
 Copyright (C) 1989, Digital Equipment Corporation 
 All rights reserved. 
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description. 
 Last modified on Thu Dec  9 09:56:34 PST 1993 by mcjones 

A Date.T is a moment in time, expressed according to the standard (Gregorian) calendar, as observed in some time zone. A Date.TimeZone (or just a time zone) is an object that encapsulates the rules for converting from UTC (universal coordinated time, sometimes known as Greenwich mean time) to local time within a particular jurisdiction, taking into account daylight time when appropriate. \index{calendar date} \index{local time} \index{time!local} \index{time zone} \index{time!zone} \index{universal coordinated time} \index{time!UTC (universal coordinated time)} \index{Greenwich mean time} \index{time!Greenwich mean time} \index{time!Date interface@{\tt Date} interface}



    year: CARDINAL; (* e.g., 1992 *)
    month: Month;
    day: [1 .. 31];
    hour: [0 .. 23];
    minute: [0 .. 59];
    second: [0 .. 60];
    offset: INTEGER;
    zone: TEXT;
    weekDay: WeekDay
  Month = {Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul,
            Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec};
  WeekDay = {Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat};
A date's offset field specifies the difference in the readings of two clocks, one set to UTC and one set to local time, at the moment the date occurred, and thus reflects daylight time when appropriate. This difference is specified in seconds, with positive values corresponding to local zones behind (west of) UTC. A date's zone field specifies a name (often a three-letter abbreviation) for the time zone in which the date is observed, for example, ``PDT'' for Pacific Daylight Time.

TYPE TimeZone <: REFANY;

VAR Local, UTC: TimeZone;
Local is initialized to the time zone in which the computer running this program is located. UTC is initialized to the time zone for universal coordinated time.

PROCEDURE FromTime(t: Time.T; z: TimeZone := NIL): T;
Return the date corresponding to t, as observed in the time zone z. If z is NIL, Local is used.


Return the time corresponding to the date d, using the field offset rather than zone and ignoring the field weekDay. Raise Error if d cannot be represented as a Time.T.

END Date.
On POSIX systems, FromTime(t, Local) calls localtime(3). On Win32 systems, it calls GetTimeZoneInformation. Some systems keep local time instead of UTC, and typically don't record the identity of the local time zone. On such a system, FromTime(t, Local) always returns a result with offset equal to zero and zone equal to {\tt "[Unknown zone]"}, and UTC is NIL.