* For information about this program, contact Blair MacIntyre * (bm@cs.columbia.edu) or Steven Feiner (feiner@cs.columbia.edu) * at the Computer Science Dept., Columbia University, * 1214 Amsterdam Ave. Mailstop 0401, New York, NY, 10027. * * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 by The Trustees of Columbia University in the * City of New York. Blair MacIntyre, Computer Science Department.
UNSAFE MODULEBased on Word.Extract, but extracts from a word of size bytes with the opposite endian to this machine. Take n bits from x, with bit i as the least significant bit, and return them as the least significant n bits of a word whose other bits are 0. A checked runtime error if n + i > Word.Size.; IMPORT RTTipe, RTPacking, PklAction, PklActionSeq, Thread, Wr, Rd, Swap, Word, IO, Fmt, PackingTbl, PackingTypeCode; VAR packingCache: PackingTbl.T := NEW(PackingTbl.Default).init(); REVEAL ReadVisitor = RVPublic BRANDED "Packing Read Visitor 1.0" OBJECT END; REVEAL WriteVisitor = WVPublic BRANDED "Packing Write Visitor 1.0" OBJECT END; REVEAL T = Public BRANDED "ConvertPacking 1.0" OBJECT prog: PklActionSeq.T; wordKind: Kind; longKind: Kind; fromOffset: INTEGER := 0; toOffset: INTEGER := 0; fromSize: INTEGER := 0; toSize: INTEGER := 0; fromTipe: RTTipe.T; toTipe : RTTipe.T; from: RTPacking.T; to: RTPacking.T; nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER := 0; writer: T; METHODS extractSwap (x: Word.T; i, n: CARDINAL; size: INTEGER): Word.T := ExtractSwap; buildOne(fromTipe: RTTipe.T; toTipe: RTTipe.T) RAISES {Error} := BuildOne; addCopy(length: INTEGER) := AddCopy; addCopy32to64(length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) := AddCopy32to64; (* ^PRE: length MOD 32 = 0 *) addCopy64to32(length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) := AddCopy64to32; (* ^PRE: length MOD 64 = 0 *) addPackedSwapFirstField(fieldsize: INTEGER) := AddPackedSwapFirstField; addPackedSwapNextField(fieldsize: INTEGER; offset: INTEGER) := AddPackedSwapNextField; addPackedSwapArray(length, numElts, fieldsize, wordsize: INTEGER) := AddPackedSwapArray; addSkipFrom(length: INTEGER) := AddSkipFrom; addSkipTo(length: INTEGER) := AddSkipTo; addSkipOrCopy(length: INTEGER) := AddSkipOrCopy; addSkip(fromDiff, toDiff: INTEGER) := AddSkip; addSwap16(length: INTEGER) := AddSwap16; (* ^PRE: length MOD 16 = 0 *) addSwap32(length: INTEGER) := AddSwap32; (* ^PRE: length MOD 32 = 0 *) addSwap64(length: INTEGER) := AddSwap64; (* ^PRE: length MOD 64 = 0 *) addSwap32to64(length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) := AddSwap32to64; (* ^PRE: length MOD 32 = 0 *) addSwap64to32(length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) := AddSwap64to32; (* ^PRE: length MOD 64 = 0 *) addRef(type: RefType) := AddRef; addDone() := AddDone; buildSuper(typecode: INTEGER; VAR fromSize, fromAlign, toSize, toAlign: INTEGER) RAISES {Error} := BuildSuper; buildFields(fromField: RTTipe.Field; fromSize: INTEGER; toField: RTTipe.Field; toSize: INTEGER) RAISES {Error} := BuildFields; appendProg(other: T) RAISES {Error} := AppendProg; OVERRIDES init := Init; convertRead := Convert; write := Write; print := Print; printProgram := PrintProgram; getDim := GetDim; END; CONST SignExt32 = ARRAY [0..1] OF Swap.Int32 {0, -1}; TYPE Int8 = BITS 8 FOR [-16_80 .. 16_7F]; ConvertPacking
PROCEDUREExtractSwap (self: T; x: Word.T; i, n: CARDINAL; size: INTEGER): Word.T = VAR xb := LOOPHOLE(x, ARRAY [0..BYTESIZE(Word.T)-1] OF Int8); to: Word.T := 0; bit: INTEGER := 0; BEGIN (* March through the bytes from the input word backward, since that gives us the bytes in forward order from the other endian. Start with the byte containing the first part of the field to be extracted. *)
WITH last = size - 1 - (i DIV 8) DO i := i MOD 8;
FOR b := last TO FIRST(xb) BY -1 DO
WITH first = i DIV 8 DO i := i MOD 8; IF NOT self.from.little_endian THEN bit := n; END; FOR b := first TO size-1 DO (* If we want some data from this *) WITH len = MIN(n, 8 - i) DO (* Get the appropriate part of the byte *) IF self.from.little_endian THEN to := Word.Insert(to, Word.Extract(xb[b], i, len), bit, len); INC(bit, len); ELSE DEC(bit, len); to := Word.Insert(to, Word.Extract(xb[b], 8-i-len, len), bit, len); END; (* set i to 0 after the first pass. *) i := 0; (* keep track of how much we have left to get *) DEC(n, len); IF n = 0 THEN RETURN to; END; END; END; END; RETURN to; END ExtractSwap; CONST MAXLEN = 65536; TYPE BigBuf = ARRAY [0..MAXLEN-1] OF CHAR; TYPE BufPtr = UNTRACED REF BigBuf; PROCEDUREReadData (v: ReadVisitor; dest: ADDRESS; len: INTEGER) RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN WHILE len >= MAXLEN DO v.readData(LOOPHOLE(dest, BufPtr)^); INC(dest, MAXLEN); DEC(len, MAXLEN); END; IF len > 0 THEN v.readData (SUBARRAY(LOOPHOLE (dest, BufPtr)^, 0, len)); END; END ReadData; TYPE Int32Rec = BITS 32 FOR RECORD v : Swap.Int32 END;
We need v to be inside a record. Otherwise, the language would allow a compiler to actually allocate more than the BITS 32 for a value of type Swap.Int32.
