
 Copyright 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation.                             
 Distributed only by permission.                                           
 Last modified on Fri Aug  6 21:04:03 PDT 1993 by heydon                   


IMPORT AlgGreedy, Graph, Rd, Thread;

  Kind = { Grid, Torus, Butterfly, FromFile };

PROCEDURE FromName(nm: TEXT): Kind;
Return the topology type corresponding to the name nm. The valid names are the same as the names of the Topology.T enumerations, except that they begin with lower-case letters.
    alg: AlgGreedy.T;
    w, h: CARDINAL;
    maxQueueSize: CARDINAL;
    bounded: BOOLEAN)
  : Graph.T
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
Return a new graph whose topology is a grid with h rows and w columns. Each node is connected to its north, east, south, and west neighbors. MaxQueueSize is the maximum size of the queue at each node if bouned is true; otherwise, the queues are unbounded, but maxQueueSize is the maximum expected queue size. Generate the interesting events to construct this graph.
    alg: AlgGreedy.T;
    w, h: CARDINAL;
    maxQueueSize: CARDINAL;
    bounded: BOOLEAN)
  : Graph.T
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
Like NewGrid, but w + h extra edges are added so the topology is a toroidal grid.
PROCEDURE NewButterfly(
    alg: AlgGreedy.T;
    dim: CARDINAL;
    maxQueueSize: CARDINAL;
    bounded: BOOLEAN)
  : Graph.T
  RAISES {Thread.Alerted};
Return a new graph whose topology is a butterfly with dimension dim. The resulting graph is a grid of dim + 1 columns and 2^dim rows. There is an edge between (i, j) and (i', j') iff i + 1 = i' and either j = j' or the binary values for j and j' differ in the ith bit. The procedure generates the interesting events to construct the graph.
The argument to the BadGraph exception is an error message describing why the graph cannot be created.
    alg: AlgGreedy.T;
    rd: Rd.T;
    maxQueueSize: CARDINAL;
    bounded: BOOLEAN)
  : Graph.T
  RAISES {BadGraph, Thread.Alerted};
Return a new graph defined by the next s-expression in rd. MaxQueueSize and bounded are as in the NewGrid procedure above. Generate the interesting events to construct this graph.
END Topology.