UNSAFE MODULE----------------------------------------------------------- diagnostics ---RTExFrame EXPORTSRTException ,RTExFrame ; IMPORT RT0, RTError, RTIO, RTParams, RTOS, RTThread; IMPORT Thread, Csetjmp; VAR DEBUG := FALSE; dump_enabled := FALSE; EXCEPTION OUCH; (* to keep the compiler from complaining *) PROCEDURERaise (VAR act: RT0.RaiseActivation) RAISES ANY = VAR f := LOOPHOLE(RTThread.GetCurrentHandlers(), Frame); ex: ExceptionList; BEGIN IF DEBUG THEN PutExcept ("RAISE", act); RTIO.Flush (); DumpStack (); END; LOOP IF (f = NIL) THEN InvokeBackstop (act, raises := FALSE); END; CASE f.class OF | ORD (ScopeKind.Except) => ex := LOOPHOLE (f, PF1).handles; WHILE (ex^ # 0) DO IF (ex^ = act.exception.uid) THEN ResumeRaise (act) END; INC (ex, ADRSIZE (ex^)); END; | ORD (ScopeKind.ExceptElse) => (* 's' is a TRY-EXCEPT-ELSE frame => go for it *) ResumeRaise (act); | ORD (ScopeKind.Finally), ORD (ScopeKind.FinallyProc), ORD (ScopeKind.Lock) => (* ignore for this pass *) | ORD (ScopeKind.Raises) => IF (act.exception.implicit = 0) THEN (* check that this procedure does indeed raise 'en' *) ex := LOOPHOLE (f, PF3).raises; IF ex = NIL THEN InvokeBackstop (act, raises := TRUE); END; LOOP IF (ex^ = 0) THEN InvokeBackstop (act, raises := TRUE) END; IF (ex^ = act.exception.uid) THEN (* ok, it passes *) EXIT END; INC (ex, ADRSIZE (ex^)); END; END; | ORD (ScopeKind.RaisesNone) => IF (act.exception.implicit = 0) THEN InvokeBackstop (act, raises := TRUE); END; ELSE BadStack (); END; f := f.next; (* try the previous frame *) END; END Raise; PROCEDUREResumeRaise (VAR a: RT0.RaiseActivation) RAISES ANY = VAR f := LOOPHOLE(RTThread.GetCurrentHandlers(), Frame); ex: ExceptionList; BEGIN IF DEBUG THEN PutExcept ("RERAISE", a); RTIO.Flush (); DumpStack (); END; LOOP IF (f = NIL) THEN BadStack (); END; CASE f.class OF | ORD (ScopeKind.ExceptElse), ORD (ScopeKind.Finally) => InvokeHandler (f, a); | ORD (ScopeKind.Except) => ex := LOOPHOLE (f, PF1).handles; WHILE (ex^ # 0) DO IF (ex^ = a.exception.uid) THEN InvokeHandler (f, a) END; INC (ex, ADRSIZE (ex^)); END; | ORD (ScopeKind.FinallyProc) => InvokeFinallyHandler (f, a); | ORD (ScopeKind.Lock) => ReleaseLock (f); | ORD (ScopeKind.Raises), ORD (ScopeKind.RaisesNone) => (* already checked during the first pass *) ELSE BadStack (); END; RTThread.SetCurrentHandlers (f.next); (* cut to the new handler *) f := f.next; (* try the previous frame *) END; END ResumeRaise; PROCEDUREInvokeHandler (f: Frame; READONLY a: RT0.RaiseActivation) RAISES ANY = VAR p := LOOPHOLE (f, PF1); BEGIN IF DEBUG THEN PutExcept ("INVOKE HANDLER", a); RTIO.PutText (" frame="); RTIO.PutAddr (f); RTIO.PutText (" class="); RTIO.PutInt (f.class); RTIO.PutText ("\n"); RTIO.Flush (); END; RTThread.SetCurrentHandlers (f.next); (* cut to the new handler *) p.info := a; (* copy the exception to the new frame *) Csetjmp.ulongjmp (p.jmpbuf, 1); (* and jump... *) RAISE OUCH; END InvokeHandler; PROCEDUREInvokeFinallyHandler (f: Frame; VAR a: RT0.RaiseActivation) RAISES ANY = VAR p := LOOPHOLE (f, PF2); cl: RT0.ProcedureClosure; BEGIN IF DEBUG THEN PutExcept ("INVOKE FINALLY HANDLER", a); RTIO.PutText (" frame="); RTIO.PutAddr (f); RTIO.PutText (" class="); RTIO.PutInt (f.class); RTIO.PutText ("\n"); RTIO.Flush (); END; (* build a nested procedure closure *) cl.marker := RT0.ClosureMarker; cl.proc := p.handler; cl.frame := p.frame; RTThread.SetCurrentHandlers (f.next); (* cut to the new handler *) CallProc (LOOPHOLE (ADR (cl), FinallyProc), a); END InvokeFinallyHandler; PROCEDURECallProc (p: FinallyProc; VAR a: RT0.RaiseActivation) RAISES ANY = (* we need to fool the compiler into