MODULE************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Olivetti 1989 All Rights reserved Use and copy of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted to any person, provided this same copyright notice and the following Olivetti warranty disclaimer are included in any copy of the software or any modification thereof or derivative work therefrom made by any person. This software is made available AS IS and Olivetti disclaims all warranties with respect to this software, whether expressed or implied under any law, including all implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for any purpose. In no event shall Olivetti be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *************************************************************************; M3CTypeCheck
Copyright (C) 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation All rights reserved. See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.
IMPORT Text, Fmt; IMPORT AST, M3AST_AS, M3AST_SM; IMPORT ASTWalk, M3ASTNext; IMPORT M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F, M3AST_TM_F; IMPORT SeqM3AST_AS_EXP, SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE, SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id; IMPORT M3Error, M3Assert, M3CTypeRelation, M3CTypesMisc, M3CStdProcs; IMPORT M3CStdTypes, M3CTypeChkUtil, M3CExpsMisc, M3COrdinal, M3CConcTypeSpec; IMPORT M3CNEWActualS, M3CStdActualS, M3CProcActualS, M3CConsActualS; IMPORT M3CBackEnd; REVEAL Handle = BRANDED OBJECT procStack: ProcStack := NIL; safe: BOOLEAN; END;utilities
PROCEDUREprocedures called by tree walkerBaseType (exp: M3AST_AS.EXP): M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET RAISES {}= VAR expType, base: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(exp) THEN expType := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack(exp.sm_exp_type_spec); TYPECASE expType OF | NULL => RETURN NIL; | M3AST_AS.Subrange_type(subrangeType) => base := subrangeType.sm_base_type_spec; RETURN base; ELSE RETURN expType; END; (* if *) ELSE RETURN NIL; END; (* if *) END BaseType; PROCEDUREIsException ( q: M3AST_AS.Qual_used_id; VAR id: M3AST_AS.Exc_id) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE q.as_id.sm_def OF | NULL => id := NIL; RETURN TRUE; | M3AST_AS.Exc_id(excId) => id := excId; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END IsException;
PROCEDUREUnary (u: M3AST_AS.UNARY) RAISES {}= VAR type: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN type := BaseType(u.as_exp); IF type = NIL THEN (* previous error *) RETURN END; TYPECASE u OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Not => ok := M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfBoolean(type); | M3AST_AS.Unaryplus, M3AST_AS.Unaryminus => ok := (ISTYPE(type, M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE)) OR (ISTYPE(type, M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE)); | M3AST_AS.Deref => ok := TRUE; (* already checked *) END; (* case *) IF NOT ok THEN M3Error.Report(u, "type error in argument to unary operator"); END; (* if *) END Unary; PROCEDURETextcat (b: M3AST_AS.BINARY) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(b.as_exp1) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(b.as_exp2) THEN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfText(b.as_exp1.sm_exp_type_spec) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfText(b.as_exp2.sm_exp_type_spec) THEN (* no problem *) ELSE M3Error.Report(b, "type error in arguments to text concatentation operator"); END; (* if *) END; END Textcat; PROCEDUREBinary (h: Handle; b: M3AST_AS.BINARY) RAISES {}= VAR type1, type2: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; ok, safe: BOOLEAN; set: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN (* textcat is special deal with it separately *) IF ISTYPE(b, M3AST_AS.Textcat) THEN Textcat(b); RETURN END; (* assert: "b" is not selection or textcat *) type1 := BaseType(b.as_exp1); type2 := BaseType(b.as_exp2); IF type1 = NIL OR type2 = NIL THEN RETURN END; (* assert: op is not selection or textcat; neither type is unset *) safe :=; ok := FALSE; TYPECASE b OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Plus, M3AST_AS.Minus, M3AST_AS.Times, M3AST_AS.Rdiv => TYPECASE type1 OF | M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE, M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE => ok := (TYPECODE(type1) = TYPECODE(type2)); | M3AST_AS.Set_type => ok := (TYPECODE(type1) = TYPECODE(type2)) AND (M3CTypeRelation.SubType(type1, type2) OR M3CTypeRelation.SubType(type2, type1)) ELSE IF (NOT safe) AND (ISTYPE(b, M3AST_AS.Plus) OR ISTYPE(b, M3AST_AS.Minus)) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfAddress(type1) THEN ok := ISTYPE(type2, M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE) OR (ISTYPE(b, M3AST_AS.Minus) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfAddress(type2)); END; (* if *) END; (* case *) | M3AST_AS.Div, M3AST_AS.Mod => ok := (ISTYPE(type1, M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE) OR (ISTYPE(b, M3AST_AS.Mod) AND ISTYPE(type1, M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE))) AND (TYPECODE(type1) = TYPECODE(type2)); | M3AST_AS.Eq, M3AST_AS.Ne, M3AST_AS.Gt, M3AST_AS.Lt, M3AST_AS.Ge, M3AST_AS.Le => IF ISTYPE(b, M3AST_AS.Eq) OR ISTYPE(b, M3AST_AS.Ne) THEN ok := TRUE; ELSE ok := (ISTYPE(type1, M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE)) OR (ISTYPE(type1, M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type)) OR (ISTYPE(type1, M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE)) OR (ISTYPE(type1, M3AST_AS.Set_type)) OR (M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfAddress(type1) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfAddress(type2)); END; (* if *) ok := ok AND M3CTypeRelation.Assignable(type1, type2, safe) OR M3CTypeRelation.Assignable(type2, type1, safe); | M3AST_AS.And, M3AST_AS.Or => ok := M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfBoolean(type1) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfBoolean(type2); | M3AST_AS.In => IF ISTYPE(type2, M3AST_AS.Set_type) THEN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE( NARROW(type2, M3AST_AS.Set_type).as_type, set); ok := M3CTypeRelation.Assignable(set, type1, safe); END; (* if *) END; (* case *) IF NOT ok THEN M3Error.Report(b, "type error in arguments to binary operator"); END; (* if *) END Binary; PROCEDUREIndex (i: M3AST_AS.Index; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR type, expType, indexType, expBaseType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; arrayType: M3AST_AS.Array_type; iter: SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.Iter; exp: M3AST_AS.EXP; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* First get the array type; note that the type of 'i.as_array' may validly be a reference to an array type *) IF NOT M3CTypesMisc.Indexable(BaseType(i.as_array), arrayType) THEN RETURN; END; (* Loop through the index expressions, typechecking them as we go *) iter := SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.NewIter(i.as_exp_s); IF NOT SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.Next(iter, exp) THEN RETURN END; LOOP (* Check expression is normal and then type check if possible *) IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(exp) AND arrayType # NIL THEN expType := exp.sm_exp_type_spec; CASE M3CTypesMisc.Index(arrayType, indexType) OF | M3CTypesMisc.Ix.Unknown => ok := M3COrdinal.Is(expType, expBaseType); | M3CTypesMisc.Ix.Ordinal => ok := M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable(indexType, exp, safe); | M3CTypesMisc.Ix.Open => ok := M3COrdinal.Is(expType, expBaseType) AND (expBaseType = NIL OR NOT ISTYPE(expBaseType, M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type)); | M3CTypesMisc.Ix.Bad => ok := TRUE; (* cock up elsewhere *) END; (* case *) IF NOT ok THEN M3Error.Report(i, "index expression not assignable to index type"); END; ELSE (* 'exp' is not normal, or we do not have an array type to check *) END; (* if *) (* Move on to next index expression and array type *) IF NOT SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.Next(iter, exp) THEN RETURN END; IF arrayType # NIL THEN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE( arrayType.sm_norm_type.as_elementtype, type); IF NOT M3CTypesMisc.Indexable(type, arrayType) THEN arrayType := NIL; END; END; END; (* loop *) END Index; PROCEDUREAssign (a: M3AST_AS.Assign_st; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR lhs := a.as_lhs_exp; rhs := a.as_rhs_exp; writeable: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(lhs) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(rhs) THEN IF NOT (M3CExpsMisc.IsDesignator(lhs, writeable) AND writeable) THEN M3Error.Report(a, "lhs of assignment is not a writeable designator"); END; (* if *) IF NOT M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable(lhs.sm_exp_type_spec, rhs, safe) THEN M3Error.Report(a, "rhs of assignment not assignable to lhs"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END Assign; PROCEDUREProcedureDeclaration (p: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl) RAISES {}= VAR defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; BEGIN IF p.as_id.vREDEF_ID.sm_int_def # NIL THEN defId := p.as_id.vREDEF_ID.sm_int_def; TYPECASE defId OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Proc_id(procId) => TYPECASE procId.sm_type_spec OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(procType) => IF NOT M3CTypeRelation.Covered(p.as_type, procType) THEN (* Assert that 'p.as_id.lx_symrep' must be non NIL in order for the 'sm_int_def' field to be set up *) M3Error.ReportWithId(p.as_id, "procedure \'%s\' is not covered by declaration in interface", p.as_id.lx_symrep); END; ELSE END; (* typecase *) ELSE END; (* typecase *) END; (* if *) END ProcedureDeclaration; TYPE ProcStack = REF RECORD next: ProcStack; declaration: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl; function: BOOLEAN; resultType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; END; (* record *) PROCEDUREPushProc (h: Handle; p: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl) RAISES {}= VAR new := NEW(ProcStack); m3TypeOrVoid: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE_NULL; BEGIN := h.procStack; h.procStack := new; new.declaration := p; m3TypeOrVoid := p.as_type.as_result_type; new.function := (m3TypeOrVoid # NIL); IF new.function THEN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m3TypeOrVoid, new.resultType); END; (* if *) END PushProc; PROCEDUREPopProc (h: Handle; p: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl) RAISES {}= BEGIN M3Assert.Check(h.procStack # NIL AND h.procStack.declaration = p); h.procStack :=; END PopProc; PROCEDUREReturn (h: Handle; r: M3AST_AS.Return_st) RAISES {}= VAR isFunctionReturn: BOOLEAN; msg: Text.T; BEGIN IF h.procStack = NIL THEN msg := "return statement only allowed in a procedure"; ELSE isFunctionReturn := (r.as_exp # NIL); IF h.procStack.function = isFunctionReturn THEN IF isFunctionReturn AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(r.as_exp) AND (NOT M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable( h.procStack.resultType, r.as_exp, THEN msg := "return expression not assignable to procedure result type"; ELSE (* procedure, bad exp or correct function return - no problem *) msg := NIL; END; (* if *) ELSE IF isFunctionReturn THEN msg := "expression returned in proper procedure"; ELSE msg := "return in function not followed by expression"; END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END; (* if *) IF msg # NIL THEN M3Error.Report(r, msg) END; END Return; PROCEDUREMustBeBoolean (exp: M3AST_AS.EXP; text: Text.T) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(exp) AND (NOT M3CTypeChkUtil.IsBoolean(exp.sm_exp_type_spec)) THEN M3Error.Report(exp, Fmt.F("expression after %s is not BOOLEAN", text)); END; (* if *) END MustBeBoolean; PROCEDUREFor (f: M3AST_AS.For_st) RAISES {}= VAR byType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(f.as_from) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(f.as_to) THEN