
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 File: M3Scanner.i3                                          
 Last modified on Thu Dec  8 10:42:16 PST 1994 by kalsow     



    token        : CARDINAL  := TK_Comment;
    start        : CARDINAL  := 0;
    length       : CARDINAL  := 0;
    offset       : CARDINAL  := 0;
    line         : CARDINAL  := 0;
    column       : CARDINAL  := 0;
    msg          : TEXT      := NIL;
    buffer       : Buf       := NIL;
    next ();
    toText (): TEXT;
    className (tk: INTEGER): TEXT;

  Buf = BRANDED "M3Scanner.Buf" REF ARRAY OF CHAR;

    initFromRd  (source        : Rd.T;
                 skip_comments := TRUE;
                 split_pragmas := TRUE): T;
    initFromBuf (buf           : Buf;
                 skip_comments := TRUE;
                 split_pragmas := TRUE): T;

  TK = [TK_Comment .. TK_With];

CONST (* Token classes returned by a "Default" scanner. *)
  TK_Comment = 0;          TK_EOF = 1;              TK_Error = 2;

  (* lexical classes with variable literals *)
  TK_Ident = 3;            TK_Card_const = 4;       TK_Long_const = 5;
  TK_Real_const = 6;       TK_Longreal_const = 7;   TK_Extended_const = 8;
  TK_Char_const = 9;       TK_Text_const = 10;

  (* operators *)
  TK_Plus = 11;            TK_Minus = 12;           TK_Asterisk = 13;
  TK_Slash = 14;           TK_Assign = 15;          TK_Ampersand = 16;
  TK_Dot = 17;             TK_Comma = 18;           TK_Semi = 19;
  TK_L_paren = 20;         TK_L_bracket = 21;       TK_L_brace = 22;
  TK_Arrow = 23;           TK_Equal = 24;           TK_Sharp = 25;
  TK_Less = 26;            TK_Greater = 27;         TK_Ls_equal = 28;
  TK_Gr_equal = 29;        TK_Dot_dot = 30;         TK_Colon = 31;
  TK_R_paren = 32;         TK_R_bracket = 33;       TK_R_brace = 34;
  TK_Bar = 35;             TK_Subtype = 36;         TK_Implies = 37;
  TK_Begin_pragma = 38;    TK_End_pragma = 39;

  (* reserved words *)
  TK_And = 40;             TK_Any = 41;             TK_Array = 42;
  TK_As = 43;              TK_Begin = 44;           TK_Bits = 45;
  TK_Branded = 46;         TK_By = 47;              TK_Case = 48;
  TK_Const = 49;           TK_Div = 50;             TK_Do = 51;
  TK_Else = 52;            TK_Elsif = 53;           TK_End = 54;
  TK_Eval = 55;            TK_Except = 56;          TK_Exception = 57;
  TK_Exit = 58;            TK_Exports = 59;         TK_Finally = 60;
  TK_For = 61;             TK_From = 62;            TK_Generic = 63;
  TK_If = 64;              TK_Import = 65;          TK_In = 66;
  TK_Interface = 67;       TK_Lock = 68;            TK_Loop = 69;
  TK_Methods = 70;         TK_Mod = 71;             TK_Module = 72;
  TK_Not = 73;             TK_Object = 74;          TK_Of = 75;
  TK_Or = 76;              TK_Overrides = 77;       TK_Procedure = 78;
  TK_Raise = 79;           TK_Raises = 80;          TK_Readonly = 81;
  TK_Record = 82;          TK_Ref = 83;             TK_Repeat = 84;
  TK_Return = 85;          TK_Reveal = 86;          TK_Set = 87;
  TK_Then = 88;            TK_To = 89;              TK_Try = 90;
  TK_Type = 91;            TK_Typecase = 92;        TK_Unsafe = 93;
  TK_Until = 94;           TK_Untraced = 95;        TK_Value = 96;
  TK_Var = 97;             TK_While = 98;           TK_With = 99;

  First_Literal  = TK_Ident;
  Last_Literal   = TK_Text_const;
  First_Operator = TK_Plus;
  Last_Operator  = TK_End_pragma;
  First_Keyword  = TK_And;
  Last_Keyword   = TK_With;

  TokenName = ARRAY TK OF TEXT {
    "**COMMENT**", "**EOF**", "**ERROR**",

    "<id>", "<cardinal>", "<long>", "<real>", "<longreal>", "<extended>",
    "<char>", "<text>",

    "+", "-", "*", "/", ":=", "&", ".", ",", ";", "(", "[", "{", "^",
    "=", "#", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "..", ":", ")", "]", "}", "|",
    "<:", "=>", "<*", "*>",

    "AND", "ANY", "ARRAY", "AS", "BEGIN", "BITS", "BRANDED", "BY",
    "CASE", "CONST", "DIV", "DO", "ELSE", "ELSIF", "END", "EVAL",
    "LOOP", "METHODS", "MOD", "MODULE", "NOT", "OBJECT", "OF", "OR",
    "REF", "REPEAT", "RETURN", "REVEAL", "SET", "THEN", "TO", "TRY",
    "WHILE", "WITH" };

END M3Scanner.

An M3Scanner.T, or scanner, parses a stream of characters and returns a stream of Modula-3 tokens. If s is a scanner, each call s.next() sets the values of s's fields to correspond to the next token in the stream.

The fields of a scanner are not to be modified by its client.

s.token is the class of the token. It is one of the TK_ values defined above. Subtypes of M3Scanner.T may define additional values.

In s.buffer[s.start .. s.start+s.length-1] are the characters that comprise the token.

s.offset is the character offset of the token relative to the beginning of the stream. The first character of the stream is at offset zero.

s.line is the line where the token occured relative to the beginning of the stream. The first line is one.

s.column is the character offset of the beginning of the token within the line that contains it. The first column is zero.

s.buffer contains the source being scanned. Modifying its contents may perturb the token stream or cause a checked runtime error.

s.msg describes the error that caused the Error token to be returned.

s.toText() returns the TEXT value of current token.

If tk is a token class generated by s, s.className(tk) returns string identifing that class. Otherwise, NIL is returned.

The scanner returned by NEW(Default).initFromRd(rd) will read the entire contents of rd into its buffer and initialize the scanner as a zero-length comment at offset zero.

The scanner returned by NEW(Default).initFromBuf(buf) will use buf as its buffer and initialize the scanner as a zero-length comment at offset zero.

If skip_comments is TRUE, outer-level comments will be returned as tokens. Otherwise, comments are ignored.

If split_pragmas is TRUE, the contents of pragmas will be scanned and returned as a stream of tokens between Begin_pragma and End_pragma tokens. If split_pragmas is false, the entire pragma is returned in a single Begin_pragma token.

M3Scanner's implementation is in:

opaque type M3Scanner.Default is in: