
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified On Sun Mar 21 16:29:14 PST 1993 by meehan                
      modified On Tue Jun 16 13:12:33 PDT 1992 by muller                
      modified On Wed Mar 25 23:07:48 1992 by steveg                    
      modified On Fri Mar 20 10:05:27 PST 1992 by jdd                   

A Visible Text or VText combines an MText and a rectangular screen area for displaying it. VText provides a mechanism to maintain the correspondence between the MText and the screen, as is needed in implementing a display-oriented text editor.

A VText is not an opaque REF. This allows the VText client to read certain parts of it. However, the client must call VText procedures to change a VText's state; it must not modify the VText representation directly.

The VText client can call VText to divide the rectangular screen area into several regions, each independently positioned to view the same or different portions of the underlying MText. Regions are dynamic; they can be created and destroyed at will, and the amount of screen devoted to each region may be changed. The size of the entire VText screen area may also be changed.

The display will appear as follows: text will be displayed in horizontal lines in the specified font. Each line of text is preceded by leading pixel rows of blank space. Line turning is performed as described in the Ivy spec. As many lines are displayed as possible; if the end of the text is reached, or less than a line's height of space remains at the bottom of the vbt, or the maximum number of lines are being displayed, then the remaining space at the bottom of the window is blank. The first character of the text is never displayed below the first line; if the text is nonempty, at least one character of it is always displayed (the last character is never displayed above the first line).

The state of a VText includes a Caret (an Index and an on/off state bit), zero or more Intervals (a pair of Indexes, an on/off state bit, and a style). and zero or more Markers (a Index, an on/off state bit, and a style). The Caret is designed to show a text editor's type-in point; Intervals are designed to provide feedback for text selections and items in forms. If the Caret is on, a blinking Caret appears at the position of the Caret's Index. If an Interval is on, all characters between the two indexes are displayed with the Interval's style. If a Marker is on, that character position displayed in the Marker's style.

Finally, a VText procedure maps from a screen location to the position in the MText of the character displayed there. This is designed to support mouse input for making text selections.

(Unlike earlier versions of VText, all coordinates are screen coordinates.)

Screen updating is decoupled from changes to the VText. The only VText operations that change the screen are Update and ConcurrentUpdate (which completely update the display), and SplitRegion, MergeRegion, and Move (which may draw some portion of the display if called with scroll = TRUE). A blinking caret also updates concurrently. However, all operations that return information act as though the screen were constantly kept up-to-date.

The ConcurrentUpdate operation may modify the screen asynchronously. To wait until an operation has finished, use Quiesce. While an asynchronous updating operation is in progress, it is not safe to use the VText or the MText.

VTexts are not necessarily monitored. Higher-level synchronization must be used to avoid consistency problems if several threads must access the same VText, or the MText on which it is based.


IMPORT Font, MText, Point, Rd, Rect, Thread, VBT, VTDef, VTextDef;

  T = VTextDef.T;
  ColorScheme = VTDef.ColorScheme;
  ErrorCode = VTDef.ErrorCode;
  Index = VTDef.Index;
  Interval = VTDef.Interval;
  IntervalOptions = VTDef.IntervalOptions;
  IntervalStyle = VTDef.IntervalStyle;
  IntervalStylePrecedence = VTDef.IntervalStylePrecedence;
  Marker = VTDef.Marker;
  MarkerOptions = VTDef.MarkerOptions;
  OnOffState = VTDef.OnOffState;
  Pixels = VTDef.Pixels;         (* INTEGER *)
  Points = VTDef.Points;         (* REAL *)
  Region = VTextDef.Region;
  SelectionMode = VTDef.SelectionMode;
  Tint = VTDef.Tint;
  VFont = VTDef.VFont;
  VOptions = VTDef.VOptions;
  WhichEnd = VTDef.WhichEnd;

  Error (ErrorCode);
********************************************************************** Creation **********************************************************************

PROCEDURE New (         mtext   : MText.T;
                        vbt     : VBT.T;
               READONLY rect    : Rect.T;
               READONLY vOptions: VOptions ): T
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Creates a new VText, with mtext as its initial contents, to be displayed in the VBT vbt in the rectangle rect. The caller passes control of this rectangle to the VText package, and must not paint into it until the VText is Closed. The VText returned by New has regionMax = 0, caretState = Off, an empty set of Intervals, and an empty set of Markers. New does not paint the display.

