MODULE************************************************************************* Copyright (C) Olivetti 1989 All Rights reserved Use and copy of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted to any person, provided this same copyright notice and the following Olivetti warranty disclaimer are included in any copy of the software or any modification thereof or derivative work therefrom made by any person. This software is made available AS IS and Olivetti disclaims all warranties with respect to this software, whether expressed or implied under any law, including all implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for any purpose. In no event shall Olivetti be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits or otherwise arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. *************************************************************************; M3CExpTypeSpec
Copyright (C) 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation All rights reserved. See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.
IMPORT AST, M3AST_AS, M3AST_SM; IMPORT M3AST_LX_F, M3AST_AS_F, M3AST_SM_F, M3AST_TM_F; IMPORT SeqM3AST_AS_Actual, SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE, SeqM3AST_AS_EXP; IMPORT ASTWalk; IMPORT M3Error; IMPORT M3CTypesMisc, M3CExpsMisc; IMPORT M3CStdProcs, M3CStdTypes; IMPORT M3CDef, M3CTypeSpec; IMPORT M3CNormType;Map structure, used to keep track of where we are so we can avoid horrible variable declarations whose implied type depends on themselves e.g.
VAR i := i; j := k; k: [0..BITSIZE(j)] := 0;
TYPE MapList = REF RECORD next: MapList := NIL; list: ARRAY [0..7] OF M3AST_AS.Var_id; END; Mode = {TreeWalk, (* Called by tree walker *) Recurse, (* Recursive call, resolve forward reference *) RecurseButDontSet}; (* Recursive call, searching for illegal *) (* recursion through a variable *) Map = RECORD mode := Mode.Recurse; count: CARDINAL := 0; recursedTo: M3AST_AS.Var_id := NIL; unit: M3AST_AS.UNIT_NORMAL; entries: MapList := NIL; END; (* record *) PROCEDURESimple utility routinesInMap ( id: M3AST_AS.Var_id; add: BOOLEAN; VAR map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR last: MapList := NIL; e := map.entries; i: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO map.count - 1 DO IF e.list[i] = id THEN RETURN TRUE END; INC(i); IF i > LAST(e.list) THEN i := 0; last := e; e := END; END; (* for *) IF add THEN IF e = NIL THEN e := NEW(MapList); IF last = NIL THEN map.entries := e ELSE := e END; END; e.list[i] := id; INC(map.count); END; RETURN FALSE; END InMap;
<*INLINE*> PROCEDUREExported utility routineSetComponent ( e: M3AST_AS.EXP; VAR map: Map) : M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET RAISES {}= BEGIN IF map.mode = Mode.TreeWalk THEN RETURN e.sm_exp_type_spec; ELSE RETURN InternalSet(e, map); END; END SetComponent; PROCEDUREIsUntracedRef ( ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN RETURN M3CTypesMisc.IsTracedRef(M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack(ts)) IN M3CTypesMisc.RefSet{M3CTypesMisc.Ref.Untraced,M3CTypesMisc.Ref.Null}; END IsUntracedRef; PROCEDUREIRL ( typeSpec: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; intok := TRUE) : M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET RAISES {}= VAR ts := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack(typeSpec); BEGIN TYPECASE ts OF | M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE => (* Includes null case; result type is argument type *) RETURN ts; | M3AST_AS.Subrange_type => IF intok THEN RETURN IRL(BaseType(ts), intok); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; | M3AST_AS.Integer_type => IF intok THEN RETURN M3CStdTypes.Integer(); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; | M3AST_AS.Longint_type => IF intok THEN RETURN M3CStdTypes.Longint(); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END IRL;