VAR Int32RecVar : Int32Rec; <*UNUSED*> VAR CheckInt32 : [ 0 .. 0 ] := ADR(Int32RecVar) - ADR(Int32RecVar.v); PROCEDUREConvert (self: T; dest: ADDRESS; v: ReadVisitor; number: INTEGER := 1): ADDRESS RAISES {Error, Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR t: ARRAY [0..7] OF CHAR; repetition: INTEGER := 1; BEGIN IF self.prog.size() = 2 THEN (* We have a one step program (the step plus the DONE step), so lets just do it in one shot. *) repetition := number; number := 1; END; FOR n := 1 TO number DO FOR i := 0 TO self.prog.size() - 1 DO WITH elem = self.prog.get(i), length = elem.length * repetition DO CASE elem.kind OF | PklAction.Kind.Copy => ReadData(v, dest, length); INC(dest, length); | PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked => WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.SwapPacked) DO FOR i := 1 TO length DO VAR from: Word.T := 0; to: Word.T := 0; bit: INTEGER := 0; wb := LOOPHOLE(ADR(from), UNTRACED REF ARRAY [0..BYTESIZE(Word.T)-1] OF CHAR); BEGIN v.readData(SUBARRAY(wb^, 0, nelem.size)); (** IO.Put("Extracting from: " & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(from, 2), nelem.size * 8, '0') & "\n"); **) IF self.from.little_endian THEN FOR j := FIRST(nelem.field^) TO LAST(nelem.field^) DO WITH extract = self.extractSwap(from, bit, nelem.field[j], nelem.size) DO (** IO.Put(" Extracted field: " & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(extract, 2), nelem.field[j], '0') & "\n"); **) to := Word.Insert(to, extract, Word.Size-bit-nelem.field[j], nelem.field[j]); (** IO.Put(" Into field: " & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(to, 2), Word.Size, '0') & "\n"); **) INC(bit, nelem.field[j]); END; END; ELSE FOR j := FIRST(nelem.field^) TO LAST(nelem.field^) DO WITH extract = self.extractSwap(from, bit, nelem.field[j], nelem.size) DO (** IO.Put(" Extracted field: " & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(extract, 2), nelem.field[j], '0') & "\n"); **) to := Word.Insert(to, extract, bit, nelem.field[j]); (** IO.Put(" Into field: " & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(to, 2), nelem.size * 8, '0') & "\n"); **) INC(bit, nelem.field[j]); END; END; END; (* Copy the bytes *) SUBARRAY(LOOPHOLE(dest, BufPtr)^, 0, nelem.size) := SUBARRAY(LOOPHOLE(ADR(to), BufPtr)^, 0, nelem.size); END; INC(dest, nelem.size); END; END; | PklAction.Kind.SkipFrom => v.skipData(length); | PklAction.Kind.SkipTo => INC(dest, length); | PklAction.Kind.Skip => v.skipData(length); INC(dest, length); | PklAction.Kind.Swap16 => ReadData(v, dest, length*2); FOR i := 1 TO length DO WITH int16 = LOOPHOLE(dest, UNTRACED REF Swap.Int16) DO int16^ := Swap.Swap2(int16^); END; INC(dest, 2); END; | PklAction.Kind.Swap32 => ReadData(v, dest, length*4); FOR i := 1 TO length DO WITH int32 = LOOPHOLE(dest, UNTRACED REF Int32Rec)^.v DO int32 := Swap.Swap4(int32); END; INC(dest, 4); END; | PklAction.Kind.Swap64 => ReadData(v, dest, length*8); FOR i := 1 TO length DO WITH int64 = LOOPHOLE(dest, UNTRACED REF Swap.Int64On32) DO int64^ := Swap.Swap8(int64^); END; INC(dest, 8); END; | PklAction.Kind.Copy32to64, PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64 => WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO FOR i := 1 TO length DO v.readData(SUBARRAY(t, 0, 4)); WITH int32 = LOOPHOLE(ADR(t[0]), UNTRACED REF Int32Rec)^.v, int64 = LOOPHOLE(dest, UNTRACED REF Swap.Int64On32) DO (* First, put it in a 64 bit word appropriate to the sending machine. *) IF self.from.little_endian THEN int64.a := int32; IF nelem.signed THEN int64.b := SignExt32[Word.Extract(ORD(t[3]), 7, 1)]; ELSE int64.b := 0; END; ELSE int64.b := int32; IF nelem.signed THEN int64.a := SignExt32[Word.Extract(ORD(t[0]), 7, 1)]; ELSE int64.a := 0; END; END; (* Now, swap it if need be. *) IF elem.kind = PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64 THEN int64^ := Swap.Swap8(int64^); END; END; INC(dest, 8); END; END; | PklAction.Kind.Copy64to32, PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32 => WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO FOR i := 1 TO length DO v.readData(t); WITH int64 = LOOPHOLE(ADR(t[0]), UNTRACED REF Swap.Int64On32)^, int32 = LOOPHOLE(dest, UNTRACED REF Int32Rec)^.v DO (* First, get the lower 32 bits as perceived on the the sending machine. *) IF self.from.little_endian THEN int32 := int64.a; IF int64.b # 0 AND (NOT nelem.signed OR int64.b # -1) THEN RAISE Error("Data value too big."); END; ELSE int32 := int64.b; IF int64.a # 0 AND (NOT nelem.signed OR int64.a # -1) THEN RAISE Error("Data value too big."); END; END; (* Now, swap it if need be. *) IF elem.kind = PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32 THEN int32 := Swap.Swap4(int32); END; END; INC(dest, 4); END; END; | PklAction.Kind.ReadRef => WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Ref) DO FOR i := 1 TO length DO WITH ref = LOOPHOLE(dest, UNTRACED REF REFANY) DO ref^ := v.readRef(nelem.refType); END; INC(dest, self.to.word_size DIV 8); END; END; | PklAction.Kind.Done => END; END; END; END; RETURN dest; END Convert; PROCEDUREWriteData (v: WriteVisitor; src: ADDRESS; len: INTEGER) RAISES {Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = BEGIN WHILE len >= MAXLEN DO v.writeData(LOOPHOLE(src, BufPtr)^); INC(src, MAXLEN); DEC(len, MAXLEN); END; IF (len > 0) THEN v.writeData(SUBARRAY(LOOPHOLE(src, BufPtr)^, 0, len)); END; END WriteData; PROCEDUREWrite (self: T; src: ADDRESS; v: WriteVisitor; number: INTEGER := 1): ADDRESS RAISES {Error, Wr.Failure, Thread.Alerted} = VAR repetition: INTEGER := 1; BEGIN IF self.writer # NIL THEN RETURN self.writer.write(src, v, number); END; IF self.prog.size() = 2 THEN (* We have a one step program (the step plus the DONE step), so lets just do it in one shot. *) repetition := number; number := 1; END; FOR n := 1 TO number DO FOR i := 0 TO self.prog.size() - 1 DO WITH elem = self.prog.get(i), length = elem.length * repetition DO CASE elem.kind OF | PklAction.Kind.Copy => WriteData (v, src, length); INC(src, length); | PklAction.Kind.Skip => v.skipData(length); INC(src, length); | PklAction.Kind.ReadRef => WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Ref) DO FOR i := 1 TO length DO WITH ref = LOOPHOLE(src, UNTRACED REF REFANY) DO v.writeRef(nelem.refType, ref^); END; INC(src, self.to.word_size DIV 8); END; END; | PklAction.Kind.Done => | PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.SkipFrom => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.SkipFrom called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.SkipTo => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.SkipTo called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.Swap16 => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.Swap16 called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.Swap32 => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.Swap32 called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.Swap64 => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.Swap64 called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.Copy32to64 => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.Copy32to64 called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64 => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64 called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.Copy64to32 => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.Copy64to32 called during write?"); | PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32 => RAISE Error("PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32 called during write?"); END; END; END; END; RETURN src; END Write; PROCEDUREAppendProg (self: T; other: T) RAISES {Error} = VAR nelem: PklAction.T; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO other.prog.size() - 1 DO WITH elem = other.prog.get(i) DO CASE elem.kind OF | PklAction.Kind.Copy => nelem := NEW(PklAction.T, kind := elem.kind, length := elem.length); INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*8); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*8); | PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked => WITH t = NARROW(elem, PklAction.SwapPacked), nt = NEW(PklAction.SwapPacked, kind := t.kind, length := t.length, size := t.size, field := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL, NUMBER(t.field^))) DO FOR i := FIRST(nt.field^) TO LAST(nt.field^) DO nt.field[i] := t.field[i]; END; nelem := nt; INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*8*t.size); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*8*t.size); END; | PklAction.Kind.SkipFrom => nelem := NEW(PklAction.T, kind := elem.kind, length := elem.length); INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*8); | PklAction.Kind.SkipTo => nelem := NEW(PklAction.T, kind := elem.kind, length := elem.length); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*8); | PklAction.Kind.Skip => nelem := NEW(PklAction.T, kind := elem.kind, length := elem.length); INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*8); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*8); | PklAction.Kind.Swap16 => nelem := NEW(PklAction.T, kind := elem.kind, length := elem.length); INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*16); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*16); | PklAction.Kind.Swap32 => nelem := NEW(PklAction.T, kind := elem.kind, length := elem.length); INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*32); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*32); | PklAction.Kind.Swap64 => nelem := NEW(PklAction.T, kind := elem.kind, length := elem.length); INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*64); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*64); | PklAction.Kind.Copy32to64, PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64 => WITH t = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO nelem := NEW(PklAction.Copy32to64, kind := t.kind, length := t.length, signed := t.signed); END; INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*32); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*64); | PklAction.Kind.Copy64to32, PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32 => WITH t = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO nelem := NEW(PklAction.Copy32to64, kind := t.kind, length := t.length, signed := t.signed); END; INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*64); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*32); | PklAction.Kind.ReadRef => WITH t = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Ref) DO nelem := NEW(PklAction.Ref, kind := t.kind, length := t.length, refType := t.refType); END; INC(self.fromOffset, elem.length*self.from.word_size); INC(self.toOffset, elem.length*self.to.word_size); | PklAction.Kind.Done => RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(nelem); END; END; RAISE Error("Invalid conversion program."); END AppendProg; PROCEDUREGetHiKind (prog: PklActionSeq.T; kind: PklAction.Kind; VAR elem: PklAction.T) : BOOLEAN = BEGIN IF prog.size() > 0 THEN elem := prog.gethi(); IF elem.kind = kind THEN RETURN TRUE; END; END; RETURN FALSE; END GetHiKind; PROCEDUREAddCopy (self: T; length: INTEGER) = VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Copy, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 8); RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Copy, length := length DIV 8)); END AddCopy; PROCEDUREAddPackedSwapFirstField (self: T; fieldsize: INTEGER) = BEGIN (* We'll copy the minimum number of whole bytes. *) WITH length = RoundUp(fieldsize, 8) DO INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length); WITH elem = NEW(PklAction.SwapPacked, kind := PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked, length := 1, size := length DIV 8, field := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL, 1)) DO elem.field[0] := fieldsize; self.prog.addhi(elem); END; END; END AddPackedSwapFirstField; PROCEDUREAddPackedSwapNextField (self: T; fieldsize: INTEGER; offset: INTEGER) = VAR elem: PklAction.T; total: CARDINAL; BEGIN WITH ret = GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked, elem) DO (* The last entry _must_ be one of these. *) <* ASSERT ret *> WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.SwapPacked) DO total := 0; FOR i := FIRST(nelem.field^) TO LAST(nelem.field^) DO INC(total, nelem.field[i]); END; (* They should be packed, so our offset should equal the total thus far. We can't check it, but we can at least check the bits line up in the current byte. *) <* ASSERT (total MOD 8) = (offset MOD 8) *> INC(total, fieldsize); (* The max total size of a packed set of fields is the word size! This is guaranteed because a packed field cannot span a word boundary, and we only call this function when a packed field starts within a byte. If a packed field starts on a byte boundary, we start a new set of packed fields. *) <* ASSERT total <= self.from.word_size *> (* Make sure the size in nelem is correct, and make sure the the fromOffset and toOffsets are updated to include any new bytes *) total := RoundUp(total, 8); WITH bytes = (total DIV 8) - nelem.size DO IF bytes > 0 THEN INC(self.fromOffset, bytes*8); INC(self.toOffset, bytes*8); INC(nelem.size, bytes); END; END; WITH new_field = NEW(REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL, NUMBER(nelem.field^) + 