{x^, y^}) END END; END ForAllPoints;
PROCEDUREWrapProcHeader ( name: JunoAST.Id; ins: JunoAST.IdList; body: JunoAST.Cmd) : JunoAST.ProcDecl =
Return a procedure declaration namedname
with IN parametersins
and bodybody
. Ifbody
is not total, it is first bracketed byIF...FI
BEGIN TRY JunoChkBNF.TotalCmd(body) EXCEPT JunoCompileErr.Error => body := NEW(JunoAST.If, body := body, bp := JunoAST.End) END; RETURN NEW(JunoAST.ProcDecl, bp := JunoAST.End, header := NEW(JunoAST.ProcHeader, name := name, ins := ins, outs := JunoAST.EmptyIdList, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyIdList), body := body) END WrapProcHeader; PROCEDUREFoldNoArgs (cc: T; name: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.ProcDecl = BEGIN RETURN WrapProcHeader(name, JunoAST.EmptyIdList, cc.ast) END FoldNoArgs; PROCEDUREGetFoldArgs (cc: T): JunoAST.IdList = VAR res := NEW(JunoAST.IdList, bp := JunoAST.End); vars := JunoASTUtils.NearVarListCopy(GetVariables(cc.ast)); nv := vars.head; last: JunoAST.IdLink := NIL; BEGIN WHILE nv # NIL DO IF nv.hint = JunoAST.NilExpr OR IsNumericPoint(nv.hint) THEN (* add to end of "params" list *) VAR new := NEW(JunoAST.IdLink, id := nv.id); BEGIN IF last = NIL THEN res.head := new ELSE last.next := new END; last := new END; INC(res.size) END; nv := nv.next END; RETURN res; END GetFoldArgs; PROCEDUREFoldPred ( cc: T; name: JunoAST.Id; params: JunoAST.IdList; locals: JunoAST.NearVarList): JunoAST.PredDecl =
Fold the current commandcc
into a predicate declaration, and return it.Name
is the predicate's name,Params
are its arguments, andlocals
are its (existentially quantified) local variables. The body of the predicate is the constraint section of the current commandcc
VAR body := GetConstraint(cc.ast); BEGIN IF locals.size > 0 THEN body := NEW(JunoAST.Exists, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := locals, f := body) END; RETURN NEW(JunoAST.PredDecl, bp := JunoAST.End, header := NEW(JunoAST.PredHeader, name := name, ins := params), body := body) END FoldPred; PROCEDUREFoldProc ( cc: T; name: JunoAST.Id; params: JunoAST.IdList; locals: JunoAST.NearVarList): JunoAST.ProcDecl =
Fold the current commandcc
into a procedure declaration, and return it.Name
is the procedure's name,params
are its (IN) parameters, andlocals
are its (projected) local variables. The procedure's body is formed from the constraint section and command section of the current commandcc
VAR grd := GetConstraint(cc.ast); body := GetCmd(cc.ast); BEGIN IF grd # JunoAST.TrueVal THEN body := NEW(JunoAST.Guard, bp := JunoAST.End, grd := grd, body := body) END; IF locals.size > 0 THEN body := NEW(JunoAST.Proj, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := locals, body := body) END; RETURN WrapProcHeader(name, params, body) END FoldProc; TYPE RelToArray = ARRAY [0..1] OF RECORD id: JunoAST.Id; x,y: Real END;If
rt: RelToArray
, then rt
holds the names and (point) values of up to
two parameters relative to which the other variable's hints will be
PROCEDURESetUpRelTo ( cc: T; args: JunoAST.IdList; VAR (*OUT*) rt: RelToArray; VAR (*OUT*) i: INTEGER) =
Find up toNUMBER(rt)
elements ofargs
whose values are points, store their names and values inrt
, and seti
to the number found.
