MODULEPklFonts EXPORTSMain ; IMPORT JunoValue, PSFont, PklFontsBundle; IMPORT Fmt, Rd, Wr, TextRd, Lex, Rsrc, Pickle, Stdio, FloatMode; IMPORT TextRefTbl, TextIntSeqTbl, IntSeq; FROM Thread IMPORT Alerted; <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Wr.Failure, Alerted, Pickle.Error *> CONST NumFonts = 13; NumPtSizes = 6; TYPE Encoding = TextIntSeqTbl.T;
An encoding is a binary relation on names and integers. Ife: Encoding
, ande
maps the namen
to the sequence of integersi1, i2, ..., iN
, then the relation contains the pairs(n, i1)
,(n, i2)
, ...,(n, iN)
. Usually, there is only one integer in each sequence, but for some fonts, the same name may be related to multiple codes.
VAR (* READONLY *) path: Rsrc.Path; isoEncoding, symEncoding, defaultEncoding: Encoding; EXCEPTION BadMetricFile; PROCEDUREReadMetrics ( nm: TEXT; encoding: Encoding; VAR (*OUT*) capHeight: JunoValue.Real) : PSFont.Metric RAISES {Rd.Failure, BadMetricFile} =
Returns a new font metric structure corresponding to the PostScript font namednm
, and setscapHeight
to the height of the font's capital letters (measured in points) for a 1-point font. The metric data is read from the locally-bundled AFM file namednm
with the extension.afm
using the character encoding described by the relationencoding
. RaisesRd.Failure
if the file could not be opened, orBadMetricFile
if the AFM file could not be parsed succesfully.The only entries in the font metric file processed by this procedure are those named
, andStartCharMetrics
. These tokens are assumed to start on their own lines. TheFontBBox
entry has the form:
FontBBox <west> <south> <east> <north>where each of the 4 argument is an integer in thousandths of points. Hence, the actual bounding box is computed from these integers for a 1-point font by dividing them by 1,000. TheCapHeight
entry has the form:
CapHeight <height>whereheight
is the height of a capital letter in thousandths of points. TheStartCharMetrics
entry has the form:
StartCharMetrics <num> <character-metric-1> ... <character-metric-num>wherenum
is the number of character metric lines immediately following theStartCharMetrics
line, and the format of the character metric lines is described in theReadCharMetrics
procedure below.
<* FATAL Rd.EndOfFile, Rsrc.NotFound *> CONST AFMExt = ".afm"; VAR rd: Rd.T := Rsrc.Open(nm & AFMExt, path); res := NEW(PSFont.Metric); tRd := NEW(TextRd.T); readBBox, readCapHeight, readCharMetrics := FALSE; BEGIN WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO EVAL tRd.init(Rd.GetLine(rd)); IF MatchToken(tRd, "FontBBox") THEN WITH bb = res.bbox DO bb.west := ScanScaled(tRd); bb.south := ScanScaled(tRd); bb.east := ScanScaled(tRd); bb.north := ScanScaled(tRd) END; readBBox := TRUE ELSIF MatchToken(tRd, "CapHeight") THEN capHeight := ScanScaled(tRd); readCapHeight := TRUE ELSIF MatchToken(tRd, "StartCharMetrics") THEN ReadCharMetrics(rd, encoding, ScanInt(tRd), res.mapped, res.width, res.charBB); readCharMetrics := TRUE END END; IF NOT readCapHeight THEN WITH bigT = ORD('T') DO IF res.mapped[bigT] AND res.charBB[bigT] # NIL THEN capHeight := res.charBB[bigT].north; readCapHeight := TRUE END END END; IF NOT (readBBox AND readCapHeight AND readCharMetrics) THEN RAISE BadMetricFile END; RETURN res END ReadMetrics; PROCEDUREReadCharMetrics ( rd: Rd.T; encoding: Encoding; num: INTEGER; VAR (*OUT*) mapped: PSFont.CharMapped; VAR (*OUT*) width: PSFont.CharWidth; VAR (*OUT*) charBB: PSFont.CharBBox) RAISES {Rd.Failure, BadMetricFile} =
character metric lines fromrd
, settingmapped[i]
to TRUE for each codei
related to a named character by the character encodingencoding
, and settingwidth[i]
to the character width and bounding box for each such character. After readingnum
such lines, the next line must beEndCharMetrics
, or elseBadMetricFile
is raised.Each character metric line must have the form:
<metrics> ::= <metric> | <metric> <metrics> <metric> ::= "N" <charName> ";" | "WX" <width> ";" | "B" <bbox> ";" | <any-number-of-non-semicolon-tokens> ";" <bbox> ::= <west> <south> <east> <north>This line asserts that the character with namecharName
has widthwidth
and bounding-boxbbox
. The character name is a string, and the character width and bounding-box values are integers. If the character name isnm
, thennm
must be in the domain of the relation denoted byencoding
, orBadMetricFile
is raised. For each pair(nm, code)
is set to TRUE, andwidth[code]
are set to the width and bounding box of the character. The character width and bounding-box values are expressed in thouandths of points, so they must be divided by 1,000 to represent the metrics of the character rendered at 1-point.