PROCEDURE ExplodeVText (READONLY     vtext   : T;
                        VAR (* OUT*) mtext   : MText.T;
                        VAR (* OUT*) vbt     : VBT.T;
                        VAR (* OUT*) rect    : Rect.T;
                        VAR (* OUT*) vOptions: VOptions ) RAISES {};
Given a VText, return its components

PROCEDURE MakeVFont (         font     : Font.T;
                     READONLY printable: SET OF CHAR;
                              whiteTabs: BOOLEAN      ): VFont
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Creates a VFont, which is a massaged version of a Font.T. If a character exists in the font and is in printable and is not a tab or new-line, it will be displayed from the font. If '\t' is not in printable, tabs will display as \011. If '\t' is in printable, then tabs will display as white-space to the next tab-stop (multiple of 8 space-widths) if whiteTabs is true, or as a special glyph of that width if whiteTabs is false.

PROCEDURE ExplodeVFont (READONLY     vFont    : VFont;
                        VAR (* OUT*) font     : Font.T;
                        VAR (* OUT*) printable: SET OF CHAR;
                        VAR (* OUT*) whiteTabs: BOOLEAN      ) RAISES {};
Given a VFont, returns its components

PROCEDURE MakeVOptions (vFont: VFont;
                        leftMargin, rightMargin, turnMargin, topMargin,
                          leading: Points;
                        whiteBlack, whiteStroke: ColorScheme;
                        leftOffset             : Points;
                        wrap: BOOLEAN;  (* do line-wrapping *)
                        eob: BOOLEAN (* display a visible end-of-buffer *);
                        intervalStylePrecedence: IntervalStylePrecedence := NIL):
  VOptions RAISES {};
Creates a VOptions, which encapsulates some VText options
 If intervalStylePrecedence is non-NIL and intervalStylePrecedence[i,j]
   is TRUE, then an overlap of style i and style j is painted as i;
   otherwise, it is painted as OverlapStyle. Regardless, NoStyle has lower
   precedence than any style, and SlugStyle and OverlapStyle have higher
   precedence. Margin, leading and offset values given in points.

PROCEDURE ExplodeVOptions (READONLY     vOptions: VOptions;
                           VAR (* OUT*) vFont   : VFont;
                           VAR (* OUT*) leftMargin, rightMargin, turnMargin,
                                        topMargin, leading: Points;
                           VAR (* OUT*) whiteBlack, whiteStroke: ColorScheme;
                           VAR (* OUT*) leftOffset: Points;
                           VAR (* OUT*) wrap: BOOLEAN;
                           VAR (* OUT*) eob: BOOLEAN;
                           VAR (* OUT*) intervalStylePrecedence:
  RAISES {};
Given a VOptions, return its components

PROCEDURE ChangeVOptions (vtext: T; READONLY vOptions: VOptions)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Changes the VOptions for a VText

PROCEDURE Close (vtext: T) RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Destroy a VText. This vtext will not paint in its vbt any more. The display of the text is not erased.

PROCEDURE SplitRegion (vtext : T;
                       r     : Region;
                       v     : Pixels;
                       scroll: BOOLEAN  := TRUE)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Splits region r to create two Regions. Other Regions are unaffected, except that region numbers are reassigned to preserve the property that they increase from the top of the screen towards the bottom. The Region being split will be divided by a horizontal black line, one pixel high, v pixels below top of the existing Region. If scroll is TRUE, screen bits may be moved to reduce the cost of later Updates.

SplitRegion raises Error if a new Region cannot be created (because vtext.regionMax = LAST(Region)).

PROCEDURE MergeRegion (vtext: T; i, j: Region; scroll: BOOLEAN := TRUE)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Destroys Region i and assigns its screen area to Region j, which must be adjacent to i (j = i+1 or j = i-1). Other Regions are unaffected, except that region numbers are reassigned to preserve the property that they increase from the top of the screen towards the bottom. The top line of region j remains the same.

If scroll is TRUE, screen bits may be moved to reduce the cost of later Updates.

MergeRegion raises Error if i and j are not adjacent.


PROCEDURE Move (         vtext             : T;
                READONLY newRect, savedRect: Rect.T;
                READONLY dividers          : ARRAY OF Pixels;
                         scroll            : BOOLEAN          := TRUE)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Moves the display rectangle or the region dividers within it, or both. The dividers array tells the new v coordinate (absolute) of the divider below each region except the last. If scroll is TRUE, screen bits may be moved to reduce the cost of later Updates. Move raises Error if NUMBER(dividers) < vtext^.regionMax.

PROCEDURE Rescreen (vtext: T; READONLY cd: VBT.RescreenRec) RAISES {};
Passes a Rescreen event to a VText. VBT.mu must be locked, but not exclusively for this activation.

PROCEDURE Update (vtext: T)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Paints the display to make it consistent with the state of vtext

PROCEDURE ConcurrentUpdate (vtext: T)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Like Update, but may return before finished

PROCEDURE Quiesce (vtext: T) RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Returns only after any outstanding ConcurrentUpdate has completed

PROCEDURE Bad (vtext: T; READONLY bad: Rect.T) RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Specifies that a given rectangle is bad, and should be completely redrawn at the next Update

PROCEDURE Replace (vtext: T; begin, end: Index; newText: TEXT)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Replaces the text between begin and end with newText. If begin and end are at the same place, this is a pure insertion; if newText is empty, this is a pure deletion.

PROCEDURE ReplaceChars (         vtext     : T;
                                 begin, end: Index;
                        READONLY str       : ARRAY OF CHAR)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
= Replace (vtext, begin, end, Text.FromChars (str))

PROCEDURE ReplaceFile (vtext     : T;
                       begin, end: Index;
                       file      : Rd.T;
                       start     : Index   := 0;
                       numChars  : Index   := LAST(Index))
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Inserts a file into the text at h. The whole file might not be read in at once; some reading may be delayed.

PROCEDURE Invalidate (vtext: T; begin, oldEnd, newEnd: Index)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
An excessively low-level interface; tells VText that the underlying MText has has the interval [begin,oldEnd) replaced by [begin,newEnd).
 The Caret 

PROCEDURE SwitchCaret (vtext: T; state: OnOffState)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Sets vtext's caretState := state

PROCEDURE MoveCaret (vtext: T; place: Index)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Moves caret to place

PROCEDURE CaretIndex (vtext: T): Index RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Returns the caret's index

Clients should beware of creating a needlessly large number of Intervals - they may make redisplaying slower. If two Intervals with state = On and different styles overlap, the resulting highlight will be displayed in OverlapStyle. The NoHighlight and OverlapStyle styles should not be used by client programs.

PROCEDURE CreateInterval (         vtext         : T;
                                   indexL, indexR: Index;
                          READONLY options       : IntervalOptions):
  Interval RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Creates an Interval with indexL = begin, indexR = end, style = style, and state = Off

PROCEDURE ExplodeInterval (READONLY     interval      : Interval;
                           VAR (* OUT*) indexL, indexR: Index;
                           VAR (* OUT*) options: IntervalOptions;
                           VAR (* OUT*) state: OnOffState) RAISES {};
Explodes an Interval

PROCEDURE MakeIntervalOptions (style                  : IntervalStyle;
                               whiteBlack, whiteStroke: ColorScheme;
                               leading                : Tint           ):
  IntervalOptions RAISES {};
Makes a IntervalOptions

PROCEDURE ExplodeIntervalOptions (READONLY intervalOptions: IntervalOptions;
                                  VAR (* OUT*) style: IntervalStyle;
                                  VAR (* OUT*) whiteBlack, whiteStroke:
                                  VAR (* OUT*) leading: Tint) RAISES {};
Explodes a IntervalOptions

