MODULE--------------------------------------------------------------- parsing ---; IMPORT Fmt, Rd, Stdio, Text, Thread, Word, Wr; IMPORT M3ID, M3CG, M3CG_Ops, M3CG_Binary; IMPORT Target, TargetMap, TInt, TFloat, TWord; FROM M3CG IMPORT CompareOp, ConvertOp, AtomicOp, RuntimeError, MemoryOrder; TYPE Bop = M3CG_Binary.Op; CONST BufSize = 4096; TYPE InputBuffer = REF ARRAY [0..BufSize-1] OF CHAR; TYPE State = RECORD rd : Rd.T; cg : M3CG.T; buf : InputBuffer; buf_len: CARDINAL; buf_ptr: CARDINAL; hit_eof: BOOLEAN; vars : REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Var; procs : REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Proc; labels : REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Label; END; TYPE Cmd = RECORD bop : Bop; proc : PROCEDURE (VAR s: State); END; CONST CmdMap = ARRAY Bop OF Cmd { Cmd {Bop.begin_unit, begin_unit}, Cmd {Bop.end_unit, end_unit}, Cmd {Bop.import_unit, import_unit}, Cmd {Bop.export_unit, export_unit}, Cmd {Bop.set_source_file, set_source_file}, Cmd {Bop.set_source_line, set_source_line}, Cmd {Bop.declare_typename, declare_typename}, Cmd {Bop.declare_array, declare_array}, Cmd {Bop.declare_open_array, declare_open_array}, Cmd {Bop.declare_enum, declare_enum}, Cmd {Bop.declare_enum_elt, declare_enum_elt}, Cmd {Bop.declare_packed, declare_packed}, Cmd {Bop.declare_record, declare_record}, Cmd {Bop.declare_field, declare_field}, Cmd {Bop.declare_set, declare_set}, Cmd {Bop.declare_subrange, declare_subrange}, Cmd {Bop.declare_pointer, declare_pointer}, Cmd {Bop.declare_indirect, declare_indirect}, Cmd {Bop.declare_proctype, declare_proctype}, Cmd {Bop.declare_formal, declare_formal}, Cmd {Bop.declare_raises, declare_raises}, Cmd {Bop.declare_object, declare_object}, Cmd {Bop.declare_method, declare_method}, Cmd {Bop.declare_opaque, declare_opaque}, Cmd {Bop.reveal_opaque, reveal_opaque}, Cmd {Bop.declare_exception, declare_exception}, Cmd {Bop.set_runtime_proc, set_runtime_proc}, Cmd {Bop.set_runtime_hook, set_runtime_hook}, Cmd {Bop.import_global, import_global}, Cmd {Bop.declare_segment, declare_segment}, Cmd {Bop.bind_segment, bind_segment}, Cmd {Bop.declare_global, declare_global}, Cmd {Bop.declare_constant, declare_constant}, Cmd {Bop.declare_local, declare_local}, Cmd {Bop.declare_param, declare_param}, Cmd {Bop.declare_temp, declare_temp}, Cmd {Bop.free_temp, free_temp}, Cmd {Bop.begin_init, begin_init}, Cmd {Bop.end_init, end_init}, Cmd {Bop.init_int, init_int}, Cmd {Bop.init_proc, init_proc}, Cmd {Bop.init_label, init_label}, Cmd {Bop.init_var, init_var}, Cmd {Bop.init_offset, init_offset}, Cmd {Bop.init_chars, init_chars}, Cmd {Bop.init_float, init_float}, Cmd {Bop.import_procedure, import_procedure}, Cmd {Bop.declare_procedure, declare_procedure}, Cmd {Bop.begin_procedure, begin_procedure}, Cmd {Bop.end_procedure, end_procedure}, Cmd {Bop.begin_block, begin_block}, Cmd {Bop.end_block, end_block}, Cmd {Bop.note_procedure_origin, note_procedure_origin}, Cmd {Bop.set_label, set_label}, Cmd {Bop.jump, jump}, Cmd {Bop.if_true, if_true}, Cmd {Bop.if_false, if_false}, Cmd {Bop.if_eq, if_eq}, Cmd {Bop.if_ne, if_ne}, Cmd {Bop.if_gt, if_gt}, Cmd {Bop.if_ge, if_ge}, Cmd {Bop.if_lt, if_lt}, Cmd {Bop.if_le, if_le}, Cmd {Bop.case_jump, case_jump}, Cmd {Bop.exit_proc, exit_proc}, Cmd {Bop.load, load}, Cmd {Bop.load_address, load_address}, Cmd {Bop.load_indirect, load_indirect}, Cmd {, store}, Cmd {Bop.store_indirect, store_indirect}, Cmd {Bop.load_nil, load_nil}, Cmd {Bop.load_integer, load_integer}, Cmd {Bop.load_float, load_float}, Cmd {Bop.eq, eq}, Cmd {, ne}, Cmd {, gt}, Cmd {, ge}, Cmd {, lt}, Cmd {Bop.le, le}, Cmd {Bop.add, add}, Cmd {Bop.subtract, subtract}, Cmd {Bop.multiply, multiply}, Cmd {Bop.divide, divide}, Cmd {Bop.negate, negate}, Cmd {Bop.abs, abs}, Cmd {Bop.max, max}, Cmd {Bop.min, min}, Cmd {Bop.round, round}, Cmd {Bop.trunc, trunc}, Cmd {Bop.floor, floor}, Cmd {Bop.ceiling, ceiling}, Cmd {Bop.cvt_float, cvt_float}, Cmd {Bop.div, div}, Cmd {Bop.mod, mod}, Cmd {Bop.set_union, set_union}, Cmd {Bop.set_difference, set_difference}, Cmd {Bop.set_intersection, set_intersection}, Cmd {Bop.set_sym_difference, set_sym_difference}, Cmd {Bop.set_member, set_member}, Cmd {Bop.set_eq, set_eq}, Cmd {Bop.set_ne, set_ne}, Cmd {Bop.set_lt, set_lt}, Cmd {Bop.set_le, set_le}, Cmd {Bop.set_gt, set_gt}, Cmd {Bop.set_ge, set_ge}, Cmd {Bop.set_range, set_range}, Cmd {Bop.set_singleton, set_singleton}, Cmd {Bop.not, not}, Cmd {Bop.and, and}, Cmd {Bop.or, or}, Cmd {Bop.xor, xor}, Cmd {Bop.shift, shift}, Cmd {Bop.shift_left, shift_left}, Cmd {Bop.shift_right, shift_right}, Cmd {Bop.rotate, rotate}, Cmd {Bop.rotate_left, rotate_left}, Cmd {Bop.rotate_right, rotate_right}, Cmd {Bop.widen, widen}, Cmd {Bop.chop, chop}, Cmd {Bop.extract, extract}, Cmd {Bop.extract_n, extract_n}, Cmd {Bop.extract_mn, extract_mn}, Cmd {Bop.insert, insert}, Cmd {Bop.insert_n, insert_n}, Cmd {Bop.insert_mn, insert_mn}, Cmd {Bop.swap, swap}, Cmd {Bop.pop, pop}, Cmd {Bop.copy_n, copy_n}, Cmd {Bop.copy, copy}, Cmd {Bop.zero_n, zero_n}, Cmd {, zero}, Cmd {Bop.loophole, loophole}, Cmd {Bop.abort, abort}, Cmd {Bop.check_nil, check_nil}, Cmd {Bop.check_lo, check_lo}, Cmd {Bop.check_hi, check_hi}, Cmd {Bop.check_range, check_range}, Cmd {Bop.check_index, check_index}, Cmd {Bop.check_eq, check_eq}, Cmd {Bop.add_offset, add_offset}, Cmd {Bop.index_address, index_address}, Cmd {Bop.start_call_direct, start_call_direct}, Cmd {Bop.call_direct, call_direct}, Cmd {Bop.start_call_indirect, start_call_indirect}, Cmd {Bop.call_indirect, call_indirect}, Cmd {Bop.pop_param, pop_param}, Cmd {Bop.pop_struct, pop_struct}, Cmd {Bop.pop_static_link, pop_static_link}, Cmd {Bop.load_procedure, load_procedure}, Cmd {Bop.load_static_link, load_static_link}, Cmd {Bop.comment, comment}, Cmd {Bop.store_ordered, store_ordered}, Cmd {Bop.load_ordered, load_ordered}, Cmd {, exchange}, Cmd {Bop.compare_exchange, compare_exchange}, Cmd {Bop.fence, fence}, Cmd {Bop.fetch_and_add, fetch_and_add}, Cmd {Bop.fetch_and_sub, fetch_and_sub}, Cmd {Bop.fetch_and_or, fetch_and_or}, Cmd {Bop.fetch_and_and, fetch_and_and}, Cmd {Bop.fetch_and_xor, fetch_and_xor} }; PROCEDURE M3CG_BinRd Inhale (rd: Rd.T; cg: M3CG.T) = VAR s: State; op: M3CG.Name; cmd: INTEGER; BEGIN s.rd := rd; := cg; s.buf := NEW (InputBuffer); s.buf_len := 0; s.buf_ptr := 0; s.hit_eof := FALSE; s.vars := NEW (REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Var, 400); s.procs := NEW (REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Proc, 50); s.labels := NEW (REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Label, 400); FOR i := 0 TO LAST(s.labels^) DO s.labels[i] := M3CG.No_label END; cmd := Scan_int (s); IF (cmd # M3CG_Binary.Version) THEN Error (s, "** bad intermediate code version: expected ", Fmt.Int (M3CG_Binary.Version) & ", but found ", Fmt.Int (cmd)); END; LOOP op := Scan_int (s); IF (s.hit_eof) THEN EXIT; ELSIF (op < 0) OR (ORD (LAST (Bop)) < op) THEN Error (s, "** bad intermediate code operator: ", Fmt.Int (op)); ELSE CmdMap [VAL (op, Bop)].proc (s); END; END; END Inhale; PROCEDUREError (<*UNUSED*> VAR s: State; a, b, c: TEXT := NIL) = <*FATAL Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> VAR msg := Target.EOL & "** ERROR in M3CG_BinRd.Inhale: "; BEGIN IF (a # NIL) THEN msg := msg & a END; IF (b # NIL) THEN msg := msg & b END; IF (c # NIL) THEN msg := msg & c END; msg := msg & " **" & Target.EOL; Wr.PutText (Stdio.stdout, msg); Wr.Flush(Stdio.stdout); END Error;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------- compilation units ---Scan_name (VAR s: State): M3CG.Name = VAR txt := Scan_text (s); BEGIN IF (txt = NIL) THEN RETURN M3ID.NoID; ELSE RETURN M3ID.Add (txt); END; END Scan_name; PROCEDUREScan_text (VAR s: State): TEXT = VAR len := Scan_int (s); txt : TEXT; buf : ARRAY [0..255] OF CHAR; BEGIN IF (len < 0) THEN RETURN NIL; END; txt := ""; WHILE (len > NUMBER (buf)) DO FOR i := 0 TO LAST(buf) DO buf[i] := VAL (GetByte (s), CHAR); END; txt := txt & Text.FromChars (buf); DEC (len, NUMBER (buf)); END; IF (len > 0) THEN FOR i := 0 TO len-1 DO buf[i] := VAL (GetByte (s), CHAR); END; txt := txt & Text.FromChars (SUBARRAY (buf, 0, len)); END; RETURN txt; END Scan_text; PROCEDUREScan_type (VAR s: State): M3CG.Type = VAR x := Scan_int (s); BEGIN IF (ORD (FIRST (M3CG.Type)) <= x) AND (x <= ORD (LAST (M3CG.Type))) THEN RETURN VAL (x, M3CG.Type); ELSE Error (s, "illegal type: ", Fmt.Int (x)); RETURN M3CG.Type.Int32; END; END Scan_type; PROCEDUREScan_bool (VAR s: State): BOOLEAN = VAR x := Scan_int (s); BEGIN CASE x OF | ORD (FALSE) => RETURN FALSE; | ORD (TRUE) => RETURN TRUE; ELSE Error (s, "illegal boolean: ", Fmt.Int (x)); END; RETURN TRUE; END Scan_bool; PROCEDUREScan_label (VAR s: State): INTEGER = VAR val, x: INTEGER; BEGIN val := Scan_int (s); IF (val < 0) THEN RETURN M3CG.No_label; END; WHILE (val > LAST (s.labels^)) DO ExpandLabels (s) END; x := s.labels[val]; IF (x = M3CG.No_label) THEN x := (); s.labels[val] := x; END; RETURN x; END Scan_label; PROCEDUREExpandLabels (VAR s: State) = VAR new := NEW (REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Label, 2 * NUMBER (s.labels^)); BEGIN SUBARRAY (new^, 0, NUMBER (s.labels^)) := s.labels^; FOR i := NUMBER (s.labels^) TO LAST (new^) DO new[i] := M3CG.No_label END; s.labels := new; END ExpandLabels; PROCEDUREScan_tipe (VAR s: State): M3CG.TypeUID = BEGIN RETURN Scan_int (s); END Scan_tipe; PROCEDUREScan_var (VAR s: State): M3CG.Var = VAR id := Scan_int (s); BEGIN IF (id <= 0) THEN RETURN NIL; ELSE RETURN s.vars[id]; END; END Scan_var; PROCEDUREScan_proc (VAR s: State): M3CG.Proc = VAR id := Scan_int (s); BEGIN IF (id <= 0) THEN RETURN NIL; ELSE RETURN s.procs[id]; END; END Scan_proc; PROCEDUREScan_sign (VAR s: State): M3CG.Sign = VAR x := Scan_int (s); BEGIN CASE x OF | ORD (M3CG.Sign.Positive) => RETURN M3CG.Sign.Positive; | ORD (M3CG.Sign.Negative) => RETURN M3CG.Sign.Negative; | ORD (M3CG.Sign.Unknown) => RETURN M3CG.Sign.Unknown; ELSE Error (s, "bad sign: ", Fmt.Int (x)); END; RETURN M3CG.Sign.Unknown; END Scan_sign; PROCEDUREScan_callConv (VAR s: State): Target.CallingConvention = VAR id := Scan_int (s); cc := Target.ConventionFromID (id); BEGIN IF (cc = NIL) THEN Error (s, "unknown calling convention: ", Fmt.Int (id)); END; RETURN cc; END Scan_callConv; PROCEDUREScan_float (VAR s: State): Target.Float = VAR i := Scan_int (s); pre := Target.Precision.Short; n_bytes : INTEGER; bytes : ARRAY [0..BYTESIZE(EXTENDED)] OF TFloat.Byte; result : Target.Float; BEGIN CASE i OF | ORD (Target.Precision.Short) => pre := Target.Precision.Short; | ORD (Target.Precision.Long) => pre := Target.Precision.Long; | ORD (Target.Precision.Extended) => pre := Target.Precision.Extended; ELSE Error (s, "bad floating-point precision: ", Fmt.Int (i)); END; n_bytes := TargetMap.Float_types[pre].size DIV BITSIZE (TFloat.Byte); FOR x := 0 TO n_bytes-1 DO bytes[x] := Scan_int (s); END; TFloat.FromBytes (SUBARRAY (bytes, 0, n_bytes), pre, result); RETURN result; END Scan_float; PROCEDUREScan_Tint (VAR s: State): Target.Int = VAR i : INTEGER := GetByte (s); n_bytes, sign, shift: INTEGER; val, byte: Target.Int; ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE i OF | M3CG_Binary.Int1 => n_bytes := 1; sign := +1; | M3CG_Binary.NInt1 => n_bytes := 1; sign := -1; | M3CG_Binary.Int2 => n_bytes := 2; sign := +1; | M3CG_Binary.NInt2 => n_bytes := 2; sign := -1; | M3CG_Binary.Int4 => n_bytes := 4; sign := +1; | M3CG_Binary.NInt4 => n_bytes := 4; sign := -1; | M3CG_Binary.Int8 => n_bytes := 8; sign := +1; | M3CG_Binary.NInt8 => n_bytes := 8; sign := -1; ELSE ok := TInt.FromInt (i, NUMBER (val.x), val); <*ASSERT ok*> RETURN val; END; val := TInt.Zero; shift := 0; FOR i := 0 TO n_bytes-1 DO ok := TInt.FromInt (GetByte (s), NUMBER (byte.x), byte); <*ASSERT ok*> TWord.Shift (byte, shift, byte); TWord.Or (val, byte, val); INC (shift, 8); END; IF (sign < 0) THEN TWord.Subtract (TInt.Zero, val, val); END; RETURN val; END Scan_Tint; PROCEDUREScan_int (VAR s: State): INTEGER = VAR i := GetByte (s); n_bytes, sign, val, shift: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE i OF | M3CG_Binary.Int1 => RETURN GetByte (s); | M3CG_Binary.NInt1 => RETURN - GetByte (s); | M3CG_Binary.Int2 => n_bytes := 2; sign := +1; | M3CG_Binary.NInt2 => n_bytes := 2; sign := -1; | M3CG_Binary.Int4 => n_bytes := 4; sign := +1; | M3CG_Binary.NInt4 => n_bytes := 4; sign := -1; | M3CG_Binary.Int8 => n_bytes := 8; sign := +1; | M3CG_Binary.NInt8 => n_bytes := 8; sign := -1; ELSE RETURN i; END; val := 0; shift := 0; FOR x := 0 TO n_bytes-1 DO val := Word.Or (val, Word.LeftShift (GetByte (s), shift)); INC (shift, 8); END; RETURN sign * val; END Scan_int; PROCEDUREScan_error (VAR s: State): RuntimeError = VAR x := Scan_int (s); BEGIN IF (x < ORD (FIRST (RuntimeError))) OR (ORD (LAST (RuntimeError)) < x) THEN Error (s, "bad error code: ", Fmt.Int (x)); x := ORD (FIRST (RuntimeError)); END; RETURN VAL (x, RuntimeError); END Scan_error; TYPE Byte = [0..255]; PROCEDUREGetByte (VAR s: State): Byte = VAR val: Byte; BEGIN IF (s.buf_ptr >= s.buf_len) THEN RefillBuffer (s) END; val := ORD (s.buf[s.buf_ptr]); INC (s.buf_ptr); RETURN val; END GetByte; PROCEDURERefillBuffer (VAR s: State) = <*FATAL Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted*> BEGIN s.buf_ptr := 0; s.buf_len := Rd.GetSub (s.rd, s.buf^); IF (s.buf_len <= 0) THEN s.hit_eof := TRUE; s.buf_len := 1; s.buf[0] := '\000'; END; END RefillBuffer;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ debugging line numbers ---begin_unit (VAR s: State) = VAR optimize := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (optimize); END begin_unit; PROCEDUREend_unit (VAR s: State) = BEGIN (); END end_unit; PROCEDUREimport_unit (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); BEGIN (name); END import_unit; PROCEDUREexport_unit (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); BEGIN (name); END export_unit;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------- debugging type declarations ---set_source_file (VAR s: State) = VAR file := Scan_text (s); BEGIN (file); END set_source_file; PROCEDUREset_source_line (VAR s: State) = VAR line := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (line); END set_source_line;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------- runtime hooks ---declare_typename (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); name := Scan_name (s); BEGIN (type, name); END