VTPounce contains the Pounce
function, which maps a point in the text
image into a position in the text. A selection mode is given: Char, Word,
Line, Paragraph, or All. Pounce returns a pair of indices defining the
matched item, an indication of which index is closer in the image, and a
cage around the coordinates.
A number of performance enhancements could be made to this code if it were found necessary.
MODULE; IMPORT ISOChar, Point, Rd, Rect, Thread; IMPORT VTDef, VTVirtual, VTRd, VTBase; TYPE VirtualStart = VTDef.VirtualStart; WordCode = VTDef.WordCode; VTPounce
, FarEast
, FarNorth
, and FarSouth
are coordinates
adequately far
in the given direction.
CONST FarWest = -1024; FarEast = 1024 + 1024; FarNorth = -1024; FarSouth = 1024 + 1024; PROCEDURELocate ( view : View; p : Point.T; VAR (* OUT *) iL, iR: I; VAR (* OUT *) lineNo: LineNo; VAR (* OUT *) c : CHAR ) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR w0, w: Pixels; BEGIN IF view.virtual.dirty THEN VTVirtual.UpdateView (view) END; (* take care of empty view first *) lineNo := 0; c := '\000'; IF MIN (view.virtual.line [view.virtual.lines].virtualLine.from, view.vt.length) = view.virtual.start.at THEN iL := view.virtual.start.at; iR := view.virtual.start.at; RETURN END; (* find the character pointed to, if any; iL and iR will bound it *) IF p.v < view.rect.text.north THEN p.v := view.rect.text.north ELSIF p.v >= view.rect.text.south THEN p.v := view.rect.text.south - 1 END; IF p.h < view.rect.text.west THEN p.h := view.rect.text.west ELSIF p.h >= view.rect.text.east THEN p.h := view.rect.text.east - 1 END; lineNo := (p.v - view.rect.text.north) DIV view.lineSpacing; IF lineNo >= view.virtual.lines THEN (* below the text; empty selection *) iL := MIN (view.virtual.line [view.virtual.lines].virtualLine.from, view.vt.length); iR := iL; (* iL := MAX(iL - 1, virtual.start.at); (* experiment *) *) (* lineNo := virtual.lines - 1; (* experiment *) *) ELSE iL := MIN (view.virtual.line [lineNo].virtualLine.from, view.vt.length); w := p.h - view.rect.text.west; iR := MIN (view.virtual.line [lineNo].virtualLine.to, view.vt.length); IF iL < iR THEN (* non-empty line, so potentially non-empty selection *) <* ASSERT iL <= view.vt.length *> VTRd.InitReaderIx (view.vt, iL); w0 := 0; LOOP IF iL = iR THEN EXIT END; c := Rd.GetChar (view.vt.rd); CASE c OF | '\n' => iR := iL + 1; EXIT | '\t' => IF '\t' IN view.vScreenFont.vFont.printable THEN w0 := w0 + view.vScreenFont.width [' '] + view.vScreenFont.width ['\t'] - 1; w0 := w0 - w0 MOD view.vScreenFont.width ['\t'] ELSE w0 := w0 + view.vScreenFont.width [c] END ELSE w0 := w0 + view.vScreenFont.width [c] END; IF w0 > w THEN iR := iL + 1; EXIT END; iL := iL + 1 END; (* ELSE iL := MAX(iL - 1, virtual.start.at); (* experiment *) *) END END END Locate; PROCEDUREExtend ( view : View; VAR (* INOUT *) iL, iR: I; lineNo: LineNo; c : CHAR; mode : SelectionMode) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR code: WordCode; BEGIN IF iL = iR THEN RETURN END; IF view.virtual.dirty THEN VTVirtual.UpdateView (view) END; CASE mode OF | SelectionMode.CharSelection => (* done *) | SelectionMode.WordSelection => (* two cases *) code := wordCodes [c]; CASE code OF | WordCode.Special => (* if the cursor is at a special character, done *) | WordCode.WhiteSpace, WordCode.AlphaNumeric => (* if the cursor is at a white-space character or an alphanumeric character, extend selection to match the largest enclosing set of such. *) (* get a reverse reader *) VTRd.InitReaderIx (view.vt, iL); VTRd.Rev (view.vt); (* read backwards until we find a different character *) WHILE (iL > 0) AND (wordCodes [Rd.GetChar (view.vt.rrd)] = code) DO iL := iL - 1 END; (* read forward *) <* ASSERT iR <= view.vt.length *> Rd.Seek (view.vt.rd, iR); (* read forward until we find a different character *) WHILE (iR < view.vt.length) AND (wordCodes [Rd.GetChar (view.vt.rd)] = code) DO iR := iR + 1 END; END | SelectionMode.LineSelection => (* easy *) iL := view.virtual.line [lineNo].virtualLine.from; iR := MIN (view.virtual.line [lineNo].virtualLine.to, view.vt.length) | SelectionMode.ParagraphSelection => (* Get a reverse reader *) <* ASSERT iL <= view.vt.length *> VTRd.InitReaderIx (view.vt, iL); VTRd.Rev (view.vt); (* read until we see two new-lines *) LOOP IF iL = 0 THEN EXIT END; c := Rd.GetChar (view.vt.rrd); IF c = '\n' THEN IF iL = 1 THEN EXIT END; c := Rd.GetChar (view.vt.rrd); IF c = '\n' THEN EXIT ELSE iL := iL - 2 END ELSE iL := iL - 1 END END; (* read forward *) iR := MAX (iR - 2, iL); <* ASSERT iR <= view.vt.length *> Rd.Seek (view.vt.rd, iR); (* read until we see two new-lines *) LOOP IF iR = view.vt.length THEN EXIT END; c := Rd.GetChar (view.vt.rd); iR := iR + 1; IF c = '\n' THEN IF iR = view.vt.length THEN EXIT END; c := Rd.GetChar (view.vt.rd); iR := iR + 1; IF c = '\n' THEN EXIT END END END | SelectionMode.AllSelection => (* easy *) iL := 0; iR := view.vt.length END END Extend; PROCEDUREEncage ( view: View; p : Point.T; iL : I; VAR (* OUT*) iM : I; iR : I; VAR (* OUT*) cage: Rect.T ): WhichEnd RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR pL, pR : Point.T; whichEnd : WhichEnd; cwest, ceast, cnorth, csouth: Pixels; start : VirtualStart; BEGIN IF view.virtual.dirty THEN VTVirtual.UpdateView (view) END; (* find the boundaries of the selection in the image *) VTBase.UnsafeLocatePoint (view, iL, pL); IF pL.v = -1 THEN pL.h := FarWest; pL.v := FarNorth ELSIF pL.v = -2 THEN pL.h := FarEast; pL.v := FarSouth END; IF iL < iR THEN VTBase.UnsafeLocatePoint (view, iR - 1, pR, 0); IF pR.v = -1 THEN pR.h := FarWest; pR.v := FarNorth ELSIF pR.v = -2 THEN pR.h := FarEast; pR.v := FarSouth END ELSE pR := pL END; IF (pR.v > pL.v) OR (p.v < pL.v) OR (p.v >= pR.v + view.lineSpacing) THEN (* more than one line *) pR.v := pR.v + view.lineSpacing; (* bottom of line *) IF (p.v - pL.v < pR.v - p.v) THEN (* closer to top *) whichEnd := WhichEnd.Left; (* find a rectangular cage *) IF p.v < pL.v + view.lineSpacing THEN cwest := pL.h; ceast := FarEast; cnorth := pL.v; csouth := pL.v + view.lineSpacing ELSE cwest := FarWest; ceast := FarEast; cnorth := pL.v + view.lineSpacing; csouth := pL.v + (pR.v - pL.v + 1) DIV 2 END ELSE (* closer to bottom *) whichEnd := WhichEnd.Right; (* find a rectangular cage *) IF p.v >= pR.v - view.lineSpacing THEN cwest := FarWest; ceast := pR.h; cnorth := pR.v - view.lineSpacing; csouth := pR.v ELSE cwest := FarWest; ceast := FarEast; cnorth := pL.v + (pR.v - pL.v + 1) DIV 2; csouth := pR.v - view.lineSpacing END END ELSE (* one line *) IF (p.h - pL.h < pR.h - p.h) THEN (* closer to left *) whichEnd := WhichEnd.Left; cwest := pL.h; ceast := pL.h + (pR.h - pL.h + 1) DIV 2 ELSE (* closer to right *) whichEnd := WhichEnd.Right; cwest := pL.h + (pR.h - pL.h + 1) DIV 2; ceast := pR.h END; cnorth := pL.v; csouth := pR.v + view.lineSpacing END; (* If the original point is not in the cage, that's because it was outside the text image. Coordinates in that direction should be treated equally. The mapping algorithm must have good properties for this to work. *) IF p.h < cwest THEN ceast := cwest; cwest := FarWest ELSIF p.h >= ceast THEN cwest := ceast; ceast := FarEast END; IF p.v < cnorth THEN csouth := cnorth; cnorth := FarNorth ELSIF p.v >= csouth THEN cnorth := csouth; csouth := FarSouth END; cage := Rect.Meet ( Rect.FromEdges (cwest, ceast, cnorth, csouth), view.rect.full); (* decide which end *) CASE whichEnd OF | WhichEnd.Left => iM := iL | WhichEnd.Right => iM := iR; IF iL < iR THEN VTBase.Up (view, view.lineWidth, iM, 0, start); IF start.at = iM THEN iM := iM - 1 END END END; RETURN whichEnd END Encage; VAR wordCodes: ARRAY CHAR OF WordCode; BEGIN FOR c := FIRST (CHAR) TO LAST (CHAR) DO IF c IN ISOChar.AlphaNumerics THEN wordCodes [c] := WordCode.AlphaNumeric ELSIF c IN ISOChar.Spaces THEN wordCodes [c] := WordCode.WhiteSpace ELSE wordCodes [c] := WordCode.Special END END; wordCodes ['\n'] := WordCode.Special (* I guess. \r? \f? *) END VTPounce.