IMPORT Wr; IMPORT Fmt, Text; IMPORT M3ASTDisplay, M3CUnit, M3CSrcPos;
DEBUG *) TYPE TypeList = REF RECORD next: TypeList := NIL; typeSpec: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; END; <*INLINE*> PROCEDUREThe basic types are given type codes which are guaranteed unique. These codes fall in the following range:AddToTypeList (elem: TypeList; VAR list: TypeList) RAISES {}= BEGIN := list; list := elem; END AddToTypeList;
CONST MaxBasicTypeCode = -1; MinBasicTypeCode = MaxBasicTypeCode - VAL(ORD(LAST(M3LTypeHash.BasicType)), INTEGER); FirstKnownTypeCode = MinBasicTypeCode - 1;If a group of types are found to be identical before the main type equivalence algorithm is complete they are assigned negative type codes and stored out of the way of the main algorithm. This saves time because the main algorithm does not have to compare them any more. Such groups of types are called the known types and they are assigned negative type codes in decreasing order starting with 'FirstKnownTypeCode'.
TYPE BrandedTypeArray = ARRAY [0..1023] OF M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; VAR brandedTypes_g: BrandedTypeArray; knownTypes_g: TypeList; knownCodes_g: INTEGER; (* initialised to 'FirstKnownTypeCode' *)The branded types are treated specially. Branded and opaque types are unique and it would be pointless to try and find other types identical to them. Hence the exported 'Add' procedure detects them and stores them in the array 'brandedTypes_g'. If the array overflows they are prepended to the 'knownTypes_g' list. One messy problem is that an opaque type and the branded type which it is concretely revealed to be must have the same type code. As the opaque type and its concrete type may be given to the 'Add' procedure in any order the 'Add' procedure may has to: 1: Check each branded type to see if it is the concrete form of an opaque type which has already been entered. 2: Check each opaque type to see if its concrete form has already been entered. At the time this check occurs 'brandedTypes_g' and 'knownTypes_g' only contain branded types; the code which follows relies on this.
<*INLINE*> PROCEDUREAs the algorithm progresses more types are discovered to be unique or are found to be identical to a set of other types. When this happens the list of identical types is assigned a type code and prepended to 'knownTypes_g' listIsConcreteFormOf ( type, maybe: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE type OF | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type(opaque) => RETURN opaque.sm_concrete_type_spec = maybe; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END IsConcreteFormOf; PROCEDUREFindBrandedType ( t: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; replacement: M3AST_AS.Opaque_type := NIL) : BOOLEAN RAISES {}= VAR code := t.tmp_type_code; BEGIN IF code <= knownCodes_g OR code >= 0 THEN RETURN FALSE END; VAR index := FirstKnownTypeCode - code; BEGIN IF index < 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSIF index < NUMBER(brandedTypes_g) THEN WITH type = brandedTypes_g[index] DO IF type # NIL AND (type = t OR IsConcreteFormOf(type, t)) THEN IF replacement # NIL THEN type := replacement END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END; ELSE (* 'brandedTypes_g' has overflowed into 'knownTypes_g'. The higher the typecode the further up the list it is *) VAR listPos := (code - knownCodes_g) - 1; list := knownTypes_g; BEGIN WHILE listPos # 0 DO list :=; DEC(listPos) END; WITH type = list.typeSpec DO IF type = t OR IsConcreteFormOf(type, t) THEN IF replacement # NIL THEN type := replacement END; RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END; END; END; END; END FindBrandedType; PROCEDUREAddBrandedType (t: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC) RAISES {}= VAR index := FirstKnownTypeCode - knownCodes_g; BEGIN t.tmp_type_code := knownCodes_g; DEC(knownCodes_g); IF index < NUMBER(brandedTypes_g) THEN brandedTypes_g[index] := t; ELSE AddToTypeList(NEW(TypeList, typeSpec := t), knownTypes_g); END; END AddBrandedType;
PROCEDUREInitialize - first procedure called by userKnownTypeList (tl: TypeList) RAISES {}= VAR code := knownCodes_g; oldHead := knownTypes_g; BEGIN knownTypes_g := tl; DEC(knownCodes_g); LOOP tl.typeSpec.tmp_type_code := code; WITH next = DO IF next = NIL THEN next := oldHead; EXIT END; tl := next; END; END; END KnownTypeList;
TYPE TypeListArray = ARRAY OF TypeList; ConstructorTypeListArray = ARRAY M3LTypeHash.ConstructorType OF TypeList; BasicTypeSeq = RefSeq.T (* OF M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC *); BasicTypeArray = ARRAY M3LTypeHash.BasicType OF BasicTypeSeq; VAR
stream_g: IO.Stream := NIL;
*) verbose_g: BOOLEAN; typeCount_g: CARDINAL; basicTypes_g: BasicTypeArray; sortByConstructor_g: ConstructorTypeListArray; PROCEDUREAfter calling 'Initialize' the user calls 'Add' to build up the set of types which is to be partitioned. 'Add' sorts the types into different constructor classesInitialize () RAISES {}= BEGIN verbose_g := FALSE; typeCount_g := 0; knownTypes_g := NIL; brandedTypes_g := BrandedTypeArray{NIL,..}; knownCodes_g := FirstKnownTypeCode; basicTypes_g := BasicTypeArray{NIL,..}; sortByConstructor_g := ConstructorTypeListArray{NIL,..}; (* Add the basic types *) Add(M3CStdTypes.Null()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Integer()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Longint()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Real()); Add(M3CStdTypes.LongReal()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Extended()); Add(M3CStdTypes.RefAny()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Address()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Root()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Untraced_Root()); (* Add the standard composite types *) Add(M3CStdTypes.Char()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Boolean()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Cardinal()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Longcard()); (* Add the other standard reference types *) Add(M3CStdTypes.Text()); Add(M3CStdTypes.Mutex()); END Initialize;
PROCEDUREFirst some procedures which deal with the non recursive types i.e. enumerations, subranges and sets. These are dealt with in that order so they have the special property that either they have no component types (e.g. enumerations) or their possible component types have already been assigned type codes (e.g. when considering subranges integers and enumerations have already been dealt with). So after 'InitialPartition' has done a hashing pass on a non recursive type class it passes the hash array to 'PartitionNonRecursiveTypes' to finish the job.Add (t: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC) RAISES {}= VAR class := M3LTypeHash.Classify(t); new := t.tmp_type_code = 0; BEGIN IF class IN M3LTypeHash.SetOfAllBasicTypes THEN (* assigns a known code straight away *) (* this is a bit of a fudge. The first instance of a basic type always comes from initialize and is one of the M3CStdTypes. We want that one in our array. Due to changes, there are now multiple instances of the typespecs for the basic types, but we don't care about them. So just take the first and ignore the rest. SCG 11/89 Well, I do care about the rest, so I made it always set the type code! DLD 12/93 *) t.tmp_type_code := MaxBasicTypeCode - ORD(class); IF basicTypes_g[class] = NIL THEN basicTypes_g[class] := NEW(RefSeq.T).init(20); END (* IF *); basicTypes_g[class].addhi(t); ELSIF class = M3LTypeHash.Class.Branded THEN TYPECASE t OF | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type(opaque) => VAR concrete := opaque.sm_concrete_type_spec; concreteEnteredAlready: BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN IF concrete # NIL THEN IF concrete.tmp_type_code = 0 THEN concreteEnteredAlready := FALSE; ELSE concreteEnteredAlready := FindBrandedType(concrete, opaque); END; END; IF concreteEnteredAlready THEN opaque.tmp_type_code := concrete.tmp_type_code; ELSE AddBrandedType(opaque); IF concrete # NIL THEN concrete.tmp_type_code := opaque.tmp_type_code; END END; END; ELSE IF new OR NOT FindBrandedType(t) THEN (* Has not already been entered as the concrete form of an opaque type *) AddBrandedType(t); END; END; ELSE AddToTypeList(NEW(TypeList, typeSpec := t), sortByConstructor_g[class]); IF NOT class IN M3LTypeHash.SetOfAllNonRecursiveTypes THEN INC(typeCount_g); END; END; END Add;
PROCEDURETakes a first cut at spotting non identical types. Starts with the array 'sortByConstructor_g' which contains lists of types. Each list contains types of the same class (as defined by M3LTypeHash.Classify). The type lists are taken one at a time. Each type in the current list is given a hash value, based on its structure and entered into a hash table according to this value. The hash table is iterated. If the types in the table are non recursive (see above) they are immediately partitioned into equivalent groups. Otherwise the types, apart from any which are obviously unique, are put into a large array which will be used by the main type equivalence algorithm.PartitionNonRecursiveTypeList ( VAR list: TypeList) : TypeList RAISES {}= VAR new: TypeList := NIL; compare := list.typeSpec; compareCode := compare.tmp_type_code; prev := list; search :=; BEGIN LOOP VAR typeSpec := search.typeSpec; next :=; BEGIN IF compareCode = typeSpec.tmp_type_code AND M3CTypeCompare.Similar(compare, typeSpec) THEN prev := search; ELSE := next; AddToTypeList(search, new); END; IF next = NIL THEN EXIT END; search := next; END; END; RETURN new; END PartitionNonRecursiveTypeList; PROCEDUREPartitionNonRecursiveTypes (VAR a: TypeListArray) RAISES {}= BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LAST(a) DO WITH head = a[i] DO VAR list := head; BEGIN IF list # NIL THEN head := NIL; LOOP VAR new: TypeList; BEGIN IF = NIL THEN new := NIL; ELSE new := PartitionNonRecursiveTypeList(list); END; KnownTypeList(list); IF new = NIL THEN EXIT END; list := new; END; END; END; END; END; END; END PartitionNonRecursiveTypes;
PROCEDUREInitialPartition (VAR size: CARDINAL): REF TypeListArray RAISES {}= CONST HashSize = 1023; VAR a: REF TypeListArray := NIL; hashArray := ARRAY [0..HashSize - 1] OF TypeList {NIL, ..}; index: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN
IF verbose_g THEN PrintTypeListArray(sortByConstructor_g, "containing types sorted by constructor"); END;
DEBUG *) FOR c := FIRST(M3LTypeHash.ConstructorType) TO LAST(M3LTypeHash.ConstructorType) DO WITH head = sortByConstructor_g[c] DO VAR list := head; BEGIN IF list # NIL THEN head := NIL; IF = NIL THEN KnownTypeList(list); ELSE WHILE list # NIL DO VAR next :=; BEGIN AddToTypeList(list, hashArray[ M3LTypeHash.Value(list.typeSpec, c) MOD HashSize]); list := next; END; END;
IF verbose_g THEN PrintTypeListArray(hashArray, "containing types sorted by hash value"); END;
DEBUG *) IF c IN M3LTypeHash.SetOfAllNonRecursiveTypes THEN PartitionNonRecursiveTypes(hashArray); ELSE (* Transfer type lists from 'hashArray' to 'a' *) FOR i := 0 TO LAST(hashArray) DO WITH hashHead = hashArray[i] DO VAR hashList := hashHead; BEGIN IF hashList # NIL THEN hashHead := NIL; IF = NIL THEN DEC(size); KnownTypeList(hashList); ELSE IF a = NIL THEN a := NEW(REF TypeListArray, size) END; a[index] := hashList; WHILE hashList # NIL DO hashList.typeSpec.tmp_type_code := index; hashList :=; END; INC(index); END; END; END; END; END; END; END; END; END; END; END; size := index; RETURN a; END InitialPartition;Now a procedure that partitions a list of type specs. The first type spec in the list is compared against all the other type specs in the list. The first type spec and all those type specs which are similar to the first type spec remain in the list. Any other type specs are inserted into a new list
PROCEDURENow, at last, the main algorithm. It partitions up the type specs supplied by the user. It then cycles over these sub sets of type specs further partitioning them when type specs in the same set are not similar. It repeats this process until no further partitioning is possiblePartitionTypeList ( list: TypeList; subSets: INTEGER) : TypeList RAISES {}= VAR new: TypeList := NIL; compare := list; prev := compare; search :=; BEGIN LOOP VAR next :=; BEGIN IF M3CTypeCompare.Similar(compare.typeSpec, search.typeSpec) THEN prev := search; ELSE := next; search.typeSpec.tmp_type_code := subSets; AddToTypeList(search, new); END; IF next = NIL THEN EXIT END; search := next; END; END; RETURN new; END PartitionTypeList; PROCEDUREAssignTypeCodeDontForgetOpaques (ts: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC; tc: INTEGER) RAISES {}= BEGIN TYPECASE ts OF | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type(opaque) => (* trevor sez: don't forget the concrete revelation of opaque types *) IF opaque.sm_concrete_type_spec # NIL THEN opaque.sm_concrete_type_spec.tmp_type_code := tc; END; ELSE END; ts.tmp_type_code := tc; END AssignTypeCodeDontForgetOpaques; PROCEDURECopyTypeSpecArray ( READONLY from: TypeSpecArray; VAR to: TypeSpecArray; VAR index: CARDINAL) RAISES {}= BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(from) TO LAST(from) DO VAR type := from[i]; BEGIN AssignTypeCodeDontForgetOpaques(type, index); to[index] := type; INC(index); END; END; END CopyTypeSpecArray; PROCEDURECopyBasicTypeArray ( READONLY from: BasicTypeArray; VAR to: TypeSpecArray; VAR index: CARDINAL) RAISES {}= BEGIN FOR i := FIRST(from) TO LAST(from) DO VAR typeSeq := from[i]; BEGIN FOR j := 0 TO typeSeq.size() - 1 DO AssignTypeCodeDontForgetOpaques(typeSeq.get(j), index); END (* FOR *); to[index] := typeSeq.getlo(); INC(index); END; END; END CopyBasicTypeArray;
PROCEDUREPartition (): REF TypeSpecArray RAISES {}= VAR brandedTypesInArray := MIN(FirstKnownTypeCode - knownCodes_g, NUMBER(brandedTypes_g)); a := InitialPartition(typeCount_g); subSets := typeCount_g; oldSubSets: CARDINAL; empty, iterations: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN
IF verbose_g AND subSets > 0 THEN PrintTypeListArray(SUBARRAY(a^, 0, subSets), "before partition starts"); END;
DEBUG *) IF subSets > 0 THEN REPEAT oldSubSets := subSets; VAR count: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN WHILE count < subSets DO WITH head = a[count] DO IF head # NIL THEN WITH new = PartitionTypeList(head, subSets) DO IF new # NIL THEN IF = NIL THEN KnownTypeList(new); ELSE a[subSets] := new; INC(subSets); END; IF = NIL THEN KnownTypeList(head); head := NIL; INC(empty); END; END; END; END; END; INC(count); END; END; INC(iterations); UNTIL subSets <= oldSubSets OR empty = subSets; END;DEBUG (*
IF verbose_g THEN Wr.PutText(stream_g, Fmt.Int( "**Type equivalence computation completed after %s iterations\n", Fmt.Int(iterations))); IF subSets > 0 THEN PrintTypeListArray( SUBARRAY(a^, 0, subSets), "after partition complete"); END; END;
DEBUG *) VAR res := NEW(REF TypeSpecArray, (subSets - empty) + (FirstKnownTypeCode - knownCodes_g) + NUMBER(basicTypes_g)); index: CARDINAL := 0; BEGIN CopyBasicTypeArray(basicTypes_g, res^, index); CopyTypeSpecArray( SUBARRAY(brandedTypes_g, 0, brandedTypesInArray), res^, index); VAR known := knownTypes_g; last := 0; (* typecodes of items on 'knownTypes_g' are never 0 *) BEGIN WHILE known # NIL DO WITH code = known.typeSpec.tmp_type_code DO IF code = last THEN known.typeSpec.tmp_type_code := index - 1; ELSIF code = index-1 THEN
MAJOR kludge!!! This loop goes down the list of known types and assigns the same official type code to all types with the same initial (temporary) type code. The problem comes from multiple entries that SHARE the same type spec (particularly CHAR, CARDINAL and BOOLEAN but maybe others). When the new type code is stored in, all shared type specs get the new type code then. So when we check to see if we are still in the same type code group, we must also check to see if we have the new type index.Problems: It is possible (although unlikely) then the new type code for a group will equal the temporary typecode for the new group and the two groups will get the same type code. The code will blow up later if this happens as the assert below. This could be fixed by being clever about remembering the head of groups and checking here to see if two typespecs in the group are shared...
index-1 is necessary because the index is incremented after it is first used.
ELSE last := code; AssignTypeCodeDontForgetOpaques(known.typeSpec, index); (* fix *) res[index] := known.typeSpec; INC(index); END; END; known :=; END; knownTypes_g := NIL; END; FOR i := 0 TO subSets - 1 DO VAR list := a[i]; BEGIN IF list # NIL THEN res[index] := list.typeSpec; REPEAT list.typeSpec.tmp_type_code := index; list :=; UNTIL list = NIL; INC(index); END; END; END;
IF verbose_g THEN PrintTypeSpecArray(res^, "Final result!") END;
DEBUG*) IF index # NUMBER(res^) THEN M3Assert.Fail() END;
WARNING see above kludge comment to see why this might happen
RETURN res; END; END Partition;DEBUG (*
PROCEDURE PrintTypeSpec(s: IO.Stream; t: M3AST_AS.TYPE_SPEC) RAISES {IO.Error}= VAR line, column: CARDINAL; cu: M3AST_AS.Compilation_Unit; save: M3CSrcPos.T; BEGIN TYPECASE t OF | M3AST_AS.Opaque_type(opaqueType) => IF opaqueType.sm_concrete_type_spec # NIL THEN t := opaqueType.sm_concrete_type_spec; END; ELSE END; IF t.tmp_unit_id # NIL THEN line := M3CSrcPos.Unpack(t.lx_srcpos, column); cu := NARROW(t.tmp_unit_id.sm_spec, M3AST_AS.UNIT).sm_comp_unit; IO.PutF(s, " File \'%s\' line %s column %s\n", M3CUnit.TextName(cu.fe_uid), Fmt.Int(line), Fmt.Int(column)); ELSE IO.PutText(s, " Basic type\n"); END; IO.PutText(s, " "); save := t.lx_srcpos; (* hack alert - see below *) M3ASTDisplay.Nodes(t, s, 4); (* unexpected Error *) IO.Put(s, '\n'); (* horrible hack needed until M3ASTDisplay.Nodes is non destructive: *) t.lx_srcpos := save; END PrintTypeSpec; PROCEDURE PrintTypeList( s: IO.Stream; list: TypeList; pos: INTEGER) RAISES {IO.Error}= BEGIN IF list # NIL THEN VAR count := 0; tl := list; BEGIN WHILE tl # NIL DO INC(count); tl := END; IO.PutF(s, "List at position %s contains %s elements:\n", Fmt.Int(pos), Fmt.Int(count)); tl := list; WHILE tl # NIL DO PrintTypeSpec(stream_g, tl.typeSpec); tl :=; END; (* while *) END; END; (* if *) END PrintTypeList; PROCEDURE PrintTypeListArray( READONLY a: ARRAY OF TypeList; msg: Text.T) RAISES {IO.Error}= BEGIN IO.PutF(stream_g, "Printing array of type lists %s\n", msg); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(a) DO PrintTypeList(stream_g, a[i], i); END; (* for *) IO.Flush(stream_g); END PrintTypeListArray; PROCEDURE PrintTypeSpecArray(READONLY a: TypeSpecArray; msg: Text.T) RAISES {IO.Error}= BEGIN IO.PutF(stream_g, "Printing array of types %s\n", msg); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(a) DO IO.PutF(stream_g, "Entry %s:\n", Fmt.Int(i)); PrintTypeSpec(stream_g, a[i]); END; IO.Flush(stream_g); END PrintTypeSpecArray;