MODULEThe 'Identical' function is widely used so it must be efficient. An attempt is made to catch the common cases quickly. In the worst case 'Identical' has to do a full structural equivalence check which can be expensive.; IMPORT Word; IMPORT M3AST_AS, M3AST_SM, M3ASTNext; IMPORT M3AST_LX_F, M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F, M3AST_TM_F; IMPORT SeqM3AST_AS_Fields, SeqM3AST_AS_Method, SeqM3AST_AS_Override, SeqM3AST_AS_Formal_param, SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE; IMPORT M3CSrcPos, M3CTypesMisc, M3CRaisesSet, M3COrdinal; IMPORT M3CExpValue; TYPE Map = REF RECORD next: Map := NIL; entryCount: CARDINAL := 0; entries: ARRAY [0..15] OF RECORD typeSpec1, typeSpec2: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; END; END; (* record *) PROCEDURE M3CTypeCompare NewMap (t1, t2: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC): Map RAISES {}= VAR new := NEW(Map); BEGIN new.entries[0].typeSpec1 := t1; new.entries[0].typeSpec2 := t2; RETURN new; END NewMap; PROCEDUREAlreadyBeenHere ( t1, t2: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR m: Map; BEGIN IF map # NIL THEN m := map; LOOP FOR e := 0 TO m.entryCount DO WITH entry = m.entries[e] DO IF ((t1 = entry.typeSpec1) AND (t2 = entry.typeSpec2)) OR ((t2 = entry.typeSpec1) AND (t1 = entry.typeSpec2)) THEN RETURN TRUE; END; (* if *) END; (* with *) END; (* for *) IF = NIL THEN IF m.entryCount = LAST(m.entries) THEN := NewMap(t1, t2); ELSE INC(m.entryCount); WITH entry = m.entries[m.entryCount] DO entry.typeSpec1 := t1; entry.typeSpec2 := t2; END; (* with *) END; (* if *) RETURN FALSE; ELSE m :=; (* and loop *) END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END AlreadyBeenHere; PROCEDURETYPE_SPEC_UNSETs ( ts1, ts2: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; map: Map; search: BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF ts1 = ts2 THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF ts1 = NIL OR ts2 = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF map # NIL THEN IF search AND AlreadyBeenHere(ts1, ts2, map) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN Compare(ts1, ts2, map); END; (* if *) ELSE RETURN ts1.tmp_type_code = ts2.tmp_type_code; END; (* if *) END TYPE_SPEC_UNSETs; PROCEDUREM3TYPEs (m1, m2: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE; map: Map): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR search: BOOLEAN; typeSpec1, typeSpec2: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN search := (map # NIL) AND ((ISTYPE(m1, M3AST_AS.Named_type)) OR (ISTYPE(m1, M3AST_AS.Named_type))); M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m1, typeSpec1); M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m2, typeSpec2); RETURN TYPE_SPEC_UNSETs(typeSpec1, typeSpec2, map, search); END M3TYPEs; PROCEDURETYPED_IDs ( id1, id2: M3AST_AS.TYPED_ID; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN (id1.lx_symrep = id2.lx_symrep) AND TYPE_SPEC_UNSETs(id1.sm_type_spec, id2.sm_type_spec, map, TRUE); END TYPED_IDs; PROCEDUREEXPs (e1, e2: M3AST_AS.EXP): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF e1.sm_exp_value # NIL AND e2.sm_exp_value # NIL THEN RETURN M3CExpValue.Equal(e1, e2); ELSE RETURN TRUE; END; (* if *) END EXPs; PROCEDUREDefaults (d1, d2: M3AST_SM.EXP_NULL_UNSET): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF d1 = NIL OR d2 = NIL THEN RETURN d1 = d2; ELSE WITH unset = M3AST_SM.UNSET_EXP() DO RETURN d1 = unset OR d2 = unset OR EXPs(d1, d2); END; END; (* if *) END Defaults; PROCEDUREArrays ( array1, array2: M3AST_AS.Array_type; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR index1, index2: M3CTypesMisc.Ix; index_type1, index_type2: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; a1 := array1.sm_norm_type; a2 := array2.sm_norm_type; BEGIN IF M3TYPEs(a1.as_elementtype, a2.as_elementtype, map) THEN index1 := M3CTypesMisc.Index(a1, index_type1); index2 := M3CTypesMisc.Index(a2, index_type2); RETURN (index1 = index2) AND ((index1 = M3CTypesMisc.Ix.Open) OR TYPE_SPEC_UNSETs(index_type1, index_type2, map, TRUE)); ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END Arrays; PROCEDUREFields ( fields1, fields2: SeqM3AST_AS_Fields.T; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR i1 := M3ASTNext.NewIterField(fields1); i2 := M3ASTNext.NewIterField(fields2); b1: BOOLEAN; id1, id2: M3AST_AS.Field_id; BEGIN LOOP b1 := M3ASTNext.Field(i1, id1); IF b1 # M3ASTNext.Field(i2, id2) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF NOT b1 THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF TYPED_IDs(id1, id2, map) AND Defaults(id1.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp, id2.