MODULEImplementation Note:; IMPORT IEEESpecial, FloatMode, Rd, Word, Long, Text; IMPORT RealFloat, LongFloat, ExtendedFloat; FROM Thread IMPORT Alerted; PROCEDURE Lex Scan (rd: Rd.T; READONLY cs: SET OF CHAR := NonBlanks): TEXT RAISES {Rd.Failure, Alerted} = CONST BufSize = 256; VAR res := ""; i := 0; c: CHAR; buf: ARRAY [0..BufSize-1] OF CHAR; BEGIN TRY LOOP c := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF NOT (c IN cs) THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; IF i = BufSize THEN res := res & Text.FromChars(buf); i := 0 END; buf[i] := c; INC(i) END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* SKIP *) END; RETURN res & Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(buf, 0, i)) END Scan; PROCEDURESkip (rd: Rd.T; READONLY cs: SET OF CHAR := Blanks) RAISES {Rd.Failure, Alerted} = VAR c: CHAR; BEGIN TRY LOOP c := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF NOT (c IN cs) THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RETURN END END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* SKIP *) END END Skip; PROCEDUREMatch (rd: Rd.T; t: TEXT) RAISES {Error, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = BEGIN TRY FOR i := 0 TO Text.Length(t) - 1 DO IF Rd.GetChar(rd) # Text.GetChar(t, i) THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RAISE Error END END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END END Match; PROCEDUREBool (rd: Rd.T): BOOLEAN RAISES {Error, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = PROCEDURE M(c: ['A'..'Z']) RAISES {Error, Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, Alerted}= CONST UpperToLower = ORD('a') - ORD('A'); VAR c1: CHAR; BEGIN c1 := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF c1 # c AND c1 # VAL(ORD(c) + UpperToLower, CHAR) THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RAISE Error END END M; BEGIN Skip(rd, Blanks); TRY CASE Rd.GetChar(rd) OF | 'F', 'f' => M('A'); M('L'); M('S'); M('E'); RETURN FALSE | 'T', 't' => M('R'); M('U'); M('E'); RETURN TRUE ELSE Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RAISE Error END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END END Bool;
When possible, this implementation uses one-character look-ahead and
exceptions to avoid calls to Rd.UnGetChar
and unnecessary tests in the
fast case.
The following procedures attempt to read characters representing non-
terminals in the grammar defining Number
's and Float
's in the Lex
interface. These procedures often take a Rd.T
parameter rd
along with a
character c
. The semantics of these procedures is to read from the
conceptual stream of characters formed by concatenating c
with the stream
of characters represented by rd
, and to set c
on exit from the
procedure to the character after the last character that was processed.
Those procedures that take the character c
as a VALUE
parameter exit
with rd
containing all unprocessed characters (in particular, such
procedures call Rd.UnGetChar
if they cannot process the character c
Some of these procedures raise Rd.EndOfFile
while some do not. The
general convention is that those procedures representing non-terminals that
*must* be followed by at least one more character (because of their place
in the grammar) will raise Rd.EndOfFile
. For example, the ReadSign
procedure represents the optional Sign
non-terminal, and in expansions of
both the Number
and Float
non-terminal, it must be followed by at least
one more character. On the other hand, the ReadUnsigned
procedure, which
reads an unsigned number represented by a string of digits, need not be
followed by any characters, so if end-of-file is encountered, it returns
success so long as at least one digit has been read.
PROCEDUREReadSign (rd: Rd.T; VAR (*INOUT*) c: CHAR): [0..1] RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Alerted} =
is the character+
, then read the next character fromrd
, and return 0 or 1, respectively. Otherwise, return 0.
BEGIN CASE c OF '+' => c := Rd.GetChar(rd); RETURN 0 | '-' => c := Rd.GetChar(rd); RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 END END ReadSign; PROCEDUREReadUnsigned (rd: Rd.T; c: CHAR; base: [2..16]; noBasedInt := FALSE): Word.T RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} =
Read an unsigned integer of the formSmallBaseNum
(see the specification forLex.Integer
) asbase
is at most 10 or exceeds 10, respectively. IfnoBasedInt
, then don't allow an explicit base prefix (i.e., read an unsigned integer of the formDecVal
is at most 10 or exceeds 10, respectively).Raises
if no legal digits were read, or if some digit in the stream is not a legal digit in the chosen base. RaisesFloatMode.Trap
with argumentFloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow
if the value exceeds the largest value representable by aWord.T
CONST MaxWord = Word.Not(0); VAR digit: [0..15]; digitsSeen, specBase: CARDINAL := 0; seenUnderscore := noBasedInt; badDigit, overflow := FALSE; fastUB := Word.Divide(Word.Minus(MaxWord, base-1), base); slowUB := Word.Divide(MaxWord, base); res: Word.T := 0; BEGIN LOOP CASE c OF '0'..'9' => digit := ORD(c) - ORD('0'); IF digitsSeen < 2 THEN specBase := specBase * 10 + digit END | 'a'..'f' => IF base <= 10 THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; digit := ORD(c) - ORD('a') + 10; | 'A'..'F' => IF base <= 10 THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; digit := ORD(c) - ORD('A') + 10; | '_' => (* finish if the preceeding base is not one of "2", "3", ..., "16" *) IF seenUnderscore OR digitsSeen > 2 OR specBase < 2 OR specBase > 16 OR (digitsSeen > 1 AND specBase < 10) THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; seenUnderscore := TRUE; (* reinitialize state for new base*) base := specBase; fastUB := Word.Divide(Word.Minus(MaxWord, base-1), base); slowUB := Word.Divide(MaxWord, base); digitsSeen := 0; badDigit := FALSE; overflow := FALSE; res := 0; ELSE Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; IF c # '_' THEN INC(digitsSeen); IF digit >= base THEN badDigit := TRUE ELSIF Word.LE(res, fastUB) THEN (* fast path *) res := Word.Plus(Word.Times(res, base), digit) ELSIF Word.LE(res, slowUB) THEN (* slow path *) res := Word.Times(res, base); IF digit <= Word.Minus(MaxWord, res) THEN res := Word.Plus(res, digit) ELSE overflow := TRUE END ELSE overflow := TRUE END END; TRY c := Rd.GetChar(rd) EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => EXIT END END; IF digitsSeen = 0 OR badDigit THEN RAISE Error END; IF overflow THEN RAISE FloatMode.Trap(FloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow) END; RETURN res END ReadUnsigned; PROCEDUREReadNumber (rd: Rd.T; defaultBase: [2..16]; signed: BOOLEAN): Word.T RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} =
if the read number exceeds aWord.T
or ifsigned = TRUE
and the read number exceedsLAST(INTEGER)
when the sign is positive or exceeds-FIRST(INTEGER)
when the sign is negative.