IF NOT M3CTypeRelation.SameOrdinalSupertype( f.as_from.sm_exp_type_spec, f.as_to.sm_exp_type_spec) THEN M3Error.Report(f, "low and high bound of FOR loop are not ordinals with common supertype"); END; (* if *) ELSE (* from or to expression bogus *) END; (* if *) IF f.as_by # NIL THEN byType := BaseType(f.as_by.as_exp); IF byType # NIL AND NOT ISTYPE(byType, M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE) THEN M3Error.Report(f.as_by.as_exp, "For loop BY expression is not an integer value"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END For; PROCEDURECaseLabel ( ordType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; exp: M3AST_AS.EXP; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(exp) AND (NOT M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable(ordType, exp, safe)) THEN M3Error.Report(exp, "CASE label not assignable to type of CASE expression"); END; (* if *) END CaseLabel; PROCEDURECase (t: M3AST_AS.Case_st; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR ordType, baseType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; iter: M3ASTNext.IterCaseLabel; case: M3AST_AS.Case; label: M3AST_AS.RANGE_EXP; BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(t.as_exp) THEN ordType := t.as_exp.sm_exp_type_spec; IF NOT M3COrdinal.Is(ordType, baseType) THEN ordType := NIL; M3Error.Report(t.as_exp, "CASE expression is not ordinal"); END; (* if *) ELSE ordType := NIL; END; (* if *) iter := M3ASTNext.NewIterCaseLabel(t.as_case_s); WHILE M3ASTNext.CaseLabel(iter, case, label) DO TYPECASE label OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Range(range) => CaseLabel(ordType, range.as_exp1, safe); CaseLabel(ordType, range.as_exp2, safe); | M3AST_AS.Range_EXP(rangeExp) => CaseLabel(ordType, rangeExp.as_exp, safe); END; (* if *) END; (* while *) END Case; PROCEDURETypecase (t: M3AST_AS.Typecase_st) RAISES {}= VAR refType, labelType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; iter: M3ASTNext.IterTypeCaseLabel; tcase: M3AST_AS.Tcase; m3type: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE; BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(t.as_exp) THEN refType := t.as_exp.sm_exp_type_spec; IF refType # NIL AND (NOT M3CTypesMisc.IsRef(refType) OR ISTYPE(refType, M3AST_AS.Address_type)) THEN refType := NIL; M3Error.Report(t.as_exp, "TYPECASE expression is not of valid reference type"); END; (* if *) ELSE refType := NIL; END; (* if *) iter := M3ASTNext.NewIterTypeCaseLabel(t.as_tcase_s); WHILE M3ASTNext.TypeCaseLabel(iter, tcase, m3type) DO M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m3type, labelType); IF NOT M3CTypeRelation.SubType(labelType, refType) THEN M3Error.Report(m3type, "label type is not subtype of TYPECASE expression type"); END; (* if *) END; (* while *) END Typecase; PROCEDURELock (l: M3AST_AS.Lock_st) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(l.as_exp) THEN VAR type := l.as_exp.sm_exp_type_spec; BEGIN IF type # NIL AND (NOT M3CTypeRelation.SubType(type, M3CStdTypes.Mutex())) THEN M3Error.Report(l.as_exp, "LOCK expression is not a MUTEX"); END; END; END; (* if *) END Lock; PROCEDURERaise (r: M3AST_AS.Raise_st; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR error: Text.T; excId: M3AST_AS.Exc_id; type: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; noExp: BOOLEAN; BEGIN error := NIL; IF IsException(r.as_qual_id, excId) THEN IF excId # NIL THEN type := excId.sm_type_spec; noExp := r.as_exp_void = NIL; IF type # NIL AND ISTYPE(type, M3AST_SM.Void_type) THEN IF NOT noExp THEN error := "Unexpected argument to RAISE"; END; ELSE IF noExp THEN error := "Missing argument to RAISE"; ELSE IF NOT M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable(type, r.as_exp_void, safe) THEN error := "Argument to RAISE is wrong type"; END; END; END; END; (* if *) ELSE error := "RAISE must be followed by exception"; END; (* if *) IF error # NIL THEN M3Error.Report(r, error); END; END Raise; PROCEDURECall (c: M3AST_AS.Call; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= CONST NormalOrMethod = M3CExpsMisc.ClassSet{ M3CExpsMisc.Class.Normal, M3CExpsMisc.Class.Method}; VAR pf: M3CStdProcs.T; BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsExpectedClass(c.as_callexp, NormalOrMethod) THEN END; IF M3CStdProcs.IsStandardCall(c, pf) THEN IF pf = M3CStdProcs.T.New THEN M3CNEWActualS.SetAndTypeCheck(c, safe); ELSE M3CStdActualS.TypeCheck(c, pf, safe); END; (* if *) ELSE M3CProcActualS.TypeCheck(c, safe); END; (* if *) END Call; PROCEDUREConst (c: M3AST_AS.Const_decl; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(c.as_exp) THEN IF (c.as_type # NIL) AND (NOT M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable( c.as_id.sm_type_spec, c.as_exp, safe)) THEN M3Error.Report(c.as_exp, "CONST expression not member of declared type"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END Const; TYPE TypeAndDefaultError = {None, OpenArray, Empty, NotAssignable}; PROCEDURETypeAndDefault ( type: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE_NULL; default: M3AST_AS.EXP_NULL; param, safe: BOOLEAN) : TypeAndDefaultError RAISES {}= VAR normalExp: BOOLEAN; ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN IF default # NIL THEN normalExp := M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(default); ELSE normalExp := FALSE; END; IF type # NIL THEN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(type, ts); IF normalExp AND NOT M3CTypeChkUtil.EXPAssignable(ts, default, safe) THEN RETURN TypeAndDefaultError.NotAssignable; END; (* if *) ELSIF normalExp THEN (* we still need to do some checks on the type *) ts := default.sm_exp_type_spec; ELSE RETURN TypeAndDefaultError.None; (* we cannot do any further checking *) END; (* if *) IF NOT param THEN IF M3CTypesMisc.IsEmpty(ts) THEN RETURN TypeAndDefaultError.Empty END; IF M3CTypesMisc.IsOpenArray(ts) THEN RETURN TypeAndDefaultError.OpenArray; END; END; RETURN TypeAndDefaultError.None; END TypeAndDefault; PROCEDUREVar (v: M3AST_AS.Var_decl; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR error := TypeAndDefault(v.as_type, v.as_default, FALSE, safe); errorText: Text.T; BEGIN IF error # TypeAndDefaultError.None THEN CASE error OF <*NOWARN*> | TypeAndDefaultError.OpenArray => errorText := "variable cannot be of open array type"; | TypeAndDefaultError.Empty => errorText := "variable cannot be of empty type"; | TypeAndDefaultError.NotAssignable => errorText := "VAR default not assignable to variable" ; END; M3Error.Report(v, errorText); END; END Var; PROCEDUREException (e: M3AST_AS.Exc_decl) RAISES {}= VAR excArgType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN IF e.as_type # NIL THEN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(e.as_type, excArgType); IF M3CTypesMisc.IsOpenArray(excArgType) THEN M3Error.Report(e.as_type, "exception argument cannot be of open array type"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END Exception; PROCEDURERevelation (i: M3AST_AS.Concrete_reveal) RAISES {}= VAR type, revealed: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN TYPECASE i.as_qual_id.as_id.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Type_id(typeId) => TYPECASE typeId.sm_type_spec OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type(opaqueType) => M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(opaqueType.as_type, type); M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(i.as_type, revealed); IF NOT (M3CTypeRelation.SubType(revealed, type) OR M3CTypeRelation.SubType(type, revealed)) THEN M3Error.Report(i.as_type, "revealed type is not appropriate for opaque type"); END; (* if *) ELSE END; (* typecase *) ELSE END; (* typecase *) END Revelation; PROCEDUREFormal (f: M3AST_AS.Formal_param; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR BEGIN IF TypeAndDefault(f.as_formal_type, f.as_default, TRUE, safe) # TypeAndDefaultError.None THEN (* can only be not assignable *) M3Error.Report(f, "default not member of type of parameter"); END; (* if *) END Formal; PROCEDUREField (f: M3AST_AS.Fields; safe: BOOLEAN) RAISES {}= VAR error := TypeAndDefault(f.as_type, f.as_default, FALSE, safe); errorText: Text.T; BEGIN IF error # TypeAndDefaultError.None THEN CASE error OF <*NOWARN*> | TypeAndDefaultError.OpenArray => errorText := "field cannot be of open array type"; | TypeAndDefaultError.Empty => errorText := "field cannot be of empty type"; | TypeAndDefaultError.NotAssignable => errorText := "default not member of type of field" ; END; M3Error.Report(f, errorText); END; END Field; PROCEDUREMethodOverride (m: M3AST_AS.METHOD_OVERRIDE) RAISES {}= VAR id := m.as_id; defaultType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; proc: M3CTypeChkUtil.Proc; CONST OkDefault = M3CTypeChkUtil.ProcSet{M3CTypeChkUtil.Proc.TopLevel, M3CTypeChkUtil.Proc.Method}; BEGIN IF id.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp # NIL AND id.sm_type_spec # NIL THEN defaultType := id.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp.sm_exp_type_spec; IF defaultType # NIL THEN proc := M3CTypeChkUtil.ClassifyProc(id.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp); IF NOT(proc IN OkDefault) THEN M3Error.Report(m.as_default, "default for method is not a top level procedure constant"); ELSIF NOT M3CTypeRelation.Satisfies(defaultType, m.tmp_type, id.sm_type_spec) THEN M3Error.Report(m.as_default, "default does not satisfy signature of method"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) ELSE (* no default to check or method type unset *) END; (* if *) END MethodOverride; PROCEDURESubrange (s: M3AST_AS.Subrange_type) RAISES {}= VAR range := s.as_range; exp1 := range.as_exp1; exp2 := range.as_exp2; BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(exp1) AND M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(exp2) THEN IF NOT M3CTypeRelation.SameOrdinalSupertype( exp1.sm_exp_type_spec, exp2.sm_exp_type_spec) THEN M3Error.Report( s, "subrange bounds are not ordinal or are incompatible"); END; END; (* if *) END Subrange; PROCEDURESet (s: M3AST_AS.Set_type) RAISES {}= VAR base, baseBase: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(s.as_type, base); IF NOT M3COrdinal.Is(base, baseBase) THEN M3Error.Report(s.as_type, "set base type must be ordinal"); END; (* if *) END Set; PROCEDUREArray (a: M3AST_AS.Array_type) RAISES {}= VAR arrayType, indexType, elementType, indexBase: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; m3Type: M3AST_AS.M3TYPE; iter: SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE.Iter; BEGIN arrayType := a; IF NOT M3CTypesMisc.IsOpenArray(arrayType) THEN iter := SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE.NewIter(a.as_indextype_s); WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE.Next(iter, m3Type) DO M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(m3Type, indexType); IF NOT M3COrdinal.Is(indexType, indexBase) THEN M3Error.Report(m3Type, "index type must be ordinal"); END; (* if *) END; (* while *) M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(a.as_elementtype, elementType); IF M3CTypesMisc.IsOpenArray(elementType) THEN M3Error.Report(a.as_elementtype, "fixed array element type cannot be open array"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END Array; PROCEDUREProcedure (p: M3AST_AS.Procedure_type) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF p.as_result_type # NIL THEN VAR resultType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(p.as_result_type, resultType); IF M3CTypesMisc.IsOpenArray(resultType) THEN M3Error.Report(p.as_result_type, "procedure result type cannot be open array"); END; (* if *) END; END; (* if *) TYPECASE p.as_raises OF <*NOWARN*> | NULL => (* RAISES {} *) | M3AST_AS.Raisees_any => | M3AST_AS.Raisees_some(raises) => VAR iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id.NewIter(raises.as_raisees_s); qualId: M3AST_AS.Qual_used_id; BEGIN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Qual_used_id.Next(iter, qualId) DO TYPECASE qualId.as_id.