Written in Modula-2+ by John Ellis before the dawn of history Converted to Modula-3 by Bill Kalsow on Oct 1989 Cleaned up and documented by J. Stolfi on Nov 1990
Last modified on Mon Jan 30 16:09:03 PST 1995 by kalsow modified on Thu Jan 28 10:45:08 PST 1993 by mjordan modified on Mon Jun 29 22:09:16 PDT 1992 by muller modified on Sun Feb 23 14:45:03 PST 1992 by meehan modified on Thu Jul 25 19:30:49 PDT 1991 by stolfi modified on Mon Apr 22 17:34:37 1991 by nichols@xerox.com modified on Tue May 2 10:32:50 1989 by ellis
MODULE******************************************************** PRODUCER-SIDE OPERATIONS ********************************************************; IMPORT Text, Wx, Thread, Scheduler, Wr; <*FATAL Thread.Alerted*> TYPE (* RefStream = ARRAY [0..LAST(CARDINAL)] OF REFANY; *) REVEAL T = T_ BRANDED "XFormat.T" OBJECT wx: Wx.T; width: CARDINAL; (* Current nominal line width *) indent: CARDINAL; (* Current offset for breaks *) chars: CharBuf; (* ExprBuf for compacting PutChar's *) numChars: CARDINAL; (* Number of chars in /chars/ *) cThread: Thread.T; (* Consumer thread *) lock: Thread.Mutex; (* Protects shared Producer/Consumer data *) changed: Thread.Condition; (* Something changed *) closed: BOOLEAN; (* /Close/ operator is through the pipe *) (* stream: RefStream; *) (* Dummy: the input stream *) buffer: ExprBuf; (* Expression buffer *) bufSize: CARDINAL; (* NUMBER(buffer^) *) start: ARRAY Who OF CARDINAL; (* Start of each thread's buffer area*) size: ARRAY Who OF CARDINAL; (* Size of each thread's buffer area *) next: CARDINAL; (* Next undefined position of input stream *) pPutLim: CARDINAL; (* Time for Producer to put to Consumer *) cGetLim: CARDINAL; (* Time for Consumer to get from Producer *) waiters: CARDINAL; (* Number of threads waiting for Allocate *) failure: BOOLEAN; failureCode: REFANY; OVERRIDES underlyingWr := UnderlyingWr; close := Close; flush := Flush; putText := PutText; putChar := PutChar; putMarkup := PutMarkup; break := Break; partialBreak := PartialBreak; newLine := NewLine; unitedBreak := UnitedBreak; group := Group; begin := Begin; align := Align; noAlign := NoAlign; col := Col; end := End; END; (* Note on the storage scheme: The two threads (Producer and Consumer) operate on the /input stream/, an ideal sequence /t.stream/ of REFANYs that encodes the test strings and formatting operations sent to the Formatter. Ideally the sequence /t.stream/ is infinite, but at any moment only its first /t.next/ elements have been specified by the client. By definition, /t.stream/ is modified only by the Producer (the client), which merely sets t.stream[t.next] to the appropriate value, and increments t.pnext. The values of t.stream[i] for i < t.next are never modified by anyone. At any moment, each thread "owns" a segment of the input stream t.stream. The segment owned by thread /who/ starts at /t.start[who]/ and contain /t.size[who]/ characters. The two segments are contiguous (i.e, t.start[Consumer] + t.size[Consumer] = t.start[Producer]), and their total size is equal to the t.bufSize. The next undefined element t.next is either in the Producer's segment, or just beyond it. The two segments are stored circularly in the array /t.buffer/, which has length /t.bufSize/. Specifically, element /i/ of the input stream is stored in /t.buffer[i MOD t.bufSize]/, for all /i/ in the range [ t.start[Consumer] .. t.start[Producer] + t.size[Producer] ] The field /t.start[who]/ is modified only by te thread /who/ itself. The field /t.size[who]/ can be modified by either thread, and therefore should be accessed only with /t.lock/ held. (However, the other thread can only cause /t.size[who]/ to grow, never to shrink). For instance, every now and then the Producer will donate an initial piece of its segment to the Consumer. Similarly, every now and then the Consumer will throw away an initial piece of its segment, and increase the Producer's /t.size/ so as to maintain the total size of th etwo segments equal to /t.bufSize/. Occasionally, the array /t.buffer/ may fill up; at that point it it will be expanded automatically, so as to preserve the invariants above. This expansion happens only when both threads are blocked in the same /Allocate/ procedure (below); at other times, it is safe to reference /t.buffer/ and /t.bufSize/ without acquiring /t.lock/. In principle the Producer could just pass each input item directly to the Consumer, and keep its input stream segment always empty. The reason for not doing so is efficiency: the lock must be acquired for each batch. The Consumer needs random access to its stream segment because it has to do unbounded lookahead. *) TYPE ExprBuf = REF