MODULEHTMLParser EXPORTSHTML ; IMPORT CIText, CITextElementTbl, Element, Lexer, HTML, Rd, Thread, TextWr, Wr; TYPE Closure = REF RECORD html: HTML.T; rd: Rd.T; obeyblanks: BOOLEAN; END; TYPE EndCondition = {EOF, EndTag, ListItem, GlossaryTerm, GlossaryDef}; PROCEDUREFromRd (rd: Rd.T): HTML.T RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR s := NEW(Closure); BEGIN s.rd := rd; s.obeyblanks := FALSE; (* Parse the source. *) s.html := NEW(HTML.T); s.html.body := ParseSequence(s); RETURN s.html; END FromRd; PROCEDUREParseSequence (s: Closure; endCondition := EndCondition.EOF; endTag:= Element.T.None; (*OUT*)itemEndOnly: REF BOOLEAN := NIL ): HTML.Sequence RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR done := FALSE; head := NEW(HTML.Sequence, next := NIL); tail := head; tok: Lexer.Token; BEGIN WHILE NOT done DO IF Thread.TestAlert() THEN RAISE Thread.Alerted END; tok := Lexer.Get (s.rd, s.obeyblanks); TYPECASE tok OF | NULL => done := TRUE; IF itemEndOnly # NIL THEN itemEndOnly^ := FALSE; END; | Lexer.CommentToken => | Lexer.WordToken (tok) => VAR word := NEW(HTML.Word); BEGIN word.word := tok.word; := word; tail := word; END; | Lexer.ElementToken (tok) => VAR tagType: Element.T; BEGIN IF CIText.Equal(tok.tag, "PRE") THEN s.obeyblanks := NOT tok.end END; IF NOT tags.get(tok.tag, tagType) THEN (* ignore unknown tags *) ELSIF SequenceEndCondition(tagType, tok, endCondition, endTag, itemEndOnly) THEN done := TRUE; ELSIF tok.end THEN IF tagType = Element.T.HTML OR tagType = Element.T.Head OR tagType = Element.T.Body THEN (* We ignore these tags. *) ELSE (* This is bad HTML -- we got a </foo>, but we were not parsing a sequence starting with <foo>. silently ignore this and hope for the best... *) END; ELSE := ParseElement(s, tagType, tok); IF # NIL THEN tail :=; END; END; END; ELSE END; END; := NIL; RETURN; END ParseSequence; PROCEDURESequenceEndCondition (tagType: Element.T; tok: Lexer.ElementToken; endCondition: EndCondition; endTag: Element.T; itemEndOnly: REF BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN = BEGIN CASE endCondition OF | EndCondition.EOF => RETURN FALSE; | EndCondition.EndTag => RETURN tagType = endTag AND tok.end; | EndCondition.ListItem => IF tagType = Element.T.LI OR (tagType = endTag AND tok.end) THEN IF tagType # endTag THEN itemEndOnly^ := TRUE; ELSE itemEndOnly^ := FALSE; END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; | EndCondition.GlossaryTerm, EndCondition.GlossaryDef => IF tagType = Element.T.DD OR tagType = Element.T.DT OR (tagType = Element.T.DL AND tok.end) THEN IF tagType # Element.T.DL THEN itemEndOnly^ := TRUE; ELSE itemEndOnly^ := FALSE; END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END; END SequenceEndCondition; PROCEDUREParseElement (s: Closure; tagType: Element.T; tok: Lexer.Token): HTML.Sequence RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
Parses the sequenceable element starting at 'tok'. Returns a sequence object for the element, or NIL.
BEGIN CASE tagType OF | Element.T.None => RETURN NIL; | Element.T.HTML => RETURN NIL; | Element.T.Head => RETURN NIL; | Element.T.Title => s.html.title := SeqToText(ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, Element.T.Title)); RETURN NIL; | Element.T.IsIndex => s.html.isIndex := TRUE; RETURN NIL; | Element.T.Base => s.html.base := GetAttribute("href", tok); RETURN NIL; | Element.T.Body => RETURN NIL; | Element.T.H1 => RETURN ParseHeading(s, 1, tagType); | Element.T.H2 => RETURN ParseHeading(s, 2, tagType); | Element.T.H3 => RETURN ParseHeading(s, 3, tagType); | Element.T.H4 => RETURN ParseHeading(s, 4, tagType); | Element.T.H5 => RETURN ParseHeading(s, 5, tagType); | Element.T.H6 => RETURN ParseHeading(s, 6, tagType); | Element.T.A => RETURN NEW(HTML.Anchor, href := GetAttribute("href", tok), content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.P => RETURN NEW(HTML.Paragraph); | Element.T.BR => RETURN NEW(HTML.LineBreak); | Element.T.HR => RETURN NEW(HTML.HorizontalRule); | Element.T.BlockQuote => RETURN NEW(HTML.BlockQuote, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Address => RETURN NEW(HTML.Address, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.DL => RETURN ParseGlossary(s, GetKeyword("compact", tok)) | Element.T.DT => (* ERROR *) | Element.T.DD => (* ERROR *) | Element.T.UL => RETURN ParseList(s, HTML.ListKind.Unordered, tagType); | Element.T.OL => RETURN ParseList(s, HTML.ListKind.Ordered, tagType); | Element.T.Menu => RETURN ParseList(s, HTML.ListKind.Menu, tagType); | Element.T.Dir => RETURN ParseList(s, HTML.ListKind.Dir, tagType); | Element.T.LI => (* ERROR *) | Element.T.Pre => RETURN NEW(HTML.Preformatted, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.TT => RETURN NEW(HTML.Typewriter, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.B => RETURN NEW(HTML.Boldface, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.I => RETURN NEW(HTML.Italic, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.U => RETURN NEW(HTML.Underline, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Em => RETURN NEW(HTML.Emphasis, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Strong => RETURN NEW(HTML.Strong, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Code => RETURN NEW(HTML.Code, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Samp => RETURN NEW(HTML.Sample, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Kbd => RETURN NEW(HTML.Keyboard, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Var => RETURN NEW(HTML.Variable, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Dfn => RETURN NEW(HTML.Definition, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Cite => RETURN NEW(HTML.Citation, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.Img => RETURN NEW(HTML.Image, source := GetAttribute("src", tok), ismap := GetKeyword("ismap", tok), align := GetAlignment("align", tok), alternate := GetAttribute("alt", tok)); | Element.T.Oblet => RETURN NEW(HTML.Oblet, source := GetAttribute("src", tok)); | Element.T.Table => RETURN NEW(HTML.Table, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); | Element.T.TR => RETURN NEW(HTML.TableRow, content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tagType)); END; RETURN NIL; END ParseElement; PROCEDUREGetAttribute (name: TEXT; tok: Lexer.ElementToken): TEXT = (* Returns the value of the attribute of 'tok' with name 'name', or NIL if there is no such attribute. *) VAR attr := tok.attributes; BEGIN LOOP IF attr = NIL THEN RETURN NIL ELSIF CIText.Equal(name, THEN RETURN attr.value ELSE attr := END END END GetAttribute; PROCEDUREGetKeyword (name: TEXT; tok: Lexer.ElementToken): BOOLEAN = (* Returns TRUE if there is an attribute of 'tok' with the name 'name', and FALSE otherwise. *) VAR attr := tok.attributes; BEGIN LOOP IF attr = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF CIText.Equal(name, THEN RETURN TRUE ELSE attr := END END END GetKeyword; PROCEDUREGetAlignment (name: TEXT; tok: Lexer.ElementToken): HTML.Alignment = VAR align := GetAttribute(name, tok); BEGIN IF align = NIL OR CIText.Equal(align, "middle") THEN RETURN HTML.Alignment.Middle ELSIF CIText.Equal(align, "top") THEN RETURN HTML.Alignment.Top ELSIF CIText.Equal(align, "bottom") THEN RETURN HTML.Alignment.Bottom END; (* illegal alignment, but let's recover *) RETURN HTML.Alignment.Middle END GetAlignment; PROCEDUREParseHeading (s: Closure; level: INTEGER; tag: Element.T): HTML.Sequence RAISES {Thread.Alerted} =
Parses a heading of level 'level' and returns an HTML.Heading object.
VAR heading := NEW(HTML.Heading); BEGIN heading.level := level; heading.content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.EndTag, tag); RETURN heading; END ParseHeading; PROCEDUREParseGlossary (s: Closure; compact: BOOLEAN): HTML.Glossary RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR term: HTML.Sequence; definition: HTML.Sequence; preContent: HTML.Sequence; itemEndOnly := NEW(REF BOOLEAN); done := FALSE; head := NEW(HTML.GlossarySequence); tail := head; BEGIN preContent := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.GlossaryTerm, Element.T.DL, itemEndOnly); IF preContent = NIL AND NOT itemEndOnly^ THEN RETURN NIL END; WHILE NOT done DO term := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.GlossaryTerm, Element.T.DL, itemEndOnly); IF itemEndOnly^ THEN definition := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.GlossaryDef, Element.T.DL, itemEndOnly); END; IF NOT itemEndOnly^ THEN done := TRUE; END; := NEW(HTML.GlossarySequence, term := term, definition := definition); tail :=; END; := NIL; RETURN NEW(HTML.Glossary, compact := compact, preContent := preContent, content :=; END ParseGlossary; PROCEDUREParseList (s: Closure; kind: HTML.ListKind; tagType: Element.T): HTML.List RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = VAR preContent, content: HTML.Sequence; head := NEW(HTML.ListItem); tail := head; itemEndOnly := NEW(REF BOOLEAN); done := FALSE; BEGIN (* Nonstandard HTML -- there *may* be an item *before* the first LI tag. *) preContent := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.ListItem, tagType, itemEndOnly); IF preContent = NIL AND NOT itemEndOnly^ THEN RETURN NIL END; (* The list items *) WHILE NOT done DO content := ParseSequence(s, EndCondition.ListItem, tagType, itemEndOnly); IF NOT itemEndOnly^ THEN done := TRUE; END; IF content # NIL THEN := NEW(HTML.ListItem, content := content); tail :=; END END; := NIL; RETURN NEW(HTML.List, kind := kind, preContent := preContent, content :=; END ParseList; PROCEDURESeqToText (seq: HTML.Sequence): TEXT RAISES {Thread.Alerted} = <* FATAL Wr.Failure *> VAR wr: TextWr.T := NIL; BEGIN WHILE seq # NIL DO IF wr = NIL THEN wr := TextWr.New() ELSE Wr.PutChar(wr, ' '); END; TYPECASE seq OF | HTML.Word (word) => Wr.PutText(wr, word.word) ELSE END; seq :=; END; IF wr = NIL THEN RETURN "" ELSE RETURN TextWr.ToText(wr) END; END SeqToText; VAR tags: CITextElementTbl.T; (* The HTML element tag table. We use this table to store the element tags for quick (hashed) lookup during parsing. *) BEGIN tags := NEW(CITextElementTbl.Default).init(50); FOR i := FIRST(Element.T) TO LAST(Element.T) DO EVAL tags.put(Element.Strings[i], i); END; END HTMLParser.