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp) THEN (* loop *) ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END Fields; PROCEDUREMethods ( seq1, seq2: SeqM3AST_AS_Method.T; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR i1 := SeqM3AST_AS_Method.NewIter(seq1); i2 := SeqM3AST_AS_Method.NewIter(seq2); b1: BOOLEAN; m1, m2: M3AST_AS.Method; id1, id2: M3AST_AS.Method_id; BEGIN LOOP b1 := SeqM3AST_AS_Method.Next(i1, m1); IF b1 # SeqM3AST_AS_Method.Next(i2, m2) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF NOT b1 THEN RETURN TRUE END; id1 := m1.as_id; id2 := m2.as_id; IF TYPED_IDs(id1, id2, map) AND Defaults(id1.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp, id2.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp) THEN (* continue *) ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END Methods; PROCEDUREOverrides ( seq1, seq2: SeqM3AST_AS_Override.T; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR i1 := SeqM3AST_AS_Override.NewIter(seq1); i2 := SeqM3AST_AS_Override.NewIter(seq2); b1: BOOLEAN; m1, m2: M3AST_AS.Override; id1, id2: M3AST_AS.Override_id; BEGIN LOOP b1 := SeqM3AST_AS_Override.Next(i1, m1); IF b1 # SeqM3AST_AS_Override.Next(i2, m2) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF NOT b1 THEN RETURN TRUE END; id1 := m1.as_id; id2 := m2.as_id; IF TYPED_IDs(id1, id2, map) AND Defaults(id1.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp, id2.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp) THEN (* continue *) ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END Overrides; PROCEDUREAncestors ( t1, t2: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE_NULL; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR m3type: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE; ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN IF t1 # NIL AND t2 # NIL THEN RETURN M3TYPEs(t1, t2, map); ELSIF t1 # NIL OR t2 # NIL THEN (* Only one type has an ancestor; they may still be identical if the single ancestor is ROOT *) IF t1 # NIL THEN m3type := t1; ELSE m3type := t2; END; M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m3type, ts); TYPECASE ts OF | NULL => RETURN FALSE; | M3AST_AS.Root_type(root) => RETURN root.as_trace_mode = NIL; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; ELSE (* neither has an ancestor - all is well *) RETURN TRUE; END; END Ancestors; PROCEDUREObjects (o1, o2: M3AST_AS.Object_type; map: Map): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF o1.as_brand # NIL OR o2.as_brand # NIL THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN Ancestors(o1.as_ancestor, o2.as_ancestor, map) AND Fields(o1.as_fields_s, o2.as_fields_s, map) AND Methods(o1.as_method_s, o2.as_method_s, map) AND Overrides(o1.as_override_s, o2.as_override_s, map); END; END Objects; PROCEDURESets (s1, s2: M3AST_AS.Set_type; map: Map): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN M3TYPEs(s1.as_type, s2.as_type, map); END Sets; PROCEDUREFormals ( f1, f2: SeqM3AST_AS_Formal_param.T; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR i1 := M3ASTNext.NewIterFormal(f1); i2 := M3ASTNext.NewIterFormal(f2); b1: BOOLEAN; formal1, formal2: M3AST_AS.Formal_param; id1, id2: M3AST_AS.FORMAL_ID; BEGIN LOOP b1 := M3ASTNext.Formal(i1, formal1, id1); IF b1 # M3ASTNext.Formal(i2, formal2, id2) THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF NOT b1 THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF TYPECODE(id1) # TYPECODE(id2) OR NOT TYPED_IDs(id1, id2, map) THEN RETURN FALSE END; TYPECASE id1 OF | M3AST_AS.F_Value_id(valueId) => IF NOT Defaults(valueId.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp, NARROW(id2, M3AST_AS.F_Value_id).vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) | M3AST_AS.F_Readonly_id(readonlyId) => IF NOT Defaults(readonlyId.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp, NARROW(id2, M3AST_AS.F_Readonly_id).vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) ELSE (* no default - var parameter *) END; (* typecase *) (* loop *) END; (* loop *) END Formals; PROCEDUREHiddenFirstParams ( p1, p2: M3AST_AS.Procedure_type; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR t1, t2: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; h1 := M3CTypesMisc.HiddenObjectParameter(p1, t1); h2 := M3CTypesMisc.HiddenObjectParameter(p2, t2); BEGIN IF h1 OR h2 THEN (* If only one of the types has a hidden first parameter then they cannot be identical; the name of the hidden parameter will not match the name of any normal parameter *) IF h1 AND h2 THEN RETURN TYPE_SPEC_UNSETs(t1, t2, map, TRUE); ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; ELSE RETURN TRUE; END; END HiddenFirstParams; PROCEDUREProcedures ( p1, p2: M3AST_AS.Procedure_type; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR res1 := p1.as_result_type; res2 := p2.as_result_type; BEGIN RETURN (res1 # NIL) = (res2 # NIL) AND (res1 = NIL OR M3TYPEs(res1, res2, map)) AND HiddenFirstParams(p1, p2, map) AND Formals(p1.as_formal_param_s, p2.as_formal_param_s, map) AND M3CRaisesSet.Compare(p1.as_raises, p2.as_raises) = M3CRaisesSet.Comparison.Equal; END Procedures; PROCEDURERefs (r1, r2: M3AST_AS.Ref_type; map: Map): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN r1.as_brand = NIL AND r2.as_brand = NIL AND M3TYPEs(r1.as_type, r2.as_type, map); END Refs; PROCEDUREPacked ( b1, b2: M3AST_AS.Packed_type; map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN EXPs(b1.as_exp, b2.as_exp) AND M3TYPEs(b1.as_type, b2.as_type, map) END Packed; PROCEDURECompare (t1, t2: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; map: Map): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF TYPECODE(t1) = TYPECODE(t2) THEN TYPECASE t1 OF | M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type, M3AST_AS.Subrange_type => RETURN M3COrdinal.Identical(t1, t2); | M3AST_AS.Array_type => RETURN Arrays(t1, t2, map); | M3AST_AS.Record_type(tt1) => RETURN Fields( tt1.as_fields_s, NARROW(t2, M3AST_AS.Record_type).as_fields_s, map); | M3AST_AS.Object_type => RETURN Objects(t1, t2, map); | M3AST_AS.Set_type => RETURN Sets(t1, t2, map); | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type => RETURN Procedures(t1, t2, map); | M3AST_AS.Ref_type => RETURN Refs(t1, t2, map); | M3AST_AS.Packed_type => RETURN Packed(t1, t2, map); | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type => RETURN FALSE; ELSE (* integers, reals, long reals, null, poly types *) RETURN TRUE; END; (* case *) ELSE (* No hope *) RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END Compare; PROCEDURESimilar (t1, t2: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN Compare(t1, t2, NIL); END Similar;
Here are the key observations we use to try and speed up 'Identical' 1) Most programs are substantially correct; we don't care if it takes a long time to detect an error. 2) In correct programs 'Identical' is only called when two types have some relationship i.e. one is a subtype of the other. 3) Users tend to use only simple forms of structural equivalence; e.g given a RECORD type it is usually much simpler to give the type a name and use that everywhere rather than to write out the full RECORD type wherever it is used. On the other hand simple types like REF INTEGER may not get a name.
So in 'Identical', which compares two type specs 't1' and 't2', we expect these cases: a) Often 't1 = t2'. This happens when a type has a name and people use the name to declare an item of that type, rather than using a structurally equivalent type expression. So this happens a lot for complex types and also for the basic types like INTEGER, REAL etc. b) Often 't1' and 't2' are not identical but are related by the subtype relation. c) Less commonly we get two type specs which are simple and structurally equivalent. d) Rarely we get two type specs which are complex and structurally equivalent. e) Rarely we get two type specs which are completely unrelated (due to an error in the users program) or 't1 = NIL' or 't2 = NIL' (also due to error).
Case a is easy to handle, we just check for the equality of 't1' and 't2'.
Case b is trickier. We do an early check to see if the typecode of 't1' is the same as that of 't2'. This gets rid of cases where two differing classes of type e.g. a subrange and an enumeration are related by the subtype relation. The trickier case is where there is a subtype relation between the same class of type. This occurs for arrays, objects, procedures and packed types. We currently don't worry about procedures and packed types on the grounds that they are fairly infrequent. For arrays we do a quick check that both arrays are open/not open. Object types are the biggest worry; they are frequently used and there is a subtype relation between objects. The solution we use is to keep a hash value in the object type code field; we only do a heavyweight check on two object types if their hash values match.
Case c we deal with by handling some of the most commonly used forms of structural equivalence straight away. e.g. If 't1' and 't2' are both refs we just check if the referents are identical.
We don't wory about d the slow, general purpose mechanism handles it.
Case e is so easy to check for that we do it early on
PROCEDUREHashObject ( original: M3AST_AS.Object_type) : INTEGER RAISES {}=
Two objects can only be identical if they have the same depth i.e. the same number of supertypes. So depth would make an ideal hash value; if two objects have the same depth they can only be subtypes if they are identical and we assume that 'Identical' is usually called when 't1' and 't2' are related by the subtype relation. Unfortunately we can't always see the full depth, due to opaque supertypes. So we settle for the depth to nearest opaque supertype plus the source position of that supertype.
