INTERFACEMaintains lists of algorithm and view classes for ZeusPanel. This module does its own internal locking to prevent simultaneous access. LL of all procedures is arbitrary.Classes ;
The Sample
procedures return an internally-held copy of the requested
algorithm or view. ZeusPanel is allowed to call the methods of these
copies only if they have no side effects.
IMPORT Algorithm, View, ZeusPanel; EXCEPTION NotFound; PROCEDURE RegisterAlg (proc: ZeusPanel.NewAlgProc; name: TEXT); PROCEDURE FindAlg (name: TEXT): INTEGER RAISES {NotFound}; PROCEDURE NewAlg (which: INTEGER): Algorithm.T; PROCEDURE AlgCount (): INTEGER; PROCEDURE RegisterView (proc : ZeusPanel.NewViewProc; name : TEXT; alertable: BOOLEAN; sample : View.T ); PROCEDURE FindView (name: TEXT): INTEGER RAISES {NotFound}; PROCEDURE NewView (which: INTEGER): View.T; PROCEDURE SampleView (which: INTEGER): View.T; PROCEDURE ViewCount (): INTEGER; END Classes.