
 Created on Tue Nov 18 17:15:02 PST 1997 by heydon       
 Last modified on Thu Nov 27 11:39:51 PST 1997 by heydon 
 Copyright (C) 1997, Digital Equipment Corporation       

A RedBlackTbl.T is a subtype of a SortedTable.T, but it is implemented using red-black trees. Red-black trees are self-balancing binary search trees.

GENERIC INTERFACE RedBlackTbl(Key, Value, SortedTbl);
Where the same requirments exist on the Key and Value interfaces as those described in the generic SortedTable interface and where SortedTbl is the generic instance SortedTable(Key, Value).

CONST Brand = "(RedBlackTbl " & Key.Brand & " " & Value.Brand & ")";
The type T is revealed to have brand Brand.

  T <: Public;
  Public = SortedTbl.T OBJECT METHODS
    init(): T;
    keyCompare(READONLY k1, k2: Key.T): [-1..1];

  Iterator <: IteratorPublic;
  IteratorPublic = SortedTbl.Iterator OBJECT METHODS

END RedBlackTbl.

\subsection{Method Specifications}

The expression NEW(T).init() evaluates to a new table with no elements. The init method may also be invoked on an existing table to delete all of its entries.

The implementation calls the keyCompare method to compare two keys. The default keyCompare method simply returns Key.Compare(k1, k2). However, subtypes may wish to override the keyCompare method to effect a new key ordering. keyCompare is required to implement a total order.

The iterate method returns an iterator of type Iterator, a subtype of SortedTbl.Iterator. Its reset method resets the iterator. This allows clients to iterate over a table multiple times without having to allocate a new Iterator object on each pass.


For efficiency, red-black tables and their iterators are not monitored, so a client accessing a table from multiple threads must ensure that if two operations are active concurrently, then neither of them has side-effects on the same table or iterator. The init, put, and delete methods are the only ones with side-effects on the table. All three of an iterator's reset, next, and seek methods have side-effects on the iterator.

\subsection{Quake Instantiation Procedures}

The sortedtableextras package includes a quake template that defines quake procedures for instantiating instances of the RedBlackTbl generic interface and implemenation. The two procedures are:

      redblack_table (nm, key, value)
      RedBlack_table (nm, key, value)
The only difference between these two procedures is that tables instantiated by the former are private to the package in which they are built, while those instantiated by the latter are exported.

These procedures create and include the two generic instantiation files RedBlack<nm>Tbl.i3 and RedBlack<nm>Tbl.m3. The generic interface and implementation are instantiated with the interfaces named key and value. nm should be a string representing the concatenation of the names key and value, possibly in abbreviated form; it must be the same name that is used to instantiate the generic Table and SortedTable interfaces. Here are some examples: uses

      redblack_table ("IntInt", "Integer", "Integer")
      redblack_table ("IntText", "Integer", "Text")
      redblack_table ("RealRef", "RealType", "Refany")
For example, the last procedure call would create the two derived files RedBlackRealRefTbl.i3 and RedBlackRealRefTbl.m3.

In order for a program that includes a RedBlackTbl instantiation to link successfully, it must also instantiate the generic Table and SortedTable interfaces with the same nm, key, and value arguments.

\subsection{Performance and Implementation}

A red-black table's get, put, and delete methods take O(log n) time in the worst case, where n is the number of elements in the table. The other table methods take constant time. An iterator's reset, next, and seek methods also take O(log n) time in the worst case. As opposed to seeking on a SortedTbl.Default, seeking in a red-black table has the same cost whether seeking forward or backward.

This implementation is based on the description of red-black trees in a well-known algorithms text \cite[Chapter 14]{cormen-leiserson-rivest}. In this implementation, the tree is only rebalanced on insertions and deletions, not on searches or iterations.

The space requirements of a red-black table are dominated by the space costs for each of its entries. The space required for each entry is the space required for the key and the value plus the space for three REFs and the space for the color bit. Stricly speaking, the color bit should require only 1 bit. However, due to alignment restrictions, it probably requires Word.Size bits in practice.