1) DO SUBARRAY(new_field^, 0, NUMBER(nelem.field^)) := nelem.field^; nelem.field := new_field; END; nelem.field[LAST(nelem.field^)] := fieldsize; END; END; END AddPackedSwapNextField; PROCEDUREAddPackedSwapArray (self: T; length: INTEGER; numElts: INTEGER; fieldsize: INTEGER; wordsize: INTEGER) = VAR count := wordsize DIV fieldsize; BEGIN (* We will build a packing for at most "count" fields. Packed arrays must not have elements that span word boundaries, so if "numElts > count" then "count * fieldsize = wordsize" *) <* ASSERT (numElts <= count) OR (count * fieldsize = wordsize) *> INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length); WITH len = numElts DIV count, size = wordsize DIV 8, extraCnt = numElts MOD count, extraSize = (length MOD wordsize) DIV 8 DO (* First, we add an element to handle the bulk of the array element swapping when the array spans more than one word. It takes care of the first len*count elements which occupy the first len words. *) IF len > 0 THEN WITH nelem = NEW(PklAction.SwapPacked, kind := PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked, length := len, size := size, field := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL, count)) DO FOR i := FIRST(nelem.field^) TO LAST(nelem.field^) DO nelem.field[i] := fieldsize; END; self.prog.addhi(nelem); END; END; (* Next, if the number of array elements does not fit exactly in full words, add one more element to the end which handles the extra fields. *) IF extraSize > 0 THEN WITH nelem = NEW(PklAction.SwapPacked, kind := PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked, length := 1, size := extraSize, field := NEW(REF ARRAY OF CARDINAL, extraCnt)) DO FOR i := FIRST(nelem.field^) TO LAST(nelem.field^) DO nelem.field[i] := fieldsize; END; self.prog.addhi(nelem); END; END; END; END AddPackedSwapArray; PROCEDUREAddCopy32to64 (self: T; length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) =
PRE: length MOD 32 = 0
VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length*2); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Copy32to64, elem) THEN WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed = signed THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 32); RETURN; END; END; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.Copy32to64, kind := PklAction.Kind.Copy32to64, length := length DIV 32, signed := signed)); END AddCopy32to64; PROCEDUREAddCopy64to32 (self: T; length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) =
PRE: length MOD 64 = 0
VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); <* ASSERT length MOD 2 = 0 *> INC(self.toOffset, length DIV 2); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Copy64to32, elem) THEN WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed = signed THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 64); RETURN; END; END; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Copy64to32, length := length DIV 64)); END AddCopy64to32; PROCEDUREAddSkipFrom (self: T; length: INTEGER) = VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.SkipFrom, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 8); RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.SkipFrom, length := length DIV 8)); END AddSkipFrom; PROCEDUREAddSkipTo (self: T; length: INTEGER) = VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.toOffset, length); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.SkipTo, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 8); RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.SkipTo, length := length DIV 8)); END AddSkipTo; PROCEDUREAddSkipOrCopy (self: T; length: INTEGER) = VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Copy, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 8); RETURN; ELSIF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Skip, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 8); RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Skip, length := length DIV 8)); END AddSkipOrCopy; PROCEDUREAddSkip (self: T; fromDiff, toDiff: INTEGER) = BEGIN IF fromDiff = toDiff THEN IF fromDiff > 0 THEN self.addSkipOrCopy(fromDiff); END; ELSE WITH bothPad = MIN(toDiff, fromDiff) DO IF bothPad > 0 THEN self.addSkipOrCopy(bothPad); END; DEC(fromDiff, bothPad); DEC(toDiff, bothPad); IF fromDiff > 0 THEN self.addSkipFrom(fromDiff); END; IF toDiff > 0 THEN self.addSkipTo(toDiff); END; END; END; END AddSkip; PROCEDUREAddSwap16 (self: T; length: INTEGER) =
PRE: length MOD 16 = 0
VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Swap16, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 16); RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Swap16, length := length DIV 16)); END AddSwap16; PROCEDUREAddSwap32 (self: T; length: INTEGER) =
PRE: length MOD 32 = 0
VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Swap32, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 32); RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Swap32, length := length DIV 32)); END AddSwap32; PROCEDUREAddSwap64 (self: T; length: INTEGER) =
PRE: length MOD 64 = 0
VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Swap64, elem) THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 64); RETURN; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Swap64, length := length DIV 64)); END AddSwap64; PROCEDUREAddSwap32to64 (self: T; length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) =
PRE: length MOD 32 = 0
VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); INC(self.toOffset, length*2); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64, elem) THEN WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed = signed THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 32); RETURN; END; END; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.Copy32to64, kind := PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64, length := length DIV 32, signed := signed)); END AddSwap32to64; PROCEDUREAddSwap64to32 (self: T; length: INTEGER; signed: BOOLEAN) =
PRE: length MOD 64 = 0
VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, length); <* ASSERT length MOD 64 = 0 *> INC(self.toOffset, length DIV 2); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32, elem) THEN WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed = signed THEN INC(elem.length, length DIV 64); RETURN; END; END; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32, length := length DIV 64)); END AddSwap64to32; PROCEDUREAddRef (self: T; type: RefType) = VAR elem: PklAction.T; BEGIN INC(self.fromOffset, self.from.word_size); INC(self.toOffset, self.to.word_size); IF GetHiKind(self.prog, PklAction.Kind.ReadRef, elem) THEN WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Ref) DO IF nelem.refType = type THEN INC(elem.length); RETURN; END; END; END; self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.Ref, kind := PklAction.Kind.ReadRef, length := 1, refType := type)); END AddRef; PROCEDUREAddDone (self: T) = BEGIN self.prog.addhi(NEW(PklAction.T, kind := PklAction.Kind.Done)); END AddDone; PROCEDURENew (typecode: INTEGER; from: RTPacking.T; to: RTPacking.T; VAR (*OUT*) nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER): T RAISES {Error} = VAR key := PackingTypeCode.T{from := RTPacking.Encode(from), to := RTPacking.Encode(to), tc := typecode}; ref : REFANY; BEGIN (* If we've already building this converter, return it. *) IF packingCache.get(key, ref) THEN WITH ret = NARROW(ref, T) DO ret.getDim(nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack); RETURN ret; END; END; RETURN NEW(T).init(typecode, from, to, nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack); END New; PROCEDUREGetDim (self: T; VAR (*OUT*) nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER) = BEGIN nDim := self.nDim; fromEltPack := self.fromEltPack; toEltPack := self.toEltPack; END GetDim; PROCEDURERoundUp (size, alignment: INTEGER): INTEGER = BEGIN IF (alignment = 0) THEN RETURN size; ELSE RETURN ((size + alignment - 1) DIV alignment) * alignment END; END RoundUp; PROCEDUREInit (self: T; typecode: INTEGER; from: RTPacking.T; to: RTPacking.T; VAR (*OUT*) nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER): T RAISES {Error} = VAR key := PackingTypeCode.T{from := RTPacking.Encode(from), to := RTPacking.Encode(to), tc := typecode}; ref : REFANY; BEGIN (* If we've already building this converter, return it. We've still wasted a NEW() to get here, but better than recomputing everything! *) IF packingCache.get(key, ref) THEN WITH ret = NARROW(ref, T) DO ret.getDim(nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack); RETURN ret; END; END; (* Get the fromTipe data structure and check for a few errors. *) self.fromTipe := RTTipe.Get(typecode, from); IF self.fromTipe = NIL THEN RAISE Error("\"from\" RTTipe.T is NIL."); END; self.toTipe := RTTipe.Get(typecode, to); IF self.toTipe = NIL THEN RAISE Error("\"to\" RTTipe.T is NIL."); END; (* OpenArrays need to be handled outside of the convert routine. A conversion is therefore built for the type of the array element, and that conversion should be applied the correct number of times when the array dimmensions are known. *) TYPECASE self.fromTipe OF | RTTipe.OpenArray(oa) => WITH oa2 = NARROW(self.toTipe, RTTipe.OpenArray) DO self.nDim := oa.n_dimensions; self.fromEltPack := oa.elt_pack; self.toEltPack := oa2.elt_pack; self.fromTipe := oa.element; self.toTipe := oa2.element; END; ELSE self.nDim := 0; self.fromEltPack := 0; self.toEltPack := 0; END; nDim := self.nDim; fromEltPack := self.fromEltPack; toEltPack := self.toEltPack; (* We don't know how to do floating point conversions. *) IF from.float # to.float THEN RAISE Error("Data format (float) not handled."); END; IF from.word_size < 32 OR to.word_size < 32 THEN RAISE Error("Data format (word size) not handled."); END; self.from := from; self.to := to; self.prog := NEW(PklActionSeq.T).init(); self.wordKind := GetWordKind(from, to); self.longKind := GetLongintKind(from, to); (* Build the tipe conversion for the top level *) self.buildOne(self.fromTipe, self.toTipe); (* Figure out the allocated size. *) IF self.nDim > 0 THEN (* Open arrays will actually store the data for their elemnent here, so we don't adjust that. *) self.fromSize := self.fromTipe.size; self.toSize := self.toTipe.size; ELSE (* If this is not an open array, we need to heed what it says in in RTType.FixSizes(). A comment points out that all the REF types dataSizes are a multiple of "header" words, where the size of "header" is the word size of the machine. So, we will ensure that any conversion copies a multiple of word_size if it is a reftype. *) (* Get the size of the data of the referent. If it's an object, we want the size of the fields. Otherwise, the size is what we want. *) self.fromSize := self.fromOffset; self.toSize := self.toOffset;
TYPECASE self.fromTipe OF
RTTipe.Object(o) =>WITH o2 = NARROW(self.toTipe, RTTipe.Object) DO self.fromSize := o.field_size; self.toSize := o2.field_size; END; ELSE self.fromSize := self.fromTipe.size; self.toSize := self.toTipe.size; END;
WITH newFromSize = RoundUp(self.fromSize, self.from.word_size), newToSize = RoundUp(self.toSize, self.to.word_size), fromDiff = newFromSize - self.fromSize, toDiff = newToSize - self.toSize DO <* ASSERT fromDiff >= 0 *> <* ASSERT toDiff >= 0 *> self.addSkip(fromDiff, toDiff); self.fromSize := newFromSize; self.toSize := newToSize; END; END; self.addDone(); (* the write method is only geared towards "converting" between exactly the same machine. *) IF self.from # self.to THEN VAR wnDim, wfromEltPack, wtoEltPack: INTEGER; BEGIN self.writer := New(typecode, to, to, wnDim, wfromEltPack, wtoEltPack); END; ELSE self.writer := NIL; END; EVAL packingCache.put(key, self);
BasicTipeToText(self.fromTipe); IO.Put(
, total size:
& Fmt.Int(self.fromSize) &\n
); BasicTipeToText(self.toTipe); IO.Put(, total size:
& Fmt.Int(self.toSize) &\n
RETURN self; END Init; PROCEDUREGetWordKind (from: RTPacking.T; to: RTPacking.T): Kind =
The result is good for all ordinal types except LONGINT.
BEGIN IF from.word_size = to.word_size THEN IF from.little_endian = to.little_endian THEN RETURN Kind.Copy; ELSE RETURN Kind.Swap; END; ELSE IF from.little_endian = to.little_endian THEN IF from.word_size = 32 THEN RETURN Kind.Copy32to64; ELSE RETURN Kind.Copy64to32; END; ELSE IF from.word_size = 32 THEN RETURN Kind.Swap32to64; ELSE RETURN Kind.Swap64to32; END; END; END; END GetWordKind; PROCEDUREGetLongintKind (from: RTPacking.T; to: RTPacking.T): Kind =
The result is good only for LONGINT.
