
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

File: Module.def Last modified on Mon Aug 29 09:53:53 PDT 1994 by kalsow modified on Sat Mar 16 01:55:39 1991 by muller


IMPORT M3ID, Type, Value, Scope, CG;

TYPE T <: Value.T;

PROCEDURE Parse (interfaceOnly: BOOLEAN := FALSE): T;

PROCEDURE NewDefn (name: TEXT;  safe: BOOLEAN;  syms: Scope.T): T;

PROCEDURE LookUp (name: M3ID.T;  internal: BOOLEAN): T;

PROCEDURE ImportRevelations (t: T;  source: Value.T);

PROCEDURE TypeCheck (t: T;  main: BOOLEAN;  VAR cs: Value.CheckState);

PROCEDURE Compile (t: T);

PROCEDURE LazyAlignmentOn (): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE SetLazyAlignment (on: BOOLEAN);

PROCEDURE ExportScope (t: T): Scope.T;

PROCEDURE Current (): T;

PROCEDURE Name (t: T): M3ID.T;
t = NIL => use Current
PROCEDURE GetNextCounter (VAR c: ARRAY [0..4] OF CHAR);
Return the next counter value for the current module and increment the counter.
PROCEDURE Allocate (size, align: INTEGER;  is_const: BOOLEAN;
                    tag: TEXT := NIL;  id: M3ID.T := M3ID.NoID): INTEGER;
allocate 'size' bits of space with the specified alignment in the current module's global data or constant segment. Return the bit offset of allocated data.
PROCEDURE GlobalData (is_const: BOOLEAN): CG.Var;
returns the current module's global data segment.
PROCEDURE LoadGlobalAddr (t: T;  offset: INTEGER;  is_const: BOOLEAN);
generate code to load the address of 't's global data + 'offset'.
PROCEDURE ImportInterface (t: T);
generate the structures that force t to be imported and initialized at link time.
PROCEDURE GetTypeInfo (t: T): Type.ModuleInfo;
return the global type info for module 't'
PROCEDURE VisitImports (v: Visitor);
Call 'v(m)' for each interface 'm' imported or exported, directly or indirectly, by the current module. Restrictions: 'v' must be a top-level procedure and may not call 'VisitImports' directly or indirectly.
TYPE Visitor = PROCEDURE (t: T);

PROCEDURE MakeCurrent (t: T);
refresh 't' and its imports for the current compilation
END Module.

interface M3ID is in:

interface Type is in:

interface Value is in: