RegEx.m3 - regex(3) style regular expressions
This module implements regex(3) style regular expressions safe for
multiple threads. See man regex
for a description of a regex
Edit History: Jan 30 1992 Schilit Created.
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any specification.
UNSAFE MODULE; IMPORT Text, Word, Wr, Fmt, ASCII, Stdio, Thread, TextWr; FROM Wr IMPORT PutChar, PutText; <*FATAL Thread.Alerted, Wr.Failure*> VAR debug: BOOLEAN := FALSE; REVEAL Pattern = BRANDED "Pattern version 1" OBJECT buff: REF ARRAY OF CHAR; METHODS END; (* object *) TYPE failure_point = RECORD s : INTEGER; prev_s : INTEGER; b : INTEGER; amount : INTEGER; previous: REF failure_point; END; (* record *) CONST MODIFIERS = SET OF CHAR{'*', '+', '?'}; NBBY = BITSIZE(CHAR); (* bits in a char *) CONST NUL = '\000'; OP_ENDOFPAT = '\000'; (* sentinel for end of pattern *) OP_CHAR = '\001'; (* a sequence of characters *) OP_ANY = '\002'; (* any character *) OP_CHARSET = '\003'; (* character class [foo] *) OP_NOTCHARSET = '\004'; (* not character class [^foo] *) OP_STARTLINE = '\005'; (* start line ^ *) OP_ENDLINE = '\006'; (* end of line $ *) OP_STARTMEMORY = '\007'; (* start memory \( *) OP_STOPMEMORY = '\010'; (* stop memory \) *) OP_MEMORY = '\011'; (* memory reference \DIGIT *) MOD_MANY = 8_100; (* modifier for * and + *) MOD_ZERO = 8_200; (* modifier for * and ? *) MOD_STAR = 8_300; (* combination of above two *) PROCEDURE RegEx Compile (pat: TEXT): Pattern RAISES {Error} = VAR pat_len : INTEGER := Text.Length(pat); p : INTEGER := 0; buff_len : INTEGER := 10; buff : REF ARRAY OF CHAR := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CHAR, buff_len); b : INTEGER := 0; last_op : INTEGER := -1; last_ch_op : INTEGER := -1; c, cc, next_c: CHAR; mem_stop_cnt : INTEGER := 0; mem_start_cnt: INTEGER := 0; mem_stack: ARRAY [1 .. MEM_SIZE] OF RECORD mem_start_cnt: INTEGER; END; mem_stackp: INTEGER := 1; PROCEDURE NextChar (): CHAR = (* Return a character from the text pattern or NUL if at the end. Store into next_c the following character for lookahead. *) VAR this_c: CHAR; BEGIN this_c := next_c; IF p < pat_len - 1 THEN INC(p); next_c := Text.GetChar(pat, p); ELSE next_c := NUL; END; (* if *) RETURN this_c; END NextChar; PROCEDURE Put (c: CHAR) = (* Store c into buff[p] expanding buff if necessary. The buffer pointer p is incremented. *) BEGIN IF b = buff_len - 1 THEN buff_len := 2 * buff_len; WITH new_buff = NEW(REF ARRAY OF CHAR, buff_len) DO FOR i := 0 TO b DO new_buff[i] := buff[i]; END; (* for *) buff := new_buff; END; (* with *) END; (* if *) buff[b] := c; INC(b); END Put; PROCEDURE PutChar (c: CHAR) = (* Store an OP_CHAR character. The operand is a char count followed by the characters. If possible coalesce with the previous OP_CHAR. *) BEGIN IF next_c IN MODIFIERS OR (* this OP_CHAR will have a modifier *) last_ch_op = -1 OR (* or no last OP_CHAR exists *) ORD(buff[last_ch_op]) + 1 + last_ch_op # b OR (* or not adjacent *) buff[last_ch_op] = LAST(CHAR) (* or over capacity *) THEN Put(OP_CHAR); (* New OP_CHAR *) IF NOT next_c IN MODIFIERS THEN last_ch_op := b; (* remember new index if coalescing ok *) END; Put(VAL(1, CHAR)); Put(c); ELSE INC(buff[last_ch_op]); Put(c); END; (* if *) END PutChar; PROCEDURE PutCharSet (c: CHAR) = (* Store char c in charset at last_op in buff. The buff at last_op contains OP_CHARSET|OP_NOTCHARSET, count, <bits>. Set the bit for c and increase count if necessary. *) BEGIN WITH idx = Word.Divide(ORD(c), NBBY), ch = buff[last_op + 2 + idx] DO ch := VAL(Word.Or(ORD(ch), Word.LeftShift(1, Word.Mod(ORD(c), NBBY))), CHAR); (* keep track of size needed for CharSet *) IF idx + 1 > ORD(buff[last_op + 1]) THEN buff[last_op + 1] := VAL(idx + 1, CHAR); END; END; (* with *) END PutCharSet; BEGIN (* Initialize next_c for NextChar() use *) IF pat_len # 0 THEN next_c := Text.GetChar(pat, 0); END; (* if *) (* Loop processing chars from the pattern text and storing the compiled pattern in buff[p]. *) LOOP c := NextChar(); (* If not a postfix modifier then remember buff[p] index as the "last operator" seen *) IF NOT c IN MODIFIERS THEN last_op := b; END; (* if *) CASE c OF | '^' => (* ^ has special meaning as first char in pattern *) IF b = 0 THEN Put(OP_STARTLINE); ELSE PutChar('^'); END; | '.' => Put(OP_ANY); | '*', '+', '?' => IF last_op = -1 THEN PutChar(c); ELSE WITH lastop = buff[last_op] DO IF lastop IN SET OF CHAR{OP_STARTMEMORY, OP_STOPMEMORY, OP_STARTLINE} THEN last_op := b; PutChar(c); ELSE IF c = '*' THEN buff[last_op] := VAL(Word.Or(ORD(lastop), MOD_MANY + MOD_ZERO), CHAR); ELSIF c = '+' THEN buff[last_op] := VAL(Word.Or(ORD(lastop), MOD_MANY), CHAR); ELSIF c = '?' THEN buff[last_op] := VAL(Word.Or(ORD(lastop), MOD_ZERO), CHAR); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; (* with *) END; (* if *) | '$' => (* $ has special meaning only at end of pattern *) IF next_c # NUL THEN PutChar('$'); ELSE Put(OP_ENDLINE); END; | '[' => IF next_c = '^' THEN Put(OP_NOTCHARSET); EVAL NextChar(); ELSE Put(OP_CHARSET); END; (* if *) Put(NUL); (* count byte *) (* initialize to zero and ensure enough storage in buff *) FOR i := 0 TO Word.Divide(ORD(LAST(CHAR)), NBBY) DO Put(NUL); END; (* for *) IF next_c = '-' OR next_c = ']' THEN PutCharSet(NextChar()); END; (* if *) REPEAT c := NextChar(); IF c = NUL THEN RAISE Error("Missing ]"); END; IF next_c = '-' THEN cc := c; (* start of sequence *) EVAL NextChar(); (* '-' *) IF next_c = ']' THEN PutCharSet(cc); PutCharSet('-') ELSE c := NextChar(); (* end of sequence *) IF cc > c THEN RAISE Error("Range error in []"); END; (* if *) FOR ch := cc TO c DO PutCharSet(ch); END; END; (* if *) ELSE PutCharSet(c); END; UNTIL next_c = ']'; EVAL NextChar(); (* set b to the min size necessary to store charset *) b := last_op + ORD(buff[last_op + 1]) + 2; | '\\' => c := NextChar(); CASE c OF | '(' => IF mem_start_cnt >= MEM_SIZE THEN RAISE Error("Too many \\(\\) pairs"); END; INC(mem_start_cnt); Put(OP_STARTMEMORY); Put(VAL(mem_start_cnt, CHAR)); mem_stack[mem_stackp].mem_start_cnt := mem_start_cnt; INC(mem_stackp); | ')' => IF mem_stackp <= FIRST(mem_stack) THEN RAISE Error("Unmatched \\)"); END; (* if *) DEC(mem_stackp); Put(OP_STOPMEMORY); Put(VAL(mem_stack[mem_stackp].mem_start_cnt, CHAR)); INC(mem_stop_cnt); | '1' .. '9' => IF mem_stop_cnt < (ORD(c) - ORD('0')) THEN RAISE Error("No matching \\) for \\DIGIT"); END; (* if *) Put(OP_MEMORY); Put(VAL(ORD(c) - ORD('0'), CHAR)); ELSE PutChar(c); END; (* case *) | NUL => EXIT; (* end of input *) ELSE PutChar(c); END; (* case *) END; (* loop *) IF mem_stop_cnt # mem_start_cnt THEN RAISE Error("Missing \\)"); END; (* if *) RETURN NEW(Pattern, buff := buff); END Compile; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREInCharSet (pat: Pattern; pos: INTEGER; c: CHAR): BOOLEAN = (* Check for character c in charset with count at position pos. *) BEGIN WITH idx = Word.Divide(ORD(c), NBBY) DO (* see