
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation           
 All rights reserved.                                        
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.              



    s: Rd.T;
    READONLY skip := ASCII.Spaces;
    unget := TRUE)
    : CHAR
    RAISES {Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, Thread.Alerted};
Gets characters from 's' until the end of stream is reached or a character which is not in the set 'skip' is read. If a character which is not in the set 'skip' is read it is returned as the result and ungot if 'unget' is TRUE. If end of stream is reached the 'EndOfFile' exception is raised.

    s: Rd.T;
    VAR chars: ARRAY OF CHAR;
    READONLY terminate := ASCII.Spaces;
    unget := TRUE)
    RAISES {Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted};
Gets characters from 's' and puts them into 'chars' until the end of stream is reached, a character which is in the set 'terminate' is read or 'chars' is filled up: a) If the end of stream is reached no exception is raised and the number of characters put into 'chars' is returned. b) If a terminating character is read it is not put into 'chars' and is ungot unless 'unget' is FALSE (i.e. if 'unget' is TRUE 'GetUntil' will ensure that an immediately following get/put operation will read/overwrite the terminator first). The number of characters put into 'chars' is returned. c) If 'chars' is filled up one more character is read. If end of stream is reached or the character is a terminator a) or b) applies. Otherwise the character is unread and NUMBER(chars) + 1 is returned to indicate overflow

    s: Rd.T;
    VAR chars: ARRAY OF CHAR;
    READONLY skip := ASCII.Spaces;
    READONLY terminate := ASCII.Spaces;
    unget := TRUE)
    RAISES {Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, Thread.Alerted};
Reads characters from 's' and puts them into 'chars'; returns the number of characters inserted into 'chars' or 'NUMBER(chars) + 1' if 'chars' overflows. First uses 'Skip' to skip any characters in 'skip', then reads characters and puts them into 'chars' using 'GetUntil'. Note that 'EndOfStream' is only raised if the end of stream is reached during the initial skip. Once a significant character has been read the end of stream is treated as a terminator. 'GetChars' may return 0. This happens if it encounters a terminal character before it finds a character not in the 'skip' set

    s: Rd.T;
    READONLY skip := ASCII.Set{};
    READONLY terminate := ASCII.Spaces;
    unget := TRUE)
    : TEXT
    RAISES {Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, Thread.Alerted};
Similar to 'GetChars' but builds a text instead of putting characters into an array. There is no limit to the length of text which can be read (other than running out memory!)

END RdExtras.