VAR c: CHAR; sign: [0..1]; res: Word.T; BEGIN Skip(rd, Blanks); TRY c := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF signed THEN sign := ReadSign(rd, c) ELSE sign := 0 END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; res := ReadUnsigned(rd, c, defaultBase); IF signed AND ((sign = 0 AND Word.GT(res, LAST(INTEGER))) OR (sign = 1 AND Word.GT(res, -FIRST(INTEGER)))) THEN RAISE FloatMode.Trap(FloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow) END; IF sign = 1 THEN res := - res END; RETURN res END ReadNumber; PROCEDUREInt (rd: Rd.T; defaultBase: [2..16] := 10): INTEGER RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = BEGIN RETURN ReadNumber(rd, defaultBase, signed := TRUE) END Int; PROCEDUREUnsigned (rd: Rd.T; defaultBase: [2..16] := 16): Word.T RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = BEGIN RETURN ReadNumber(rd, defaultBase, signed := FALSE) END Unsigned; PROCEDUREReadLongUnsigned (rd: Rd.T; c: CHAR; base: [2..16]; noBasedInt := FALSE): Long.T RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} =
Read an unsigned integer of the formSmallBaseNum
(see the specification forLex.Integer
) asbase
is at most 10 or exceeds 10, respectively. IfnoBasedInt
, then don't allow an explicit base prefix (i.e., read an unsigned integer of the formDecVal
is at most 10 or exceeds 10, respectively).Raises
if no legal digits were read, or if some digit in the stream is not a legal digit in the chosen base. RaisesFloatMode.Trap
with argumentFloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow
if the value exceeds the largest value representable by aWord.T
CONST MaxWord = Long.Not(0L); VAR digit: [0..15]; digitsSeen, specBase: CARDINAL := 0; seenUnderscore := noBasedInt; badDigit, overflow := FALSE; fastUB := Long.Divide(Long.Minus(MaxWord, VAL(base, LONGINT)-1L), VAL(base, LONGINT)); slowUB := Long.Divide(MaxWord, VAL(base, LONGINT)); res: Long.T := 0L; BEGIN LOOP CASE c OF '0'..'9' => digit := ORD(c) - ORD('0'); IF digitsSeen < 2 THEN specBase := specBase * 10 + digit END | 'a'..'f' => IF base <= 10 THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; digit := ORD(c) - ORD('a') + 10; | 'A'..'F' => IF base <= 10 THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; digit := ORD(c) - ORD('A') + 10; | '_' => (* finish if the preceeding base is not one of "2", "3", ..., "16" *) IF seenUnderscore OR digitsSeen > 2 OR specBase < 2 OR specBase > 16 OR (digitsSeen > 1 AND specBase < 10) THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; seenUnderscore := TRUE; (* reinitialize state for new base*) base := specBase; fastUB := Long.Divide(Long.Minus(MaxWord, VAL(base, LONGINT)-1L), VAL(base, LONGINT)); slowUB := Long.Divide(MaxWord, VAL(base, LONGINT)); digitsSeen := 0; badDigit := FALSE; overflow := FALSE; res := 0L; ELSE Rd.UnGetChar(rd); EXIT END; IF c # '_' THEN INC(digitsSeen); IF digit >= base THEN badDigit := TRUE ELSIF Long.LE(res, fastUB) THEN (* fast path *) res := Long.Plus(Long.Times(res, VAL(base, LONGINT)), VAL(digit, LONGINT)) ELSIF Long.LE(res, slowUB) THEN (* slow path *) res := Long.Times(res, VAL(base, LONGINT)); IF VAL(digit, LONGINT) <= Long.Minus(MaxWord, res) THEN res := Long.Plus(res, VAL(digit, LONGINT)) ELSE overflow := TRUE END ELSE overflow := TRUE END END; TRY c := Rd.GetChar(rd) EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => EXIT END END; IF digitsSeen = 0 OR badDigit THEN RAISE Error END; IF overflow THEN RAISE FloatMode.Trap(FloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow) END; RETURN res END ReadLongUnsigned; PROCEDUREReadLongNumber (rd: Rd.T; defaultBase: [2..16]; signed: BOOLEAN): Long.T RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} =
if the read number exceeds aWord.T
or ifsigned = TRUE
and the read number exceedsLAST(LONGINT)
when the sign is positive or exceeds-FIRST(LONGINT)
when the sign is negative.
