MODULE; IMPORT Axis; IMPORT VBT; IMPORT PaneManVBT; IMPORT PaneFrame; IMPORT TextPort; IMPORT Rd; IMPORT Wr; IMPORT Debug; IMPORT Thread; CONST DebugLevel = 90; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED OBJECT OVERRIDES setText := SetText; getText := GetText; read := Read; write := Write; clone := Clone; key := Key; hilite := Hilite; installPane := InstallPane; focusWarn := FocusWarn; END; TYPE CivilizedTextPort = TextPort.T OBJECT m: MUTEX; gotDown: BOOLEAN := FALSE; pane: T; pm: PaneManVBT.T; stealFocusWarning: BOOLEAN := FALSE; (* Set if the CivilizedTextPort is about to mysteriously lose the keyboard focus even though the pane manager shall not be notified *) OVERRIDES key := KeyTakenBackFromTheif; misc := Misc; mouse := Mouse; shape := Shape; END; PROCEDURE TextPane Shape (<*UNUSED*>self: CivilizedTextPort; <*UNUSED*>ax: Axis.T; <*UNUSED*>n: CARDINAL): VBT.SizeRange = CONST size = 512; max = 8192; min = 16; BEGIN RETURN VBT.SizeRange{min, MAX(min+1, size), max}; END Shape; PROCEDUREMouse (self: CivilizedTextPort; READONLY cd: VBT.MouseRec) = BEGIN LOCK(self.m) DO IF self.pane.canHilite THEN IF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.LastUp AND NOT self.gotDown THEN Debug.S("TP got an up without getting a down. God bless Trestle", DebugLevel); ELSE LOCK DO := TRUE; IF NOT self.pane.hilited THEN; Debug.S("TextPane calls FocusTo", DebugLevel); END; END; TextPort.T.mouse(self, cd); END; IF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.FirstDown THEN self.gotDown := TRUE; ELSIF cd.clickType = VBT.ClickType.LastUp THEN self.gotDown := FALSE; END; END; END; END Mouse; PROCEDUREFocusWarn (self: T) = VAR ctp: CivilizedTextPort := self.pane; BEGIN LOCK ctp.m DO ctp.stealFocusWarning := TRUE; END; END FocusWarn; PROCEDUREMisc (self: CivilizedTextPort; READONLY cd: VBT.MiscRec) = VAR tellThePaneManNow := FALSE; BEGIN LOCK(self.m) DO IF cd.type = VBT.Lost THEN IF self.stealFocusWarning THEN Debug.S("TextPane: " & self.pane.title & " Not notifying of loss because of the focus warning.", DebugLevel); self.stealFocusWarning := FALSE; ELSE tellThePaneManNow := TRUE; Debug.S("TextPane: "&self.pane.title&" Notifying of loss.",DebugLevel); END; ELSE Debug.S("Telling the TextPort to take focus", DebugLevel); END; TextPort.T.misc(self, cd); END; IF tellThePaneManNow THEN; END; END Misc; PROCEDUREKeyTakenBackFromTheif (self: CivilizedTextPort; READONLY key: VBT.KeyRec) = BEGIN; END KeyTakenBackFromTheif; PROCEDUREKey (self: T; READONLY cd: VBT.KeyRec) = BEGIN TextPort.T.key(self.pane, cd); (* shall we update the clones too *) END Key; PROCEDURENewTP (self: T; t: TEXT): TextPort.T = VAR textPort := NEW(CivilizedTextPort, pane := self, pm := self.paneMan, m := NEW(MUTEX)).init(); BEGIN IF t # NIL THEN TextPort.SetText(textPort, t); END; RETURN textPort; END NewTP; PROCEDUREInstallPane (self: T; pane: VBT.T) = BEGIN PaneFrame.T.installPane(self, pane); NARROW(pane, CivilizedTextPort).pane := self; END InstallPane; PROCEDURERead (self: T; rd: Rd.T): VBT.T = VAR t: TEXT := NIL; <* FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted *> BEGIN IF rd # NIL THEN t := Rd.GetText(rd, LAST(CARDINAL)); END; RETURN NewTP(self, t); END Read; PROCEDUREWrite (self: T; wr: Wr.T) = BEGIN TRY Wr.PutText(wr, TextPort.GetText(self.pane)); EXCEPT Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted => END; END Write; PROCEDUREClone (self: T): VBT.T = BEGIN RETURN NewTP(self, TextPort.GetText(self.pane)); END Clone; PROCEDURESetText (self: T; t: TEXT) = BEGIN TextPort.SetText(self.pane, t); END SetText; PROCEDUREGetText (self: T): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN TextPort.GetText(self.pane); END GetText; PROCEDUREHilite (self: T; state: BOOLEAN) = VAR ctp: CivilizedTextPort := self.pane; BEGIN LOCK ctp.m DO (* IF state THEN Debug.S("Told TextPane to take focus", DebugLevel); EVAL TextPort.TryFocus(self.pane, 0); END; *) IF state THEN NARROW(self.paneMan, PaneManVBT.T).stealFocusWarning := TRUE; Debug.S("Setting the PaneMan focus warning.", DebugLevel); ELSE ctp.stealFocusWarning := TRUE; Debug.S("Setting the TextPort focus warning.", DebugLevel); END; END; PaneFrame.T.hilite(self, state); END Hilite; BEGIN END TextPane.