
 Copyright (C) 1992, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              
 File: M3Compiler.i3                                         
 Last modified on Tue Dec  6 09:13:12 PST 1994 by kalsow     
      modified on Sat May 12 07:05:52 1990 by muller         

This module defines the environment object passed to the Modula-3 compiler.

IMPORT File, Fingerprint;

  TypeID     = INTEGER;  (* A compiler generated type id. *)
  SourceFile = RECORD  name: TEXT;  contents: File.T  END;
  ImplList   = REF RECORD  impl: M3ID.T;  next: ImplList;  END;

  Environment = OBJECT METHODS

    report_error (file: TEXT;  line: INTEGER;  msg: TEXT);

    find_source (unit: M3ID.T;  interface, generic: BOOLEAN): SourceFile;

    note_unit (name: M3ID.T;  interface: BOOLEAN);

    note_comment (msg: TEXT);

    note_interface_use (name: M3ID.T;  imported: BOOLEAN);

    note_generic_use (name: M3ID.T);

    note_version_stamp (unit, symbol: M3ID.T;
                        READONLY vs: Fingerprint.T;
                        imported, implemented: BOOLEAN);

    note_opaque (type, super_type: TypeID);

    note_revelation (unit: M3ID.T;  interface: BOOLEAN;
                    lhs, rhs: TypeID;  full, imported: BOOLEAN);

    note_opaque_magic (type, super_type: TypeID;
                       data_size, data_align, method_size : INTEGER);

    find_opaque_magic (type: TypeID;  VAR(*OUT*) super_type: TypeID;
            VAR(*OUT*) data_size, data_align, method_size: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;

    note_ast (unit: M3ID.T;  ast: REFANY);
    find_ast (unit: M3ID.T): REFANY;

    note_type (type: TypeID;  imported: BOOLEAN);

    init_code_generator (): M3CG.T;

    note_webinfo (t: TEXT);

    get_implementations (interface: M3ID.T): ImplList;

END M3Compiler.
The compiler makes all environmental queries and reports through its environment parameter:

report_error is called to report error and warning messages.

find_source is called to locate the source files needed to satisfy IMPORTs.

note_unit is called to announce the current unit. The remainder of the note calls attach information needed by the linker and smart recompilation system to the announced unit.

note_comment attaches a comment to the current unit.

note_inteface_use records the named interface as is either imported or exported by the current unit.

note_generic_use records the use of the specified generic unit.

note_version_stamp records the import(export) of symbol with version stamp vs from(to) the interface unit.

note_opaque records the opaque declaration type <: super_type in the current unit.

note_revelation records the import(export) of a revelation. With note_opaque it is used to verify the all opaque types are defined and the all compilation units saw a consistent set of revelations.

note_opaque_magic announces the size of a previously declared opaque type.

find_opaque_magic attempts to locate the size of an opaque type. Returns TRUE iff it succeeded in finding the information.

note_ast records an (interface name, ast) pair in the ast cache.

find_ast returns the ast cached under the given name. Returns NIL if no such ast exists.

init_code_generator returns the code generator to be used. To avoid empty object files, init_code_generator isn't called until after type checking.

interface M3ID is in: