Feedback for buttons
The program
illustrates a simple VBTkit switch with two different kinds of feedback.
It displays two buttons side by side with bordered feedback and
shadowed feedback, respectively.
The appearance changes as the user clicks and releases a mouse button
in the button.
This is shown in following images:
- Feedback 1
- Feedback 2
- Feedback 3
The first picture shows the initial appearance when no buttons are
being pushed.
The middle picture shows the appearance when the button labeled ``Push1''
is pressed.
The last picture shows the appearance when ``Push2'' is pressed.
In the normal state the bordered feedback draws a border (a shadow
of style ``raised'') around the button---the shadowed feedback
displays nothing.
In the excited state (when the button is pressed) the bordered
feedback draws a shadow around the button of style
``lowered''---the shadowed feedback displays a plain border.
When the button is released the buttons regain their normal appearance.
A feedback (Feedback.T
) maintains a boolean state: ``on'' or ``off.''
The appearance of the feedback depends on this state.