declare_typename; PROCEDUREdeclare_array (VAR s: State)= VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); index := Scan_tipe (s); elt := Scan_tipe (s); size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, index, elt, size); END declare_array; PROCEDUREdeclare_open_array (VAR s: State)= VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); elt := Scan_tipe (s); size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, elt, size); END declare_open_array; PROCEDUREdeclare_enum (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); n_elts := Scan_int (s); size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, n_elts, size); END declare_enum; PROCEDUREdeclare_enum_elt (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); BEGIN (name); END declare_enum_elt; PROCEDUREdeclare_packed (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); size := Scan_int (s); base := Scan_tipe (s); BEGIN (type, size, base); END declare_packed; PROCEDUREdeclare_record (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); size := Scan_int (s); n_fields := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, size, n_fields); END declare_record; PROCEDUREdeclare_field (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); offset := Scan_int (s); size := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_tipe (s); BEGIN (name, offset, size, type); END declare_field; PROCEDUREdeclare_set (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); domain := Scan_tipe (s); size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, domain, size); END declare_set; PROCEDUREdeclare_subrange (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); domain := Scan_tipe (s); min := Scan_Tint (s); max := Scan_Tint (s); size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, domain, min, max, size); END declare_subrange; PROCEDUREdeclare_pointer (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); target := Scan_tipe (s); brand := Scan_text (s); traced := Scan_bool (s); BEGIN (type, target, brand, traced); END declare_pointer; PROCEDUREdeclare_indirect (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); target := Scan_tipe (s); BEGIN (type, target); END declare_indirect; PROCEDUREdeclare_proctype (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); n_formals := Scan_int (s); result := Scan_tipe (s); n_raises := Scan_int (s); calling := Scan_callConv (s); BEGIN (type, n_formals, result, n_raises, calling); END declare_proctype; PROCEDUREdeclare_formal (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); type := Scan_tipe (s); BEGIN (name, type); END declare_formal; PROCEDUREdeclare_raises (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); BEGIN (name); END declare_raises; PROCEDUREdeclare_object (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); super := Scan_tipe (s); brand := Scan_text (s); traced := Scan_bool (s); n_fields := Scan_int (s); n_methods := Scan_int (s); field_size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, super, brand, traced, n_fields, n_methods, field_size); END declare_object; PROCEDUREdeclare_method (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); type := Scan_tipe (s); BEGIN (name, type); END declare_method; PROCEDUREdeclare_opaque (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_tipe (s); super := Scan_tipe (s); BEGIN (type, super); END declare_opaque; PROCEDUREreveal_opaque (VAR s: State) = VAR lhs := Scan_tipe (s); rhs := Scan_tipe (s); BEGIN (lhs, rhs); END reveal_opaque; PROCEDUREdeclare_exception (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); arg_type := Scan_tipe (s); raise_proc := Scan_bool (s); base := Scan_var (s); offset := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (name, arg_type, raise_proc, base, offset); END declare_exception;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------- variable declarations ---set_runtime_proc (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); proc := Scan_proc (s); BEGIN (name, proc); END set_runtime_proc; PROCEDUREset_runtime_hook (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); var := Scan_var (s); offset := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (name, var, offset); END set_runtime_hook;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------- static variable initialization ---AddVar (VAR s: State; id: INTEGER; v: M3CG.Var) = BEGIN WHILE (id >= NUMBER (s.vars^)) DO ExpandVars (s) END; s.vars[id] := v; END AddVar; PROCEDUREExpandVars (VAR s: State) = VAR new := NEW (REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Var, 2 * NUMBER (s.vars^)); BEGIN SUBARRAY (new^, 0, NUMBER (s.vars^)) := s.vars^; s.vars := new; END ExpandVars; PROCEDUREimport_global (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); m3t := Scan_tipe (s); v := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddVar (s, v, (name, size, align, type, m3t)); END import_global; PROCEDUREdeclare_segment (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); m3t := Scan_tipe (s); is_const := Scan_bool (s); v := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddVar (s, v, (name, m3t, is_const)); END declare_segment; PROCEDUREbind_segment (VAR s: State) = VAR v := Scan_var (s); size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); export := Scan_bool (s); init := Scan_bool (s); BEGIN (v, size, align, type, export, init); END bind_segment; PROCEDUREdeclare_global (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); m3t := Scan_tipe (s); export := Scan_bool (s); init := Scan_bool (s); v := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddVar (s, v, (name, size, align, type, m3t, export, init)); END declare_global; PROCEDUREdeclare_constant (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); m3t := Scan_tipe (s); export := Scan_bool (s); init := Scan_bool (s); v := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddVar (s, v, (name, size, align, type, m3t, export,init)); END declare_constant; PROCEDUREdeclare_local (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); m3t := Scan_tipe (s); in_mem := Scan_bool (s); up_lev := Scan_bool (s); freq := Scan_int (s); v := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddVar (s, v, (name, size, align, type, m3t, in_mem, up_lev, freq)); END declare_local; PROCEDUREdeclare_param (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); m3t := Scan_tipe (s); in_mem := Scan_bool (s); up_lev := Scan_bool (s); freq := Scan_int (s); v := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddVar (s, v, (name, size, align, type, m3t, in_mem, up_lev, freq)); END declare_param; PROCEDUREdeclare_temp (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); in_mem := Scan_bool (s); v := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddVar (s, v, (size, align, type, in_mem)); END declare_temp; PROCEDUREfree_temp (VAR s: State) = VAR v := Scan_var (s); BEGIN (v); END free_temp;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ procedures ---begin_init (VAR s: State) = VAR v := Scan_var (s); BEGIN (v); END begin_init; PROCEDUREend_init (VAR s: State) = VAR v := Scan_var (s); BEGIN (v); END end_init; PROCEDUREinit_int (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); value := Scan_Tint (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (offset, value, type); END init_int; PROCEDUREinit_proc (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); value := Scan_proc (s); BEGIN (offset, value); END init_proc; PROCEDUREinit_label (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); value := Scan_label (s); BEGIN (offset, value); END init_label; PROCEDUREinit_var (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); value := Scan_var (s); bias := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (offset, value, bias); END init_var; PROCEDUREinit_offset (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); value := Scan_var (s); BEGIN (offset, value); END init_offset; PROCEDUREinit_chars (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); value := Scan_text (s); BEGIN (offset, value); END init_chars; PROCEDUREinit_float (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); value := Scan_float (s); BEGIN (offset, value); END init_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ statements ---AddProc (VAR s: State; id: INTEGER; p: M3CG.Proc) = BEGIN WHILE (id >= NUMBER (s.procs^)) DO ExpandProcs (s) END; s.procs[id] := p; END AddProc; PROCEDUREExpandProcs (VAR s: State) = VAR new := NEW (REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Proc, 2 * NUMBER (s.procs^)); BEGIN SUBARRAY (new^, 0, NUMBER (s.procs^)) := s.procs^; s.procs := new; END ExpandProcs; PROCEDUREimport_procedure (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); n_params := Scan_int (s); ret_type := Scan_type (s); calling := Scan_callConv (s); p := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddProc (s, p, (name, n_params, ret_type, calling)); END import_procedure; PROCEDUREdeclare_procedure (VAR s: State) = VAR name := Scan_name (s); n_params := Scan_int (s); ret_type := Scan_type (s); level := Scan_int (s); calling := Scan_callConv (s); export := Scan_bool (s); parent := Scan_proc (s); p := Scan_int (s); BEGIN AddProc (s, p, (name, n_params, ret_type, level, calling, export, parent)); END declare_procedure; PROCEDUREbegin_procedure (VAR s: State) = VAR p := Scan_proc (s); BEGIN (p); END begin_procedure; PROCEDUREend_procedure (VAR s: State) = VAR p := Scan_proc (s); BEGIN (p); END end_procedure; PROCEDUREbegin_block (VAR s: State) = BEGIN (); END begin_block; PROCEDUREend_block (VAR s: State) = BEGIN (); END