
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 Last modified on Wed Dec  8 16:17:00 PST 1993 by kalsow     
      modified on Mon Apr 13 09:55:12 PDT 1992 by muller     



PROCEDURE New (child: M3CG.T;
               clean_jumps, clean_stores: BOOLEAN;
               nested_calls, nested_procs: BOOLEAN): M3CG.T;
returns a fresh, initialized code generator that passes its calls to 'child' and checks that the stream obeys the M3CG restrictions. If 'clean_jumps', it also checks that the stack is empty at every branch point. If 'clean_stores', it also checks that the stack is empty on every store instruction. If 'nested_calls' is false, it checks that function calls are not nested. If 'nested_procs' is false, it checks that function bodies do not overlap.

END M3CG_Check.