
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Tue Jun 16 13:08:19 PDT 1992 by muller     
      modified on Tue Jul 30 12:50:46 PDT 1991 by mhb        

INTERFACE ShadowPaint;
Utilities for painting shadows. For all procedures, LL=VBT.mu; they are typically called from within a VBT's repaint method.

IMPORT Axis, PaintOp, Pixmap, Rect, Region, Shadow, VBT;

PROCEDURE Bar (         v     : VBT.T;
               READONLY clip  : Region.T;
                        shadow: Shadow.T;
                        style : Shadow.Style;
                        axis  : Axis.T;
               READONLY target: Rect.T        );
Paint a bar shadow in VBT v in the specified style, clipped against the specified region. The shadow fills target rectangle in the horizontal or vertical orientation. Styles Chiseled and Lowered are synonomous, as are Ridged and Raised.
PROCEDURE Border (         v      : VBT.T;
                  READONLY clip   : Region.T;
                           shadow : Shadow.T;
                           style  : Shadow.Style;
                  READONLY in, out: Rect.T        );
Paint a border shadow in VBT v in the specified style, clipped against the specified region. The shadow is a rectangular tube, with the specified inner and outer borders.
PROCEDURE Diamond (         v           : VBT.T;
                   READONLY clip        : Region.T;
                            shadow      : Shadow.T;
                            style       : Shadow.Style;
                   READONLY in, out     : Rect.T;
                            insideOp    : PaintOp.T;
                            insidePixmap: Pixmap.T      );
Paint a diamond shadow in VBT v in the specified style, clipped against the specified region. The shadow is a diamondular tube, whose inner and outer vertices are the midpoints of in and out rectangles. Styles Chiseled and Ridged are (incorrectly) implemented as Lowered and Raised respectively. The inside of the diamond is filled with the given pixmap in the given colors.
END ShadowPaint.