ARRAY OF REFANY; CharBuf = ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR; Who = {Producer, Consumer}; ConsumerThreadClosure = Thread.SizedClosure OBJECT t: T; METHODS END; CONST ChunkSize = 128; (* Must be a power of 2 *) EXCEPTION (* Client errors: *) UnmatchedEnd; (* /End/ without matching /Group/, /Align/, etc. *) InvalidAlignRow; (* A row of an /Align/ is neither a /Group/.../End/ nor /NoAlign/ *) TYPE Char = REF CHAR; Int = REF INTEGER; Bool = REF BOOLEAN; VAR (*CONST*) firstInt: Int; lastInt: Int; ints: ARRAY [-256..256] OF Int; chars: ARRAY CHAR OF Char; bools: ARRAY BOOLEAN OF Bool; breakTypes: ARRAY BreakType OF REF BreakType; TYPE OpProc = PROCEDURE (t: T; m: Mode; VAR p: Position; i, x: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted}; Op = REF RECORD proc: OpProc; args: CARDINAL; precedence: INTEGER; END; VAR GroupOp: Op; BeginOp: Op; AlignOp: Op; ColOp: Op; MarkUpOp: Op; CharOp: Op; TextOp: Op; NoAlignOp: Op; BreakOp: Op; PartialBreakOp: Op; NewLineOp: Op; UnitedBreakOp: Op; EndOp: Op; FlushOp: Op; CloseOp: Op; XFormat
PROCEDURE******************************************************** BUFFERING ********************************************************New (wx: Wx.T; width: CARDINAL:= 75): T = BEGIN WITH t = NEW(T) DO t.wx := wx; t.width := width; t.indent := 0; t.numChars := 0; (* t.stream := RefStream{NIL, ..}; *) t.buffer := NEW (ExprBuf, 4 * ChunkSize); t.bufSize := NUMBER (t.buffer^); t.start[Who.Producer]:= 0; t.size[Who.Producer]:= NUMBER (t.buffer^); t.start[Who.Consumer]:= 0; t.size[Who.Consumer]:= 0; t.next := 0; t.pPutLim := 0; t.cGetLim := 0; t.lock := NEW (Thread.Mutex); t.changed := NEW (Thread.Condition); t.closed := FALSE; t.failure := FALSE; t.cThread := Thread.Fork( NEW (ConsumerThreadClosure, apply := PrintTop, t := t, stackSize := 100000 ) ); RETURN t END END New; PROCEDUREUnderlyingWr (t: T): Wx.T = BEGIN RETURN t.wx; END UnderlyingWr; PROCEDUREFlush (t: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = <*FATAL Thread.Alerted*> BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, FlushOp); WaitUntilEmpty(t, t.next); t.wx.flush (); (* Wr.Flush(t.wr); *) END Flush; PROCEDUREClose (t: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN AddRef(t, CloseOp); Flush(t); WaitUntilEmpty(t, t.next); EVAL Thread.Join(t.cThread); END Close; PROCEDUREGroup (t: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, GroupOp); END Group; PROCEDUREBegin (t: T; offset := 0; width: CARDINAL:= LAST (CARDINAL)) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, BeginOp); AddRef(t, NewInt(offset)); AddRef(t, NewInt(width)); END Begin; PROCEDUREEnd (t: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, EndOp); END End; PROCEDUREPutChar (t: T; c: CHAR) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF c = '\n' THEN NewLine(t, FIRST (INTEGER), FALSE); ELSIF c = '\r' THEN (* ignore the incoming carriage return characters *) ELSIF c = ' ' THEN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, chars[c]); ELSE IF t.numChars >= NUMBER (t.chars) THEN AddChars(t) END; t.chars[t.numChars]:= c; INC (t.numChars); END; END PutChar; PROCEDUREPutText (t: T; text: Text.T; raw := FALSE) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF raw THEN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, text); ELSE IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(text) - 1 DO PutChar(t, Text.GetChar(text, i)); END; IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; END; END PutText; PROCEDUREPutMarkup (t: T; text: Text.T; width := 0) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, MarkUpOp); AddRef(t, text); AddRef(t, NewInt (width)); END PutMarkup; PROCEDUREBreak (t: T; offset := 0; type := BreakType.OptimalBreak; freshLine := TRUE) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars (t) END; AddRef(t, BreakOp); AddRef(t, NewInt (offset)); AddRef(t, breakTypes[type]); AddRef(t, bools[freshLine]); END Break; PROCEDUREPartialBreak (t: T; offset := 0; freshLine := TRUE) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, PartialBreakOp); AddRef(t, NewInt(offset)); AddRef(t, bools[freshLine]); END PartialBreak; PROCEDUREUnitedBreak (t: T; offset := 0; freshLine := TRUE) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, UnitedBreakOp); AddRef(t, NewInt(offset)); AddRef(t, bools[freshLine]); END UnitedBreak; PROCEDURENewLine (t: T; offset := 0; freshLine := TRUE) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, NewLineOp); AddRef(t, NewInt(offset)); AddRef(t, bools[freshLine]); END NewLine; PROCEDUREAlign ( t: T; columns: CARDINAL; tryOneLine: BOOLEAN:= TRUE; offset: INTEGER:= 0; alignPred: AlignPred := NIL; ) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, AlignOp); AddRef(t, NewInt(columns)); AddRef(t, bools[tryOneLine]); AddRef(t, NewInt(offset)); AddRef(t, alignPred); END Align; PROCEDURENoAlign (t: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, NoAlignOp); END NoAlign; PROCEDURECol (t: T; column: INTEGER; relative := FALSE; space: CARDINAL := 0) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF t.numChars > 0 THEN AddChars(t) END; AddRef(t, ColOp); AddRef(t, NewInt(column)); AddRef(t, bools[relative]); AddRef(t, NewInt(space)); END Col; PROCEDUREAddRef (t: T; ref: REFANY) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Adds an element to the Producer buffer. If the buffer gets big enough, or the added element is the "Flush" operator, then releases the buffer's contents to the Consumer thread. *) VAR pFree: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF t.next = t.pPutLim THEN (* Time to send data to Consumer, and get some more space: *) pFree := Release(t, Who.Producer, t.pPutLim - t.start[Who.Producer]); IF pFree = 0 THEN pFree := Allocate(t, Who.Producer, ChunkSize); END; <* ASSERT t.start[Who.Producer] = t.next *> t.pPutLim := t.start[Who.Producer] + MIN(pFree, ChunkSize); END; (* t.stream[t.next] := ref; *) t.buffer[t.next MOD t.bufSize] := ref; t.next := t.next + 1; IF (t.next = t.pPutLim) OR (ref = FlushOp) THEN pFree := Release(t, Who.Producer, t.next - t.start[Who.Producer]); <* ASSERT t.start[Who.Producer] = t.next *> t.pPutLim := t.start[Who.Producer] + MIN(pFree, ChunkSize); END; END AddRef; PROCEDUREAddChars (t: T) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN AddRef(t, Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY (t.chars, 0, t.numChars))); t.numChars := 0; END AddChars;
PROCEDURE******************************************************** FAILURE CODES ********************************************************Release ( t: T; this: Who; size: CARDINAL ): CARDINAL RAISES {Wr.Failure} = (* Releases the oldest /size/ elements of the input stream segment belonging to thread /this/. If /this=Producer/, those elements are appended to the Consumer's segment. If /this=Consumer/, the elements are discarded, and the Producer's segment is extended forward so as to use up the space thus vacated in /t.buffer/. Returns a lower bound /n/ for the final value t.size[this]. It is only an estimate, because the other thread may cause t.size[this] grow at any time. *) VAR that: Who; newSize: CARDINAL; BEGIN IF this = Who.Producer THEN that := Who.Consumer; ELSE that := Who.Producer; END; LOCK t.lock DO t.start[this]:= t.start[this] + size; DEC (t.size[this], size); INC (t.size[that], size); newSize := t.size[this]; CheckForFailure(t, this); END; Changed (t); RETURN newSize; END Release; PROCEDUREAllocate ( t: T; this: Who; minSize: CARDINAL; ): CARDINAL RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = (* Ensures that /this/'s segment of the input stream contains at least /minSize/ elements. Returns a lower bound /n/ to the final value of t.size[this]. The value is only a lower bound, because the other thread may cause /t.size[this]/ to grow at any time. *) BEGIN LOCK t.lock DO IF t.size[this] < minSize AND (NOT t.failure) THEN INC (t.waiters); WHILE (t.size[this] < minSize) AND (NOT t.failure) DO IF t.waiters = 2 THEN Expand(t) END; Thread.AlertWait(t.lock, t.changed); END; DEC (t.waiters); END; CheckForFailure(t, this); RETURN t.size[this] END; END Allocate; PROCEDUREExpand (t: T) RAISES {} = (* Expands t.buffer, preserving its contents. Safe only if both producer and consumer are blocked in /Allocate/. LL >= t.lock *) VAR from, to: CARDINAL; BEGIN <* ASSERT t.waiters = 2 *> WITH oldSize = t.bufSize + 0, newSize = 2 * oldSize, newBuffer = NEW (ExprBuf, newSize) DO from := t.start[Who.Consumer] MOD oldSize; to := t.start[Who.Consumer] MOD newSize; FOR i := 0 TO oldSize - 1 DO newBuffer[to]:= t.buffer[from]; from := from + 1; IF from = oldSize THEN from := 0 END; to := to + 1; IF to = newSize THEN to := 0 END; END; t.buffer := newBuffer; t.bufSize := newSize; INC (t.size[Who.Producer], newSize - oldSize); Changed (t); END END Expand; PROCEDUREChanged (t: T) RAISES {} = BEGIN Thread.Broadcast (t.changed); Scheduler.Yield (); END Changed; PROCEDUREWaitUntilEmpty (t: T; index: CARDINAL) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = (* Blocks until the Consumer thread eats the input stream up to but not including t.stream[index]. *) BEGIN LOCK t.lock DO WHILE (t.start[Who.Consumer] < index) DO Thread.Wait(t.lock, t.changed); END; CheckForFailure(t, Who.Producer); END; END WaitUntilEmpty;
These procedures are used to pass Wr.Failure codes from Consumer to Producer.