PROCEDURE SwitchInterval (interval: Interval; state: OnOffState)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Sets interval's state := state

PROCEDURE MoveInterval (interval: Interval; indexL, indexR: Index)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Moves the interval

PROCEDURE ChangeIntervalOptions (         interval: Interval;
                                 READONLY options : IntervalOptions)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Re-sets interval's options

PROCEDURE DeleteInterval (interval: Interval) RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Sets interval's state = Off and then deletes interval from the set of intervals associated with the VText

PROCEDURE CreateMarker (vtext: T; at: Index; options: MarkerOptions):
  Marker RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Creates an Marker at the character position with state = Off

PROCEDURE ExplodeMarker (READONLY      marker: Marker;
                         VAR (* OUT *) at    : Index;
                         VAR (* OUT *) options: MarkerOptions;
                         VAR (* OUT*) state: OnOffState) RAISES {};
Explodes a Marker

PROCEDURE MakeMarkerOptions (whichEnd   : WhichEnd;
                             top, bottom: BOOLEAN;
                             stroke     : Tint      ): MarkerOptions
  RAISES {};
Makes a MarkerOptions

PROCEDURE ExplodeMarkerOptions (READONLY     markerOptions: MarkerOptions;
                                VAR (* OUT*) whichEnd     : WhichEnd;
                                VAR (* OUT*) top, bottom  : BOOLEAN;
                                VAR (* OUT*) stroke       : Tint           )
  RAISES {};
Explodes a MarkerOptions

PROCEDURE SwitchMarker (marker: Marker; state: OnOffState)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Sets marker's state := state

PROCEDURE ChangeMarkerOptions (marker: Marker; options: MarkerOptions)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Re-sets marker's options

PROCEDURE MoveMarker (marker: Marker; place: Index) RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Moves the marker to the character position

PROCEDURE DeleteMarker (marker: Marker) RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Sets marker's state = Off and then deletes marker from the set of markers associated with the VText

PROCEDURE Scroll (vtext: T; r: Region; displacement: INTEGER)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Scrolls the display within region r. The displacement parameter encodes both the direction and distance to scroll. If displacement > 0 the region scrolls displacement lines toward-end-of-file; if displacement < 0 the region scrolls -displacement lines toward-start-of-file; if displacement = 0 nothing happens. This procedure enforces the constraints on text display as described under New. After calling Scroll, the client can call StartIndex to see precisely what happened.

PROCEDURE SetStart (vtext  : T;
                    r      : Region;
                    place  : Index;
                    upLines: CARDINAL := 0;
                    force  : BOOLEAN  := FALSE)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Scrolls the display within region r. The place parameter indicates a character position that should be displayed in the line upLines from the top of the display, if possible, after scrolling. If place does not correspond to the start of a line, according to the line-breaking algorithm, then place will not be displayed at the start of a line. If force is TRUE AND upLines is zero, display is constrained to occur at the given place; otherwise, this procedure enforces the constraints on text display as described under New; after calling SetStart, the client can call StartIndex to see precisely what happened.

PROCEDURE LinesBetween (vtext     : T;
                        begin, end: Index;
                        max       : CARDINAL;
                        avail     : Pixels      := UseCurrentWidth; ):
  INTEGER RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Returns the number of lines that would appear between the two indexes if they were both visible on the screen. Avail is the available screen width; if avail=UseCurrentWidth (below), the current screen width is used. Returns 0 if they would be on the same line, 1 if they would be on adjacent lines, and max if they would be more than max lines apart. Returns -1 if the second would be before the first.

CONST UseCurrentWidth = -1;

PROCEDURE ComputeLine (              vtext : T;
                                     from  : Index;
                       VAR (* OUT *) max   : Index;
                       VAR (* OUT *) turned: BOOLEAN;
                       VAR (* OUT *) width : Pixels    ): Index
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Computes the characteristics of a screen line starting at from; returns the index after the end. (From is trusted to be at the beginning of a screen line.) ComputeLine pretends that an end-of-file character exists following the characters in the mtext, so the input and the output index may exceed the length of the mtext by 1. Max is set to the index after the last character examined to make the decision (the first was from). Turned is set to whether the end of the screen line is turned (if the screen line does not end in a new-line and is not at the end of the buffer). Width is set to the width in pixels needed to display the text.

