
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation. 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Fri Jul 15 13:49:36 PDT 1994 by mcjones 

A Terminal.T, or terminal handle, is a file handle that provides access to a duplex communication channel usually connected to a user terminal.



TYPE T <: File.T;

VAR (*CONST*) FileType: File.Type;
Equal to {\tt Atom.FromText("Terminal").}
END Terminal.
Like every File.T, a terminal handle h has the components

      type(h)      an atom, equal to FileType
      readable(h)  a boolean
      writable(h)  a boolean
A terminal handle is readable, or writable, or both (until it is closed). If it is readable, it has the component

      srcTerm(h)   a terminal device
If it is writable, it has the component

      snkTerm(h)   a terminal device
A terminal device t has the components

      seq(t)   a sequence of bytes
      r(t)     a non-negative integer, the index of the next byte to read
      w(t)     a non-negative integer, the index of the next byte to write
      flag(t)  a byte reserved to mark the end-of-file in seq(t)
The meaning of the call, mayBlock)
is given by the specification of together with these definitions, where t = srcTerm(h), and k is the number of occurrences of flag(t) in seq(t) up to r(t)-1:

      src(h)    = subsequence of seq(t) with all occurrences of flag(t)
      srcCur(h) = r(t)-k
      srcEof(h) = (seq(t)[r(t)] = flag(t))
When end-of-file is reported, r(t) is also incremented. This means subsequent reads can return further data in seq(t).

The meaning of the call

is given by the specification of File.T.write together with these definitions, where t = snkTerm(h):

      snk(h)    = seq(t)
      snkCur(h) = w(t)
A specific implementation may provide one or more subtypes of Terminal.T with additional methods.

The communication channel underlying a terminal handle is necessarily monitored, since the purpose of the channel is to allow asynchronous communication between a program and a user operating a terminal device. However a terminal handle itself should be treated as unmonitored, thus avoiding the question of the unit of atomicity for reads and writes.