PROCEDURELook through an ids declaration to discover its type, watching out for recursionBaseType ( ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET) : M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET RAISES {}= BEGIN LOOP TYPECASE ts OF | M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE, M3AST_AS.WideChar_type, M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type => RETURN ts; (* includes the NULL case *) | M3AST_AS.Packed_type(packedType) => ts := M3CTypesMisc.Unpack(packedType); (* loop *) | M3AST_AS.Subrange_type(subrangeType) => VAR map := Map{unit := subrangeType.tmp_unit_id.sm_spec}; BEGIN ts := InternalSet(subrangeType.as_range.as_exp1, map); (* loop *) END; ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END; END BaseType;
TYPE TypeClosure = ASTWalk.Closure OBJECT map: Map; varId: M3AST_AS.Var_id; recursive := FALSE; OVERRIDES callback := WalkType; END; PROCEDURERecursionViaType (cl: TypeClosure) RAISES {ASTWalk.Aborted}= BEGIN M3Error.ReportWithId(cl.varId, "recursive declaration of \'%s\'", cl.varId.lx_symrep); cl.varId.tmp_recursive := TRUE; cl.recursive := TRUE; ASTWalk.Abort(); END RecursionViaType; PROCEDUREWalkComponentType ( cl: TypeClosure; ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET) RAISES {ASTWalk.Aborted}= BEGIN IF ts # NIL AND ts.tmp_unit_id = AND RecursiveType(ts, cl.varId, THEN cl.recursive := TRUE; ASTWalk.Abort(); END; END WalkComponentType; PROCEDUREWalkType ( cl: TypeClosure; an: AST.NODE; <*UNUSED*> vm: ASTWalk.VisitMode) RAISES {ASTWalk.Aborted}= BEGIN TYPECASE an OF | M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type, M3AST_AS.Object_type, M3AST_AS.Procedure_type, M3AST_AS.Ref_type, M3AST_AS.Opaque_type => ASTWalk.IgnoreChildren(cl); ELSE VAR usedId: M3AST_AS.USED_ID; BEGIN IF an.IsA_USED_ID(usedId) THEN IF usedId.sm_def # NIL AND usedId.sm_def.tmp_unit_id = THEN TYPECASE usedId.sm_def OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Var_id(varId) => IF varId = cl.varId THEN (* Recursion! *) RecursionViaType(cl); ELSIF InMap(varId, TRUE, THEN (* We have already dealt with this one; nothing more to do. This avoids infinite recursion if the type contains a recursive variable other than 'varId' *) ELSE VAR varType := varId.sm_type_spec; BEGIN IF varType = NIL THEN VAR map := Map{mode := Mode.RecurseButDontSet, unit :=}; BEGIN (* Put 'cl.varId' in 'map'; this ensures that if the type of 'varId' depends directly on the type of 'cl.varId' we will stop quickly *) EVAL InMap(cl.varId, TRUE, map); varType := GetExp_typeOfId(varId, map); IF map.recursedTo = cl.varId THEN (* Type of 'varId' does directly depend on 'cl.varId' so we have recursion *) RecursionViaType(cl); END; END; END; WalkComponentType(cl, varType); END; END; | M3AST_AS.Const_id(constId) => <*FATAL ANY*> VAR walkExp := NEW(TypeClosure, map :=; BEGIN ASTWalk.VisitNodes(constId.vINIT_ID.sm_init_exp, walkExp); IF walkExp.recursive THEN cl.recursive := TRUE; ASTWalk.Abort(); END; END; | M3AST_AS.Type_id(typeId) => WalkComponentType(cl, typeId.sm_type_spec); ELSE END; END; END; END; END; END WalkType; PROCEDURERecursiveType ( ts: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; varId: M3AST_AS.Var_id; VAR map: Map) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE ts OF | M3AST_AS.Subrange_type, M3AST_AS.Array_type, M3AST_AS.Record_type, M3AST_AS.Set_type, M3AST_AS.Packed_type => <*FATAL ANY*> VAR cl := NEW(TypeClosure, map := map, varId := varId); BEGIN ASTWalk.VisitNodes(ts, cl); map :=; RETURN cl.recursive; END; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END RecursiveType; <*INLINE*> PROCEDURERecursiveVariableType ( varId: M3AST_AS.Var_id; ts: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN IF varId.tmp_unit_id # ts.tmp_unit_id THEN RETURN FALSE END; VAR map := Map{unit := varId.tmp_unit_id.sm_spec}; BEGIN RETURN RecursiveType(ts, varId, map); END; END RecursiveVariableType; PROCEDUREGetExp_typeOfId ( t: M3AST_AS.TYPED_ID; VAR map: Map) : M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET RAISES {}=
Note that this is only called if 't.sm_type_spec' is NIL. We know that 'sm_type_spec' should be set up if the id is explicitly typed but can validly be NIL if the id is typed by an initializing expression and has not been processed yet.
