defines the exception raised by the compiler and
runtime system for the various checked runtime errors defined by
the language.
Because E
is implicit, the compiler does not warn about
where it might occur and the runtime allows it to escape
from procedures that don't explicitly list it in their
RAISES{} clauses.
TYPE T = { AssertFailed, (* <*ASSERT*> condition was FALSE. *) ValueOutOfRange, (* An enumeration or subrange value was out of range. *) SubscriptOutOfRange, (* An array subscript was out of range. *) IncompatibleArrayShape, (* open array had the wrong shape *) BadMemoryReference, (* attempted to reference a bad location in memory. *) NarrowFailed, (* An explicit or implicit NARROW() operation failed. *) NoReturnValue, (* A function failed to return a value. *) UnhandledCase, (* no handler for the current CASE value. *) UnhandledTypecase, (* no handler for the given type in a TYPECASE stmt. *) StackOverflow, (* A thread stack overflowed *) OutOfMemory, (* NEW() was unable to allocate more memory. *) UnalignedAddress, (* attempted to get the address of an unaligned value *) UnhandledException, (* An exception was raised, but not handled. *) BlockedException, (* An exception was blocked by a RAISES clause. *) IntegerOverflow, (* integer result too large to represent *) IntegerDivideByZero, (* Attempt to DIV or MOD by zero. *) FloatDivideByZero, (* Attempted floating-point division by zero. *) FloatOverflow, (* floating-point result too large to represent *) FloatUnderflow, (* floating-point result too small to represent *) FloatInexact, (* floating-point result is inexact *) FloatInvalid, (* invalid floating-point argument *) DuplicateBrand, (* two types with the same brand exist *) MissingType, (* a compile-time type is missing at link time *) SupertypeCycle, (* supertypes of an object form a cycle *) OpaqueTypeRedefined, (* multiple full revelations of an opaque type *) InconsistentRevelation, (* partial revelations don't match type declarations *) UndefinedMethod, (* a NIL-valued method was invoked *) PrivilegedInstruction, (* a privileged machine instruction was attempted *) SystemError, (* a low-level OS or machine error occurred *) Unknown }; (* NOTE: This enumeration must be kept in synch with the version of M3CG.RuntimeError used by the compiler. *) PROCEDURE Self (): RT0.ExceptionPtr;
Returns the runtime representation of E
Returns a message describing t
PROCEDURE Raise (t: T);
END RuntimeError.