BEGIN IF from.long_size = to.long_size THEN IF from.little_endian = to.little_endian THEN RETURN Kind.Copy; ELSE RETURN Kind.Swap; END; ELSE IF from.little_endian = to.little_endian THEN IF from.long_size = 32 THEN RETURN Kind.Copy32to64; ELSE RETURN Kind.Copy64to32; END; ELSE IF from.long_size = 32 THEN RETURN Kind.Swap32to64; ELSE RETURN Kind.Swap64to32; END; END; END; END GetLongintKind; PROCEDURE************************************************************** * For printing **************************************************************BuildSuper (self: T; typecode: INTEGER; VAR fromSize, fromAlign, toSize, toAlign: INTEGER) RAISES {Error} = VAR nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack: INTEGER; superConverter := New(typecode, self.from, self.to, nDim, fromEltPack, toEltPack); superFromTipe, superToTipe: RTTipe.Object; BEGIN (* Get the fromTipe data structure and check for a few errors. *) (* superFromTipe := RTTipe.Get(typecode, self.from); IF superFromTipe = NIL THEN RAISE Error("supertype \"from\" RTTipe.T is NIL."); END; superToTipe := RTTipe.Get(typecode, self.to); IF superToTipe = NIL THEN RAISE Error("supertype \"to\" RTTipe.T is NIL."); END; self.buildOne(superFromTipe, superToTipe); *) (* Add the supertype conversion program to ours. *) self.appendProg(superConverter); (* Return the proper allocated size. *) fromSize := superConverter.fromSize; toSize := superConverter.toSize; (* Coerce to RTTipe.Objects, which they must be. *) superFromTipe := superConverter.fromTipe; superToTipe := superConverter.toTipe; fromAlign := superFromTipe.field_align; toAlign := superToTipe.field_align; END BuildSuper; PROCEDUREBuildOrdinal (self: T; fromTipe: RTTipe.T; toTipe: RTTipe.T; convKind: Kind; signed: BOOLEAN) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN CASE convKind OF | Kind.Copy => <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = toTipe.size *> self.addCopy(fromTipe.size); | Kind.Swap => <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = toTipe.size *> CASE fromTipe.size OF | 8 => self.addCopy(8); | 16 => self.addSwap16(16); | 32 => self.addSwap32(32); | 64 => self.addSwap64(64); ELSE RAISE Error("Should not get here: 2"); END; | Kind.Copy32to64 => IF fromTipe.size = toTipe.size THEN self.addCopy(fromTipe.size); ELSE <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = 32 *> <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 64 *> self.addCopy32to64(32, signed); END; | Kind.Copy64to32 => IF fromTipe.size = toTipe.size THEN self.addCopy(fromTipe.size); ELSE <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = 64 *> <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 32 *> self.addCopy64to32(64, signed); END; | Kind.Swap32to64 => CASE fromTipe.size OF | 8 => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 8 *> self.addCopy(8); | 16 => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 16 *> self.addSwap16(16); | 32 => IF toTipe.size = 32 THEN self.addSwap32(32); ELSE <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 64 *> self.addSwap32to64(32, signed); END; | 64 => RAISE Error("Should not get here: 1"); ELSE RAISE Error("Should not get here: 3"); END; | Kind.Swap64to32 => CASE fromTipe.size OF | 8 => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 8 *> self.addCopy(8); | 16 => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 16 *> self.addSwap16(16); | 32 => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 32 *> self.addSwap32(32); | 64 => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 32 *> self.addSwap64to32(64, signed); ELSE RAISE Error("Should not get here: 4"); END; END; END BuildOrdinal; PROCEDUREBuildOne (self: T; fromTipe: RTTipe.T; toTipe: RTTipe.T) RAISES {Error} = BEGIN (* When we start, we assume that the offsets are positioned correctly for these tipes in the data objects. *) (* Check some obvious conditions. *) <* ASSERT fromTipe.kind = toTipe.kind *> (* In fact, these next two aren't always correct because of the weird way objects are laid out. *) (* ASSERT self.fromOffset MOD fromTipe.align = 0 *) (* ASSERT self.toOffset MOD toTipe.align = 0 *) TYPECASE fromTipe OF | RTTipe.Builtin, RTTipe.Enum, RTTipe.Set, RTTipe.Subrange => CASE fromTipe.kind OF | RTTipe.Kind.Address => self.addRef(RefType.UntracedRef); | RTTipe.Kind.Proc => self.addRef(RefType.Proc); | RTTipe.Kind.Refany => self.addRef(RefType.Ref); | RTTipe.Kind.Null => (* No need to actually swap, since the only value of type NULL is NIL, and it is always represented as zero. *) CASE self.wordKind OF | Kind.Copy, Kind.Swap => <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = toTipe.size *> self.addCopy(fromTipe.size); | Kind.Copy32to64, Kind.Swap32to64 => <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = 32 *> <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 64 *> self.addCopy32to64(32, signed := FALSE); | Kind.Copy64to32, Kind.Swap64to32 => <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = 64 *> <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 32 *> self.addCopy64to32(64, signed := FALSE); END; | RTTipe.Kind.Boolean, RTTipe.Kind.Char, RTTipe.Kind.Enum, RTTipe.Kind.Set, RTTipe.Kind.Subrange, RTTipe.Kind.Cardinal => BuildOrdinal(self, fromTipe, toTipe, self.wordKind, signed:=FALSE); | RTTipe.Kind.Integer => BuildOrdinal(self, fromTipe, toTipe, self.wordKind, signed:=TRUE); | RTTipe.Kind.Longcard => BuildOrdinal(self, fromTipe, toTipe, self.longKind, signed:=FALSE); | RTTipe.Kind.Longint => BuildOrdinal(self, fromTipe, toTipe, self.longKind, signed:=TRUE); | RTTipe.Kind.Extended, RTTipe.Kind.Longreal => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 64 *> <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = 64 *> CASE self.wordKind OF | Kind.Copy, Kind.Copy32to64, Kind.Copy64to32 => self.addCopy(64); | Kind.Swap, Kind.Swap32to64, Kind.Swap64to32 => self.addSwap64(64); END; | RTTipe.Kind.Real => <* ASSERT toTipe.size = 32 *> <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = 32 *> CASE self.wordKind OF | Kind.Copy, Kind.Copy32to64, Kind.Copy64to32 => self.addCopy(32); | Kind.Swap, Kind.Swap32to64, Kind.Swap64to32 => self.addSwap32(32); END; ELSE RAISE Error("Builtin but not builtin."); END; | RTTipe.Packed(p) => (* We should only get here if we have a reference to a packed element, since packed fields are handled in BuildFields. We can ignore the parent type and just create a single entry packedswap or a byte copy. *) <* ASSERT fromTipe.size = toTipe.size *> CASE self.wordKind OF | Kind.Copy, Kind.Copy32to64, Kind.Copy64to32 => WITH bytesNeeded = RoundUp(p.size, 8) DO self.addCopy(bytesNeeded); END; | Kind.Swap, Kind.Swap32to64, Kind.Swap64to32 => self.addPackedSwapFirstField(p.size); END; | RTTipe.Array(a) => WITH a2 = NARROW(toTipe, RTTipe.Array) DO IF a.element.kind = RTTipe.Kind.Packed THEN IF a.element.size = 8 THEN (* An array of packed elements that fit exactly in a byte. We can just copy this on any machine! *) self.addCopy(a.size); ELSE (* On same endian machines, we can just copy these bytes. *) CASE self.wordKind OF | Kind.Copy, Kind.Copy32to64, Kind.Copy64to32 => self.addCopy(a.size); | Kind.Swap => self.addPackedSwapArray(a.size, a.n_elts, a.element.size, self.from.word_size); | Kind.Swap32to64, Kind.Swap64to32 => (* Must pack properly into the smaller 32 bit words *) self.addPackedSwapArray(a.size, a.n_elts, a.element.size, 32); END; END; ELSE (* Since array elements must fit in totally continguous memory, we don't need to check the offsets when we return from buildOne *) FOR i := 1 TO a.n_elts DO self.buildOne(a.element, a2.element); END; END; END; | RTTipe.Object(o) => WITH o2 = NARROW(toTipe, RTTipe.Object) DO <* ASSERT o.super # NIL *> <* ASSERT o2.super # NIL *> <* ASSERT o.super.typecode = o2.super.typecode *> (* Get the conversion program for the supertype, and append it onto the end of ours. Note that we assume that we are operating on the data addresses of the objects, as returned by RTHeap.GetDataAdr(). Not the actual object address. This address is BYTESIZE(ADDRESS) after the actual start of the allocated space. *) VAR fromSize, fromAlign, toSize, toAlign: INTEGER; fromPad, toPad: INTEGER := 0; BEGIN IF o.super.typecode = TYPECODE(ROOT) THEN fromSize := 0; toSize := 0; fromAlign := o.align; toAlign := o2.align; ELSIF o.super.typecode = TYPECODE(UNTRACED ROOT) THEN RAISE Error("UNTRACED ROOT passed to ConvertPacking"); ELSE self.buildSuper(o.super.typecode, fromSize, fromAlign, toSize, toAlign); END; (* If the alignment increases from a supertype to a subtype, we may have to add some padding in the data fields. Note that we have to take into account the real allocated space to figure the current alignment, so add that extra BITSIZE(ADDRESS) to the beginning. *) WITH fromDiff = o.field_align - fromAlign DO IF fromDiff > 0 THEN fromPad := (fromSize + self.from.word_size) MOD o.field_align; IF fromPad > 0 THEN fromPad := o.field_align - fromPad; END; END; END; WITH toDiff = o2.field_align - toAlign DO IF toDiff > 0 THEN toPad := (toSize + self.to.word_size) MOD o2.field_align; IF toPad > 0 THEN toPad := o2.field_align - toPad; END; END; END; (* If we need to pad them, do it. *) self.addSkip(fromPad, toPad); END; (* Since a conversion program guarantees it reads and writes the proper number of bytes, we can now just continue with this objects fields. *) self.buildFields(o.fields, o.field_size, o2.fields, o2.field_size); END; | RTTipe.Record(r) => WITH r2 = NARROW(toTipe, RTTipe.Record) DO self.buildFields(r.fields, r.size, r2.fields, r2.size); END; | RTTipe.Ref(r) => IF r.traced THEN self.addRef(RefType.Ref); ELSE self.addRef(RefType.UntracedRef); END; | RTTipe.OpenArray => RAISE Error("OpenArray within BuildOne?"); ELSE END; END BuildOne; PROCEDUREBuildFields (self: T; fromField: RTTipe.Field; fromSize: INTEGER; toField: RTTipe.Field; toSize: INTEGER) RAISES {Error} = VAR fromOffset := self.fromOffset; toOffset := self.toOffset; BEGIN WHILE fromField # NIL DO <* ASSERT fromField.type.kind = toField.type.kind *> (* Check that the last field advanced the data pointers correctly. *) WITH fromDiff = fromOffset + fromField.offset - self.fromOffset, toDiff = toOffset + toField.offset - self.toOffset DO <* ASSERT fromDiff > -8 *> <* ASSERT toDiff > -8 *> IF fromDiff < 0 THEN (* A data difference < 0 is ok if this field is packed *) <* ASSERT fromField.type.kind = RTTipe.Kind.Packed *> <* ASSERT toField.type.kind = RTTipe.Kind.Packed *> CASE self.wordKind OF | Kind.Copy, Kind.Copy32to64, Kind.Copy64to32 => (* If this field overflows the current packed byte, copy the next ones as required. *) WITH spaceNeeded = fromField.type.size + fromDiff DO IF spaceNeeded > 0 THEN WITH bytesNeeded = RoundUp(spaceNeeded, 8) DO self.addCopy(bytesNeeded); END; END; END; | Kind.Swap, Kind.Swap32to64, Kind.Swap64to32 => self.addPackedSwapNextField(fromField.type.size, fromField.offset); END; ELSE (* If we need to add a skip, do it *) self.addSkip(fromDiff, toDiff); IF fromField.type.kind = RTTipe.Kind.Packed THEN (* We can ignore the word size here, size the size is explicit in the packing and will be the same on both machines, so no conversion is required. *) <* ASSERT fromField.type.size = toField.type.size *> <* ASSERT toField.type.kind = RTTipe.Kind.Packed *> CASE self.wordKind OF | Kind.Copy, Kind.Copy32to64, Kind.Copy64to32 => WITH bytesNeeded = RoundUp(fromField.type.size, 8) DO self.addCopy(bytesNeeded); END; | Kind.Swap, Kind.Swap32to64, Kind.Swap64to32 => <* ASSERT fromField.offset MOD 8 = 0 *> self.addPackedSwapFirstField(fromField.type.size); END; ELSIF fromField.type.kind = RTTipe.Kind.Object THEN (* Treat objects, when in a field, as references. Otherwise we get an infinite loop trying to expand things. *) self.addRef(RefType.Ref); ELSE self.buildOne(fromField.type, toField.type); END; END; END; fromField := fromField.next; toField := toField.next; END; (* Now that it's done, check if there is any space after the last field that needs to be accounted for. *) WITH fromDiff = fromOffset + fromSize - self.fromOffset, toDiff = toOffset + toSize - self.toOffset DO <* ASSERT fromDiff >= 0 *> <* ASSERT toDiff >= 0 *> self.addSkip(fromDiff, toDiff); END; END BuildFields;
PROCEDUREPrintPacking (packing: RTPacking.T) = BEGIN IO.Put(" word_size: " & Fmt.Unsigned(packing.word_size, 10) & "\n"); IO.Put(" max_align: " & Fmt.Unsigned(packing.max_align, 10) & "\n"); IO.Put(" struct_align: " & Fmt.Unsigned(packing.struct_align, 10) & "\n"); CASE packing.float OF | RTPacking.FloatKind.IEEE => IO.Put(" float_kind: IEEE\n"); | RTPacking.FloatKind.VAX => IO.Put(" float_kind: VAX\n"); | RTPacking.FloatKind.other => IO.Put(" float_kind: other\n"); END; IO.Put(" little_endian: " & Fmt.Bool(packing.little_endian) & "\n"); END PrintPacking; PROCEDUREKindToText (kind: RTTipe.Kind) = BEGIN CASE kind OF | RTTipe.Kind.Address => IO.Put( "Address"); | RTTipe.Kind.Array => IO.Put( "Array"); | RTTipe.Kind.Boolean => IO.Put( "Boolean"); | RTTipe.Kind.Cardinal => IO.Put( "Cardinal"); | RTTipe.Kind.Char => IO.Put( "Char"); | RTTipe.Kind.Enum => IO.Put( "Enum"); | RTTipe.Kind.Extended => IO.Put( "Extended"); | RTTipe.Kind.Integer => IO.Put( "Integer"); | RTTipe.Kind.Longcard => IO.Put( "Longcard"); | RTTipe.Kind.Longint => IO.Put( "Longint"); | RTTipe.Kind.Longreal => IO.Put( "Longreal"); | RTTipe.Kind.Null => IO.Put( "Null"); | RTTipe.Kind.Object => IO.Put( "Object"); | RTTipe.Kind.OpenArray => IO.Put( "OpenArray"); | RTTipe.Kind.Packed => IO.Put( "Packed"); | RTTipe.Kind.Proc => IO.Put( "Proc"); | RTTipe.Kind.Real => IO.Put( "Real"); | RTTipe.Kind.Record => IO.Put( "Record"); | RTTipe.Kind.Ref => IO.Put( "Ref"); | RTTipe.Kind.Refany => IO.Put( "Refany"); | RTTipe.Kind.Set => IO.Put( "Set"); | RTTipe.Kind.Subrange => IO.Put( "Subrange"); | RTTipe.Kind.UntracedRef => IO.Put( "UntracedRef"); END; END KindToText; PROCEDUREBasicTipeToText (tipe: RTTipe.T) = BEGIN IO.Put( "kind: " ); KindToText(tipe.kind); IO.Put( ", size: " & Fmt.Int(tipe.size DIV 8) & "+" & Fmt.Int(tipe.size MOD 8) & ", align: " & Fmt.Int(tipe.align)); END BasicTipeToText; PROCEDUREFieldsToText (f: RTTipe.Field; pre: TEXT; packing: RTPacking.T) = BEGIN IF f = NIL THEN IO.Put( pre & "<NO FIELDS>"); RETURN; END; IO.Put(pre & "offset: " & Fmt.Int(f.offset DIV 8) & "+" & Fmt.Int(f.offset MOD 8) & "\n"); TipeToText(f.type, " " & pre, packing); f := f.next; WHILE f # NIL DO IO.Put("\n" & pre & "offset: " & Fmt.Int(f.offset DIV 8) & "+" & Fmt.Int(f.offset MOD 8) & "\n"); TipeToText(f.type, " " & pre, packing); f := f.next; END; END FieldsToText; CONST HexDigits = 2*ADRSIZE(INTEGER); PROCEDUREDoubleIntToText (Val: RTTipe.DoubleInt):TEXT = BEGIN (* Just do it in hex--it's easier. *) IF Val.Lo >= 0 AND Val.Hi # 0 OR Val.Lo < 0 AND Val.Hi # -1 THEN (* Hi is not just a sign extension. *) RETURN "16_" & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(Val.Hi,16),HexDigits,'0') & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(Val.Lo,16),HexDigits,'0'); ELSE RETURN "16_" & Fmt.Pad(Fmt.Unsigned(Val.Lo,16),HexDigits,'0'); END; END DoubleIntToText; PROCEDURETipeToText (tipe: RTTipe.T; pre: TEXT; packing: RTPacking.T) = BEGIN IF tipe = NIL THEN IO.Put(pre & "<NIL>"); RETURN; END; IO.Put(pre); BasicTipeToText(tipe); TYPECASE tipe OF | RTTipe.Builtin => IO.Put(" (Builtin)"); | RTTipe.Array(a) => IO.Put(" (packed elements " & Fmt.Int(a.elt_pack) & ") [1.." & Fmt.Int(a.n_elts) & "] of \n"); TipeToText(a.element, pre & " ", packing); | RTTipe.Enum(e) => IO.Put(" of " & Fmt.Int(e.n_elts) & " elements"); | RTTipe.Object(o) => IO.Put(":\n" & pre & " Super Type = "); IF o.super # NIL THEN IO.Put("typecode " & Fmt.Int(o.super.typecode) & "\n"); TipeToText(RTTipe.Get(o.super.typecode, packing), pre & " ", packing); ELSE IO.Put(" <NIL> type?\n"); END; IO.Put("\n" & pre & " Fields. size: " & Fmt.Int(o.field_size DIV 8) & "+" & Fmt.Int(o.field_size MOD 8) & ", align: " & Fmt.Int(o.field_align) & "\n"); FieldsToText(o.fields, " " & pre, packing); | RTTipe.OpenArray(oa) => IO.Put(" in " & Fmt.Int(oa.n_dimensions) & " dimensions, packed " & Fmt.Int(oa.elt_pack) & " of \n"); TipeToText(oa.element, pre & " ", packing); | RTTipe.Packed(p) => IO.Put(" in " & Fmt.Int(p.n_bits) & " bits of\n"); TipeToText(p.base, " " & pre, packing); | RTTipe.Record(r) => IO.Put(" of:\n"); FieldsToText(r.fields, " " & pre, packing); | RTTipe.Ref(r) => IO.Put(" (traced: " & Fmt.Bool(r.traced) & ", uid: " & Fmt.Int(r.uid) & ") to "); IF r.self # NIL THEN IO.Put("typecode " & Fmt.Int(r.self.typecode) & "\n"); ELSE IO.Put("<NIL> type?\n"); END; | RTTipe.Set(s) => IO.Put(" of " & Fmt.Int(s.n_elts) & " elements"); | RTTipe.Subrange(s) => IO.Put(" from " & DoubleIntToText(s.min) & " to " & DoubleIntToText(s.max) ); ELSE END; END TipeToText; PROCEDUREPrintProgram (self: T) = VAR fromSize := 0; toSize := 0; BEGIN IO.Put("\nDoing it in " & Fmt.Int(self.prog.size()) & " step(s):\n"); FOR i := 0 TO self.prog.size() - 1 DO WITH elem = self.prog.get(i) DO CASE elem.kind OF | PklAction.Kind.Copy => IO.Put(" Copy " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " byte(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length); INC(toSize, elem.length); | PklAction.Kind.SwapPacked => WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.SwapPacked) DO IO.Put(" Copy and swap " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " unit(s) of " & Fmt.Int(nelem.size) & " byte(s) with packed bitfields: "); FOR i := FIRST(nelem.field^) TO LAST(nelem.field^) DO IO.Put(Fmt.Int(nelem.field[i]) & " "); END; END; IO.Put("\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length); INC(toSize, elem.length); | PklAction.Kind.SkipFrom => IO.Put(" Skip " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " src byte(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length); | PklAction.Kind.SkipTo => IO.Put(" Skip " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " dst byte(s).\n"); INC(toSize, elem.length); | PklAction.Kind.Skip => IO.Put(" Skip " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " src and dst byte(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length); INC(toSize, elem.length); | PklAction.Kind.Swap16 => IO.Put(" Swap " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " 16-bit word(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*2); INC(toSize, elem.length*2); | PklAction.Kind.Swap32 => IO.Put(" Swap " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " 32-bit word(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*4); INC(toSize, elem.length*4); | PklAction.Kind.Swap64 => IO.Put(" Swap " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " 64-bit word(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*8); INC(toSize, elem.length*8); | PklAction.Kind.Copy32to64 => IO.Put(" Copy " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " 32 to 64-bit "); WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed THEN IO.Put("signed "); ELSE IO.Put("unsigned "); END; END; IO.Put("word(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*4); INC(toSize, elem.length*8); | PklAction.Kind.Copy64to32 => IO.Put(" Copy " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " 64 to 32-bit "); WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed THEN IO.Put("signed "); ELSE IO.Put("unsigned "); END; END; IO.Put("word(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*8); INC(toSize, elem.length*4); | PklAction.Kind.Swap32to64 => IO.Put(" Copy and Swap " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " 32 to 64-bit "); WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed THEN IO.Put("signed "); ELSE IO.Put("unsigned "); END; END; IO.Put("word(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*4); INC(toSize, elem.length*8); | PklAction.Kind.Swap64to32 => IO.Put(" Copy and Swap " & Fmt.Int(elem.length) & " 64 to 32-bit "); WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Copy32to64) DO IF nelem.signed THEN IO.Put("signed "); ELSE IO.Put("unsigned "); END; END; IO.Put("word(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*8); INC(toSize, elem.length*4); | PklAction.Kind.ReadRef => IO.Put(" Read " & Fmt.Int(elem.length)); WITH nelem = NARROW(elem, PklAction.Ref) DO CASE nelem.refType OF | PklAction.RefType.Ref => IO.Put(" traced"); | PklAction.RefType.UntracedRef => IO.Put(" untraced"); | PklAction.RefType.Proc => IO.Put(" procedure"); END; END; IO.Put(" references(s).\n"); INC(fromSize, elem.length*(self.from.word_size DIV 8)); INC(toSize, elem.length*(self.to.word_size DIV 8)); | PklAction.Kind.Done => IO.Put("Copied " & Fmt.Int(fromSize) & " bytes to " & Fmt.Int(toSize) & "\n"); END; END; END; END PrintProgram; BEGIN (* This will only work on machines with 8 bit chars right now. *) <* ASSERT BITSIZE(CHAR) = 8 *> END ConvertPacking.