
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              

File: TipeMap.m3 Last Modified On Tue Jul 5 15:33:54 PDT 1994 by kalsow


IMPORT Target, CG, Module, Word;

CONST (* # of bytes of operand in the map *)
  ArgBytes = ARRAY Op OF [0..8] {
    0,            (* Stop *)
    0,            (* Mark *)
    0,            (* PushPtr *)
    0,            (* Return *)
    0,            (* Ref *)
    0,            (* UntracedRef *)
    0,            (* Proc *)
    0,            (* Real *)
    0,            (* Longreal *)
    0,            (* Extended *)
    2,            (* Int_Field      - bit offset, bit size *)
    2,            (* Word_Field     - bit offset, bit size *)
    0,            (* Int_1 *)
    0,            (* Int_2 *)
    0,            (* Int_4 *)
    0,            (* Int_8 *)
    0,            (* Word_1 *)
    0,            (* Word_2 *)
    0,            (* Word_4 *)
    0,            (* Word_8 *)
    1,            (* Set_1         - n = number of bytes *)
    2,            (* Set_2 *)
    3,            (* Set_3 *)
    4,            (* Set_4 *)
    1,            (* OpenArray_1   - n = number of open dimensions *)
    2,            (* OpenArray_2 *)
    1,            (* Array_1       - n = number of elements *)
    2,            (* Array_2 *)
    3,            (* Array_3 *)
    4,            (* Array_4 *)
    5,            (* Array_5 *)
    6,            (* Array_6 *)
    7,            (* Array_7 *)
    8,            (* Array_8 *)
    0,            (* Skip_1 *)
    0,            (* Skip_2 *)
    0,            (* Skip_3 *)
    0,            (* Skip_4 *)
    0,            (* Skip_5 *)
    0,            (* Skip_6 *)
    0,            (* Skip_7 *)
    0,            (* Skip_8 *)
    1,            (* SkipF_1       - n = number of bytes to skip forward *)
    2,            (* SkipF_2 *)
    3,            (* SkipF_3 *)
    4,            (* SkipF_4 *)
    5,            (* SkipF_5 *)
    6,            (* SkipF_6 *)
    7,            (* SkipF_7 *)
    8,            (* SkipF_8 *)
    1,            (* SkipB_1       - n = number of bytes to skip backward *)
    2,            (* SkipB_2 *)
    3,            (* SkipB_3 *)
    4,            (* SkipB_4 *)
    5,            (* SkipB_5 *)
    6,            (* SkipB_6 *)
    7,            (* SkipB_7 *)
    8             (* SkipB_8 *)

  CursorUpdate = ARRAY Op OF INTEGER {
    0,                    (* Stop *)
    0,                    (* Mark *)
    -4,                   (* PushPtr *)
    -5,                   (* Return *)
    -8,                   (* Ref *)
    -8,                   (* UntracedRef *)
    -8,                   (* Proc *)
    -9,                   (* Real *)
    -10,                  (* Longreal *)
    -11,                  (* Extended *)
    0,                    (* Int_Field *)
    0,                    (* Word_Field *)
    1 * Target.Byte,      (* Int_1 *)
    2 * Target.Byte,      (* Int_2 *)
    4 * Target.Byte,      (* Int_4 *)
    8 * Target.Byte,      (* Int_8 *)
    1 * Target.Byte,      (* Word_1 *)
    2 * Target.Byte,      (* Word_2 *)
    4 * Target.Byte,      (* Word_4 *)
    8 * Target.Byte,      (* Word_8 *)
    -3,                   (* Set_1 *)
    -3,                   (* Set_2 *)
    -3,                   (* Set_3 *)
    -3,                   (* Set_4 *)
    -2,                   (* OpenArray_1 *)
    -2,                   (* OpenArray_2 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_1 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_2 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_3 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_4 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_5 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_6 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_7 *)
    -1,                   (* Array_8 *)
    1 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_1 *)
    2 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_2 *)
    3 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_3 *)
    4 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_4 *)
    5 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_5 *)
    6 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_6 *)
    7 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_7 *)
    8 * Target.Byte,      (* Skip_8 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_1 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_2 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_3 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_4 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_5 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_6 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_7 *)
    -6,                   (* SkipF_8 *)
    -7,                   (* SkipB_1 *)
    -7,                   (* SkipB_2 *)
    -7,                   (* SkipB_3 *)
    -7,                   (* SkipB_4 *)
    -7,                   (* SkipB_5 *)
    -7,                   (* SkipB_6 *)
    -7,                   (* SkipB_7 *)
    -7                    (* SkipB_8 *)