VAR c: CHAR; sign: [0..1]; res: Long.T; BEGIN Skip(rd, Blanks); TRY c := Rd.GetChar(rd); IF signed THEN sign := ReadSign(rd, c) ELSE sign := 0 END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; res := ReadLongUnsigned(rd, c, defaultBase); IF signed AND ((sign = 0 AND Long.GT(res, LAST(LONGINT))) OR (sign = 1 AND Long.GT(res, -FIRST(LONGINT)))) THEN RAISE FloatMode.Trap(FloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow) END; IF sign = 1 THEN res := - res END; RETURN res END ReadLongNumber; PROCEDURELongInt (rd: Rd.T; defaultBase: [2..16] := 10): LONGINT RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = BEGIN RETURN ReadLongNumber(rd, defaultBase, signed := TRUE) END LongInt; PROCEDURELongUnsigned (rd: Rd.T; defaultBase: [2..16] := 16): Long.T RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = BEGIN RETURN ReadLongNumber(rd, defaultBase, signed := FALSE) END LongUnsigned; CONST DigitBufSz = 40; TYPE Digits = ARRAY OF [0..9]; DigitBuf = ARRAY [0..DigitBufSz-1] OF [0..9]; PROCEDUREReadFloVal ( rd: Rd.T; VAR (*INOUT*) c: CHAR; VAR (*OUT*) prefix: REF Digits; VAR (*OUT*) digits: DigitBuf; VAR (*OUT*) digCnt: CARDINAL; VAR (*OUT*) exp: INTEGER): BOOLEAN RAISES {Rd.Failure, Rd.EndOfFile, Alerted} =
Read aFloVal
(as defined in the BNF for aFloat
) from the character stream formed by concatenatingc
with the streamrd
. If the number of digits in thisFloVal
is at mostDigitBufSz
, then setprefix
, and store the digits indigits
and the number of digits read indigCnt
. Otherwise (the slow path),prefix
is set to a buffer of the prefix digits; the remaining digits are inSUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt)
. The valueexp
is set to the power of 10 to which the read digits *with a demimal point inserted just after the first digit* must be raised to equal theFloVal
that was read. For example:
FloVal read digits[] digCnt exp ----------- -------- ------ --- "1.234" 1234 4 0 "0.1234" 1234 4 -1 "12.34" 1234 4 1 "0.00012" 12 2 -4 "00012.3" 123 3 1Notice that this implementation ignores leading zeroes, so if there are any non-zero digits, thendigits[0] # 0
.Returns TRUE iff end-of-file was encountered after first reading a valid
. In this case, the value of the INOUT parameterc
on return is undefined. Otherwise,c
is the next unprocessed character onrd
if end-of-file was encountered before reading a validFloVal
VAR sawZero, foundDecimal := FALSE; PROCEDURE SkipZeros() RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = (* Skip leading zeros and at most one decimal point in the character stream formed by concatenating "c" with the stream "rd". Set "sawZero" to TRUE iff at least one zero digit was skipped. Set "foundDecimal" to TRUE iff a decimal point was skipped. If the stream does not contain a decimal point, then set "exp" to 0. Otherwise, set "exp" to the negation of the number of zeros read after the decimal. If this routine reads at least one new character, then "sawZero OR foundDecimal". *) BEGIN LOOP CASE c OF '0' => sawZero := TRUE; IF foundDecimal THEN DEC(exp) END | '.' => IF foundDecimal THEN RETURN ELSE foundDecimal := TRUE END ELSE RETURN END; c := Rd.GetChar(rd) END END SkipZeros; PROCEDURE AppendToPrefix() = (* Append the digits in "digits[0..digCnt-1]" to the "prefix" array. *) VAR new: REF ARRAY OF [0..9]; BEGIN IF prefix = NIL THEN new := NEW(REF ARRAY OF [0..9], digCnt); ELSE new := NEW(REF ARRAY OF [0..9], NUMBER(prefix^) + digCnt); SUBARRAY(new^, 0, NUMBER(prefix^)) := prefix^ END; prefix := new; SUBARRAY(prefix^, NUMBER(prefix^) - digCnt, digCnt) := SUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt) END AppendToPrefix; PROCEDURE ReadDigits() RAISES {Rd.EndOfFile, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = (* Read decimal digits into "digits", setting "foundDecimal" if a decimal point is seen, and incrementing "exp" for each digit seen before a decimal point. Note: If "digCnt = 0 AND prefix = NIL" on entry, then on any sort of return, "digCnt = 0 => prefix = NIL". *) BEGIN <* ASSERT c # '0' *> LOOP CASE c OF '0'..'9' => IF NOT foundDecimal THEN INC(exp) END; IF digCnt = DigitBufSz THEN AppendToPrefix(); digCnt := 0 END; digits[digCnt] := ORD(c) - ORD('0'); INC(digCnt) | '.' => IF foundDecimal THEN RETURN END; foundDecimal := TRUE ELSE RETURN END; c := Rd.GetChar(rd) END END ReadDigits; (* ReadFloVal *) VAR res := FALSE; BEGIN TRY exp := -1; SkipZeros(); prefix := NIL; digCnt := 0; ReadDigits() EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => IF digCnt = 0 AND NOT sawZero THEN RAISE Rd.EndOfFile END; res := TRUE END; IF digCnt = 0 AND sawZero THEN digits[0] := 0; INC(digCnt); INC(exp) END; RETURN res END ReadFloVal; EXCEPTION IntOverflow(BOOLEAN);
The exception is raised in the event of an integer overflow; the Boolean argument is TRUE iff the preceeding sign was negative.
PROCEDUREReadExponent (rd: Rd.T; c: CHAR): INTEGER RAISES {Error, IntOverflow, Rd.Failure, Alerted} =
Read an optionalExp
as defined in the BNF for aFloat
. Ifc
is not one of the valid first characters of anExp
, return 0. Sincec
is not a VAR parameter, this routine must also guarantee than the last read but unprocessed character is prepended tord
VAR sign: [0..1]; val: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY CASE c OF 'd', 'e', 'x', 'D', 'E', 'X' => c := Rd.GetChar(rd) ELSE Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RETURN 0 END; sign := ReadSign(rd, c) EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; (* read the exponent; if it overflows a Word.T or is bigger than LAST(INTEGER), then it is obviously too large *) TRY val := ReadUnsigned(rd, c, base := 10, noBasedInt := TRUE); IF Word.GT(val, LAST(INTEGER)) THEN RAISE FloatMode.Trap(FloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow) END EXCEPT FloatMode.Trap (flag) => <* ASSERT flag = FloatMode.Flag.IntOverflow *> RAISE IntOverflow(sign = 1) END; IF sign = 1 THEN val := -val END; RETURN val END ReadExponent; TYPE SpecialKind = { NaN, PosInf, NegInf }; EXCEPTION SpecialReal(SpecialKind); PROCEDUREReadReal ( rd: Rd.T; VAR (*OUT*) sign: [0..1]; VAR (*OUT*) digits: ARRAY OF [0..9]; VAR (*OUT*) digCnt: CARDINAL; VAR (*OUT*) exp: INTEGER): REF ARRAY OF [0..9] RAISES {SpecialReal, Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} =
Common entry point for parsing Real, LongReal, and Extended floating point numbers.
PROCEDURE M(c: ['A'..'Z']) RAISES {Error, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = (* Read the next character from "rd". If it is "c" or the lower-case character corresponding to "c", then return. Raises "Error" on end-of-file or if the match failed. In the latter case, the bad character is returned to the reader. *) CONST UpperToLower = ORD('a') - ORD('A'); VAR c1: CHAR; BEGIN TRY c1 := Rd.GetChar(rd) EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; IF c1 # c AND c1 # VAL(ORD(c) + UpperToLower, CHAR) THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RAISE Error END END M; PROCEDURE Inf(s: [0..1]): SpecialKind = BEGIN CASE s OF 0 => RETURN SpecialKind.PosInf | 1 => RETURN SpecialKind.NegInf END END Inf; (* ReadReal *) VAR c: CHAR; prefix: REF ARRAY OF [0..9]; BEGIN exp := 0; Skip(rd, Blanks); TRY c := Rd.GetChar(rd); sign := ReadSign(rd, c); IF ReadFloVal(rd, c, prefix, digits, digCnt, exp) THEN RETURN prefix END; EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => RAISE Error END; IF digCnt = 0 THEN <* ASSERT prefix = NIL *> IF NOT FloatMode.IEEE THEN Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RAISE Error END; (* check for NAN, INFINITY here *) CASE c OF 'I', 'i' => M('N'); M('F'); TRY c := Rd.GetChar(rd); CASE c OF 'I', 'i' => M('N'); M('I'); M('T'); M('Y') ELSE Rd.UnGetChar(rd) END EXCEPT Rd.EndOfFile => (* SKIP *) END; RAISE SpecialReal(Inf(sign)) | 'N', 'n' => M('A'); M('N'); RAISE SpecialReal(SpecialKind.NaN) ELSE Rd.UnGetChar(rd); RAISE Error END END; TRY exp := exp + ReadExponent(rd, c) EXCEPT IntOverflow (neg) => IF neg THEN RAISE FloatMode.Trap(FloatMode.Flag.Underflow) ELSE RAISE FloatMode.Trap(FloatMode.Flag.Overflow) END END; RETURN prefix END ReadReal; PROCEDUREConcatDigits (READONLY d1, d2: ARRAY OF [0..9]): REF ARRAY OF [0..9] =
