
 Copyright (C) 1993, Digital Equipment Corporation                         
 All rights reserved.                                                      
 See the file COPYRIGHT for a full description.                            
 Last modified on Wed Jun 30 17:12:13 PDT 1993 by mcjones                  
      modified on Tue Mar 16 12:30:07 PST 1993 by mjordan                  


IMPORT File, OSError, Pipe, WinNT;
In this interface we reveal that every Win32 File.T has a handle field, handle.

TYPE T = File.Public OBJECT
    handle: WinNT.HANDLE;
    ds: DirectionSet;

REVEAL File.T <: T;

  Direction = {Read, Write};
  DirectionSet = SET OF Direction;

  Read = DirectionSet{Direction.Read};
  Write = DirectionSet{Direction.Write};
  ReadWrite = DirectionSet{Direction.Read, Direction.Write};

PROCEDURE New(h: WinNT.HANDLE; ds: DirectionSet): File.T RAISES {OSError.E};
Create the appropriate subtype of File.T, based on the characteristics of the opened file handle h and directions ds. If WinBase.GetFileType(h) returns FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, the result will be NIL.

PROCEDURE NewPipe(h: WinNT.HANDLE; ds: DirectionSet): Pipe.T;
Create a Pipe.T based on h and ds. It is an unchecked (but safe) error if h is not WinBase.FILE_TYPE_PIPE.

END FileWin32.