  ByteList = REF ARRAY OF [0..255];

  busy    : BOOLEAN  := FALSE;
  bytes   : ByteList := NIL;
  n_bytes : INTEGER  := 0;
  cursor  : INTEGER  := 0;

PROCEDURE Start () =
    <*ASSERT NOT busy*>
    busy := TRUE;
    IF (bytes = NIL) THEN bytes := NEW (ByteList, 100) END;
    n_bytes := 0;
    cursor  := 0;
  END Start;

PROCEDURE Finish (a, b, c, d: TEXT := NIL): INTEGER =
  VAR base, offset: INTEGER;
    IF (n_bytes = 0) THEN busy := FALSE; RETURN -1 END;

    Add (cursor, Op.Stop, 0);

    (* allocate space *)
    base := Module.Allocate (n_bytes * Target.Int8.size,
                             Target.Int8.align, TRUE, "type_map");
    CG.Comment (base, TRUE, a, b, c, d);

    (* generate the bytes *)
    offset := base;
    FOR i := 0 TO n_bytes-1 DO
      CG.Init_intt (offset, Target.Int8.size, bytes[i], is_const := TRUE);
      INC (offset, Target.Int8.size);

    busy := FALSE;
    RETURN base;
  END Finish;

PROCEDURE Add (offset: INTEGER;  o: Op;  arg: INTEGER) =
  VAR x, y, z, n: INTEGER;
    <*ASSERT busy*>

    x := offset DIV Target.Byte;
    y := cursor DIV Target.Byte;
    z := x - y;
    IF (z # 0) THEN
      (* we need to insert a skip *)
      IF (1 <= z) AND (z <= 8) THEN
        Add (cursor, VAL (ORD (Op.Skip_1) + z - 1, Op), 0);
      ELSIF (z >= 0) THEN
        n := IntSize (z);
        Add (cursor, VAL (ORD (Op.SkipF_1) + n - 1, Op), z);
      ELSE (* z < 0 *)
        z := - z;
        n := IntSize (z);
        Add (cursor, VAL (ORD (Op.SkipB_1) + n - 1, Op), z);

    (* fix the opcode to match the size of the argument *)
    x := ArgBytes [o];
    IF (x > 0) THEN
      n := IntSize (arg);
      IF (n > x) THEN
        o := VAL (ORD (o) + n - 1, Op);
        <*ASSERT ArgBytes[o] = n*>

    (* stuff the opcode *)
    IF (n_bytes >= NUMBER (bytes^)) THEN ExpandBytes () END;
    bytes[n_bytes] := ORD (o);  INC (n_bytes);

    (* stuff the operand *)
    z := arg;
    x := ArgBytes [o];
    IF (n_bytes+x >= NUMBER (bytes^)) THEN ExpandBytes () END;
    WHILE (x > 0) DO
      bytes[n_bytes] := Word.And (z, 16_ff);  INC (n_bytes);
      z := Word.RightShift (z, 8);
      DEC (x);

    (* update the cursor *)
    x := CursorUpdate [o];
    CASE x OF
    | -1 => (* Op.Array_N *)     (* must do an explicit set cursor *)
    | -2 => (* Op.OpenArray_N *) INC (cursor, Target.Address.size
                                            + arg * Target.Integer.size);
    | -3 => (* Op.Set_N *)       INC (cursor, arg * Target.Byte);
    | -4 => (* Op.PushPtr *)     cursor := 0;
    | -5 => (* Op.Return *)      (* must do an explicit set cursor *)
    | -6 => (* Op.SkipF_N *)     INC (cursor, arg * Target.Byte);
    | -7 => (* Op.SkipB_N *)     INC (cursor, arg * Target.Byte);
    | -8 =>                      INC (cursor, Target.Address.size)
    | -9 =>                      INC (cursor, Target.Real.size)
    | -10 =>                     INC (cursor, Target.Longreal.size)
    | -11 =>                     INC (cursor, Target.Extended.size)
    ELSE    (* fixed update *)   INC (cursor, x);
  END Add;

  VAR n : CARDINAL := 0;
      INC (n);
      i := Word.RightShift (i, 8);
    UNTIL (i = 0);
    RETURN n;
  END IntSize;

    RETURN cursor;
  END GetCursor;

    cursor := x;
  END SetCursor;

PROCEDURE ExpandBytes () =
  VAR new := NEW (ByteList, 2 * NUMBER (bytes^));
    SUBARRAY (new^, 0, NUMBER(bytes^)) := bytes^;
    bytes := new;
  END ExpandBytes;

END TipeMap.