Return a new array of digits containing the concatenation of the digits ind1
VAR d1Cnt := NUMBER(d1); d2Cnt := NUMBER(d2); res := NEW(REF ARRAY OF [0..9], d1Cnt + d2Cnt); BEGIN SUBARRAY(res^, 0, d1Cnt) := d1; SUBARRAY(res^, d1Cnt, d2Cnt) := d2; RETURN res END ConcatDigits; PROCEDUREReal (rd: Rd.T): REAL RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = VAR sign: [0..1]; prefix: REF ARRAY OF [0..9]; digits: DigitBuf; digCnt: CARDINAL; exp: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY prefix := ReadReal(rd, sign, digits, digCnt, exp); IF prefix = NIL THEN RETURN RealFloat.FromDecimal(sign, SUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt), exp) ELSE VAR digs := ConcatDigits(prefix^, SUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt)); BEGIN RETURN RealFloat.FromDecimal(sign, digs^, exp) END END EXCEPT SpecialReal(kind) => CASE kind OF SpecialKind.NegInf => RETURN IEEESpecial.RealNegInf | SpecialKind.PosInf => RETURN IEEESpecial.RealPosInf | SpecialKind.NaN => RETURN IEEESpecial.RealNan END END END Real; PROCEDURELongReal (rd: Rd.T): LONGREAL RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = VAR sign: [0..1]; prefix: REF ARRAY OF [0..9]; digits: DigitBuf; digCnt: CARDINAL; exp: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY prefix := ReadReal(rd, sign, digits, digCnt, exp); IF prefix = NIL THEN RETURN LongFloat.FromDecimal(sign, SUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt), exp) ELSE VAR digs := ConcatDigits(prefix^, SUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt)); BEGIN RETURN LongFloat.FromDecimal(sign, digs^, exp) END END EXCEPT SpecialReal(kind) => CASE kind OF SpecialKind.NegInf => RETURN IEEESpecial.LongNegInf | SpecialKind.PosInf => RETURN IEEESpecial.LongPosInf | SpecialKind.NaN => RETURN IEEESpecial.LongNan END END END LongReal; PROCEDUREExtended (rd: Rd.T): EXTENDED RAISES {Error, FloatMode.Trap, Rd.Failure, Alerted} = VAR sign: [0..1]; prefix: REF ARRAY OF [0..9]; digits: DigitBuf; digCnt: CARDINAL; exp: INTEGER; BEGIN TRY prefix := ReadReal(rd, sign, digits, digCnt, exp); IF prefix = NIL THEN RETURN ExtendedFloat.FromDecimal(sign,SUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt),exp) ELSE VAR digs := ConcatDigits(prefix^, SUBARRAY(digits, 0, digCnt)); BEGIN RETURN ExtendedFloat.FromDecimal(sign, digs^, exp) END END EXCEPT SpecialReal(kind) => CASE kind OF SpecialKind.NegInf => RETURN IEEESpecial.ExtdNegInf | SpecialKind.PosInf => RETURN IEEESpecial.ExtdPosInf | SpecialKind.NaN => RETURN IEEESpecial.ExtdNan END END END Extended; BEGIN END Lex.