PROCEDURE******************************************************** CONSUMER-SIDE OPERATIONS ********************************************************SetFailure (t: T; failureCode: REFANY) RAISES {} = BEGIN LOCK t.lock DO t.failure := TRUE; t.failureCode := failureCode; END; Changed (t); END SetFailure; PROCEDURECheckForFailure (t: T; who: Who) RAISES {Wr.Failure} = BEGIN IF (who = Who.Producer) AND (t.failure) THEN RAISE Wr.Failure(t.failureCode); END; END CheckForFailure;
TYPE Mode = { Thinking, (* Computing the displacement if we were to print *) Writing (* Actually printing *) };
Invariant: mode = Writing => maxL = LAST(INTEGER)
<*INLINE*> PROCEDUREProbe (t: T; i: CARDINAL) RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = (* Blocks until item t.stream[i] is in Consumer's segment *) BEGIN IF i >= t.cGetLim THEN WITH cSize = Allocate(t, Who.Consumer, i - t.start[Who.Consumer] + 1) DO t.cGetLim := t.start[Who.Consumer] + cSize; <* ASSERT t.cGetLim >= i *> END END; END Probe; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREGet (t: T; i: CARDINAL): REFANY = BEGIN RETURN t.buffer[i MOD t.bufSize]; END Get; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREGetB (t: T; i: CARDINAL): BOOLEAN = BEGIN RETURN NARROW (t.buffer[i MOD t.bufSize], Bool)^; END GetB; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREGetI (t: T; i: CARDINAL): INTEGER = BEGIN RETURN NARROW (t.buffer[i MOD t.bufSize], Int)^; END GetI; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREGetBreakType (t: T; i: CARDINAL): BreakType = BEGIN RETURN NARROW (t.buffer[i MOD t.bufSize], REF BreakType)^; END GetBreakType; PROCEDUREPeekOp (t: T; i: CARDINAL): Op RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN WITH r = Peek(t, i) DO TYPECASE r OF | NULL => RETURN TextOp; | Text.T => RETURN TextOp; | Op(op) => RETURN op; | Char => RETURN CharOp; ELSE <* ASSERT FALSE *> END END END PeekOp; PROCEDUREPeek (t: T; i: CARDINAL): REFANY RAISES {Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure} = BEGIN Probe(t, i); RETURN Get(t, i); END Peek; TYPE Position = RECORD l: CARDINAL; (* current line of current object, 0-based *) c: CARDINAL; (* current column, 0-based *) b: CARDINAL; (* trailing blanks after .c *) i: CARDINAL; (* next item in buffer *) END; PROCEDUREPrintTop (self: ConsumerThreadClosure): REFANY = VAR pos: Position; (* The printing thread *) BEGIN TRY pos.i := 0; pos.l := 0; pos.c := 0; pos.b := 0; REPEAT EVAL PrintUntil(self.t, Mode.Writing, pos, LAST (INTEGER), FlushOp); UNTIL self.t.closed; EXCEPT | Thread.Alerted => (* exit loop *) | Wr.Failure(failureCode) => SetFailure(self.t, failureCode); END; RETURN NIL; END PrintTop;
The various Print* procedures below return TRUE if mode=Mode.Thinking and the stuff to be printed does not fit in the current line.
