
 Copyright 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation.               
 Distributed only by permission.                             
 Last modified on Thu Jun  3 12:48:46 PDT 1993 by wobber 
      modified on Mon Sep 14 09:56:14 PDT 1992 by evers  

The TransportUtils interface reveals methods of Transport.Ts and Transport.Locations which are useful for management and debugging tools.

INTERFACE TransportUtils;

IMPORT Transport;

  Transport.T <: Public;
  Transport.Location <: LocationP;

  Public = Transport.Public OBJECT METHODS
    enumerateLocs (p: EnumProc; cl: REFANY := NIL);

  EnumProc = PROCEDURE (loc: Transport.Location; cl: REFANY): BOOLEAN;

  LocationP = Transport.LocationP OBJECT METHODS
    getInfo (): TEXT;
    getEp (): Transport.Endpoint;

END TransportUtils.
The call tr.enumerateLocs (p, cl) should invoke p (loc, cl) for each live loc: Location owned by tr. The enumeration should terminate after the first invocation of p which returns TRUE.

The method loc.getInfo should return a TEXT suitable for presentation to a human which identifies the location amongst those managed by the transport.

The method loc.getEp should return a Transport.Endpoint e such that loc = tr.fromEndpoint (e).