VAR l := args.head; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i < NUMBER(rt) AND l # NIL DO IF PointLocation(cc, l.id, rt[i].x, rt[i].y) THEN rt[i].id := l.id; INC(i) END; l := l.next END END SetUpRelTo; PROCEDUREAugmentRelTo ( cc: T; nv: JunoAST.NearVarLink; ignore: JunoAST.IdList; VAR (*INOUT*) rt: RelToArray; VAR (*INOUT*) i: INTEGER) =
and there is some point innv
not named in the listignore
whose hint isREL1
, add that point tort
BEGIN WHILE i = 1 AND nv # NIL DO IF NOT JunoASTUtils.MemIdList(nv.id, ignore) THEN VAR aa: JunoAST.Id; BEGIN IF IsRel1Hint(nv.hint, aa) AND aa = rt[0].id THEN rt[i].id := nv.id; EVAL PointLocation(cc, nv.id, rt[i].x, rt[i].y); INC(i) END END END; nv := nv.next END END AugmentRelTo; PROCEDURECheckFoldArgs (ids: JunoAST.IdList; locals: JunoAST.NearVarList) RAISES {BadFoldArg} =
Check that each variable inids
occurs inlocals
. RaiseBadFoldArg
with the name of the variable if there is one that doesn't appear inlocals
. This procedure is implemented by brute-force; it requires time on the order ofids.size * locals.size
VAR curr := ids.head; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO IF JunoASTUtils.MemNearVarList(curr.id, locals) = NIL THEN RAISE BadFoldArg(curr.id) END; curr := curr.next END END CheckFoldArgs; PROCEDUREMkLocals (cc: T; args: JunoAST.IdList; args2: JunoAST.IdList := NIL): JunoAST.NearVarList RAISES {BadFoldArg} =
Return the list of local variables for the procedure or predicate resulting from folding the current commandcc
with argumentsargs
. The variables in the resulting list will have hints relative to theargs
if possible. Any variables named inargs2
will not be incorporated into the result either, but these variables are not used as a basis for relativizing the hints of the result variables.
VAR rt: RelToArray; rtCount: INTEGER; res := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, bp := JunoAST.End); locals := JunoASTUtils.NearVarListCopy(GetVariables(cc.ast)); nv: JunoAST.NearVarLink := locals.head; last: JunoAST.NearVarLink := NIL; BEGIN CheckFoldArgs(args, locals); IF args2 = NIL THEN args2 := JunoAST.EmptyIdList ELSE CheckFoldArgs(args2, locals) END; SetUpRelTo(cc, args, (*OUT*) rt, (*OUT*) rtCount); AugmentRelTo(cc, nv, args2, (*INOUT*) rt, (*INOUT*) rtCount); WHILE nv # NIL DO IF NOT JunoASTUtils.MemIdList(nv.id, args) AND NOT JunoASTUtils.MemIdList(nv.id, args2) THEN IF IsNumericPoint(nv.hint) THEN (* make nv's hint relative to rt *) CASE rtCount OF <* NOWARN *> 0 => (* SKIP *) | 1 => nv.hint := MkRel1Hint(cc, nv.id, rt[0].id, rt[0].x, rt[0].y, nv.hint) | 2 => nv.hint := MkRelHint(cc, nv.id, rt[0].id, rt[0].x, rt[0].y, rt[1].id, rt[1].x, rt[1].y, nv.hint) END END; (* add nv to the end of res *) IF last = NIL THEN res.head := nv ELSE last.next := nv END; last := nv; INC(res.size) END; nv := nv.next END; IF last # NIL THEN last.next := NIL END; RETURN res END MkLocals; PROCEDUREFoldByHeader (cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; kind: FoldKind): JunoAST.Decl RAISES {BadFoldArg} = BEGIN IF kind = FoldKind.ProcNoArgs THEN RETURN FoldNoArgs(cc, hdr.name) END; <* ASSERT hdr.ins # NIL *> VAR locals := MkLocals(cc, hdr.ins); BEGIN CASE kind OF <* NOWARN *> FoldKind.Pred => RETURN FoldPred(cc, hdr.name, hdr.ins, locals) | FoldKind.Proc => RETURN FoldProc(cc, hdr.name, hdr.ins, locals) END END END FoldByHeader; PROCEDUREFoldByName (cc: T; name: JunoAST.Id; kind := FoldKind.Proc): JunoAST.Decl = BEGIN CASE kind OF | FoldKind.ProcNoArgs => RETURN FoldNoArgs(cc, name) | FoldKind.Pred, FoldKind.Proc => VAR hdr := NEW(JunoAST.PredHeader, bp := JunoAST.End, name := name, ins := GetFoldArgs(cc)); <* FATAL BadFoldArg *> BEGIN RETURN FoldByHeader(cc, hdr, kind) END END END FoldByName; PROCEDUREFoldAnim (cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; sliderPts: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.ProcDecl RAISES {BadFoldArg} = VAR newHdr := NEW(JunoAST.PredHeader, bp := hdr, name := hdr.name, ins := JunoASTUtils.ConcatIdLists(hdr.ins, sliderPts)); locals := MkLocals(cc, hdr.ins, sliderPts); BEGIN RETURN FoldProc(cc, newHdr.name, newHdr.ins, locals) END FoldAnim; PROCEDUREAppendSuffix (cc: T; id: JunoAST.Id; suffix: TEXT): JunoAST.Id =
Return the name resulting from concatenatingid
. If this name is already defined in the current scope, append additional digits as necessary to produce an unused name.
VAR resTxt := Atom.ToText(id) & suffix; BEGIN resTxt := NewDeclName(cc, resTxt, tryEmptySuffix := TRUE); RETURN Atom.FromText(resTxt); END AppendSuffix; VAR (* READONLY after init *) DurId := Atom.FromText("dur"); TId := Atom.FromText("t"); DurQId := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(DurId); TQId := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(TId); DurIdList := JunoASTUtils.NewIdList(DurId); TIdList := JunoASTUtils.NewIdList(TId); ZeroVal := NEW(JunoAST.Number, bp := JunoAST.End, val := 0.0); OneVal := NEW(JunoAST.Number, bp := JunoAST.End, val := 1.0); PROCEDUREFoldAnimFrame (cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; sliderPts: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.ProcDecl =
Construct a declaration of the form:
PROC <hdr.name>Frame(<hdr.ins>, dur, t) IS IF VAR <pt[0].nm> = <pt[0].value>, <pt[2].nm> = <pt[2].value>, <pt[1].nm> = (t/dur, 0) REL (<pt[0].nm>, <pt[2].nm>) IN <hdr.name>(<hdr.ins>, <sliderPts>) END FIwhere <pt[i]> denotes the ith variable in thesliderPts
argument, thenm
field is the name of the point, and thevalue
field is the value of that variable in the current command point cache.