PROCEDURE UpLines (vtext: T; place: Index; n: CARDINAL; r: Region := 0):
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Find the beginning of the nth line above place. If n=0, find the beginning of the line containing place.

PROCEDURE StartIndex (vtext: T; r: Region): Index RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Returns the start of the region, as an index

PROCEDURE LineIndex (vtext: T; r: Region; n: CARDINAL): Index
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Returns the index of the position displayed at the beginning of line n. N >= 0. If n >= the number of lines in the region, the index of the first character following the region is returned.

PROCEDURE CharsInRegion (vtext: T; r: Region): CARDINAL
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};

PROCEDURE Locate (              vtext: T;
                                r    : Region;
                                place: Index;
                  VAR (* OUT *) h, v : INTEGER )
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Sets h and v to the position specified by place, which will be on a baseline. If place is not visible, v will be set to a negative number.

PROCEDURE InRegion (vtext: T; r: Region; place: Index): BOOLEAN
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Returns TRUE iff the position specified by place is visible in the region.

PROCEDURE WhichLine (vtext: T; r: Region; v: Pixels): CARDINAL
  RAISES {VTDef.Error};
Returns the line number of the line in region r which contains v. V is relative to the top of region r. It does not matter whether there is actually any text at that line; the result of WhichLine depends only on v, the height of r, and the font being used by vtext.

PROCEDURE Pounce (              vtext                 : T;
                                r                     : Region;
                                p                     : Point.T;
                                mode                  : SelectionMode;
                  VAR (* OUT *) indexL, indexM, indexR: Index;
                  VAR (* OUT *) cage                  : Rect.T         ):
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Maps a screen location to the run of characters pointed to by (h, v). Pounce sets indexL and indexR to the left and right character boundaries, in units of mode, of the smallest run of characters bracketing the given location. The unit of each SelectionMode is described in the Ivy spec. The result of Pounce indicates which end is closer to the location. The distance metric is: if both are on the same line, h-distance in pixels, with ties returning Left; if both are on two different lines, v-distance in lines, with ties returning Left. indexM is set to a pleasant insertion point near to that end. A cage is returned, but in the screen co-ordinate system.

PROCEDURE PounceLocate (              vtext         : T;
                                      r             : Region;
                                      p             : Point.T;
                        VAR (* OUT *) indexL, indexR: Index;
                        VAR (* OUT *) lineNumber    : CARDINAL;
                        VAR (* OUT *) c             : CHAR      )
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Performs the Locate part of Pounce. The input point p is in screen coordinates. The out indexes indexL and indexR will be at most one character apart; they define the position pointed to. The output lineNumber is the screen line number pointed to in the view. The output c is the character pointed to, if indexL < indexR.

PROCEDURE PounceExtend (                vtext         : T;
                                        r             : Region;
                        VAR (* INOUT *) indexL, indexR: Index;
                                        lineNumber    : CARDINAL;
                                        c             : CHAR;
                                        mode          : SelectionMode)
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Performs the Extend part of Pounce. The input values indexL, indexR, lineNumber, and c are as returned by PounceLocate. The output values indexL and indexR are the new bounds for the selection as dictated by mode.

PROCEDURE PounceEncage (             vtext : T;
                                     r     : Region;
                                     p     : Point.T;
                                     indexL: Index;
                        VAR (* OUT*) indexM: Index;
                                     indexR: Index;
                        VAR (* OUT*) cage  : Rect.T   ): WhichEnd
  RAISES {VTDef.Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Performs the Encage part of Pounce. The input point p is the input to PounceLocate. The inputs indexL and indexR are the outputs of PounceLocate or PounceExtend. The output indexM is a reasonable insertion point for the selection; the output cage is the cage of values p for which the Pounce functions will return the same values.

END VText.