VAR tRd := NEW(TextRd.T); name: TEXT; (* character name *) w: JunoValue.Real; (* scaled width *) sawW, sawBBox: BOOLEAN; (* width, bbox specified? *) bbox: REF PSFont.BBox; (* scaled character bounding box *) BEGIN TRY WHILE num > 0 DO (* initialize line *) EVAL tRd.init(Rd.GetLine(rd)); name := NIL; sawW := FALSE; sawBBox := FALSE; (* read character info *) LOOP Lex.Skip(tRd); IF Rd.EOF(tRd) THEN EXIT END; IF MatchToken(tRd, "C") THEN EVAL Lex.Int(tRd); (* discard character code *) ELSIF MatchToken(tRd, "N") THEN Lex.Skip(tRd); name := Lex.Scan(tRd); ELSIF MatchToken(tRd, "WX") THEN sawW := TRUE; w := ScanScaled(tRd) ELSIF MatchToken(tRd, "B") THEN sawBBox := TRUE; bbox := NEW(REF PSFont.BBox); bbox.west := ScanScaled(tRd); bbox.south := ScanScaled(tRd); bbox.east := ScanScaled(tRd); bbox.north := ScanScaled(tRd); IF bbox.east <= bbox.west AND bbox.north <= bbox.south THEN bbox := NIL END ELSE VAR c: CHAR; BEGIN TRY REPEAT c := Rd.GetChar(tRd) UNTIL c = ';' EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE BadMetricFile END; Rd.UnGetChar(tRd) END END; Lex.Skip(tRd); Lex.Match(tRd, ";"); END; (* save width and bbox info for this character *) VAR seq: IntSeq.T; BEGIN IF encoding.get(name, seq) THEN IF sawW AND sawBBox THEN VAR code: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO seq.size() - 1 DO code := seq.get(i); mapped[code] := TRUE; width[code] := w; charBB[code] := bbox END END ELSE RAISE BadMetricFile END ELSE Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, " Unknown character: "); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, name); Wr.PutChar(Stdio.stderr, '\n'); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr) END END; DEC(num) END; (* WHILE *) (* check that "EndCharMetrics" is next line *) EVAL tRd.init(Rd.GetLine(rd)); IF NOT MatchToken(tRd, "EndCharMetrics") THEN RAISE BadMetricFile END EXCEPT Lex.Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE BadMetricFile END; END ReadCharMetrics; PROCEDUREMatchToken (rd: Rd.T; token: TEXT): BOOLEAN =
If the prefix ofrd
concatenated with a non-trivial amount of whitespace, or if it containstoken
followed immediately by end-of-file, then skip past the token and any whitespace and returnTRUE
. Otherwise, returnFALSE
and leaverd
unchanged. This routine requires thatrd
is seekable.
VAR start := Rd.Index(rd); BEGIN TRY Lex.Match(rd, token); VAR end := Rd.Index(rd); BEGIN Lex.Skip(rd, Lex.Blanks); IF Rd.Index(rd) = end AND NOT Rd.EOF(rd) THEN RAISE Lex.Error END END EXCEPT Lex.Error => Rd.Seek(rd, start); RETURN FALSE END; RETURN TRUE END MatchToken; PROCEDUREScanScaled (rd: Rd.T): REAL RAISES {BadMetricFile} =
Read an integer fromrd
, first skipping whitespace onrd
, and return the value of the integer divided by 1,000.
VAR val := ScanInt(rd); BEGIN RETURN FLOAT(val, REAL) / 1000.0 END ScanScaled; PROCEDUREScanInt (rd: Rd.T): INTEGER RAISES {BadMetricFile} =
Read and return an integer fromrd
, first skipping whitespace onrd
. RaisesBadMetricFile
if an integer could not be read.
VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY res := Lex.Int(rd) EXCEPT Lex.Error, FloatMode.Trap => RAISE BadMetricFile END; RETURN res END ScanInt; VAR fontTbl := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(sizeHint := NumPtSizes * NumFonts); metricTbl := NEW(TextRefTbl.Default).init(sizeHint := NumFonts); fontData := NEW(PSFont.Data, fontTbl := fontTbl, metricTbl := metricTbl); TYPE Size = [0..5]; CapHeights = ARRAY Size OF CARDINAL; CONST YScale = 72.0 / 104.2; (* points / pixel *) (* This is the vertical scale factor for converting from screen-dependent units (pixels) to screen-independent units (points) on a display with a vertical resolution of 102.4 pixels / inch (as reported by the xdpyinfo(1) command). This value must correspond to the display on which the X font sizes that appear in the "CapHeights" arrays below were measured. *) CONST TimesHeights = CapHeights{7, 10, 11, 13, 17, 23}; HelveticaHeights = CapHeights{8, 11, 12, 14, 19, 25}; CourierHeights1 = CapHeights{6, 9, 10, 11, 14, 19}; CourierHeights2 = CapHeights{6, 9, 10, 11, 15, 20}; SymbolHeights = TimesHeights;These values are the heights of a capital letter in pixels at each of the 6 different X font sizes (8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24). Their sizes in the screen-independent units of points are therefore the pixel size times the constant
PROCEDUREAddFont (ps, x: TEXT; READONLY ch: CapHeights; encoding: Encoding := NIL) =
Binds the nameps
to the metric data for the font with PostScript nameps
) in the global tablemetricTbl
using the character encodingencoding
is NIL); for each of the font's sizesi
(in the range[0..5]
), binds the nameps & i
) to the name of the corresponding X font in the global tablefontTbl
. The name of the corresponding X font is formed fromx
and the font's point size:x
must be the-
-separated string consisting of the X font family, weight, and slant for the PostScript fontps
CONST Sizes = ARRAY OF INTEGER{8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24}; Prefix = "-*-"; Middle = "-normal-*-*-"; Suffix = "0-*-*-*-*-*-*"; VAR psCapHeight: JunoValue.Real; BEGIN Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, " " & ps & "\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); IF encoding = NIL THEN encoding := defaultEncoding END; <* FATAL Rd.Failure, BadMetricFile *> BEGIN EVAL metricTbl.put(ps, ReadMetrics(ps, encoding, psCapHeight)) END; FOR i := FIRST(Sizes) TO LAST(Sizes) DO WITH sz = Fmt.Int(i), ptSz = Fmt.Int(Sizes[i]) DO VAR xInfo := NEW(PSFont.XInfo); BEGIN (* The size for the corresponding PostScript font is computed by first converting the height of the screen font's capital letters from pixels to points, and then dividing by the height of capital letters in the corresponding 1-point PostScript font. *) := Prefix & x & Middle & ptSz & Suffix; xInfo.ptSize := (FLOAT(ch[i], JunoValue.Real)*YScale) / psCapHeight; EVAL fontTbl.put(ps & sz, xInfo) END END END END AddFont; PROCEDUREReadEncoding (filename: TEXT): Encoding =
Create and return a new character encoding as described in the filefilename
. In this file, any blank line or line beginning with a#
is ignored. All other lines should be of the form:
<name> <whitespace> <octal-code>If the <octal-code> is a non-negative number, this has the effect of relating <name> to the integer with octal value <octal-code> in the resulting encoding.
<* FATAL Rd.EndOfFile, Rsrc.NotFound, FloatMode.Trap, Lex.Error *> VAR res := NEW(TextIntSeqTbl.Default).init(sizeHint := 210); rd: Rd.T := Rsrc.Open(filename, path); tRd := NEW(TextRd.T); name: TEXT; value: INTEGER; seq: IntSeq.T; BEGIN WHILE NOT Rd.EOF(rd) DO EVAL tRd.init(Rd.GetLine(rd)); IF NOT Rd.EOF(tRd) AND Rd.GetChar(tRd) # '#' THEN Rd.UnGetChar(tRd); name := Lex.Scan(tRd); Lex.Skip(tRd); value := Lex.Int(tRd, defaultBase := 8); IF NOT res.get(name, seq) THEN seq := NEW(IntSeq.T).init(sizeHint := 1); EVAL res.put(name, seq) END; IF value >= 0 THEN seq.addhi(value) END END END; RETURN res END ReadEncoding; BEGIN (* initialize resource path *) path := Rsrc.BuildPath("$PklFontsPATH", PklFontsBundle.Get()); (* read encodings *) isoEncoding := ReadEncoding("ISOLatin1Encoding"); symEncoding := ReadEncoding("SymbolEncoding"); defaultEncoding := isoEncoding; (* fill in "fontTbl" and "metricTbl" *) Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Building font metrics...\n"); AddFont("Times-Roman", "times-medium-r", TimesHeights); AddFont("Times-Bold", "times-bold-r", TimesHeights); AddFont("Times-Italic", "times-medium-i", TimesHeights); AddFont("Times-BoldItalic", "times-bold-i", TimesHeights); AddFont("Helvetica", "helvetica-medium-r", HelveticaHeights); AddFont("Helvetica-Bold", "helvetica-bold-r", HelveticaHeights); AddFont("Helvetica-Oblique", "helvetica-medium-o", HelveticaHeights); AddFont("Helvetica-BoldOblique", "helvetica-bold-o", HelveticaHeights); AddFont("Courier", "courier-medium-r", CourierHeights1); AddFont("Courier-Bold", "courier-bold-r", CourierHeights2); AddFont("Courier-Oblique", "courier-medium-o", CourierHeights1); AddFont("Courier-BoldOblique", "courier-bold-o", CourierHeights2); AddFont("Symbol", "symbol-medium-r", SymbolHeights, encoding := symEncoding); (* write out the pickle *) Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Pickling font metrics...\n"); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stderr); Pickle.Write(Stdio.stdout, fontData); Wr.Close(Stdio.stdout); Wr.PutText(Stdio.stderr, "Done.\n"); END PklFonts.