VAR o := original; superType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; hash := 1; BEGIN WHILE M3ASTNext.SimpleSuperType(o, superType) DO TYPECASE superType OF | M3AST_AS.Root_type => EXIT; (* also NIL case *) | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type(opaqueType) => VAR pos: CARDINAL; line := M3CSrcPos.Unpack(opaqueType.lx_srcpos, pos); BEGIN hash := Word.Plus(Word.Times(Word.Plus(Word.Times( line, 256), pos), 256), hash); END; EXIT; | M3AST_AS.Object_type(objectType) => o := objectType; INC(hash); ELSE EXIT; END; END; IF hash = 0 THEN (* Very unlikely, as 'hash' is initially 1 *) INC(hash); END; original.tmp_type_code := hash; RETURN hash; END HashObject; PROCEDUREIdentical (t1, t2: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR m3type1, m3type2: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE; count := 0; BEGIN (* We only go round the following loop looking for simple cases a limited number of times to avoid infinite looping (e.g. T = REF T and U = REF U could cause us grief *) LOOP (* Dispose of easy cases first; if 't1' and 't2' are the same type constructor or if either is NIL we return TRUE *) IF t1 = t2 OR t1 = NIL OR t2 = NIL THEN RETURN TRUE END; (* If 't1' and 't2' do not have the same typecode there is no hope of them being identical *) IF TYPECODE(t1) # TYPECODE(t2) THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* fall out to long-winded comparison *) IF count > 3 THEN EXIT END; (* assert: neither type is NIL *) TYPECASE t1 OF | M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE, M3AST_AS.WideChar_type, M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE, M3AST_AS.RefAny_type, M3AST_AS.Address_type, M3AST_AS.Null_type => RETURN TRUE; | M3AST_AS.Root_type(root_type) => RETURN (root_type.as_trace_mode # NIL) = (NARROW(t2, M3AST_AS.Root_type).as_trace_mode # NIL); | M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type, M3AST_AS.Subrange_type => (* remember opaque types cannot be ordinals *) RETURN M3COrdinal.Identical(t1, t2); | M3AST_AS.Ref_type(refType1) => VAR refType2 := NARROW(t2, M3AST_AS.Ref_type); BEGIN IF refType1.as_brand # NIL OR refType2.as_brand # NIL OR (refType1.as_trace_mode # NIL) # (refType2.as_trace_mode # NIL) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; m3type1 := refType1.as_type; m3type2 := refType2.as_type; (* Drop through to bottom of loop *) END; | M3AST_AS.Object_type(objectType1) => VAR objectType2 := NARROW(t2, M3AST_AS.Object_type); BEGIN IF objectType1.as_brand # NIL OR objectType2.as_brand # NIL THEN RETURN FALSE; END; WITH typeCode1 = objectType1.tmp_type_code, typeCode2 = objectType2.tmp_type_code DO IF typeCode1 = 0 THEN typeCode1 := HashObject(objectType1) END; IF typeCode2 = 0 THEN typeCode2 := HashObject(objectType2) END; IF typeCode1 # typeCode2 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE EXIT; (* We need to do a thorough check *) END; END; END; | M3AST_AS.Array_type(array_type) => VAR arrayType1 := array_type.sm_norm_type; arrayType2 := NARROW(t2, M3AST_AS.Array_type).sm_norm_type; open1 := SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE.Empty(arrayType1.as_indextype_s); open2 := SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE.Empty(arrayType2.as_indextype_s); BEGIN IF open1 # open2 THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF open1 THEN m3type1 := arrayType1.as_elementtype; m3type2 := arrayType2.as_elementtype; (* Drop through to bottom of loop *) ELSE EXIT; (* Arrays are not open, go for the full check *) END; END; | M3AST_AS.Set_type(set_type) => m3type1 := set_type.as_type; m3type2 := NARROW(t2, M3AST_AS.Set_type).as_type; (* Drop through to bottom of loop *) | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type => RETURN FALSE; (* All opaque types are different *) ELSE EXIT; (* For other types we always go straight to the full check *) END; (* case *) (* If we get here we are dealing with the case where 't1' is identical to 't2' iff 'm3type1' is identical to 'm3type2'. We get the corresponding type specs for the m3types and loop *) M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m3type1, t1); M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m3type2, t2); INC(count); END; (* assert: neither type is unset and 't1' is not an ordinal *) RETURN Compare(t1, t2, NewMap(t1, t2)); END Identical; BEGIN END M3CTypeCompare.