UNSAFE INTERFACEXSharedMem ; IMPORT Completion, Picture, TrestleComm, VBT, X, XClient, XClientF, XPicture, XScreenType; <* PRAGMA LL *> TYPE XClient_T <: XClientF.T_Rel; PROCEDURE InitXClient (v: XClient.T) RAISES {TrestleComm.Failure}; <* LL = trsl *>
initialise /v/ for using the shared memory eesExtension (st: to the ns -1 if none available
PROCEDURE InitXScreenType (st: XScreenType.T);
initialise /st/ for use with the extension
PROCEDURE UsesExtension (st: VBT.ScreenType): BOOLEAN;
returns true if the /st/ uses the shared memory extension
PROCEDURE EventBase (v: XClient.T): X.Int;
returns the offset for shared memory event types
PROCEDURE PictureUsesExt (st: VBT.ScreenType; picture: Picture.T): BOOLEAN;
return TRUE if /picture/ on /st/ will use the extension
TYPE T <: XPicture.T; PROCEDURE New (): T;
Pictures acquired from this procedure will be returned to the free list when done with
PROCEDURE MakeCompletion (im: T): Completion.T;
used for PictureRep.MakeCompletion
END XSharedMem.