VAR pHeader := NEW(JunoAST.ProcHeader, bp := JunoAST.End, name := AppendSuffix(cc, hdr.name, "Frame"), ins := JunoASTUtils.ConcatIdLists(hdr.ins, JunoASTUtils.ConcatIdLists(DurIdList, TIdList)), outs := JunoAST.EmptyIdList, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyIdList); s0Name := sliderPts.head.id; s0QName := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(s0Name); s1Name := sliderPts.head.next.id; s2Name := sliderPts.head.next.next.id; s2QName := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(s2Name); (* initialize local variables in reverse order *) div := NEW(JunoAST.Divide, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := TQId, e2 := DurQId); s1Hint := NEW(JunoAST.Rel, bp := JunoAST.End, e2 := NEW(JunoAST.Pair, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := s0QName, e2 := s2QName), e1 := NEW(JunoAST.Pair, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := div, e2 := ZeroVal)); s1Var := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := s1Name, frozen := TRUE, hint := s1Hint); s2Var := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := s2Name, frozen := TRUE, hint := PointValue(cc, s2Name), next := s1Var); s0Var := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := s0Name, frozen := TRUE, hint := PointValue(cc, s0Name), next := s2Var); nearVars := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, bp := JunoAST.End, size := 3, head := s0Var); call := NEW(JunoAST.ProcCall, bp := JunoAST.End, name := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(hdr.name), ins := JunoASTUtils.IdListToQIdList( JunoASTUtils.ConcatIdLists(hdr.ins, sliderPts)), outs := JunoAST.EmptyQIdList, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList); proj := NEW(JunoAST.Proj, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := nearVars, body := call); ifCmd := NEW(JunoAST.If, bp := JunoAST.End, body := proj); BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.ProcDecl, bp := JunoAST.End, header := pHeader, body := ifCmd) END FoldAnimFrame; PROCEDUREFoldAnimCreator (cc: T; hdr: JunoAST.PredHeader; frameNm: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.ProcDecl =
Return a procedure declaration of the form:
PROC an := <hdr.name>Anim(<hdr.ins>, dur) IS an := (CLOSE(<frameNm>, <hdr.ins>, dur), dur) END
VAR anId := Atom.FromText("an"); inArgs := JunoASTUtils.ConcatIdLists(hdr.ins, DurIdList); pHeader := NEW(JunoAST.ProcHeader, bp := JunoAST.End, name := AppendSuffix(cc, hdr.name, "Anim"), ins := inArgs, outs := JunoASTUtils.NewIdList(anId), inouts := JunoAST.EmptyIdList); closeArgs := JunoASTUtils.IdListToQIdList( JunoASTUtils.ConcatIdLists(JunoASTUtils.NewIdList(frameNm), inArgs)); close := NEW(JunoAST.Call, bp := JunoAST.End, name := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromText("CLOSE"), ins := closeArgs, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList); animPair := NEW(JunoAST.Pair, bp := JunoAST.End, e1 := close, e2 := DurQId); assign := NEW(JunoAST.Assign, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := JunoASTUtils.NewQIdList(JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(anId)), exprs := JunoASTUtils.NewExprList(animPair, bp := JunoAST.End)); BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.ProcDecl, bp := JunoAST.End, header := pHeader, body := assign) END FoldAnimCreator; PROCEDURESelectVar (cc: T; nm: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.NearVarLink =
Return a newNearVarLink
for the variable namednm
whose hint is determined from the current value ofnm
's point cache. The hint is frozen or not according to whether it is frozen or hinted incc
. The fields other thanid
, andhint
of the result are defaulted.
BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := nm, frozen := IsFrozen(cc, nm), hint := PointValue(cc, nm)) END SelectVar; PROCEDURESelectVars (cc: T; vars: JunoAST.IdList): JunoAST.NearVarList =
Return aNearVarList
containing the variablesvars
(in the same order), hinted to values determined from the current values of those variables incc
's point cache, and with the hint being frozen or not according to whether it is frozen or hinted in the current commandcc
VAR head, last: JunoAST.NearVarLink := NIL; curr := vars.head; BEGIN WHILE curr # NIL DO VAR new := SelectVar(cc, curr.id); BEGIN IF head = NIL THEN head := new ELSE last.next := new END; last := new END; curr := curr.next END; RETURN NEW(JunoAST.NearVarList, bp := JunoAST.End, size := vars.size, head := head) END SelectVars; PROCEDUREPrependVar (id: JunoAST.Id; hint: JunoAST.Expr; l: JunoAST.NearVarList; frozen := TRUE): JunoAST.NearVarList =
Destructively prepend aNearVarLink
of the form<id> ~= <hint>
to theNearVarList
. Thefrozen
parameter determines whether~
is used.
VAR link := NEW(JunoAST.NearVarLink, id := id, frozen := frozen, hint := hint, next := l.head); BEGIN INC(l.size); l.head := link; RETURN l END PrependVar; PROCEDUREFoldAnimCmd (cc: T; args: JunoAST.IdList; animProcNm: JunoAST.Id): JunoAST.Cmd =
Produce an animation command of the form:VAR dur = 1, <near-vars> IN Slider.SetVisibility(Slider.Invisible); Anim.Play(<animProcNm>(<args>, dur)) ENDThe <near-vars> are formed from bothcc
VAR nearVars := PrependVar(DurId, OneVal, SelectVars(cc, args)); animCall := NEW(JunoAST.Call, bp := JunoAST.End, name := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromId(animProcNm), ins := JunoASTUtils.IdListToQIdList( JunoASTUtils.ConcatIdLists(args, DurIdList)), inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList); sliderCall := NEW(JunoAST.ProcCall, bp := JunoAST.End, name := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromTexts("Slider", "SetVisibility"), ins := JunoASTUtils.NewExprList( JunoASTUtils.QIdFromTexts("Slider", "Invisible")), outs := JunoAST.EmptyQIdList, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList); playCall := NEW(JunoAST.ProcCall, bp := JunoAST.End, name := JunoASTUtils.QIdFromTexts("Anim", "Play"), ins := JunoASTUtils.NewExprList(animCall), outs := JunoAST.EmptyQIdList, inouts := JunoAST.EmptyExprList); semi := NEW(JunoAST.Seq, bp := JunoAST.End, c1 := sliderCall, c2 := playCall); BEGIN RETURN NEW(JunoAST.Proj, bp := JunoAST.End, vars := nearVars, body := semi) END FoldAnimCmd;------------------------- Running / Updating ----------------------------
PROCEDURERun (cc: T; skipify: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN RAISES {CompileError, RuntimeError} = BEGIN (* compile the current command if necessary *) TRY IF NOT cc.codeValid OR skipify # cc.skipify THEN VAR ast := cc.ast; BEGIN IF skipify THEN ast := Skipify(ast) END; cc.slot := JunoBuild.CurrCmd(ast, cc.scp); cc.codeValid := TRUE; cc.skipify := skipify END END EXCEPT JunoCompileErr.Error (err) => RAISE CompileError(err.msg) END; (* run it *) RETURN Run2(cc) END Run; PROCEDURERun2 (cc: T): BOOLEAN RAISES {RuntimeError} = VAR res: BOOLEAN; runRes := JunoRT.ExecFromSlot(cc.slot, reset := TRUE); BEGIN (* We expect the command to halt *) IF runRes.trapCode = JunoRT.TrapCode.Error THEN IF runRes.errorCode # JunoRTError.Code.Halt THEN JunoRT.ResetMachine(); RAISE RuntimeError(RTError{JunoRT.TrapMessage(runRes), runRes}) END ELSE RAISE RuntimeError(RTError{JunoRT.TrapMessage(runRes), runRes}) END; (* update hints from stack frame *) res := UpdateHints(cc); (* Finish running the command until completion (this will be a no-op *) runRes := JunoRT.Exec(); <* ASSERT runRes.trapCode = JunoRT.TrapCode.NormalHalt *> RETURN res END Run2; PROCEDUREClearCaches (cc: T) = BEGIN EVAL cc.pointCache.init(sizeHint := InitCacheSize); EVAL cc.othersCache.init(sizeHint := InitCacheSize) END ClearCaches; PROCEDUREUpdateHints (cc: T): BOOLEAN = PROCEDURE SwapTables(VAR t1, t2: AtomRefTbl.Default) = VAR t := t1; BEGIN t1 := t2; t2 := t END SwapTables; VAR res := FALSE; BEGIN SwapTables(cc.oldPointCache, cc.pointCache); SwapTables(cc.oldOthersCache, cc.othersCache); ClearCaches(cc); TYPECASE cc.ast OF NULL => (* SKIP *) | JunoAST.Proj (proj) => FillCache(cc, proj.vars); res := UpdateNearVars(cc, proj.vars) ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN res END UpdateHints; PROCEDUREFillCache (cc: T; vars: JunoAST.NearVarList) =
Read the values for the points declared invars
from the run-time stack, and store those values that are points incc.pointCache
and those that are not incc.othersCache
. ThechangedVal
array is set to indicate which values have changed. Ifcc.ast
is not a projection, then both caches are made empty, andchangedVal
is unchanged.
BEGIN <* ASSERT cc.ast # NIL AND ISTYPE(cc.ast, JunoAST.Proj) *> VAR nv := vars.head; frame := JunoRT.BaseFrame().up(); i := 0; BEGIN IF vars.size > NUMBER(cc.changedVal^) THEN cc.changedVal := NEW(REF ARRAY OF BOOLEAN, MAX(vars.size, 2 * NUMBER(cc.changedVal^))) END; WHILE nv # NIL DO <* ASSERT nv.index > 0 *> VAR v := frame.getLocal(nv.index); oldV: Value.T; BEGIN WITH changed = cc.changedVal[i] DO IF v # NIL THEN (* The frame contains a value for "nv" *) IF IsPointValue(v) THEN changed := NOT (cc.oldPointCache.get(nv.id, oldV) AND Value.Equal(v, oldV)); EVAL cc.pointCache.put(nv.id, v) ELSE changed := NOT (cc.oldOthersCache.get(nv.id, oldV) AND Value.Equal(v, oldV)); EVAL cc.othersCache.put(nv.id, v) END ELSE (* There is no value in the frame, so the value is being changed only if it exists in one of the old caches. *) IF cc.oldPointCache.get(nv.id, oldV) OR cc.oldOthersCache.get(nv.id, oldV) THEN changed := TRUE END END END END; nv := nv.next; INC(i) END END END FillCache; PROCEDUREIsPointValue (v: Value.T): BOOLEAN =
Return TRUE iff v
is the value of a 2D point, that is, a pair of two
BEGIN TYPECASE v OF REF Value.Pair (p) => TYPECASE p.car OF REF Value.Real => TYPECASE p.cdr OF REF Value.Real => RETURN TRUE ELSE (* SKIP *) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END ELSE (* SKIP *) END; RETURN FALSE END IsPointValue; PROCEDUREUpdateNearVars (cc: T; vars: JunoAST.NearVarList): BOOLEAN =
Update the hints invars
, and mark the compiled code as being out-of-date iff some hint changed. ReturnsTRUE
iff some hint changed.Requires that all values
, and thatcc.changedVal
accurately reflects which values need updating.
VAR nv := vars.head; v: Value.T; changedHint := FALSE; i := 0; BEGIN <* ASSERT NUMBER(cc.changedVal^) >= vars.size *> WHILE nv # NIL DO IF cc.pointCache.get(nv.id, v) THEN TYPECASE v OF <* NOWARN *> REF Value.Pair (p) => VAR x := NARROW(p.car, REF Real); y := NARROW(p.cdr, REF Real); BEGIN IF nv.hint = JunoAST.NilExpr THEN (* the value didn't previously have a hint; now it does *) changedHint := TRUE; nv.hint := JunoASTUtils.NewPoint(x^, y^) ELSE (* change the existing hint for the point *) changedHint := MovePoint1(cc, nv, x^, y^, changed := cc.changedVal[i]) OR changedHint END; END END ELSIF cc.changedVal[i] THEN changedHint := TRUE; IF cc.othersCache.get(nv.id, v) THEN (* only update the hint for a non-point if it already has a literal hint *) IF nv.hint # JunoAST.NilExpr AND IsLiteral(nv.hint) THEN nv.hint := JunoASTUtils.NewASTFromValue(v) END ELSE (* If not in either cache, then what has changed is that the variable no longer has a hint. *) nv.hint := JunoAST.NilExpr END END; INC(i); nv := nv.next END; cc.codeValid := cc.codeValid AND NOT changedHint; RETURN changedHint END UpdateNearVars; BEGIN END CurrCmd.