PROCEDUREPrintRest ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; op: Op ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints expressions from the input stream up to (but not including) the first operator with precedence less than or equal to op. *) BEGIN LOOP WITH nextOp = PeekOp(t, pos.i) DO IF nextOp.precedence <= op.precedence THEN EXIT END; IF Print(t, mode, pos, maxL) THEN RETURN TRUE END; END END; RETURN FALSE; END PrintRest; PROCEDUREPrintUntil ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; op: Op ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints expressions from the input stream up to the first operator /next/ with precedence less than or equal to /op/, inclusive. Requires that /next/ be /op/ or a FlushOp. *) VAR nextOp: Op; lastOp: Op := NIL; (*DEBUG*) BEGIN LOOP nextOp := PeekOp(t, pos.i); IF nextOp.precedence <= op.precedence THEN EXIT END; IF Print(t, mode, pos, maxL) THEN RETURN TRUE END; lastOp := nextOp; (*DEBUG*) END; IF nextOp = FlushOp THEN IF (op = FlushOp) THEN EVAL Print(t, mode, pos, maxL) END; ELSE <* ASSERT nextOp = op *> pos.i := pos.i + 1; END; RETURN FALSE; END PrintUntil; PROCEDUREPrintGroup ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; <*UNUSED*> args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints expressions from the input stream up to the first operator /EndOp/ or /FlushOp/. *) BEGIN RETURN PrintUntil(t, mode, pos, maxL, EndOp); END PrintGroup; TYPE BeginState = RECORD saveIndent: INTEGER; saveWidth: INTEGER; saveL: INTEGER; END; PROCEDUREPrintBegin ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints expressions from the input stream up to the first operator /EndOp/ or /FlushOp/, modifying locally the /offset/ and /width/. *) VAR beginState: BeginState; b: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH offset = GetI (t, args), width = GetI (t, args + 1) DO EnterBegin(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, width, beginState); b := PrintUntil(t, mode, pos, maxL, EndOp); ExitBegin(t, mode, pos, maxL, beginState); RETURN b END END PrintBegin; PROCEDUREEnterBegin ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; VAR maxL: CARDINAL; offset: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL; VAR beginState: BeginState ) = BEGIN beginState.saveIndent := t.indent; beginState.saveWidth := t.width; beginState.saveL:= pos.l; IF width < LAST (INTEGER) THEN t.width := width END; IF offset < LAST (INTEGER) THEN t.indent := MAX (0, pos.c + pos.b + offset); END; IF mode = Mode.Thinking THEN maxL:= MAX (0, maxL - pos.l) END; pos.l := 0; END EnterBegin; PROCEDUREExitBegin ( t: T; <*UNUSED*> mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> VAR maxL: CARDINAL; VAR beginState: BeginState ) = BEGIN pos.l := pos.l + beginState.saveL; t.indent := beginState.saveIndent; t.width := beginState.saveWidth; END ExitBegin; PROCEDUREPrintEnd ( <*UNUSED*> t: T; <*UNUSED*> mode: Mode; <*UNUSED*> VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; <*UNUSED*> args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN = (* /EndOp/s should have been gobbled up by the respective /Begin/s, /Group/s, and /Align/s. *) <*FATAL UnmatchedEnd*> BEGIN RAISE UnmatchedEnd; (* RETURN FALSE; *) END PrintEnd; PROCEDUREPrintFlush ( <*UNUSED*> t: T; <*UNUSED*> mode: Mode; <*UNUSED*> VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; <*UNUSED*> args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN = (* Prints a /Flush/ operator. Other print procedures should watch for it. *) BEGIN RETURN FALSE; END PrintFlush; PROCEDUREPrintClose ( t: T; <*UNUSED*> mode: Mode; <*UNUSED*> VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; <*UNUSED*> args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN = (* Prints a /Close/ operator. *) BEGIN t.closed := TRUE; RETURN FALSE; END PrintClose; PROCEDUREPrintText ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints a text string. *) BEGIN RETURN DoPrintText(t, mode, pos, Get(t, args)); END PrintText; PROCEDUREDoPrintText ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; text: Text.T ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF pos.b > 0 THEN DoTrailingBlanks(t, mode, pos) END; IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN t.wx.put(text) END; pos.c := pos.c + Text.Length(text); RETURN (mode = Mode.Thinking) AND (pos.c > t.width); END DoPrintText; PROCEDUREPrintMarkUp ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints a zero-width, markup string. *) BEGIN RETURN DoPrintMarkUp(t, mode, pos, Get(t, args), GetI(t, args+1)); END PrintMarkUp; PROCEDUREDoPrintMarkUp ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; text: Text.T; width: INTEGER ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF pos.b > 0 THEN DoTrailingBlanks(t, mode, pos) END; IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN t.wx.put(text) END; pos.c := pos.c + width; RETURN (mode = Mode.Thinking) AND (pos.c > t.width); END DoPrintMarkUp; PROCEDUREPrintChar ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN RETURN DoPrintChar(t, mode, pos, maxL, Get(t, args)); END PrintChar; PROCEDUREDoPrintChar ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; ch: Char ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF ch^ = '\n' THEN <* ASSERT FALSE *> (* RETURN DoNewLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, FIRST (INTEGER)); *) ELSIF ch^ = ' ' THEN pos.b := pos.b + 1; RETURN FALSE; ELSE IF pos.b > 0 THEN DoTrailingBlanks(t, mode, pos) END; IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN t.wx.putChar(ch^) END; pos.c := pos.c + 1; RETURN (mode = Mode.Thinking) AND (pos.c > t.width); END; END DoPrintChar; PROCEDUREDoTrailingBlanks ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position ) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN FOR i := 1 TO pos.b DO t.wx.putChar(' ') END; END; pos.c := pos.c + pos.b; pos.b := 0; END DoTrailingBlanks; PROCEDUREPrintBreak ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints a /Break/ operator and all succeeding expressions until next line break (of any kind), /End/, or /Flush/. *) BEGIN WITH offset = GetI (t, args), type = GetBreakType (t, args + 1), freshLine = GetB (t, args + 2) DO IF type = BreakType.NonOptimal THEN RETURN DoNonOptimalBreak(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, freshLine); ELSE RETURN DoOptimalBreak(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, freshLine, type) END END END PrintBreak; PROCEDUREDoNonOptimalBreak ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; offset: INTEGER; freshLine: BOOLEAN; ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR pos1: Position; b1: BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* See if it fits in current line: *) pos1:= pos; b1 := PrintRest(t, Mode.Thinking, pos1, pos1.l, BreakOp); IF NOT b1 AND mode = Mode.Thinking THEN pos := pos1; RETURN FALSE; ELSIF b1 AND DoLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, freshLine) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE RETURN PrintRest(t, mode, pos, maxL, BreakOp); END; END DoNonOptimalBreak; PROCEDUREDoOptimalBreak ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; offset: INTEGER; freshLine: BOOLEAN; type: BreakType; ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR pos1, pos2: Position; willOverflowSameLine, willOverflowOnNewLine: BOOLEAN; doBreak: BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* Check what would happen if we did NOT break here: *) pos1:= pos; willOverflowSameLine := PrintRest(t, Mode.Thinking, pos1, maxL, BreakOp); IF (NOT willOverflowSameLine) AND (pos1.l = pos.l) THEN IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN RETURN PrintRest(t, mode, pos, maxL, BreakOp); ELSE pos := pos1; RETURN FALSE; END; END; (* Check what would happen if we DID break here: *) pos2:= pos; willOverflowOnNewLine:= DoLine(t, Mode.Thinking, pos2, maxL, offset, freshLine) OR PrintRest(t, Mode.Thinking, pos2, maxL, BreakOp); (* Compare the two outcomes, and do the best: *) doBreak := ( willOverflowSameLine AND willOverflowOnNewLine ) OR ( (NOT willOverflowOnNewLine) AND ( willOverflowSameLine OR (pos2.l < pos1.l) OR (pos2.l = pos1.l AND pos2.c <= t.width AND type = BreakType.OptimalBreak) ) ); IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN IF doBreak THEN RETURN DoLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, freshLine) ELSE RETURN PrintRest(t, mode, pos, maxL, BreakOp) END; ELSE IF doBreak THEN pos := pos2; RETURN willOverflowOnNewLine; ELSE pos := pos1; RETURN willOverflowSameLine; END; END END DoOptimalBreak; PROCEDUREPrintPartialBreak ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints a /PartialBreak/ operator and all succeeding expressions or /Break/s until next /PartialBreak/, /NewLine/, /UnitedBreak/, /End/, or /Flush/. *) BEGIN WITH offset = GetI (t, args), freshLine = GetB (t, args + 1) DO RETURN (pos.l > 0) AND DoLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, freshLine) END END PrintPartialBreak; PROCEDUREPrintCol ( t: T; <*UNUSED*> mode: Mode; VAR pos : Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN = VAR column := GetI(t, args); BEGIN WITH relative = GetB(t, args + 1), space = GetI(t, args + 2) DO IF relative THEN INC(column, t.indent); END; IF pos.c + pos.b < column THEN pos.b := column - pos.c; ELSE INC(pos.b, space); END END; RETURN FALSE; END PrintCol; PROCEDUREPrintNewLine ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints a /NewLine/ operator and all succeeding expressions, including /Break/s and /PartialBreaks/, up to the next /NewLine/, /UnitedBreak/, /End/, or /Flush/. *) VAR offset: INTEGER; freshLine: BOOLEAN; BEGIN offset := GetI (t, args); freshLine := GetB (t, args + 1); RETURN DoLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, freshLine); END PrintNewLine; PROCEDUREDoLine ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; offset: INTEGER; freshLine: BOOLEAN ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF freshLine THEN RETURN DoFreshLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset); ELSE RETURN DoNewLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset); END; END DoLine; PROCEDUREDoNewLine ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; offset: INTEGER ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN t.wx.put (Wr.EOL) END; pos.c := 0; pos.b := MAX (0, t.indent + offset); pos.l := pos.l + 1; RETURN (mode = Mode.Thinking) AND (pos.l > maxL); END DoNewLine; PROCEDUREDoFreshLine ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; offset: INTEGER ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR b: CARDINAL; BEGIN b := MAX (0, t.indent + offset); IF b < pos.c + pos.b THEN IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN t.wx.put(Wr.EOL) END; pos.c := 0; pos.b := b; pos.l := pos.l + 1; END; RETURN (mode = Mode.Thinking) AND ((pos.l > maxL) OR (pos.c > t.width)); END DoFreshLine; PROCEDUREPrintUnitedBreak ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Prints a /UnitedBreak/ operator and all succeeding expressions or line breaks until next /End/, or /Flush/. *) VAR pos1: Position; doBreak: BOOLEAN; refany: REFANY; offset: INTEGER; freshLine: BOOLEAN; BEGIN offset := GetI (t, args); freshLine := GetB (t, args + 1); doBreak := FALSE; pos1:= pos; LOOP IF (pos1.l > 0) OR PrintRest(t, Mode.Thinking, pos1, pos.l, UnitedBreakOp) THEN doBreak := TRUE; EXIT; END; IF Peek(t, pos1.i) # UnitedBreakOp THEN EXIT END; pos1.i := pos1.i + 3; END; IF (mode = Mode.Thinking) AND (maxL <= pos.l) THEN pos := pos1; RETURN doBreak; END; LOOP IF doBreak THEN IF DoLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, freshLine) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; IF PrintRest(t, mode, pos, maxL, UnitedBreakOp) THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF Peek(t, pos.i) # UnitedBreakOp THEN RETURN FALSE END; refany := Peek(t, pos.i); offset := NARROW (Peek(t, pos.i + 1), Int)^; freshLine := NARROW (Peek(t, pos.i + 2), Bool)^; pos.i := pos.i + 3; END; END PrintUnitedBreak; TYPE Widths = REF ARRAY OF INTEGER; PROCEDUREPrintAlign ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR oneLine: BOOLEAN; beginState: BeginState; pos1: Position; start: CARDINAL; endRun: CARDINAL; maxWidths: Widths; widths: Widths; op: Op; columns: INTEGER; tryOneLine: BOOLEAN; offset: INTEGER; alignPred: AlignPred; BEGIN columns := GetI (t, args); tryOneLine := GetB (t, args + 1); offset := GetI (t, args + 2); alignPred := Get (t, args + 3); TRY oneLine := tryOneLine AND (pos.l = 0); EnterBegin(t, mode, pos, maxL, 0, t.width, beginState); maxWidths := NEW (Widths, columns); widths := NEW (Widths, columns); IF oneLine THEN pos1:= pos; IF NOT PrintUntil(t, Mode.Thinking, pos1, pos.l, EndOp) THEN IF mode = Mode.Writing THEN RETURN PrintUntil(t, mode, pos, maxL, EndOp); ELSE pos := pos1; RETURN FALSE; END; END; END; start := pos.i; LOOP (* While another run of rows exists *) op := PeekOp(t, pos.i); IF (op = EndOp) OR (op = FlushOp) THEN EXIT END; pos1:= pos; LOOP (* While there are more rows in the run *) endRun := pos1.i; IF (op = EndOp) OR (op = FlushOp) THEN EXIT END; IF op = NoAlignOp THEN IF endRun = pos.i THEN endRun := endRun + 1 END; EXIT; END; IF (pos1.i > start) AND DoNewLine(t, Mode.Thinking, pos1, maxL, 0) THEN pos := pos1; RETURN TRUE; END; IF PrintRow(t, Mode.Thinking, pos1, pos1.l, maxWidths, widths, offset, alignPred) THEN IF endRun = pos.i THEN endRun := pos1.i END; EXIT; END; op := PeekOp(t, pos1.i); END; LOOP (* While there are more rows in the run *) IF pos.i >= endRun THEN EXIT END; IF Peek(t, pos.i) = NoAlignOp THEN IF Print(t, mode, pos, maxL) THEN RETURN TRUE END; ELSIF ((pos.i > start) AND DoNewLine(t, mode, pos, maxL, 0)) OR PrintRow(t, mode, pos, maxL, maxWidths, widths, offset, NIL) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; ClearWidths(maxWidths); END; IF op = EndOp THEN pos.i := pos.i + 1 END; RETURN FALSE; FINALLY ExitBegin(t, mode, pos, maxL, beginState); END; END PrintAlign; PROCEDUREPrintRow ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; maxWidths: Widths; widths: Widths; offset: INTEGER; alignPred: AlignPred; ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = <*FATAL InvalidAlignRow*> VAR beginState: BeginState; col: CARDINAL; start: CARDINAL; op: Op; BEGIN TRY EnterBegin(t, mode, pos, maxL, offset, t.width, beginState); ClearWidths(widths); op := PeekOp(t, pos.i); IF op # GroupOp THEN RAISE InvalidAlignRow END; pos.i := pos.i + 1; col := 0; LOOP (* while there are more items in the row *) start := pos.c + pos.b; IF (op = EndOp) OR (op = FlushOp) THEN EXIT END; IF Print(t, mode, pos, maxL) THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF col < NUMBER (widths^) THEN widths[col]:= pos.c + pos.b - start; IF (alignPred # NIL) AND (NOT alignPred.pred(col, maxWidths[col], widths[col])) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; IF DoBlanks(t, mode, pos, maxL, maxWidths[col] - widths[col]) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; col := col + 1; END; op := PeekOp(t, pos.i); END; IF op = EndOp THEN pos.i := pos.i + 1 END; FOR z := col TO LAST (widths^) DO col := z; IF DoBlanks(t, mode, pos, maxL, maxWidths[col]) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; FOR i := 0 TO col - 1 DO maxWidths[i]:= MAX (maxWidths[i], widths[i]); END; RETURN FALSE; FINALLY ExitBegin(t, mode, pos, maxL, beginState); END; END PrintRow; PROCEDUREDoBlanks ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; <*UNUSED*> maxL: CARDINAL; blanks: INTEGER ): BOOLEAN = BEGIN pos.b := pos.b + MAX (0, blanks); RETURN (mode = Mode.Thinking) AND (pos.c + pos.b > t.width); END DoBlanks; PROCEDUREClearWidths (widths: Widths) = BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST (widths^) DO widths[i]:= 0 END; END ClearWidths; PROCEDUREPrintNoAlign ( t: T; mode: Mode; VAR pos: Position; maxL: CARDINAL; <*UNUSED*> args: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN RETURN Print(t, mode, pos, maxL); END PrintNoAlign; PROCEDURENewInt (i: INTEGER): Int = BEGIN IF (FIRST (ints) <= i) AND (i <= LAST (ints)) THEN RETURN ints[i] ELSIF (i = FIRST (INTEGER)) THEN RETURN firstInt ELSIF (i = LAST (INTEGER)) THEN RETURN lastInt ELSE WITH x = NEW(Int) DO x^:= i; RETURN x END END; END NewInt; PROCEDUREDefineOp (proc: OpProc; args: CARDINAL; p: INTEGER): Op = BEGIN RETURN NEW (Op, proc := proc, args := args, precedence := p); END DefineOp; BEGIN GroupOp := DefineOp(PrintGroup, 0, 13); BeginOp := DefineOp(PrintBegin, 2, 12); AlignOp := DefineOp(PrintAlign, 4, 11); ColOp := DefineOp(PrintCol, 3, 10); TextOp := DefineOp(PrintText, 1, 9); MarkUpOp := DefineOp(PrintMarkUp, 2, 7); CharOp := DefineOp(PrintChar, 1, 7); NoAlignOp := DefineOp(PrintNoAlign, 0, 6); BreakOp := DefineOp(PrintBreak, 3, 5); PartialBreakOp := DefineOp(PrintPartialBreak, 2, 4); NewLineOp := DefineOp(PrintNewLine, 2, 3); UnitedBreakOp := DefineOp(PrintUnitedBreak, 2, 2); EndOp := DefineOp(PrintEnd, 0, 1); CloseOp := DefineOp(PrintClose, 0, FIRST (INTEGER) + 1); FlushOp := DefineOp(PrintFlush, 0, FIRST (INTEGER)); FOR i := FIRST (ints) TO LAST (ints) DO ints[i]:= NEW (Int); ints[i]^:= i; END; firstInt := NEW (Int); firstInt^:= FIRST (INTEGER); lastInt := NEW (Int); lastInt^:= LAST (INTEGER); FOR c := FIRST (chars) TO LAST (chars) DO chars[c]:= NEW (Char); chars[c]^:= c; END; bools [TRUE]:= NEW (Bool); bools[TRUE]^:= TRUE; bools [FALSE]:= NEW (Bool); bools[FALSE]^:= FALSE; FOR k := FIRST(breakTypes) TO LAST(breakTypes) DO breakTypes[k] := NEW(REF BreakType); breakTypes[k]^ := k; END; END XFormat.