VAR initId: M3AST_SM.INIT_ID; BEGIN (* Only a member of the INIT_ID class can be implicitly typed. It is pointless and dangerous to proceed if the identifier has an illegal recursive definition. We also handle method overrides here, since they are not resolved until pass 2 of M3CTypeSpec. (they need REVEAL). *) IF t.IsA_INIT_ID(initId) THEN IF t.tmp_recursive OR initId.sm_init_exp = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; TYPECASE t OF | M3AST_AS.Var_id(varId) => (* Check for horrible recursions via the init expression *) IF InMap(varId, TRUE, map) THEN map.recursedTo := varId; RETURN NIL; END; ELSE END; IF map.mode = Mode.TreeWalk THEN map.mode := Mode.Recurse END; VAR ts := InternalSet(initId.sm_init_exp, map); BEGIN TYPECASE t OF | M3AST_AS.Var_id(varId) => DEC(map.count); IF varId = map.recursedTo THEN M3Error.ReportWithId(varId, "recursive declaration of \'%s\'", varId.lx_symrep); varId.tmp_recursive := TRUE; map.recursedTo := NIL; END; (* Possibility that type depends on size of variable - i.e. more nasty recursion. Check it out (unless we are already in the middle of a call of 'RecursiveVariableType' in which case 'map.mode' will be 'RecurseButDontSet': *) IF map.mode # Mode.RecurseButDontSet AND ts # NIL AND RecursiveVariableType(varId, ts) THEN ts := NIL; END; | M3AST_AS.For_id => ts := BaseType(ts); ELSE END; RETURN ts; END; ELSE TYPECASE t OF | M3AST_AS.Override_id(overrideId) => RETURN M3CTypeSpec.OfOverride(overrideId.sm_spec); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END; (* if *) END GetExp_typeOfId;Utility for determining if selection is of the form 'T.m' where 'T' is an object type and 'm' a method
PROCEDURERoutine used to discover the type of an actual; used when evaluating the result type of a polymorphic standard functionTypeDotMethod ( b: M3AST_AS.Select; rhsType: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; VAR (*out*) ts:M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR defId: M3AST_AS.DEF_ID; BEGIN (* We have to do something tricky for T.m; we want a Procedure_type that has sm_def_id that refers to the Type_id for T. First we check if we have a T.m *) IF NOT M3CExpsMisc.IsId(b.as_exp, defId) THEN RETURN FALSE END; TYPECASE defId OF | M3AST_AS.Type_id(typeId) => TYPECASE typeId.sm_type_spec OF | NULL => RETURN FALSE; | M3AST_AS.Object_type, M3AST_AS.Opaque_type => TYPECASE rhsType OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(procType) => VAR new: M3AST_AS.Procedure_type := NEW(M3AST_AS.Procedure_type).init(); BEGIN new.lx_srcpos := procType.lx_srcpos; new.as_formal_param_s := procType.as_formal_param_s; new.sm_def_id := defId; new.as_result_type := procType.as_result_type; new.as_raises := procType.as_raises; new.tmp_unit_id := procType.tmp_unit_id; ts := new; END; ELSE END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; (* if *) END TypeDotMethod;