end_block; PROCEDUREnote_procedure_origin (VAR s: State) = VAR p := Scan_proc (s); BEGIN (p); END note_procedure_origin;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ load/store ---set_label (VAR s: State) = VAR label := Scan_label (s); barrier := Scan_bool (s); BEGIN (label, barrier); END set_label; PROCEDUREjump (VAR s: State) = VAR label := Scan_label (s); BEGIN (label); END jump; PROCEDUREif_true (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); label := Scan_label (s); freq := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, label, freq); END if_true; PROCEDUREif_false (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); label := Scan_label (s); freq := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, label, freq); END if_false; PROCEDUREif_eq (VAR s: State) = BEGIN if_compare (s, CompareOp.EQ); END if_eq; PROCEDUREif_ne (VAR s: State) = BEGIN if_compare (s, CompareOp.NE); END if_ne; PROCEDUREif_gt (VAR s: State) = BEGIN if_compare (s, CompareOp.GT); END if_gt; PROCEDUREif_ge (VAR s: State) = BEGIN if_compare (s, CompareOp.GE); END if_ge; PROCEDUREif_lt (VAR s: State) = BEGIN if_compare (s, CompareOp.LT); END if_lt; PROCEDUREif_le (VAR s: State) = BEGIN if_compare (s, CompareOp.LE); END if_le; PROCEDUREif_compare (VAR s: State; op: CompareOp) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); label := Scan_label (s); freq := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, op, label, freq); END if_compare; PROCEDUREcase_jump (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); n := Scan_int (s); x := NEW (REF ARRAY OF M3CG.Label, n); BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n-1 DO x[i] := Scan_label (s) END; (type, x^); END case_jump; PROCEDUREexit_proc (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END exit_proc;
PROCEDURE-------------------------------------------------------------- literals ---load (VAR s: State) = VAR v := Scan_var (s); offset := Scan_int (s); src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (v, offset, src, dest); END load; PROCEDUREstore (VAR s: State) = VAR v := Scan_var (s); offset := Scan_int (s); src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (v, offset, src, dest); END store; PROCEDUREload_address (VAR s: State) = VAR v := Scan_var (s); offset := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (v, offset); END load_address; PROCEDUREload_indirect (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (offset, src, dest); END load_indirect; PROCEDUREstore_indirect (VAR s: State) = VAR offset := Scan_int (s); src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (offset, src, dest); END store_indirect;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------ arithmetic ---load_nil (VAR s: State) = BEGIN (); END load_nil; PROCEDUREload_integer (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); value := Scan_Tint (s); BEGIN (type, value); END load_integer; PROCEDUREload_float (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); value := Scan_float (s); BEGIN (type, value); END load_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------------------ sets ---eq (VAR s: State) = BEGIN compare (s, CompareOp.EQ); END eq; PROCEDUREne (VAR s: State) = BEGIN compare (s, CompareOp.NE); END ne; PROCEDUREgt (VAR s: State) = BEGIN compare (s, CompareOp.GT); END gt; PROCEDUREge (VAR s: State) = BEGIN compare (s, CompareOp.GE); END ge; PROCEDURElt (VAR s: State) = BEGIN compare (s, CompareOp.LT); END lt; PROCEDUREle (VAR s: State) = BEGIN compare (s, CompareOp.LE); END le; PROCEDUREcompare (VAR s: State; op: CompareOp) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (src, dest, op); END compare; PROCEDUREadd (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END add; PROCEDUREsubtract (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END subtract; PROCEDUREmultiply (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END multiply; PROCEDUREdivide (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END divide; PROCEDUREdiv (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); a := Scan_sign (s); b := Scan_sign (s); BEGIN (type, a, b); END div; PROCEDUREmod (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); a := Scan_sign (s); b := Scan_sign (s); BEGIN (type, a, b); END mod; PROCEDUREnegate (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END negate; PROCEDUREabs (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END abs; PROCEDUREmax (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END max; PROCEDUREmin (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END min; PROCEDUREround (VAR s: State) = BEGIN cvt_int (s, ConvertOp.Round); END round; PROCEDUREtrunc (VAR s: State) = BEGIN cvt_int (s, ConvertOp.Trunc); END trunc; PROCEDUREfloor (VAR s: State) = BEGIN cvt_int (s, ConvertOp.Floor); END floor; PROCEDUREceiling (VAR s: State) = BEGIN cvt_int (s, ConvertOp.Ceiling); END ceiling; PROCEDUREcvt_int (VAR s: State; op: ConvertOp) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (src, dest, op); END cvt_int; PROCEDUREcvt_float (VAR s: State) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (src, dest); END cvt_float;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------- Word.T bit operations ---set_union (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (size); END set_union; PROCEDUREset_difference (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (size); END set_difference; PROCEDUREset_intersection (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (size); END set_intersection; PROCEDUREset_sym_difference (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (size); END set_sym_difference; PROCEDUREset_member (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (size, type); END set_member; PROCEDUREset_eq (VAR s: State) = BEGIN set_compare (s, CompareOp.EQ); END set_eq; PROCEDUREset_ne (VAR s: State) = BEGIN set_compare (s, CompareOp.NE); END set_ne; PROCEDUREset_gt (VAR s: State) = BEGIN set_compare (s, CompareOp.GT); END set_gt; PROCEDUREset_ge (VAR s: State) = BEGIN set_compare (s, CompareOp.GE); END set_ge; PROCEDUREset_lt (VAR s: State) = BEGIN set_compare (s, CompareOp.LT); END set_lt; PROCEDUREset_le (VAR s: State) = BEGIN set_compare (s, CompareOp.LE); END set_le; PROCEDUREset_compare (VAR s: State; op: CompareOp) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (size, op, type); END set_compare; PROCEDUREset_range (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (size, type); END set_range; PROCEDUREset_singleton (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (size, type); END set_singleton;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ misc. stack/memory ops ---not (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END not; PROCEDUREand (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END and; PROCEDUREor (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END or; PROCEDURExor (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END xor; PROCEDUREshift (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END shift; PROCEDUREshift_left (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END shift_left; PROCEDUREshift_right (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END shift_right; PROCEDURErotate (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END rotate; PROCEDURErotate_left (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END rotate_left; PROCEDURErotate_right (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END rotate_right; PROCEDUREwiden (VAR s: State) = VAR sign_extend := Scan_bool (s); BEGIN (sign_extend); END widen; PROCEDUREchop (VAR s: State) = BEGIN (); END chop; PROCEDUREextract (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); sign_extend := Scan_bool (s); BEGIN (type, sign_extend); END extract; PROCEDUREextract_n (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); sign_extend := Scan_bool (s); width := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, sign_extend, width); END extract_n; PROCEDUREextract_mn (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); sign_extend := Scan_bool (s); offset := Scan_int (s); width := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, sign_extend, offset, width); END extract_mn; PROCEDUREinsert (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END insert; PROCEDUREinsert_n (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); width := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, width); END insert_n; PROCEDUREinsert_mn (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); offset := Scan_int (s); width := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, offset, width); END insert_mn;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------- conversions ---swap (VAR s: State) = VAR a := Scan_type (s); b := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (a, b); END swap; PROCEDUREpop (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END pop; PROCEDUREcopy_n (VAR s: State) = VAR cnt_type := Scan_type (s); type := Scan_type (s); overlap := Scan_bool (s); BEGIN (cnt_type, type, overlap); END copy_n; PROCEDUREcopy (VAR s: State) = VAR cnt := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); overlap := Scan_bool (s); BEGIN (cnt, type, overlap); END copy; PROCEDUREzero_n (VAR s: State) = VAR cnt_type := Scan_type (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (cnt_type, type); END zero_n; PROCEDUREzero (VAR s: State) = VAR cnt := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (cnt, type); END zero;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------ traps & runtime checks ---loophole (VAR s: State) = VAR from := Scan_type (s); two := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (from, two); END loophole;
