
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation              
 All rights reserved.                                           
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                 
 Created by stolfi on Wed Apr 19 01:33:17 1989                  
 Last modified on Mon Jul 12 21:06:12 PDT 1993 by mhb       
      modified on Fri May 14 16:45:56 PDT 1993 by meehan    
      modified on Wed Jun  3 18:06:16 PDT 1992 by stolfi        
      modified on Tue Feb 11 21:39:49 PST 1992 by muller        

The ColorName interface provides a standard mapping between color names and linear RGB triples. The implementation recognizes the following names, based on those found in /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt:

\begin{center} \begin{tt} \begin{tabular}{llll}

AliceBlue & ForestGreen & MintCream & SandyBrown \\ AntiqueWhite \dag & Gainsboro & MistyRose \dag & SeaGreen \dag \\ Aquamarine \dag & GhostWhite & Moccasin & Seashell \dag \\ Azure \dag & Gold \dag & NavajoWhite \dag & Sienna \dag \\ Beige & Goldenrod \dag & Navy & SkyBlue \dag \\ Bisque & GoldenrodYellow& NavyBlue & SlateBlue \dag \\ Black & Gray \ddag & OldLace & SlateGray \dag \\ BlanchedAlmond & Green \dag & OliveDrab \dag & SlateGrey \\ Blue \dag & GreenYellow & OliveGreen \dag & Snow \dag \\ BlueViolet & Grey \ddag & Orange \dag & SpringGreen\dag \\ Brown \dag & Honeydew \dag & OrangeRed \dag & SteelBlue \dag \\ Burlywood \dag & HotPink \dag & Orchid \dag & Tan \dag \\ CadetBlue \dag & IndianRed \dag & PapayaWhip & Thistle \dag \\ Chartreuse \dag & Ivory \dag & PeachPuff \dag & Tomato \dag \\ Chocolate \dag & Khaki \dag & Peru & Turquoise \dag \\ Coral \dag & Lavender & Pink \dag & Violet \\ CornflowerBlue & LavenderBlush \dag & Plum \dag & VioletRed \dag \\ Cornsilk \dag & LawnGreen & Powderblue & Wheat \dag \\ Cyan \dag & LemonChiffon \dag & Purple \dag & White \\ DeepPink \dag & LimeGreen & Red \dag & WhiteSmoke \\ DeepSkyBlue \dag & Linen & RosyBrown\dag & Yellow \dag \\ DodgerBlue \dag & Magenta \dag & Royalblue\dag & YellowGreen \\ Firebrick \dag & Maroon \dag & SaddleBrown \\ FloralWhite & MidnightBlue & Salmon \dag \\

\end{tabular} \end{tt} \end{center}

The dagger (\dag) indicates that the implementation recognizes a name along with the suffixes 1--4; e.g., Red, Red1, Red2, Red3, and Red4.

The double dagger (\ddag) indicates that the implementation also recognizes the names with the suffixes 0 through 100. That is, Gray0, Gray1, \dots, Gray100, as well as Grey0, Grey1, \dots, Grey100.

In addition, the name of a color $C$ from this list can be prefixed by one or more of the following modifiers:

\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l|l} % \it Term & \it Meaning\\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Light \\ Pale \end{tabular} & 1/3 of the way from $C$ to white \\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Dark \\ Dim \end{tabular} & 1/3 of the way from $C$ to black \\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Drab \\ Weak \\ Dull \end{tabular} & $\vcenter{\hbox{ 1/3 of the way from $C$ to the gray\strut} \hbox{with the same brightness as $C$\strut}}$ \\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Vivid \\ Strong \\ Bright \end{tabular} & $\vcenter{\hbox{1/3 of the way from $C$ to the purest color\strut} \hbox{with the same hue as $C$\strut}}$ \\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Reddish \end{tabular} & 1/3 of the way from $C$ to red \\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Greenish \end{tabular} & 1/3 of the way from $C$ to green \\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Bluish \end{tabular} & 1/3 of the way from $C$ to blue \\ \hline

\strut\begin{tabular}[c]{l} Yellowish \end{tabular} & 1/3 of the way from $C$ to yellow \\ % \end{tabular} \end{center}

Each of these modifiers can be modified in turn by the following prefixes, which replace ``1/3 of the way'' by the indicated fraction:

\begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l|l|l} \it Term & \it Degree & \it\% (approx.) \\ \hline VeryVerySlightly & 1/16 of the way & 6\% \\ VerySlightly & 1/8 of the way & 13\% \\ Slightly & 1/4 of the way & 25\% \\ Somewhat & 3/8 of the way & 38\% \\ Rather & 1/2 of the way & 50\% \\ Quite & 5/8 of the way & 63\% \\ Very & 3/4 of the way & 75\% \\ VeryVery & 7/8 of the way & 88\% \\ VeryVeryVery & 15/16 of the way & 94\% \\ \end{tabular} \end{center}

\noindent The modifier Medium is also recognized as a shorthand for SlightlyDark. (But you cannot use VeryMedium.)


IMPORT Color, TextList;


PROCEDURE ToRGB (name: TEXT): Color.T RAISES {NotFound};
Give the RGB.T value described by name, ignoring case and whitespace. A cache of unnormalized names is maintained, so this procedure should be pretty fast for repeated lookups of the same name.

PROCEDURE NameList (): TextList.T;
Return a list of all the ``basic'' (unmodified) color names known to this module, as lower-case TEXTs, in alphabetical order.

END ColorName.