CONST TypeOnly = M3CExpsMisc.ClassSet{M3CExpsMisc.Class.Type}; ExpOnly = M3CExpsMisc.ClassSet{M3CExpsMisc.Class.Normal}; ExpOrType = M3CExpsMisc.ClassSet{M3CExpsMisc.Class.Normal,M3CExpsMisc.Class.Type}; PROCEDUREGetActual ( call: M3AST_AS.Call; pos: CARDINAL; classes: M3CExpsMisc.ClassSet; VAR map: Map) : M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET RAISES {}= VAR s: SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.T := NIL; iter: SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.Iter; actual: M3AST_AS.Actual; count := 0; BEGIN TYPECASE call OF | M3AST_AS.NEWCall(newcall) => s := newcall.sm_norm_actual_s; ELSE END; IF s = NIL THEN s := call.as_param_s END; iter := SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.NewIter(s); WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_Actual.Next(iter, actual) DO INC(count); IF count = pos THEN TYPECASE actual.as_exp_type OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Bad_M3TYPE => | M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC(typeSpec) => IF M3CExpsMisc.Class.Type IN classes THEN RETURN typeSpec; END; | M3AST_AS.EXP(exp) => WITH result = SetComponent(exp, map) DO IF M3CExpsMisc.Classify(exp) IN classes THEN RETURN result; END; END; END; RETURN NIL; END; END; (* while *) RETURN NIL; END GetActual; PROCEDUREInternalSet ( e: M3AST_AS.EXP; VAR map: Map) : M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET RAISES {}= VAR ts: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN ts := e.sm_exp_type_spec; (* default is no change *) IF ts # NIL THEN RETURN ts END; (* already done *) TYPECASE e OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Bad_EXP => (* leave 'ts' NIL *) | M3AST_AS.Integer_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Integer(); | M3AST_AS.Longint_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Longint(); | M3AST_AS.Real_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Real(); | M3AST_AS.LongReal_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.LongReal(); | M3AST_AS.Extended_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Extended(); | M3AST_AS.Char_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Char(); | M3AST_AS.WideChar_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.WideChar(); | M3AST_AS.Text_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Text(); | M3AST_AS.WideText_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Text(); | M3AST_AS.Nil_literal => ts := M3CStdTypes.Null(); | M3AST_AS.Exp_used_id(exp_used_id) => VAR defId := exp_used_id.vUSED_ID.sm_def; BEGIN TYPECASE defId OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.TYPED_ID(typedId)=> ts := typedId.sm_type_spec; (* It may be that this id is itself implicitly typed by its expression, so we have to recurse (providing the id is in the same unit) *) IF ts = NIL AND defId.tmp_unit_id = map.unit.as_id THEN ts := GetExp_typeOfId(typedId, map); END; ELSE ts := M3CStdTypes.Void(); END; END; | M3AST_AS.BINARY(binary) => BEGIN TYPECASE binary OF <*NOWARN*> (* First the simple cases where the operation alone determines the type of the result *) | M3AST_AS.Eq, M3AST_AS.Ne, M3AST_AS.Le, M3AST_AS.Lt, M3AST_AS.Ge, M3AST_AS.Gt, M3AST_AS.In, M3AST_AS.And, M3AST_AS.Or => ts := M3CStdTypes.Boolean(); | M3AST_AS.Div => ts := M3CStdTypes.Integer(); | M3AST_AS.Textcat => ts := M3CStdTypes.Text(); | M3AST_AS.Plus, M3AST_AS.Minus, M3AST_AS.Times, M3AST_AS.Rdiv, M3AST_AS.Mod => (* this is optimistic, we have to invoke the subtype relation to check the result and we cant do that yet. *) VAR componentTypeSpec := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( SetComponent(binary.as_exp1, map)); lhsRecursive := map.recursedTo # NIL; safe := map.unit.as_unsafe = NIL; addressOp := ISTYPE(binary, M3AST_AS.Plus) OR ISTYPE(binary, M3AST_AS.Minus); BEGIN