generating a call to a nested procedure... *) BEGIN p (a); END CallProc; PROCEDUREReleaseLock (f: Frame) = VAR p := LOOPHOLE (f, PF4); BEGIN IF DEBUG THEN RTIO.PutText ("--> UNLOCK:"); RTIO.PutText (" frame="); RTIO.PutAddr (p); RTIO.PutText (" mutex="); RTIO.PutAddr (LOOPHOLE (p.mutex, ADDRESS)); RTIO.PutText ("\n"); RTIO.Flush (); END; RTThread.SetCurrentHandlers (f.next); (* cut to the new handler *) Thread.Release (p.mutex); (* and release the lock *) END ReleaseLock; PROCEDUREBadStack () = BEGIN RTError.Msg (NIL, 0, "corrupt exception stack"); END BadStack;
PROCEDURESanityCheck () = CONST Min_SK = ORD (FIRST (ScopeKind)); CONST Max_SK = ORD (LAST (ScopeKind)); VAR f := LOOPHOLE(RTThread.GetCurrentHandlers(), Frame); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN WHILE (f # NIL) DO i := f.class; IF (i < Min_SK) OR (Max_SK < i) THEN BadStack () END; f := f.next; END; END SanityCheck; PROCEDUREDumpStack () = VAR f := LOOPHOLE(RTThread.GetCurrentHandlers(), Frame); BEGIN IF NOT DEBUG AND NOT dump_enabled THEN RETURN; END; RTOS.LockHeap (); (* disable thread switching... (you wish!) *) RTIO.PutText ("------------------ EXCEPTION HANDLER STACK ---------------------\n"); WHILE (f # NIL) DO RTIO.PutAddr (f); CASE f.class OF | ORD (ScopeKind.Except) => RTIO.PutText (" TRY-EXCEPT "); DumpHandles (LOOPHOLE (f, PF1).handles); | ORD (ScopeKind.ExceptElse) => RTIO.PutText (" TRY-EXCEPT-ELSE "); | ORD (ScopeKind.Finally) => RTIO.PutText (" TRY-FINALLY "); | ORD (ScopeKind.FinallyProc) => VAR x := LOOPHOLE (f, PF2); BEGIN RTIO.PutText (" TRY-FINALLY proc = "); RTIO.PutAddr (x.handler); RTIO.PutText (" frame = "); RTIO.PutAddr (x.frame); END; | ORD (ScopeKind.Raises) => RTIO.PutText (" RAISES "); DumpHandles (LOOPHOLE (f, PF3).raises); | ORD (ScopeKind.RaisesNone) => RTIO.PutText (" RAISES {}"); | ORD (ScopeKind.Lock) => VAR x := LOOPHOLE (f, PF4); BEGIN RTIO.PutText (" LOCK mutex = "); RTIO.PutAddr (LOOPHOLE (x.mutex, ADDRESS)); END; ELSE RTIO.PutText (" *** BAD EXCEPTION RECORD, class = "); RTIO.PutInt (f.class); RTIO.PutText (" ***\n"); EXIT; END; RTIO.PutText ("\n"); f := f.next; END; RTIO.PutText ("----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); RTIO.Flush (); RTOS.UnlockHeap (); END DumpStack; PROCEDUREDumpHandles (x: ExceptionList) = VAR first := TRUE; BEGIN RTIO.PutText (" {"); IF (x # NIL) THEN WHILE (x^ # 0) DO IF (NOT first) THEN RTIO.PutText (", "); END; first := FALSE; RTIO.PutHex (x^); INC (x, ADRSIZE (x^)); END; END; RTIO.PutText ("}"); END DumpHandles; PROCEDUREPutExcept (tag: TEXT; READONLY a: RT0.RaiseActivation) = BEGIN RTIO.PutText ("---> "); RTIO.PutText (tag); RTIO.PutText (": en="); RTIO.PutAddr (a.exception); RTIO.PutText (" uid="); RTIO.PutHex (a.exception.uid); RTIO.Flush (); RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutString (a.exception.name); RTIO.PutText (" arg="); RTIO.PutAddr (a.arg); RTIO.PutText ("\n module: "); RTIO.PutAddr (a.module); IF (a.module # NIL) AND (a.module.file # NIL) THEN RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutString (a.module.file); END; RTIO.PutText ("\n line: "); RTIO.PutInt (a.line); RTIO.PutText (" pc: "); RTIO.PutAddr (a.pc); RTIO.PutText (" info0: "); RTIO.PutAddr (a.info0); RTIO.PutText (" info1: "); RTIO.PutAddr (a.info1); IF (a.un_except # NIL) THEN RTIO.PutText ("\n unhandled: "); RTIO.PutText (" "); RTIO.PutString (a.un_except.name); RTIO.PutText (" arg="); RTIO.PutAddr (a.un_arg); END; RTIO.PutText ("\n"); END PutExcept; BEGIN dump_enabled := RTParams.IsPresent ("stackdump"); DEBUG := RTParams.IsPresent ("debugex"); EVAL SanityCheck; (* avoid the unused warning *) END RTExFrame.