Translation to Modula-3: Copyright 1990, 1991 Digital Equipment Corporation
Modifications for Xaw widget set, and other improvements, designated XTETRIS versions 2.X: Copyright 1990, 1991 Daniel R. Greening
Modifications for X : Didier Tallot <> Copyright 1989 Didier Tallot
Copyright 1989 Phill Everson & Martyn Shortley
This notice and any statement of authorship must be reproduced on all copies. The authors do not make any warranty expressed or implied, or assume any liability or responsiblity for the use of this software.
Any distributor of copies of this software shall grant the recipient permission for further redistribution as permitted by this notice. Any distributor must distribute this software without any fee or other monetary gains, unless expressed written permission is granted by the authors.
This software or its use shall not be: sold, rented, leased, traded, or otherwise marketed without the expressed written permission of the authors.
Last modified on Mon Jan 30 16:00:07 PST 1995 by kalsow modified on Wed Oct 14 13:12:38 PDT 1992 by muller modified on Tue Apr 24 09:07:35 1990 by jerome
UNSAFE MODULE*******************************************************************; FROM M3toC IMPORT FlatTtoS, StoT, SharedTtoS, FreeSharedS; IMPORT FileRd, FileWr, Fmt, Random, Rd, Scan, Stdio, Text, Wr, Word; IMPORT Ctypes, Cstdlib, Utime, Uutmp, RTLinker, Thread, OSError; IMPORT X, Xrm, Xt, XtN, XtR, Xaw, M3toC, Params; <*FATAL ANY*> CONST NWIDTH = 10; (* canvas width in units *) MWIDTH = NWIDTH-1; (* max index *) NHEIGHT = 30; (* canvas height in units *) MHEIGHT = NHEIGHT-1; (* max index *) NSHAPE = 7; (* number of different shapes *) MSHAPE = NSHAPE-1; (* max index *) NROT = 4; (* number of rotations *) MROT = NROT-1; (* max index *) NHSCORE = 20; (* number of recorded high scores *) MHSCORE = NHSCORE-1; (* max index *) HIGH_SCORE_FILE = "tetris_scores"; TYPE READER = Rd.T; WRITER = Wr.T; WORD = Word.T; resource_res = RECORD foreground: Xt.Pixel; background: Xt.Pixel; boxsize: Xt.Dimension; scorefilep: INTEGER; startscore: INTEGER; startrows: INTEGER; startlevel: INTEGER END; score_rec = RECORD name: TEXT; score: INTEGER; rows: INTEGER; level: INTEGER; date: TEXT END; Int4 = ARRAY [0..MROT] OF INTEGER; rotate_rec = RECORD unitson: WORD; (* an array of 4x4 = 16 bits, indicating the on units in this order: <3,3> <2,3> <1,3> <0,3> <3,2> ... <0,0> *) points: INTEGER; (* Points for acceptance in this position. *) highesty: Int4; (* highest non-0 y in unitson, for each x *) highestx: Int4; (* highest non-0 x in unitson, for each y *) lowestx: Int4 (* lowest non-0 y in unitson, for each y *) END; shape_rec = RECORD forms: ARRAY [0..MROT] OF rotate_rec; foreground: Xt.Pixel; background: Xt.Pixel; gc: X.GC END; VAR rand : Random.T := NEW (Random.Default).init (); (* get from resource database *) foreground: Xt.Pixel; background: Xt.Pixel; scorefilep: BOOLEAN; (* use / don't use score file *) bsize: Xt.Dimension; (* size of one unit box *) startscore: INTEGER; (* starting value *) startrows: INTEGER; (* starting value *) startlevel: INTEGER; (* starting value *) score: INTEGER; (* the actual score *) rows: INTEGER; (* the number of removed rows *) level: INTEGER; (* the actual level *) False: X.Bool := 0; (* to de defined in X.i3 ... *) user_name: TEXT; running: BOOLEAN; cur_shape: INTEGER; (* the current moving shape *) cur_xpos: INTEGER; (* the current xpos for cur_shape *) cur_ypos: INTEGER; (* the current ypos for cur_shape *) cur_rot: INTEGER; (* the current rot for cur_shape *) next_shape: INTEGER; (* the next moving shape *) next_rot: INTEGER; (* the current rot for next_shape *) context: Xt.AppContext; toplevel: Xt.Widget; frame: Xt.Widget; left_frame: Xt.Widget; right_frame: Xt.Widget; stat_frame: Xt.Widget; stat_shapes: ARRAY [0..MSHAPE] OF Xt.Widget; stat_labels: ARRAY [0..MSHAPE] OF Xt.Widget; score_frame: Xt.Widget; score_panel: Xt.Widget; canvas: Xt.Widget; shadow: Xt.Widget; nextobj: Xt.Widget; stats: Xt.Widget; start_bt: Xt.Widget; pause_bt: Xt.Widget; newgame_bt: Xt.Widget; quit_bt: Xt.Widget; score_item: Xt.Widget; level_item: Xt.Widget; rows_item: Xt.Widget; game_over: Xt.Widget; shadegc: X.GC; (* to add a shadow for block unit *) erasegc: X.GC; (* when a line is removed *) movegc: X.GC; (* to blit the canvas after removing a line *) gcval:= NEW (UNTRACED REF X.XGCValues); grid: ARRAY [0..MWIDTH], [0..MHEIGHT] OF X.GC; shapes: ARRAY [0..MSHAPE] OF shape_rec; stat_totals: ARRAY [0..MSHAPE] OF INTEGER; stat_counts: ARRAY [0..MSHAPE] OF INTEGER; high_scores: ARRAY [0..MHSCORE] OF score_rec; high_score_item: ARRAY [0..MHSCORE+2] OF Xt.Widget; high_score_def := score_rec {"", 0, 0, 0,""}; shapenames := ARRAY [0..7] OF TEXT {"Shape", "shape0", "shape1", "shape2", "shape3", "shape4", "shape5", "shape6"}; fallbacklist := NEW (Xt.FallbackResList); options := NEW (Xrm.OptionDescList); resources := NEW (UNTRACED REF resource_res); actions := NEW (Xt.ActionList); reslist := NEW (Xt.ResourceList); args := NEW (Xt.ArgList); count: INTEGER; CONST fallbacktext = ARRAY [0..30] OF TEXT { "*LeftFrame.Buttons.NewGame.translations: #augment \\n" & " <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: NewGame() notify()", "*LeftFrame.Buttons.Pause.translations: #override \\n" & " <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Pause()", "*LeftFrame.Buttons.Quit.translations: #augment \\n" & " <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Quit() notify()", "*LeftFrame.Buttons.Scores.translations: #augment \\n" & " <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Scores() notify()", "*LeftFrame.Buttons.Start.translations: #override \\n" & " <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>: Start()", "*RightFrame.Canvas.translations: " & " <Expose>: Refresh() \\n" & " !Shift<Btn1Down>: RotateCCW() \\n" & " !<Btn1Down>: MoveLeft() \\n" & " !Shift<Btn3Down>: RotateCW() \\n" & " !<Btn3Down>: MoveRight() \\n" & " !Shift<Btn2Down>: Drop()", "*RightFrame.Canvas.accelerators: " & " <Key>space: Drop() \\n" & " <Key>h: MoveLeft() \\n" & " <Key>q: Quit() \\n" & " <Key>p: Pause() \\n" & " <Key>s: Start() \\n" & " <Key>r: NewGame() \\n" & " <Key>Left: MoveLeft() \\n" & " <Key>j: RotateCW() \\n" & " <Key>Down: RotateCW() \\n" & " <Key>k: RotateCCW() \\n" & " <Key>Up: RotateCCW() \\n" & " <Key>l: MoveRight() \\n" & " <Key>Right: MoveRight()", "*LeftFrame.NextObject.translations: " & " <Expose>:Refresh()", "*RightFrame.Shadow.translations: " & " <Expose>:Refresh()", "*StatFrame.Shapes.translations: " & " <Expose>:Refresh()", "*ScoreFrame.ScorePanel.Close.translations: #augment \\n" & " <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>:Close()", "*ScorePanel.Close.translations: #augment \\n" & " <Btn1Down>,<Btn1Up>:Close()", "Tetris*BorderWidth: 1", "Tetris*ShapeStyle: Oval", "Tetris.shape0.foreground: #ff0000", (* red1 *) "Tetris.shape0.background: #8b0000", (* red4 *) "Tetris.shape1.foreground: #ffa500", (* orange1 *) "Tetris.shape1.background: #8b5a00", (* orange4 *) "Tetris.shape2.foreground: #ffff00", (* yellow1 *) "Tetris.shape2.background: #8b8b00", (* yellow4 *) "Tetris.shape3.foreground: #00ff00", (* green1 *) "Tetris.shape3.background: #008b00", (* green4 *) "Tetris.shape4.foreground: #0000ff", (* blue1 *) "Tetris.shape4.background: #00008b", (* blue4 *) "Tetris.shape5.foreground: #00ffff", (* cyan1 *) "Tetris.shape5.background: #008b8b", (* cyan4 *) "Tetris.shape6.foreground: #9b30ff", (* purple1 *) "Tetris.shape6.background: #551a8b", (* purple4 *) "Tetris*ScorePanel*Font: 8x13", "Tetris*Font: -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*", "Tetris*Buttons*width: 100" }; Main
X 1 1 U T I L I T I E S
PROCEDURE*******************************************************************SetValueText (w: Xt.Widget; name: Xt.String; val: TEXT) = BEGIN WITH string = SharedTtoS(val) DO args[0] := Xt.Arg {name, string}; Xt.SetValues (w, args, 1); FreeSharedS(val, string); END; END SetValueText; PROCEDURECreateWidget (name: TEXT; class: Xt.WidgetClass; parent: Xt.Widget; args: Xt.ArgList := NIL; narg: INTEGER := 0): Xt.Widget = BEGIN WITH string = SharedTtoS (name) DO TRY RETURN (Xt.CreateManagedWidget (string, class, parent, args, narg)) FINALLY FreeSharedS(name, string); END END END CreateWidget; PROCEDURESetArgI (VAR args: Xt.ArgList; VAR count: INTEGER; name: Xt.String; val: INTEGER) = BEGIN args[count] := Xt.Arg {name, LOOPHOLE (val, ADDRESS)}; INC (count) END SetArgI; PROCEDURESetArgA (VAR args: Xt.ArgList; VAR count: INTEGER; name: Xt.String; val: ADDRESS) = BEGIN args[count] := Xt.Arg {name, val}; INC (count) END SetArgA; PROCEDURESetArgT (VAR args: Xt.ArgList; VAR count: INTEGER; name: Xt.String; val: TEXT) = BEGIN args[count] := Xt.Arg {name, FlatTtoS(val)}; INC (count) END SetArgT; PROCEDURESetOption (VAR optlist: Xrm.OptionDescList; VAR count: INTEGER; optionn, specifier: TEXT; argKind: Xrm.OptionKind; val: TEXT) = BEGIN optlist[count] := Xrm.OptionDescRec{ FlatTtoS(optionn), FlatTtoS(specifier), argKind, FlatTtoS(val) }; INC (count) END SetOption; PROCEDURESetAction (VAR optlist: Xt.ActionList; VAR count: INTEGER; name: TEXT; proc: Xt.ActionProc) = BEGIN optlist[count] := Xt.ActionsRec {FlatTtoS(name), proc}; INC (count) END SetAction; PROCEDURESetResource (VAR reslist: Xt.ResourceList; VAR count: INTEGER; name, class: TEXT; type: Xt.String; size, offset: Xt.Cardinal; default_type: Xt.String; default_addr: TEXT) = BEGIN reslist[count] := Xt.Resource {FlatTtoS (name), FlatTtoS (class), type, size, offset, default_type, FlatTtoS (default_addr)}; INC (count) END SetResource; PROCEDUREMapWidget (widget: Xt.Widget) = BEGIN X.XMapWindow (Xt.Display (widget), Xt.XtWindow (widget)) END MapWidget; PROCEDUREUnmapWidget (widget: Xt.Widget) = BEGIN X.XUnmapWindow (Xt.Display (widget), Xt.XtWindow (widget)) END UnmapWidget;
The High Scores Display
PROCEDURE*********************************************************************ReadHighScores () = VAR rd: READER; BEGIN IF NOT scorefilep THEN RETURN END; (* clear the high_scores structure *) FOR i := 0 TO MHSCORE DO high_scores[i] := high_score_def END; TRY rd := FileRd.Open (HIGH_SCORE_FILE); EXCEPT | OSError.E => scorefilep := FALSE; Wr.PutText (Stdio.stderr, "tetris: can\'t read score file: " & HIGH_SCORE_FILE & " Run with \'-noscore\' to avoid this message.\n"); RETURN END; TRY FOR i := 0 TO MHSCORE DO high_scores[i].name := Rd.GetLine (rd); high_scores[i].score := Scan.Int (Rd.GetLine (rd)); high_scores[i].rows := Scan.Int (Rd.GetLine (rd)); high_scores[i].level := Scan.Int (Rd.GetLine (rd)); high_scores[i].date := Rd.GetLine (rd) END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => END; Rd.Close (rd) END ReadHighScores; PROCEDUREWriteHighScores () = VAR wr: WRITER; BEGIN TRY wr := FileWr.Open (HIGH_SCORE_FILE); EXCEPT | OSError.E => scorefilep := FALSE; Wr.PutText (Stdio.stderr, "tetris: can\'t write score file: " & HIGH_SCORE_FILE & " Run with \'-noscore\' to avoid this message.\n"); RETURN END; FOR i := 0 TO MHSCORE DO Wr.PutText (wr, high_scores[i].name & "\n" & Fmt.Int (high_scores[i].score) & "\n" & Fmt.Int (high_scores[i].rows) & "\n" & Fmt.Int (high_scores[i].level) & "\n" & high_scores[i].date & "\n"); END; Wr.Close (wr) END WriteHighScores; PROCEDUREShowHighScores (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN IF NOT scorefilep THEN RETURN END; (* re-read high-score table in case someone else on the network is * playing at the same time *) ReadHighScores (); SetValueText (high_score_item[0], XtN.string, "Pos Name Score Rows Level When "); SetValueText (high_score_item[1], XtN.string, " "); FOR i := 0 TO MHSCORE DO SetValueText (high_score_item[i+2], XtN.string, " " & Fmt.Pad (Fmt.Int (i+1), 3, ' ', Fmt.Align.Left) & Fmt.Pad (high_scores[i].name, 10, ' ', Fmt.Align.Left) & Fmt.Pad (Fmt.Int (high_scores[i].score), 6) & Fmt.Pad (Fmt.Int (high_scores[i].rows), 6) & Fmt.Pad (Fmt.Int (high_scores[i].level), 6) & " " & high_scores[i].date); END; Xt.Popup (score_frame, Xt.GrabExclusive) END ShowHighScores; PROCEDUREUpdateHighScores () = VAR pos: INTEGER; strdate: Ctypes.char_star; tloc: Ctypes.long; BEGIN IF NOT scorefilep THEN RETURN END; (* re-read high-score table in case someone else on the network is * playing at the same time *) ReadHighScores (); (* Check for previous best score *) pos := -1; FOR i := 0 TO MHSCORE DO IF score >= high_scores[i].score THEN pos := i; EXIT END; END; IF pos # -1 THEN (* Blit the high_score *) FOR i := MHSCORE TO pos+1 BY -1 DO high_scores[i] := high_scores[i-1] END; (* Force the new score *) high_scores[pos].name := user_name; high_scores[pos].score := score; high_scores[pos].rows := rows; high_scores[pos].level := level; EVAL Utime.time (ADR (tloc)); strdate := Utime.ctime (tloc); high_scores[pos].date := Text.Sub (StoT (strdate), 0, 24); (* and write back the new score *) WriteHighScores() END; END UpdateHighScores;
T I M E R + E V E N T S
VAR timer: Xt.IntervalId; PROCEDURE**********************************************************************StartTimer () = VAR interval: Ctypes.unsigned_long; pevel: INTEGER; BEGIN pevel := 50 - level; IF pevel < 0 THEN pevel := 0 END; interval := pevel * 6; timer := Xt.AppAddTimeOut (context, interval, MoveBlock, NIL) END StartTimer; PROCEDUREMoveBlock (<*UNUSED*> closure: Xt.Pointer; <*UNUSED*> id: Xt.InputIdStar) = BEGIN StartTimer (); IF BlockCanDown (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) THEN ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, TRUE); cur_ypos := cur_ypos + 1; ELSE IF cur_ypos < 0 THEN EndGame (toplevel, NIL, NIL, NIL) ELSE score := score + shapes[cur_shape].forms[cur_rot].points; UpdateGrid (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot); RemoveFullLines (cur_ypos); CreateShape (TRUE); ShowStatLabel (cur_shape); ShowScoreProc (toplevel, NIL, NIL, NIL); ShowNext (); DrawShadow (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) END; END; ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, FALSE) END MoveBlock; PROCEDUREStopTimer () = BEGIN IF timer # 0 THEN Xt.RemoveTimeOut (timer); timer := 0 END; END StopTimer; PROCEDURESetEvents () = BEGIN running := TRUE; UnmapWidget (start_bt); MapWidget (pause_bt); END SetEvents; PROCEDUREClearEvents () = BEGIN running := FALSE; UnmapWidget (pause_bt); MapWidget (start_bt) END ClearEvents;
PROCEDURERefreshProc (w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN IF w = canvas THEN FOR x := 0 TO MWIDTH DO FOR y := 0 TO MHEIGHT DO IF grid[x, y] # NIL THEN ShowRectangle (Xt.Display (w), Xt.XtWindow(w), grid[x, y], x * bsize, y * bsize, bsize, bsize); END; END; ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, FALSE) END ELSE IF w = shadow THEN DrawShadow (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot); ELSE IF w = nextobj THEN ShowNext () ELSE IF w = stats THEN FOR i := 0 TO MSHAPE DO ShowShape (stat_shapes[i], i, 0, 0, 1, FALSE); END ELSE Wr.PutText (Stdio.stderr, "Hmm. I got a Refresh() for an unrecognized window!\n") END; END; END; END; END RefreshProc;
PROCEDUREShowScoreProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN SetValueText (score_item, XtN.string, "Score: " & Fmt.Int (score)); SetValueText (level_item, XtN.string, "Level: " & Fmt.Int (level)); SetValueText (rows_item, XtN.string, "Rows: " & Fmt.Int (rows)); END ShowScoreProc;
PROCEDUREQuitProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN ClearEvents (); StopTimer (); Xt.DestroyWidget (toplevel); Cstdlib.exit (0) END QuitProc;
PROCEDURECloseProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN Xt.Popdown (score_frame); END CloseProc;
PROCEDUREEndGame (w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN ClearEvents (); StopTimer (); UnmapWidget (start_bt); UnmapWidget (pause_bt); SetValueText (game_over, XtN.string, "Game Over"); UpdateHighScores (); ShowHighScores (w, NIL, NIL, NIL) END EndGame;
PROCEDURERestartProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN ClearEvents (); StopTimer (); ClearGame () END RestartProc;
PROCEDUREStartProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN IF running THEN RETURN END; SetEvents (); StartTimer () END StartProc;
PROCEDUREMoving ActionsPauseProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN IF NOT running THEN RETURN END; ClearEvents(); StopTimer(); END PauseProc;
PROCEDURELeftProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN IF NOT running THEN RETURN END; IF BlockCanLeft (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) THEN ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, TRUE); cur_xpos := cur_xpos - 1; ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, FALSE); DrawShadow (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) END; END LeftProc; PROCEDURERightProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN IF NOT running THEN RETURN END; IF BlockCanRight (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) THEN ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, TRUE); cur_xpos := cur_xpos + 1; ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, FALSE); DrawShadow (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) END; END RightProc; PROCEDUREAntiProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = VAR rot: INTEGER; BEGIN IF NOT running THEN RETURN END; rot := (cur_rot + 3) MOD 4; IF BlockCanRot (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, rot) THEN ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, TRUE); cur_rot := rot; ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, FALSE); DrawShadow (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) END; END AntiProc; PROCEDUREClockProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = VAR rot: INTEGER; BEGIN IF NOT running THEN RETURN END; rot := (cur_rot + 1) MOD 4; IF BlockCanRot (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, rot) THEN ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, TRUE); cur_rot := rot; ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, FALSE); DrawShadow (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) END; END ClockProc;
PROCEDURE**************************************************************DropProc (<*UNUSED*> w: Xt.Widget; <*UNUSED*> event: X.XAnyEventStar; <*UNUSED*> pars: Xt.StringStar; <*UNUSED*> npars: Xt.CardinalStar) = BEGIN IF NOT running THEN RETURN END; WHILE BlockCanDown (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot) DO ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, TRUE); cur_ypos := cur_ypos + 1; ShowShape (canvas, cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot, FALSE) END; END DropProc;
Actions Utilities
PROCEDURE********************************************************************BlockCanDown (shape, xpos, ypos, rot: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR y, c: INTEGER; BEGIN (* Find highest non-zero y coordinate for each x *) FOR x := 0 TO MROT DO c := shapes[shape].forms[rot].highesty[x]; y := ypos + c; IF c # 0 AND y >= 0 THEN IF y > MHEIGHT OR grid[xpos+x, y] # NIL THEN RETURN (FALSE) END; END; END; RETURN (TRUE) END BlockCanDown; PROCEDUREBlockCanLeft (shape, xpos, ypos, rot: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR x, yg, c: INTEGER; BEGIN (* get the lowest x value for y, in (3-c) *) yg := ypos; FOR y := 0 TO MROT DO c := shapes[shape].forms[rot].lowestx[y]; x := xpos + c; IF c # -2 THEN IF x < 0 OR (yg >= 0 AND grid[x, yg] # NIL) THEN RETURN (FALSE) END; END; yg := yg + 1; END; RETURN (TRUE) END BlockCanLeft; PROCEDUREBlockCanRight (shape, xpos, ypos, rot: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR x, yg, c: INTEGER; BEGIN (* get the lowest x value for y, in (3-c) *) yg := ypos; FOR y := 0 TO MROT DO c := shapes[shape].forms[rot].highestx[y]; x := xpos + c; IF c # 0 AND x >= 0 THEN IF x = NWIDTH OR (yg >= 0 AND grid[x, yg] # NIL) THEN RETURN (FALSE) END; END; yg := yg + 1; END; RETURN (TRUE) END BlockCanRight; PROCEDUREBlockCanRot (shape, xpos, ypos, rot: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR unitson: WORD; BEGIN unitson := shapes[shape].forms[rot].unitson; FOR y := ypos+MROT TO ypos BY -1 DO IF y >= 0 THEN IF y > MHEIGHT AND Word.And (16_0000000F, unitson) # 0 THEN RETURN (FALSE) END; FOR x := xpos + MROT TO xpos BY -1 DO IF Word.And (unitson, 1) # 0 AND (x < 0 OR x > MWIDTH OR grid[x, y] # NIL) THEN RETURN (FALSE) END; unitson := Word.Shift (unitson, -1); END; ELSE unitson := Word.Shift (unitson, -4); END; END; RETURN (TRUE) END BlockCanRot;
Drawing Procedures
PROCEDUREcreates a new (randomly chosen) shape and sets the global variablesRemoveFullLines (starty: INTEGER) = VAR ymax: INTEGER; (* y max of search *) foundfull: INTEGER; (* number of full lines *) linefull: ARRAY [0..MHEIGHT] OF BOOLEAN; (* state of each line *) BEGIN foundfull := 0; ymax := MIN (starty + 4, MHEIGHT); FOR y := starty TO ymax DO linefull[y] := TRUE; FOR x := 0 TO MWIDTH DO IF grid[x, y] = NIL THEN linefull[y] := FALSE; EXIT END END; IF linefull[y] THEN INC (foundfull); X.XFillRectangle (Xt.Display (canvas), Xt.XtWindow (canvas), erasegc, 0, y * bsize, bsize * NWIDTH, bsize) END; END; IF (foundfull = 0) THEN RETURN END; (* Computes and display the new score *) score := score + (10 * foundfull * foundfull); rows := rows + foundfull; level := startlevel + rows DIV 10; ShowScoreProc (toplevel, NIL, NIL, NIL); (* Wait a bit for the user to see it. *) X.XFlush (Xt.Display (toplevel)); Thread.Pause(1.2d+0); (* Now change the data. *) FOR y := starty TO ymax DO IF linefull[y] THEN FOR y2 := y TO 1 BY -1 DO FOR x := 0 TO MWIDTH DO grid[x, y2] := grid[x, y2 - 1] END; END; FOR x := 0 TO MWIDTH DO grid[x, 0] := NIL END; X.XCopyArea (Xt.Display (toplevel), Xt.XtWindow (canvas), Xt.XtWindow (canvas), movegc, 0,0, bsize * NWIDTH, y * bsize, 0, bsize); X.XClearArea (Xt.Display (toplevel), Xt.XtWindow (canvas), 0, 0, bsize * NWIDTH, bsize, False); END; END; X.XFlush (Xt.Display (toplevel)) END RemoveFullLines; PROCEDUREDrawShadow (shape, xpos: INTEGER; <*UNUSED*> ypos: INTEGER; rot: INTEGER) = VAR unitson: WORD := shapes[shape].forms[rot].unitson; xmax: INTEGER; BEGIN X.XClearArea (Xt.Display (shadow), Xt.XtWindow (shadow), 0, 0, 0, 0, False); xmax := (xpos+3) * bsize; FOR x:= xpos * bsize TO xmax BY bsize DO IF Word.And (unitson, 16_00008888) # 0 THEN ShowRectangle (Xt.Display (shadow), Xt.XtWindow (shadow), shapes[shape].gc, x, 0, bsize, bsize); END; unitson := Word.Shift (unitson, 1); END; X.XFlush (Xt.Display (toplevel)) END DrawShadow; PROCEDUREShowNext () = BEGIN X.XClearArea (Xt.Display (nextobj), Xt.XtWindow (nextobj), 0,0,0,0, False); ShowShape (nextobj, next_shape, 0, 0, next_rot, FALSE) END ShowNext; PROCEDUREShowRectangle (d: X.DisplayStar; win: X.Drawable; gc: X.GC; x, y: INTEGER; w, h: Xt.Cardinal) = CONST DEEP = 1; BEGIN X.XFillRectangle (d, win, gc, x, y, w, h); X.XFillRectangle (d, win, shadegc, x+DEEP, y+DEEP, w-DEEP, h-DEEP) END ShowRectangle; PROCEDUREShowStatLabel (index: INTEGER) = BEGIN SetValueText (stat_labels[index], XtN.string, Fmt.Pad (Fmt.Int (stat_totals[index]), 6) & Fmt.Pad (Fmt.Int (stat_counts[index]), 6)); END ShowStatLabel; PROCEDUREShowShape (w: Xt.Widget; shape, x, y, rot: INTEGER; clear: BOOLEAN) = VAR d: X.DisplayStar; win: X.Drawable; unitson: WORD; xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin: INTEGER; BEGIN d := Xt.Display (w); win := Xt.XtWindow (w); unitson := shapes[shape].forms[rot].unitson; xmax := (x+3) * bsize; ymax := (y+3) * bsize; ymin := y * bsize; xmin := x * bsize; (* Fill or clear the rectangles *) FOR ycor := ymax TO ymin BY -bsize DO IF (ycor >= 0) AND (Word.And (unitson, 16_0000000F) # 0) THEN FOR xcor := xmax TO xmin BY -bsize DO IF Word.And (unitson, 16_00000001) # 0 THEN IF clear THEN X.XClearArea (d, win, xcor, ycor, bsize, bsize, False) ELSE ShowRectangle (d, win, shapes[shape].gc, xcor, ycor, bsize, bsize); X.XFlush (d) END; END; unitson := Word.Shift (unitson, -1); END; ELSE unitson := Word.Shift (unitson, -4); END; END; END ShowShape; PROCEDUREDefineShapes () = VAR unitson: WORD; BEGIN WITH s = shapes [0] DO s.forms[0].unitson := 16_0f00; s.forms[0].points := 5; (* *) s.forms[1].unitson := 16_4444; s.forms[1].points := 8; (* #### *) s.forms[2].unitson := 16_0f00; s.forms[2].points := 5; (* *) s.forms[3].unitson := 16_4444; s.forms[3].points := 8; (* *) END; WITH s = shapes [1] DO s.forms[0].unitson := 16_cc00; s.forms[0].points := 6; (* ## *) s.forms[1].unitson := 16_cc00; s.forms[1].points := 6; (* ## *) s.forms[2].unitson := 16_cc00; s.forms[2].points := 6; (* *) s.forms[3].unitson := 16_cc00; s.forms[3].points := 6; (* *) END; WITH s = shapes [2] DO s.forms[0].unitson := 16_4e00; s.forms[0].points := 5; (* # *) s.forms[1].unitson := 16_4640; s.forms[1].points := 5; (* ### *) s.forms[2].unitson := 16_0e40; s.forms[2].points := 6; (* *) s.forms[3].unitson := 16_4c40; s.forms[3].points := 5; (* *) END; WITH s = shapes [3] DO s.forms[0].unitson := 16_c600; s.forms[0].points := 6; (* ## *) s.forms[1].unitson := 16_4c80; s.forms[1].points := 7; (* ## *) s.forms[2].unitson := 16_c600; s.forms[2].points := 6; (* *) s.forms[3].unitson := 16_4c80; s.forms[3].points := 7; (* *) END; WITH s = shapes [4] DO s.forms[0].unitson := 16_6c00; s.forms[0].points := 6; (* ## *) s.forms[1].unitson := 16_8c40; s.forms[1].points := 7; (* ## *) s.forms[2].unitson := 16_6c00; s.forms[2].points := 6; (* *) s.forms[3].unitson := 16_8c40; s.forms[3].points := 7; (* *) END; WITH s = shapes [5] DO s.forms[0].unitson := 16_2e00; s.forms[0].points := 6; (* # *) s.forms[1].unitson := 16_88c0; s.forms[1].points := 7; (* ### *) s.forms[2].unitson := 16_e800; s.forms[2].points := 6; (* *) s.forms[3].unitson := 16_c440; s.forms[3].points := 7; (* *) END; WITH s = shapes [6] DO s.forms[0].unitson := 16_e200; s.forms[0].points := 6; (* ### *) s.forms[1].unitson := 16_44c0; s.forms[1].points := 7; (* # *) s.forms[2].unitson := 16_8e00; s.forms[2].points := 6; (* *) s.forms[3].unitson := 16_c880; s.forms[3].points := 7; (* *) END; (* First set the highesty values (could have specified these statically, but the human cost is too high. This is one-shot anyway). *) FOR s := 0 TO MSHAPE DO FOR r := 0 TO MROT DO (* set the highesty values. *) unitson := shapes[s].forms[r].unitson; FOR x := 0 TO MROT DO shapes[s].forms[r].highesty[x] := 0; shapes[s].forms[r].highestx[x] := 0; shapes[s].forms[r].lowestx[x] := -2; END; FOR y := MROT TO 0 BY -1 DO FOR x := MROT TO 0 BY -1 DO IF Word.And (unitson, 1) # 0 THEN IF shapes[s].forms[r].highesty[x] = 0 THEN shapes[s].forms[r].highesty[x] := y+1 END; IF shapes[s].forms[r].highestx[y] = 0 THEN shapes[s].forms[r].highestx[y] := x+1 END; shapes[s].forms[r].lowestx[y] := x-1; END; unitson := Word.Shift (unitson, -1); END; END; (* Now allocate the colored graphics context *) gcval.foreground := shapes[s].foreground; gcval.background := shapes[s].background; shapes[s].gc := X.XCreateGC (Xt.Display (canvas), Xt.XtWindow (canvas), X.GCForeground + X.GCBackground, gcval); END; END; END DefineShapes; PROCEDUREUpdateGrid (shape, xpos, ypos, rot: INTEGER) = VAR unitson: WORD; BEGIN unitson := shapes[shape].forms[rot].unitson; FOR y := ypos+3 TO ypos BY -1 DO FOR x := xpos+3 TO xpos BY -1 DO IF x >= 0 AND y >= 0 THEN IF Word.And (unitson, 16_00000001) # 0 THEN grid[x, y] := shapes[shape].gc END; END; unitson := Word.Shift (unitson, -1); END; END; END UpdateGrid;
PROCEDURE***********************************************************************CreateShape (countp: BOOLEAN) = BEGIN cur_shape := next_shape; IF countp THEN INC (stat_counts[cur_shape]); INC (stat_totals[cur_shape]) END; cur_rot := next_rot; next_shape := rand.integer () MOD NSHAPE; next_rot := rand.integer () MOD NROT; cur_xpos := (NWIDTH DIV 2) - 1; cur_ypos := -4 END CreateShape;
PROCEDURE****************************************************************Initialize () = VAR who: Ctypes.char_star; BEGIN DefineShapes (); who := Cstdlib.getenv (FlatTtoS ("TETRIS")); IF who = NIL THEN who := Cstdlib.getenv (FlatTtoS ("LOGNAME")) END; IF who = NIL THEN who := Cstdlib.getenv (FlatTtoS ("USER")) END; IF who = NIL THEN who := Uutmp.getlogin () END; user_name := StoT (who); ClearGame (); ReadHighScores (); END Initialize; PROCEDUREClearGame () = BEGIN score := startscore; rows := startrows; level := startlevel; cur_xpos := 0; cur_ypos := 0; FOR i := 0 TO MWIDTH DO FOR j := 0 TO MHEIGHT DO grid[i, j] := NIL END; END; FOR i := 0 TO MSHAPE DO stat_counts[i] := 0; ShowShape (stat_shapes[i], i, 0, 0, 1, FALSE); ShowStatLabel (i); END; CreateShape (FALSE); (* Set up 1st shape *) CreateShape (TRUE); (* Set up next shape *) X.XClearArea (Xt.Display (canvas), Xt.XtWindow (canvas), 0, 0, 0, 0, False); SetValueText (game_over, XtN.string, " "); ShowScoreProc (toplevel, NIL, NIL, NIL); ShowNext (); ShowStatLabel (cur_shape); DrawShadow (cur_shape, cur_xpos, cur_ypos, cur_rot ) END ClearGame; PROCEDUREMakeFrames (top: Xt.Widget) = VAR status, buttons, nextlabel, tbar, scores_bt: Xt.Widget; stbar, statboxl: Xt.Widget; BEGIN (* the global frame: "Frame" *) count := 0; SetArgI (args, count, XtN.defaultDistance, bsize); frame := CreateWidget ("Frame", Xaw.formWidgetClass, top, args, count); (* the left frame: LeftFrame, contains the label, the next object, and the buttons *) count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromHoriz, NIL); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.defaultDistance, 2 * bsize); left_frame := CreateWidget ("LeftFrame", Xaw.formWidgetClass, frame, args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, NIL); SetArgT (args, count, XtN.label, " TETRIS\nX11R4 + Modula-3\n entertainment"); tbar := CreateWidget ("TitleBar", Xaw.labelWidgetClass, left_frame, args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, tbar); SetArgT (args, count, XtN.label, " The Next Shape "); nextlabel := CreateWidget ("NextLabel", Xaw.labelWidgetClass, left_frame,args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, nextlabel); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.width, (bsize * 4)); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.height, (bsize * 4)); SetArgT (args, count, XtN.resizable, "FALSE"); nextobj := CreateWidget ("NextObject", Xaw.simpleWidgetClass, left_frame, args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, nextobj); status := CreateWidget ("Status", Xaw.boxWidgetClass, left_frame, args, count); score_item := CreateWidget ("Score", Xaw.asciiTextWidgetClass, status); level_item := CreateWidget ("Level", Xaw.asciiTextWidgetClass, status); rows_item := CreateWidget ("Rows", Xaw.asciiTextWidgetClass, status); game_over := CreateWidget ("Game", Xaw.asciiTextWidgetClass, status); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, status); buttons := CreateWidget ("Buttons", Xaw.boxWidgetClass, left_frame, args, count); start_bt := CreateWidget ("Start", Xaw.commandWidgetClass, buttons); pause_bt := CreateWidget ("Pause", Xaw.commandWidgetClass, buttons); newgame_bt := CreateWidget ("NewGame", Xaw.commandWidgetClass, buttons); IF scorefilep THEN scores_bt := CreateWidget ("Scores", Xaw.commandWidgetClass, buttons); END; quit_bt := CreateWidget ("Quit", Xaw.commandWidgetClass, buttons); (* * the right frame: RightFrame, contains the canvas and the shadow *) count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromHoriz, left_frame); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.defaultDistance, bsize); right_frame := CreateWidget ("RightFrame", Xaw.formWidgetClass, frame, args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, NIL); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.width, (bsize * NWIDTH)); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.height, (bsize * NHEIGHT)); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.borderWidth, (bsize DIV 4) + 1); SetArgT (args, count, XtN.resizable, "FALSE"); canvas := CreateWidget ("Canvas", Xaw.simpleWidgetClass, right_frame, args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, canvas); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.width, (bsize * NWIDTH)); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.height, bsize); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.borderWidth, (bsize DIV 4) + 1); SetArgT (args, count, XtN.resizable, "FALSE"); shadow := CreateWidget ("Shadow", Xaw.simpleWidgetClass, right_frame, args, count); (* * the stats frame: StatFrame, contains the shapes statistics *) count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromHoriz, right_frame); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.defaultDistance, bsize); stat_frame := CreateWidget ("StatFrame", Xaw.formWidgetClass, frame, args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, NIL); SetArgT (args, count, XtN.label, " Shape Statistics "); stbar := CreateWidget ("", Xaw.labelWidgetClass, stat_frame, args, count); count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, stbar); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.vSpace, 13); statboxl := CreateWidget (" ", Xaw.boxWidgetClass, stat_frame, args, count); FOR i := 0 TO MSHAPE DO EVAL CreateWidget (" " & shapenames[i+1] & " ", Xaw.labelWidgetClass, statboxl); stat_labels[i] := CreateWidget (" ", Xaw.asciiTextWidgetClass, statboxl); END; count := 0; SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromVert, stbar); SetArgA (args, count, XtN.fromHoriz, statboxl); stats := CreateWidget ("Shapes", Xaw.boxWidgetClass, stat_frame, args, count); FOR i := 0 TO MSHAPE DO count := 0; SetArgI (args, count, XtN.width, (bsize * 4)); SetArgI (args, count, XtN.height, (bsize * 4)); SetArgT (args, count, XtN.resizable, "FALSE"); stat_shapes[i] := CreateWidget (" ", Xaw.simpleWidgetClass, stats, args, count); END; (* * the score frame: contains the results and the Close button *) IF scorefilep THEN score_frame := Xt.CreatePopupShell (FlatTtoS ("ScoreFrame"), Xaw.transientShellWidgetClass, top); score_panel := CreateWidget ("ScorePanel", Xaw.boxWidgetClass, score_frame); FOR j:= 0 TO MHSCORE+2 DO count := 0; SetArgI (args, count, XtN.width, 500); high_score_item[j] := CreateWidget ("", Xaw.asciiTextWidgetClass, score_panel, args, count); END; EVAL CreateWidget ("Close", Xaw.commandWidgetClass, score_panel); END; Xt.InstallAllAccelerators (canvas, top); Xt.InstallAllAccelerators (shadow, top); Xt.InstallAllAccelerators (nextobj, top); Xt.InstallAllAccelerators (frame, top); Xt.RealizeWidget (top); MapWidget (top); gcval.foreground := foreground; gcval.background := background; movegc := X.XCreateGC (Xt.Display (top), Xt.XtWindow(top), X.GCForeground + X.GCBackground, gcval); gcval.foreground := background; gcval.background := foreground; gcval.fill_style := X.FillStippled; gcval.stipple := X.XCreateBitmapFromData (Xt.Display (top), Xt.XtWindow (top), FlatTtoS("\252\000"), 2, 2); erasegc := X.XCreateGC (Xt.Display (top), Xt.XtWindow (top), X.GCForeground + X.GCBackground + X.GCStipple + X.GCFillStyle, gcval); gcval.foreground := foreground; gcval.background := background; gcval.fill_style := X.FillStippled; gcval.stipple := X.XCreateBitmapFromData (Xt.Display (top), Xt.XtWindow (top), FlatTtoS("\223\000"), 2, 2); shadegc := X.XCreateGC (Xt.Display (top), Xt.XtWindow(top), X.GCForeground + X.GCBackground + X.GCStipple + X.GCFillStyle, gcval); END MakeFrames; PROCEDURESyntax (cont: Xt.AppContext; call: TEXT) = BEGIN Xt.DestroyApplicationContext (cont); Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, "Usage: " & call & " [ -noscore] [ -score ] [ -boxsize [<n>]\n"); Cstdlib.exit (1); END Syntax;
BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST (fallbacktext) DO fallbacklist[i] := FlatTtoS (fallbacktext[i]) END; fallbacklist[LAST (fallbacktext)+1] := NIL; count := 0; SetOption (options, count, "-score", "*useScoreFile",Xrm.optionNoArg, "1"); SetOption (options, count, "-noscore","*useScoreFile",Xrm.optionNoArg, "0"); SetOption (options, count, "-boxsize","*boxSize", Xrm.optionSepArg,"16"); SetOption (options, count, "-iscore", "*startScore", Xrm.optionSepArg, "0"); SetOption (options, count, "-rows", "*startRows", Xrm.optionSepArg, "0"); SetOption (options, count, "-level", "*startLevel", Xrm.optionSepArg, "0"); VAR name := FlatTtoS ("Tetris"); argc : Xt.Cardinal := RTLinker.argc; argv : X.Argv := RTLinker.argv; BEGIN toplevel := Xt.AppInitialize (context, name, options, count, argc, argv, fallbacklist); IF argc # 1 THEN Syntax (context, Params.Get (0)) END; END; count := 0; SetResource (reslist, count, "foreground", "Foreground", XtR.Pixel, BYTESIZE (resources.foreground), ADR (resources.foreground) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "XtDefaultForeground"); SetResource (reslist, count, "background", "Background", XtR.Pixel, BYTESIZE (resources.background), ADR (resources.background) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "XtDefaultBackground"); SetResource (reslist, count, "boxSize", "BoxSize", XtR.Dimension, BYTESIZE (resources.boxsize), ADR (resources.boxsize) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "16"); SetResource (reslist, count, "useScoreFile", "Boolean", XtR.Int, BYTESIZE (resources.scorefilep), ADR (resources.scorefilep) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "1"); SetResource (reslist, count, "startScore", "StartScore", XtR.Int, BYTESIZE (resources.startscore), ADR (resources.startscore) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "0"); SetResource (reslist, count, "startRows", "StartRows", XtR.Int, BYTESIZE (resources.startrows), ADR (resources.startrows) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "0"); SetResource (reslist, count, "startLevel", "StartLevel", XtR.Int, BYTESIZE (resources.startlevel), ADR (resources.startlevel) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "0"); Xt.GetApplicationResources (toplevel, LOOPHOLE (resources, Xt.Pointer), reslist, count); foreground := resources.foreground; background := resources.background; bsize := MAX (resources.boxsize, 4); startscore := resources.startscore; startrows := resources.startrows; startlevel := resources.startlevel; scorefilep := (resources.scorefilep # 0); count := 0; SetAction (actions, count, "Refresh", RefreshProc); SetAction (actions, count, "ShowScore", ShowScoreProc); SetAction (actions, count, "Quit", QuitProc); SetAction (actions, count, "Close", CloseProc); SetAction (actions, count, "EndGame", EndGame); SetAction (actions, count, "NewGame", RestartProc); SetAction (actions, count, "Start", StartProc); SetAction (actions, count, "Pause", PauseProc); SetAction (actions, count, "MoveLeft", LeftProc); SetAction (actions, count, "MoveRight", RightProc); SetAction (actions, count, "RotateCW", ClockProc); SetAction (actions, count, "RotateCCW", AntiProc); SetAction (actions, count, "Drop", DropProc); SetAction (actions, count, "Scores", ShowHighScores); Xt.AppAddActions (context, actions, count); count := 0; SetResource (reslist, count, "foreground", "Foreground", XtR.Pixel, BYTESIZE (resources.foreground), ADR (resources.foreground) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "XtDefaultForeground"); SetResource (reslist, count, "background", "Background", XtR.Pixel, BYTESIZE (resources.background), ADR (resources.background) - ADR (resources^), XtR.String, "XtDefaultBackground"); FOR i:= 0 TO MSHAPE DO Xt.GetSubresources (toplevel, LOOPHOLE (resources, Xt.Pointer), FlatTtoS (shapenames[i+1]), FlatTtoS (shapenames[0]), reslist, count, NIL, 0); shapes[i].foreground := resources.foreground; shapes[i].background := resources.background; stat_totals[i] := 0; END; MakeFrames (toplevel); Initialize (); Xt.AppMainLoop (context); END Main.