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Exc_id => ELSE M3Error.ReportWithId(qualId.as_id, "\'%s\' is not an exception", qualId.as_id.lx_symrep); END; END; END; END; END Procedure; PROCEDURERef (h: Handle; r: M3AST_AS.Ref_type) RAISES {}= VAR referent: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN IF r.as_trace_mode # NIL AND THEN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(r.as_type, referent); IF M3CTypesMisc.IsTraced(referent) THEN M3Error.Report(r, "untraced reference must not have traced referent"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END Ref; PROCEDUREObject (h: Handle; o: M3AST_AS.Object_type) RAISES {}= VAR super: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN IF (M3CTypesMisc.IsTracedObject(o) = M3CTypesMisc.Ref.Untraced) AND AND M3CTypesMisc.ContainsTracedFields(o.as_fields_s) THEN M3Error.Report(o, "untraced object must not have any traced fields"); END; (* if *) IF M3ASTNext.SimpleSuperType(o, super) THEN LOOP IF super # NIL AND ISTYPE(super, M3AST_AS.Opaque_type) THEN super := M3CConcTypeSpec.CurrentReveal(super); ELSE EXIT; END; END; IF super = NIL OR ISTYPE(super, M3AST_AS.Object_type) OR ISTYPE(super, M3AST_AS.Root_type) THEN (* all is well *) ELSE M3Error.Report(o.as_ancestor, "supertype of object type must be another object type"); END; (* if *) END; (* if *) END Object; PROCEDUREIsNormalIntegerExpression (exp: M3AST_AS.EXP): BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsNormalEXP(exp) THEN IF M3CTypeChkUtil.IsSubTypeOfInteger(exp.sm_exp_type_spec) THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE M3Error.Report(exp, "expression must be integer"); END; END; RETURN FALSE; END IsNormalIntegerExpression; PROCEDUREPacked (p: M3AST_AS.Packed_type) RAISES {}= VAR packedType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; exp: M3AST_AS.EXP; BEGIN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(p.as_type, packedType); IF M3CTypesMisc.IsOpenArray(packedType) THEN M3Error.Report(p.as_type, "cannot pack open array"); ELSE exp := p.as_exp; IF IsNormalIntegerExpression(exp) THEN IF (exp.sm_exp_value # NIL) AND packedType # NIL AND NOT M3CBackEnd.BitsOK(exp, packedType) THEN M3Error.Report(exp, "cannot pack type in given number of bits"); END; (* if *) END; END; (* if *) END Packed; PROCEDURENode (h: Handle; any: AST.NODE; v: ASTWalk.VisitMode) RAISES {}= BEGIN IF v = ASTWalk.VisitMode.Entry THEN IF ISTYPE(any, M3AST_AS.Proc_decl) THEN PushProc(h, any); END; (* if *) ELSE TYPECASE any OF | M3AST_AS.UNARY(t) => Unary(t); | M3AST_AS.BINARY(t) => Binary(h, t); | M3AST_AS.Index(t) => Index(t,; | M3AST_AS.Assign_st(t) => Assign(t,; | M3AST_AS.Proc_decl(proc_decl) => ProcedureDeclaration(proc_decl); PopProc(h, proc_decl); | M3AST_AS.Return_st(return_st) => Return(h, return_st); | M3AST_AS.If_st(if_st) => MustBeBoolean(if_st.as_exp, "IF"); | M3AST_AS.Elsif(elsif) => MustBeBoolean(elsif.as_exp, "ELSIF"); | M3AST_AS.Repeat_st(repeat_st) => MustBeBoolean(repeat_st.as_exp, "UNTIL"); | M3AST_AS.While_st(while_st) => MustBeBoolean(while_st.as_exp, "WHILE"); | M3AST_AS.For_st(for_st) => For(for_st); | M3AST_AS.Case_st(case_st) => Case(case_st,; | M3AST_AS.Typecase_st(t) => Typecase(t); | M3AST_AS.Lock_st(t) => Lock(t); | M3AST_AS.Raise_st(t) => Raise(t,; | M3AST_AS.Call(t) => Call(t,; | M3AST_AS.Constructor(t) => M3CConsActualS.TypeCheck(t,; | M3AST_AS.Const_decl(t) => Const(t,; | M3AST_AS.Var_decl(t) => Var(t,; | M3AST_AS.Exc_decl(t) => Exception(t); | M3AST_AS.Concrete_reveal(t) => Revelation(t); | M3AST_AS.Formal_param(t) => Formal(t,; | M3AST_AS.Fields(t) => Field(t,; | M3AST_AS.METHOD_OVERRIDE(t) => MethodOverride(t); | M3AST_AS.Subrange_type(t) => Subrange(t); | M3AST_AS.Set_type(t) => Set(t); | M3AST_AS.Array_type(t) => Array(t); | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(t) => Procedure(t); | M3AST_AS.Ref_type(t) => Ref(h, t); | M3AST_AS.Object_type(t) => Object(h, t); | M3AST_AS.Packed_type(t) => Packed(t); ELSE (* no action *) END; (* case *) END; (* if *) END Node; PROCEDURENewHandle (safe: BOOLEAN; in: M3AST_AS.Proc_decl): Handle RAISES {}= VAR new := NEW(Handle, safe := safe); BEGIN IF in # NIL THEN PushProc(new, in) END; RETURN new; END NewHandle; BEGIN END M3CTypeCheck.