if charset contains that bit *) IF idx + 1 > ORD(pat.buff[pos]) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; (* if so check the bit *) RETURN Word.And(ORD(pat.buff[pos + 1 + idx]), Word.LeftShift(1, Word.Mod(ORD(c), NBBY))) # 0; END; (* with *) END InCharSet; PROCEDUREDump (READONLY pat: Pattern): TEXT = VAR wr: Wr.T := TextWr.New(); BEGIN FOR b := FIRST(pat.buff^) TO LAST(pat.buff^) DO IF pat.buff[b] IN ASCII.AlphaNumerics THEN PutChar(wr, pat.buff[b]); ELSE PutText(wr, "\\" & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Int(ORD(pat.buff[b]), 8), 3, '0')); END; (* if *) IF pat.buff[b] = OP_ENDOFPAT THEN EXIT; END; END; (* for *) RETURN TextWr.ToText(wr); END Dump; PROCEDUREDecompile (READONLY pat: Pattern): TEXT = PROCEDURE Decompile_Part (b, to: INTEGER) = (* Decompile the pattern and print the result on wr. *) VAR op : CHAR; many_ok, zero_ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN LOOP IF b >= to THEN RETURN; END; WITH pch = ORD(pat.buff[b]) DO op := VAL(Word.And(pch, Word.Not(MOD_STAR)), CHAR); many_ok := Word.And(pch, MOD_MANY) # 0; zero_ok := Word.And(pch, MOD_ZERO) # 0; END; (* with *) INC(b); CASE op OF | OP_ENDOFPAT => EXIT; | OP_CHAR => (* Operand is count followed by the characters *) WITH last = b + ORD(pat.buff[b]) DO INC(b); (* move past count *) WHILE b <= last DO PutChar(wr, pat.buff[b]); INC(b); END; (* while *) END; | OP_ANY => PutChar(wr, '.'); | OP_CHARSET, OP_NOTCHARSET => (* Operand is count followed by a bit-vector *) PutChar(wr, '['); IF op = OP_NOTCHARSET THEN PutChar(wr, '^'); END; (* if *) FOR c := FIRST(CHAR) TO LAST(CHAR) DO IF InCharSet(pat, b, c) THEN PutChar(wr, c); END; END; INC(b, ORD(pat.buff[b]) + 1); PutChar(wr, ']'); | OP_STARTLINE => PutChar(wr, '^'); | OP_ENDLINE => PutChar(wr, '$'); | OP_STARTMEMORY => PutText(wr, "\\("); INC(b); | OP_STOPMEMORY => PutText(wr, "\\)"); INC(b); | OP_MEMORY => (* Operand is the memory register number (a digit) *) PutChar(wr, '\\'); PutChar(wr, VAL(ORD(pat.buff[b]) + ORD('0'), CHAR)); INC(b); ELSE <*ASSERT FALSE*>(* unknown opcode! *) END; (* case *) IF many_ok AND zero_ok THEN PutChar(wr, '*'); ELSIF many_ok THEN PutChar(wr, '+'); ELSIF zero_ok THEN PutChar(wr, '?'); END; END; END Decompile_Part; VAR wr: Wr.T := TextWr.New(); BEGIN Decompile_Part(0, LAST(pat.buff^)); RETURN TextWr.ToText(wr); END Decompile; PROCEDUREExecute (READONLY pat : Pattern; str : TEXT; start : CARDINAL := 0; len : CARDINAL := LAST(CARDINAL); usr_mem: REF Memory := NIL ): INTEGER = VAR mem : Memory; str_max: CARDINAL; str_idx: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Advance (s, b: INTEGER): BOOLEAN = VAR op : CHAR; many_not_ok, zero_not_ok: BOOLEAN; prev_s : INTEGER; retreat_amt : INTEGER := 1; failure : REF failure_point := NIL; BEGIN IF debug THEN PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Advance: s = " & Fmt.Int(s) & " b = " & Fmt.Int(b) & "\n"); END; LOOP LOOP (* fetch the opcode and determine if repeats are allowed *) WITH pch = ORD(pat.buff[b]) DO op := VAL(Word.And(pch, Word.Not(MOD_STAR)), CHAR); many_not_ok := Word.And(pch, MOD_MANY) = 0; zero_not_ok := Word.And(pch, MOD_ZERO) = 0; END; (* with *) (* step past the opcode and remember position *) INC(b); prev_s := s; CASE op OF | OP_ENDOFPAT => RETURN TRUE; (* only success if progress *) | OP_CHAR => (* compare all characters at once *) WITH cnt = ORD(pat.buff[b]) DO INC(b); (* move past count *) REPEAT (* check if comparison valid *) IF s + cnt > str_max THEN EXIT; END; VAR equal := TRUE; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO cnt - 1 DO IF Text.GetChar(str, s + i) # pat.buff[b + i] THEN equal := FALSE; EXIT; END; END; IF NOT equal THEN EXIT; END; END; INC(s, cnt); UNTIL many_not_ok; INC(b, cnt); END; (* with *) | OP_ANY => IF NOT many_not_ok THEN s := str_max; ELSIF s < str_max THEN INC(s); END; | OP_CHARSET, OP_NOTCHARSET => REPEAT (* check if comparison with data is valid *) IF s >= str_max THEN EXIT; END; (* See if char present in charset. *) IF InCharSet(pat, b, Text.GetChar(str, s)) THEN IF op # OP_CHARSET THEN EXIT; END; ELSE IF op # OP_NOTCHARSET THEN EXIT; END; END; (* step to next char in data and loop if * or + allowed *) INC(s); UNTIL many_not_ok; (* Move past charset in pattern *) INC(b, ORD(pat.buff[b]) + 1); | OP_STARTLINE => IF s # 0 THEN EXIT END; | OP_ENDLINE => IF s # str_max THEN EXIT END; (* Process \( and \) which just store the current data index *) | OP_STARTMEMORY => mem[ORD(pat.buff[b])].start := s; INC(b); | OP_STOPMEMORY => mem[ORD(pat.buff[b])].stop := s; INC(b); (* Process \DIGIT or \DIGIT* which is a reference to a substring of the data already matched by a \(x\) sequence *) | OP_MEMORY => WITH start = mem[ORD(pat.buff[b])].start DO (* In case many_ok needs it, set retreat_amt and cur_s for backtracking at end of loop *) retreat_amt := mem[ORD(pat.buff[b])].stop - start; REPEAT (* check if comparison with data is valid *) IF s + retreat_amt > str_max THEN EXIT; END; (* process one chunk at a time before incrementing s *) IF NOT Text.Equal(Text.Sub(str, s, retreat_amt), Text.Sub(str, start, retreat_amt)) THEN EXIT; END; (* step to chunk char in data and loop if * allowed *) INC(s, retreat_amt); UNTIL many_not_ok; INC(b); END; (* with *) ELSE <*ASSERT FALSE*>(* unknown opcode! *) END; (* case *) (* Here after matching one or more component. If many components were eaten then add a failure point from the current position back until prev_s. *) IF op IN SET OF CHAR{ OP_CHAR, OP_ANY, OP_CHARSET, OP_NOTCHARSET, OP_MEMORY} THEN IF zero_not_ok THEN IF prev_s = s AND retreat_amt # 0 THEN EXIT END; INC(prev_s, retreat_amt); END; IF NOT many_not_ok AND prev_s # s THEN failure := NEW(REF failure_point, previous := failure, b := b, s := s, prev_s := prev_s, amount := retreat_amt); END; (* if *) retreat_amt := 1; END; END; (* loop *) (* Here when EXIT from inner loop pop failure point and try again *) IF failure = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE; END; DEC(failure.s, failure.amount); IF debug THEN PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Failure: b = " & Fmt.Int(b) & " s = " & Fmt.Int(s) & " new b = " & Fmt.Int(failure.b) & " new s = " & Fmt.Int(failure.s) & " prev_s = " & Fmt.Int(failure.prev_s) & "\n"); END; (* if *) s := failure.s; b := failure.b; IF failure.s <= failure.prev_s THEN failure := failure.previous; END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END Advance; BEGIN WITH textlen = Text.Length(str) DO IF start > textlen THEN RETURN -1; (* not found *) ELSE str_idx := start; str_max := MIN(start + len, textlen) END; END; FOR i := FIRST(mem) TO LAST(mem) DO mem[i].start := -1; mem[i].stop := -1; END; (* for *) REPEAT IF Advance(str_idx, 0) THEN IF usr_mem # NIL THEN usr_mem^ := mem; END; (* if *) RETURN str_idx; (* return start index *) END; INC(str_idx); UNTIL str_idx >= str_max; RETURN -1; (* no match *) END Execute; BEGIN END RegEx.