This generic module provides the part of the implementation of stable objects that is independent of {\tt Data.T}.
GENERIC MODULE\subsection{Initialization Procedures}StableRep (StableData); IMPORT StableError, LogManager, Pathname, Pickle; IMPORT OSError, Rd, Wr, RdUtils, Thread, Atom, AtomList; IMPORT Log; <*FATAL Thread.Alerted*>
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Init} Initialize theReOpenLog (self: StableData.T) = BEGIN TRY IF self.log = NIL THEN self.log := self.lm.reOpenLog(self.nm) END EXCEPT OSError.E (err) => StableError.Halt("cannot reopen log file: " & RdUtils.FailureText(err)) END END ReOpenLog; PROCEDUREFlushLog (self: Public) RAISES {StableError.E} = BEGIN TRY IF self.log # NIL THEN Wr.Flush(self.log) END EXCEPT Wr.Failure (err) => RAISE StableError.E(err); END END FlushLog; PROCEDUREFreeLog (self: Public) RAISES {StableError.E} = BEGIN TRY IF self.log # NIL THEN Wr.Close(self.log) END; self.log := NIL; EXCEPT Wr.Failure (err) => RAISE StableError.E(err); END; END FreeLog;
and lm
fields for the stable object first
(this is needed for the Recover()
Recover if possible and set recovered
to TRUE. Call Checkpoint
if Init
is called the first time (i.e. if recoverable=FALSE
or if recovered from a crash (i.e. if emptyLog=FALSE
This might be saver than necessary. I assume that the Recover
procedure might consume the log file, so I test emptyLog
running Recover()
Set the forceToDisk
field after a possible recover. This is
to set the field to a fresh value -- do not leave as it was
when the stable object was saved the last time.
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Recover}Init ( self : Public; nm : Pathname.T; VAR recovered : BOOLEAN; forceToDisk := TRUE; lm : LogManager.T := NIL ): StableData.T RAISES {StableError.E} = BEGIN IF self.lm # NIL THEN RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.List1( Atom.FromText( "attempted to restabilize without intervening dispose"))) END; TRY self.nm := nm; IF lm = NIL THEN self.lm := LogManager.default ELSE self.lm := lm END; VAR emptyLog:= TRUE; BEGIN IF self.lm.recoverable(nm) THEN emptyLog:= self.lm.emptyLog(nm); self := Recover(self); recovered := TRUE; ELSE recovered := FALSE; END; IF NOT recovered OR NOT emptyLog THEN Checkpoint(self); END; self.forceToDisk := forceToDisk; RETURN NARROW(self, StableData.T) END EXCEPT OSError.E (err) => RAISE StableError.E(err); | Wr.Failure (err) => RAISE StableError.E(err); END END Init; PROCEDUREDispose (self: Public) RAISES {StableError.E} = BEGIN IF (self.lm # NIL) THEN TRY self.freeLog(); self.lm.dispose(self.nm); self.lm := NIL; EXCEPT OSError.E (err) => RAISE StableError.E(err); END END END Dispose;
already has a nm
value, a log manager and a
valid readCheckpoint
method. Recover
will use
those to recover from t.nm
PROCEDURE\subsection{Procedure Checkpoint} Free the log and use the protocoll described inRecover (t: StableData.T): StableData.T RAISES {StableError.E, OSError.E} = VAR log, cp: Rd.T; BEGIN t.lm.recover(t.nm, log, cp); (* might open log *) TRY t := t.readCheckpoint(cp); Rd.Close(cp); EXCEPT | Rd.Failure (err) => CloseLog(log); (* close the log if it's opened *) RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.Cons( Atom.FromText("error reading checkpoint"), err)); | StableError.E (err) => CloseLog(log); RAISE StableError.E(err); END; IF log # NIL THEN t.replayLog(log); CloseLog(log); END; RETURN t; END Recover; PROCEDURECloseLog (log: Rd.T) = BEGIN IF (log = NIL) THEN RETURN; END; TRY Rd.Close(log); (* get rid of the file handle *) EXCEPT Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted => (* well, it's not the end of the world *) END; END CloseLog;
to do a checkpoint.
PROCEDURECheckpoint (t: StableData.T) RAISES {StableError.E} = BEGIN TRY t.freeLog(); VAR cp := t.lm.beginCheckpoint(t.nm); BEGIN Log.CrashPoint(102); t.writeCheckpoint(cp); Wr.Close(cp); t.log := t.lm.endCheckpoint(t.nm); END; EXCEPT
**OSError.E (err) => RAISE StableError.E(err);**
| Wr.Failure (err) => RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.Cons( Atom.FromText("checkpoint error truncating logfile"), err)); END; END Checkpoint;\subsection{Procedures Read- and WriteCheckpoint} These are the default procedures for reading and writing a checkpoint. They use the pickle package.
PROCEDUREReadCheckpoint (self: Public; cp: Rd.T): StableData.T RAISES {StableError.E} = BEGIN TRY TYPECASE Pickle.Read(cp) OF StableData.T (d) => RETURN d; ELSE RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.List1( Atom.FromText( "Checkpoint in " & self.nm & " does not contain data of the correct type"))) END; EXCEPT | Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.List1( Atom.FromText( "unexpected EOF encountered reading checkpointfile"))) | Rd.Failure (err) => RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.Cons( Atom.FromText( "error reading checkpointfile"), err)) | Pickle.Error (msg) => RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.List1( Atom.FromText( "pickle-error (" & msg & ") reading checkpointfile"))) END; END ReadCheckpoint; PROCEDUREWriteCheckpoint (self: Public; wr: Wr.T) RAISES {StableError.E} = BEGIN TRY Pickle.Write(wr, self); EXCEPT | Wr.Failure (err) => RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.Cons( Atom.FromText( "error writing checkpointfile"), err)) | Pickle.Error (msg) => RAISE StableError.E( AtomList.List1( Atom.FromText( "pickle-error (" & msg & ") writing checkpointfile"))) END END WriteCheckpoint; BEGIN END StableRep.