PROCEDURE---------------------------------------------------- address arithmetic ---abort (VAR s: State) = VAR code := Scan_error (s); BEGIN (code); END abort; PROCEDUREcheck_nil (VAR s: State) = VAR code := Scan_error (s); BEGIN (code); END check_nil; PROCEDUREcheck_lo (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); i := Scan_Tint (s); code := Scan_error (s); BEGIN (type, i, code); END check_lo; PROCEDUREcheck_hi (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); i := Scan_Tint (s); code := Scan_error (s); BEGIN (type, i, code); END check_hi; PROCEDUREcheck_range (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); a := Scan_Tint (s); b := Scan_Tint (s); code := Scan_error (s); BEGIN (type, a, b, code); END check_range; PROCEDUREcheck_index (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); code := Scan_error (s); BEGIN (type, code); END check_index; PROCEDUREcheck_eq (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); code := Scan_error (s); BEGIN (type, code); END check_eq;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------------------- procedure calls ---add_offset (VAR s: State) = VAR i := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (i); END add_offset; PROCEDUREindex_address (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); size := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (type, size); END index_address;
PROCEDURE------------------------------------------- procedure and closure types ---start_call_direct (VAR s: State) = VAR p := Scan_proc (s); level := Scan_int (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (p, level, type); END start_call_direct; PROCEDUREstart_call_indirect (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); calling := Scan_callConv (s); BEGIN (type, calling); END start_call_indirect; PROCEDUREpop_param (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (type); END pop_param; PROCEDUREpop_struct (VAR s: State) = VAR size := Scan_int (s); align := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (size, align); END pop_struct; PROCEDUREpop_static_link (VAR s: State) = BEGIN (); END pop_static_link; PROCEDUREcall_direct (VAR s: State) = VAR p := Scan_proc (s); type := Scan_type (s); BEGIN (p, type); END call_direct; PROCEDUREcall_indirect (VAR s: State) = VAR type := Scan_type (s); calling := Scan_callConv (s); BEGIN (type, calling); END call_indirect;
PROCEDURE----------------------------------------------------------------- misc. ---load_procedure (VAR s: State) = VAR p := Scan_proc (s); BEGIN (p); END load_procedure; PROCEDUREload_static_link (VAR s: State) = VAR p := Scan_proc (s); BEGIN (p); END load_static_link;
PROCEDURE--------------------------------------------------------------- atomics ---comment (VAR s: State) = VAR x := Scan_text (s); BEGIN (x); END comment;
PROCEDUREstore_ordered (VAR s: State) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); order := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (src, dest, VAL(order, MemoryOrder)); END store_ordered; PROCEDUREload_ordered (VAR s: State) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); order := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (src, dest, VAL(order, MemoryOrder)); END load_ordered; PROCEDUREexchange (VAR s: State) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); order := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (src, dest, VAL(order, MemoryOrder)); END exchange; PROCEDUREcompare_exchange (VAR s: State) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); res := Scan_type (s); success := Scan_int (s); failure := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (src, dest, res, VAL(success, MemoryOrder), VAL(failure, MemoryOrder)); END compare_exchange; PROCEDUREfence (VAR s: State) = VAR order := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (VAL(order, MemoryOrder)); END fence; PROCEDUREfetch_and_op (VAR s: State; op: AtomicOp) = VAR src := Scan_type (s); dest := Scan_type (s); order := Scan_int (s); BEGIN (op, src, dest, VAL(order, MemoryOrder)); END fetch_and_op; PROCEDUREfetch_and_add (VAR s: State) = BEGIN fetch_and_op (s, AtomicOp.Add); END fetch_and_add; PROCEDUREfetch_and_sub (VAR s: State) = BEGIN fetch_and_op (s, AtomicOp.Sub); END fetch_and_sub; PROCEDUREfetch_and_or (VAR s: State) = BEGIN fetch_and_op (s, AtomicOp.Or); END fetch_and_or; PROCEDUREfetch_and_and (VAR s: State) = BEGIN fetch_and_op (s, AtomicOp.And); END fetch_and_and; PROCEDUREfetch_and_xor (VAR s: State) = BEGIN fetch_and_op (s, AtomicOp.Xor); END fetch_and_xor; BEGIN FOR op := FIRST (CmdMap) TO LAST (CmdMap) DO <*ASSERT CmdMap[op].bop = op *> END; END M3CG_BinRd.