IF lhsRecursive THEN VAR save := map.recursedTo; BEGIN map.recursedTo := NIL; componentTypeSpec := SetComponent(binary.as_exp2, map); IF NOT safe AND addressOp THEN TYPECASE componentTypeSpec OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Subrange_type, M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE => (* Int on rhs is not enough to resolve recursion *) map.recursedTo := save; componentTypeSpec := NIL; ELSE END; END; END; END; IF componentTypeSpec = NIL THEN (* Leave 'ts' at NIL *) ELSIF NOT safe AND addressOp AND IsUntracedRef(componentTypeSpec) THEN IF lhsRecursive THEN IF ISTYPE(binary, M3AST_AS.Minus) THEN ts := M3CStdTypes.Integer(); END; ELSE IF ISTYPE(binary, M3AST_AS.Minus) AND IsUntracedRef(SetComponent(binary.as_exp2, map)) THEN ts := M3CStdTypes.Integer(); ELSE ts := M3CStdTypes.Address(); END; END; ELSIF ISTYPE(componentTypeSpec, M3AST_AS.Set_type) THEN ts := componentTypeSpec; ELSE ts := IRL(componentTypeSpec, NOT ISTYPE(binary, M3AST_AS.Rdiv)); END; (* if *) END; END; (* case *) END; | M3AST_AS.Select(select) => (* The answer is the type of the field. There is a fun interaction here: we only know if the field is valid (M3CDef) after we have computed the type of the lhs, so we must call M3CDef to check this and (as a side effect) set the sm_def attribute. *) EVAL SetComponent(select.as_exp, map); (* Type of 'lhs' should now be set; we can use 'M3CDef' *) M3CDef.SelectPass2(select); (* Selection is a special case; type of 'as_exp2' cannot be already known because it depends on the selection being resolved, and we have only just done that *) WITH ts2 = InternalSet(select.as_id, map) DO IF NOT TypeDotMethod(select, ts2, ts) THEN ts := ts2; END; END; | M3AST_AS.UNARY(unary) => TYPECASE unary OF <*NOWARN*> | M3AST_AS.Deref => TYPECASE M3CTypesMisc.Concrete(M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( SetComponent(unary.as_exp, map))) OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Ref_type(rt) => M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(rt.as_type, ts); ELSE M3Error.Report(e, "illegal dereference"); END; | M3AST_AS.Not => ts := M3CStdTypes.Boolean(); | M3AST_AS.Unaryplus, M3AST_AS.Unaryminus => ts := IRL(SetComponent(unary.as_exp, map)); END; (* case *) | M3AST_AS.Call(call) => VAR pf: M3CStdProcs.T; polymorphicResult := M3CStdProcs.IsStandardCall(call, pf) AND pf IN M3CStdProcs.PolymorphicResult; BEGIN IF NOT polymorphicResult THEN (* We set up the type of the call now just in case this is part of a recursive declaration in which the type of one of args depends on the type of the call e.g CONST N = BYTESIZE(REF[0..N]) *) TYPECASE SetComponent(call.as_callexp, map) OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Procedure_type(procType) => IF procType.as_result_type # NIL THEN M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE( procType.as_result_type, ts); ELSE ts := M3CStdTypes.Void(); END; (* if *) ELSE END; (* typecase *) ELSE CASE pf OF <*NOWARN*> | M3CStdProcs.T.New => ts := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( GetActual(call, 1, TypeOnly, map)); | M3CStdProcs.T.Abs => ts := IRL(GetActual(call, 1, ExpOnly, map)); | M3CStdProcs.T.Max, M3CStdProcs.T.Min => ts := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( GetActual(call, 1, ExpOnly, map)); IF map.recursedTo # NIL THEN map.recursedTo := NIL; ts := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( GetActual(call, 2, ExpOnly, map)); END; TYPECASE ts OF | M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE => (* Includes NIL case; result type is argument type *) ELSE ts := BaseType(ts); END; | M3CStdProcs.T.First, M3CStdProcs.T.Last => VAR actualTypeSpec := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( GetActual(call, 1, ExpOrType, map)); index: M3AST_SM.TYPE_SPEC_UNSET; BEGIN TYPECASE actualTypeSpec OF | M3AST_AS.INT_TYPE, M3AST_AS.Subrange_type, M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE, M3AST_AS.Enumeration_type => (* Result type is argument type; NIL case harmless *) ts := actualTypeSpec; | M3AST_AS.Array_type(arrayType) => CASE M3CTypesMisc.Index(arrayType, index) OF | M3CTypesMisc.Ix.Open => ts := M3CStdTypes.Integer(); | M3CTypesMisc.Ix.Ordinal => ts := index; ELSE END; ELSE END; (* if *) END; | M3CStdProcs.T.Float => (* if there is a second (type) argument, that is the type, else it is REAL. *) VAR actualTypeSpec := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( GetActual(call, 2, TypeOnly, map)); BEGIN TYPECASE actualTypeSpec OF | NULL => ts := M3CStdTypes.Real(); | M3AST_AS.FLOAT_TYPE => ts := actualTypeSpec; ELSE END; (* typecase *) END; | M3CStdProcs.T.Val, M3CStdProcs.T.Narrow => ts := M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( GetActual(call, 2, TypeOnly, map)); | M3CStdProcs.T.Loophole => ts := GetActual(call, 2, TypeOnly, map); | M3CStdProcs.T.Subarray => TYPECASE M3CTypesMisc.CheckedUnpack( GetActual(call, 1, ExpOnly, map)) OF | NULL => | M3AST_AS.Array_type(arrType) => VAR newArrType: M3AST_AS.Array_type := NEW(M3AST_AS.Array_type).init(); BEGIN newArrType.as_indextype_s := SeqM3AST_AS_M3TYPE.Null; newArrType.as_elementtype := arrType.sm_norm_type.as_elementtype; M3CNormType.Set(newArrType); (* normalise *) ts := newArrType; END; ELSE END; END; (* case - of polymorphic functions *) END; (* if not polymorphic *) END; | M3AST_AS.Constructor(cons) => M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(cons.as_type, ts); | M3AST_AS.Index(index) => VAR indices := 0; iterExps := SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.NewIter(index.as_exp_s); indexExp: M3AST_AS.EXP; arrType: M3AST_AS.Array_type := NIL; BEGIN (* The type of the index expression is type of the (normalised) element. It is legal for the array base to have REF Array_type. *) IF NOT M3CTypesMisc.Indexable( SetComponent(index.as_array, map), arrType) THEN M3Error.Report(index.as_array, "expression is not indexable"); ELSIF arrType # NIL THEN WHILE SeqM3AST_AS_EXP.Next(iterExps, indexExp) DO INC(indices); END; (* while *) arrType := arrType.sm_norm_type; LOOP M3CTypesMisc.GetTYPE_SPECFromM3TYPE(arrType.as_elementtype, ts); IF indices <= 1 THEN EXIT END; IF M3CTypesMisc.Indexable(ts, arrType) THEN IF arrType = NIL THEN EXIT END; DEC(indices); ELSE M3Error.Report(index.as_array, "too many index expressions for array type"); ts := NIL; EXIT; END; (* if *) END; (* loop *) END; END; END; (* case *) IF map.mode # Mode.RecurseButDontSet THEN e.sm_exp_type_spec := ts END; RETURN ts; END InternalSet; PROCEDURESet (exp: M3AST_AS.EXP; unit: M3AST_AS.UNIT) RAISES {}= VAR map := Map{mode := Mode.TreeWalk, unit := unit}; BEGIN EVAL InternalSet(exp, map); END Set; BEGIN END M3CExpTypeSpec.