This module contains caret support for VTs. There is currently one caret, used for the insertion point; it is planned to extend the interface to multiple carets with various behaviors, so the current implementation is a little overdone!
MODULEThe caret in the VT can be either On or Off; the client calls Switch to set the state. The caret in a view can be temporarily deactivated and later reactivated; VTReal and others use this facility to turn off the caret when redrawing. When the caret is On and active, it is blinked on and off at 1 Hz.; IMPORT Point, Rd, Rect, Thread, VBT; IMPORT VTBase, VTReal, VTTexture; VTCaret
The caret state is held in vt^.caret.state. The deactivation count is held in vt^.caret.deactivationCount; deactivations can nest. A separate thread blinks the cursor. When the caret is On, it flashes the cursor; when the caret turns Off, it will soon exit.
PROCEDUREExported operationsInit (vt: T) RAISES {} = (* Init initializes a vt's caret, Off. *) BEGIN vt.caret.index := 0; vt.caret.state := OnOffState.Off; vt.caret.mutex := NEW (MUTEX); := FALSE; vt.caret.blinker := NIL END Init; PROCEDUREInitInView (view: View) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* InitInView initializes a view's caret. *) BEGIN view.caret.deactivationCount := 0; := FALSE; IF view.vt.caret.state = OnOffState.On THEN BlinkerOn (view) END END InitInView;
PROCEDURESwitch (vt: T; state: OnOffState) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN LOCK vt.caret.mutex DO IF vt.caret.state # state THEN vt.caret.state := state; IF state = OnOffState.On THEN BlinkersOn (vt) ELSE VTReal.Change ( vt, vt.caret.index, vt.caret.index + 1, vt.caret.index + 1); BlinkersOff (vt) END END END END Switch; PROCEDUREMove (vt: T; place: CARDINAL) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN LOCK vt.caret.mutex DO IF vt.caret.state = OnOffState.On THEN VTReal.Change ( vt, vt.caret.index, vt.caret.index + 1, vt.caret.index + 1); BlinkersOff (vt) END; vt.caret.index := place; IF vt.caret.state = OnOffState.On THEN BlinkersOn (vt) END END END Move; PROCEDUREDeactivate (view: View) RAISES {} = BEGIN LOCK view.vt.caret.mutex DO INC (view.caret.deactivationCount) END END Deactivate; PROCEDUREReactivate (view: View) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN LOCK view.vt.caret.mutex DO DEC (view.caret.deactivationCount); IF view.vt.caret.state = OnOffState.On AND view.caret.deactivationCount = 0 THEN BlinkerOn (view) END END END Reactivate; PROCEDUREClose (vt: T) RAISES {} = (* Close closes a caret. We just turn it off and it dies. *) BEGIN LOCK vt.caret.mutex DO vt.caret.state := OnOffState.Off; BlinkersOff (vt) END END Close; TYPE BlinkerClosure = Thread.Closure OBJECT vt: T OVERRIDES apply := Blinker END; PROCEDUREBlinkersOn (vt: T) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* BlinkersOn starts the caret in all views. The mutex is locked. *) BEGIN Find (vt); Paint (vt, TRUE); IF vt.caret.blinker = NIL THEN vt.caret.blinker := Thread.Fork (NEW (BlinkerClosure, vt := vt)) END END BlinkersOn; PROCEDUREBlinkersOff (vt: T) RAISES {} = (* BlinkersOff stops the caret in all views. The mutex is locked. *) BEGIN Paint (vt, FALSE) END BlinkersOff; PROCEDUREBlinkerOn (view: View) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* BlinkerOn starts the caret in one view. The mutex is locked. *) BEGIN FindInView (view); PaintInView (view, END BlinkerOn; PROCEDUREBlinker (arg: BlinkerClosure): REFANY RAISES {} = (* The caret-blinker thread. Sleep for half a second. Then if state = On, invert the caret, paint it, and go back to sleep. If state is Off, see how long it's been since it was On. If it's been Off for 10 seconds, kill the thread. Otherwise, keep the thread but go back to sleep; we're probably just typing or moving the cursor. *) CONST GRACEPERIOD = 20; VAR offCount := 0; BEGIN LOOP Thread.Pause (0.5D0); LOCK arg.vt.caret.mutex DO IF arg.vt.caret.state = OnOffState.On THEN := NOT; Paint (arg.vt,; offCount := 0 ELSIF offCount = GRACEPERIOD THEN arg.vt.caret.blinker := NIL; RETURN NIL ELSE INC (offCount) END END END END Blinker; PROCEDUREFind (vt: T) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* Find finds the caret in the views. The mutex is locked. *) VAR view := vt.views; BEGIN WHILE view # NIL DO FindInView (view); view := END END Find; PROCEDUREFindInView (view: View) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = (* FindInView finds the caret in a view. The mutex is locked. *) VAR nw: Point.T; BEGIN IF NOT (view.real.dirty OR view.virtual.dirty) THEN VTBase.UnsafeLocatePoint (view, view.vt.caret.index, nw); IF nw.v >= 0 THEN view.caret.rect := Rect.Meet (Rect.FromCorner ( nw, 1, -, view.rect.clip); view.caret.lineNo := (nw.v - view.rect.text.north) DIV view.lineSpacing; view.real.line [view.caret.lineNo].realLine.width := MAX (view.real.line [view.caret.lineNo].realLine.width, view.caret.rect.east - view.rect.text.west) ELSE view.caret.rect := Rect.Empty END ELSE view.caret.rect := Rect.Empty END END FindInView; PROCEDUREPaint (vt: T; on: BOOLEAN) RAISES {} = (* Paint paints the caret black or white in all views. The lock is set. *) VAR view := vt.views; BEGIN := on; WHILE view # NIL DO PaintInView (view, on); view := END END Paint; PROCEDUREPaintInView (view: View; on: BOOLEAN) RAISES {} = (* PaintInView paints the caret black or white in one view. The lock is set. *) BEGIN IF view.caret.deactivationCount = 0 AND NOT Rect.IsEmpty (view.caret.rect) THEN := on; IF on THEN VBT.PaintTint ( view.vbt, view.caret.rect, view.vOptions.whiteStroke.fg) ELSE VBT.PaintTexture ( view.vbt, view.caret.rect, view.vOptions.whiteStroke.bgFg, VTTexture.gray, Point.Origin) END END END PaintInView; BEGIN END VTCaret.