This interface defines the routines used to generate the WWW browser information.
TYPE (* see M3CG for the interpretation of these types *) Name = M3CG.Name; Offset = M3CG.BitOffset; Size = M3CG.BitSize; TypeUID = M3CG.TypeUID;------------------------------------------------------ set up/tear down ---
initializes the info.
returns the accumulated browser info.
----------------------------------------------------- compilation units ---
PROCEDURE Import_unit (n: Name); PROCEDURE Export_unit (n: Name);
note that the current compilation unit imports/exports the interface 'n'
------------------------------------------- debugging type declarations ---
The debugging information for a type is identified by small a integer within a compilation unit. The information is identified by a global uid (an INTEGER) across compilation units. The following procedures generate the symbol table entries needed to describe Modula-3 types to the debugger. Note that Modula-3's builtin types have the fixed IDs listed above. The 'hint' passed to 'import_type' is the name of the source file that generated the type declaration.
PROCEDURE Declare_typename (t: TypeUID; x: M3.Value); PROCEDURE Declare_array (t: TypeUID; index, elt: TypeUID; s: Size); PROCEDURE Declare_open_array (t: TypeUID; elt: TypeUID; s: Size); PROCEDURE Declare_enum (t: TypeUID; n_elts: INTEGER; s: Size); PROCEDURE Declare_enum_elt (n: Name); PROCEDURE Declare_packed (t: TypeUID; s: Size; base: TypeUID); PROCEDURE Declare_record (t: TypeUID; s: Size; n_fields: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Declare_field (n: Name; o: Offset; s: Size; t: TypeUID); PROCEDURE Declare_set (t, domain: TypeUID; s: Size); PROCEDURE Declare_subrange (t, domain: TypeUID; READONLY min, max: Target.Int; s: Size); PROCEDURE Declare_pointer (t, target: TypeUID; brand: TEXT; traced: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE Declare_indirect (t, target: TypeUID); PROCEDURE Declare_proctype (t: TypeUID; n_formals: INTEGER; result: TypeUID; n_raises: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Declare_formal (n: Name; t: TypeUID); PROCEDURE Declare_raises (n: Name); PROCEDURE Declare_object (t, super: TypeUID; brand: TEXT; traced: BOOLEAN; n_fields, n_methods, n_overrides: INTEGER; field_size: Size); PROCEDURE Declare_method (n: Name; signature: TypeUID; dfault: M3.Expr); PROCEDURE Declare_override (n: Name; dfault: M3.Expr); PROCEDURE Declare_opaque (t, super: TypeUID); PROCEDURE Reveal_opaque (lhs, rhs: TypeUID); END WebInfo.