UNSAFE MODULEBoolean, character values -----------------------------------------------; IMPORT Text, Text8, Text8Short, Word, Long, Convert, FmtBuf, FmtBufF; IMPORT Real AS R, LongReal AS LR, Extended AS ER; IMPORT RealFloat, LongFloat, ExtendedFloat; Fmt
PROCEDUREInteger, unsigned values ------------------------------------------------Bool (b: BOOLEAN): TEXT = CONST Map = ARRAY BOOLEAN OF TEXT { "FALSE", "TRUE" }; BEGIN RETURN Map[b]; END Bool; PROCEDUREChar (c: CHAR): TEXT = BEGIN RETURN Text.FromChar(c); END Char;
CONST SmallInts = ARRAY [-50..100] OF TEXT { "-50","-49","-48","-47","-46","-45","-44","-43","-42","-41", "-40","-39","-38","-37","-36","-35","-34","-33","-32","-31", "-30","-29","-28","-27","-26","-25","-24","-23","-22","-21", "-20","-19","-18","-17","-16","-15","-14","-13","-12","-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-6", "-5", "-4", "-3", "-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58", "59", "60", "61", "62", "63", "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "72", "73", "74", "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85", "86", "87", "88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96", "97", "98", "99", "100" }; PROCEDUREFloating-point values ---------------------------------------------------Int (n: INTEGER; base: Base := 10): TEXT = BEGIN IF FIRST(SmallInts) <= n AND n <= LAST(SmallInts) AND base = 10 THEN RETURN SmallInts[n] ELSE RETURN AnyInt(n, base) END END Int; PROCEDUREAnyInt (n: INTEGER; base: Base := 10): TEXT = <* FATAL Convert.Failed *> VAR chars: ARRAY [0..BITSIZE(INTEGER)] OF CHAR; used: INTEGER; BEGIN used := Convert.FromInt(chars, n, base, prefix := FALSE); RETURN Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(chars, 0, used)) END AnyInt; PROCEDUREUnsigned (n: Word.T; base: Base := 10): TEXT = BEGIN IF 0 <= n AND n <= LAST(SmallInts) AND base = 10 THEN RETURN SmallInts[n] ELSE RETURN AnyUnsigned (n, base) END END Unsigned; PROCEDUREAnyUnsigned (n: Word.T; base: Base := 10): TEXT = <* FATAL Convert.Failed *> VAR chars: ARRAY [0..BITSIZE(INTEGER)-1] OF CHAR; used: INTEGER; BEGIN used := Convert.FromUnsigned (chars, n, base, prefix := FALSE); RETURN Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(chars, 0, used)) END AnyUnsigned; PROCEDURELongInt (n: LONGINT; base: Base := 10): TEXT = BEGIN IF VAL(FIRST(SmallInts), LONGINT) <= n AND n <= VAL(LAST(SmallInts), LONGINT) AND base = 10 THEN RETURN SmallInts[VAL(n, INTEGER)] ELSE RETURN AnyLongInt(n, base) END END LongInt; PROCEDUREAnyLongInt (n: LONGINT; base: Base := 10): TEXT = <* FATAL Convert.Failed *> VAR chars: ARRAY [0..BITSIZE(LONGINT)] OF CHAR; used: INTEGER; BEGIN used := Convert.FromLongInt(chars, n, base, prefix := FALSE); RETURN Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(chars, 0, used)) END AnyLongInt; PROCEDURELongUnsigned (n: Long.T; base: Base := 10): TEXT = BEGIN IF 0L <= n AND n <= VAL(LAST(SmallInts), LONGINT) AND base = 10 THEN RETURN SmallInts[VAL(n, INTEGER)] ELSE RETURN AnyLongUnsigned (n, base) END END LongUnsigned; PROCEDUREAnyLongUnsigned (n: Long.T; base: Base := 10): TEXT = <* FATAL Convert.Failed *> VAR chars: ARRAY [0..BITSIZE(LONGINT)-1] OF CHAR; used: INTEGER; BEGIN used := Convert.FromLongUnsigned (chars, n, base, prefix := FALSE); RETURN Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(chars, 0, used)) END AnyLongUnsigned;
PROCEDUREThe following procedure is implemented using theReal (x: REAL; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := R.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE): TEXT = CONST RealMin = MAX(6 + R.MaxExpDigits, 12); VAR da := RealFloat.ToDecimal(x); bufSz := RealMin + prec; num: FmtBufF.NumAttr; BEGIN num.class := FmtBufF.ClassMapReal[da.class]; num.kind := FmtBufF.IEEEKind.Single; num.maxExpDigits := R.MaxExpDigits; num.sign := da.sign; IF num.class = FmtBufF.Class.Number THEN num.len := da.len; num.exp := da.exp; num.errorSign := da.errorSign; INC(bufSz, MAX(1, da.exp)) END; RETURN Float(bufSz, num, da.digits, FmtBufF.FmtRec{style, prec, literal}) END Real; PROCEDURELongReal (x: LONGREAL; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := LR.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE): TEXT = CONST LongMin = MAX(6 + LR.MaxExpDigits, 12); VAR da := LongFloat.ToDecimal(x); bufSz := LongMin + prec; num: FmtBufF.NumAttr; BEGIN num.class := FmtBufF.ClassMapLong[da.class]; num.kind := FmtBufF.IEEEKind.Double; num.maxExpDigits := LR.MaxExpDigits; num.sign := da.sign; IF num.class = FmtBufF.Class.Number THEN num.len := da.len; num.exp := da.exp; num.errorSign := da.errorSign; INC(bufSz, MAX(1, da.exp)) END; RETURN Float(bufSz, num, da.digits, FmtBufF.FmtRec{style, prec, literal}) END LongReal; PROCEDUREExtended (x: EXTENDED; style := Style.Auto; prec: CARDINAL := ER.MaxSignifDigits - 1; literal := FALSE): TEXT = CONST ExtdMin = MAX(6 + ER.MaxExpDigits, 12); VAR da := ExtendedFloat.ToDecimal(x); bufSz := ExtdMin + prec; num: FmtBufF.NumAttr; BEGIN num.class := FmtBufF.ClassMapExtd[da.class]; num.kind := FmtBufF.IEEEKind.Extended; num.maxExpDigits := ER.MaxExpDigits; num.sign := da.sign; IF num.class = FmtBufF.Class.Number THEN num.len := da.len; num.exp := da.exp; num.errorSign := da.errorSign; INC(bufSz, MAX(1, da.exp)) END; RETURN Float(bufSz, num, da.digits, FmtBufF.FmtRec{style, prec, literal}) END Extended; CONST StackBufSz = 100;
procedure in the
interface. That interface requires the caller to pass a character
buffer. To avoid an unnecessary allocation, these routines pass a
stack-based buffer of size StackBufSz
in the fast case. Otherwise, they
allocate a sufficiently large buffer.
The analysis in the FmtBufF
interface concludes the the buffer
requirements are bounded from above as follows:
Style.Sci: width <= MAX(5 + MAX(prec, 1) + T.MaxExpDigits, 12) Style.Fix: width <= MAX(4 + MAX(prec, 1) + MAX(exp, 1), 12)Since
is a cardinal, we have MAX(prec, 1) <= 1 + prec
. Hence, we
will use the overall conservative bound of:
All cases: width <= MAX(6 + prec + T.MaxExpDigits + MAX(exp, 1), 12) <= MAX(6 + T.MaxExpDigits, 12) + prec + MAX(exp, 1)The first element of this sum can be computed statically.
PROCEDUREPadding routines --------------------------------------------------------Float ( bufSz: CARDINAL; READONLY num: FmtBufF.NumAttr; VAR (*IN*) digits: FmtBufF.Digits; READONLY fmt: FmtBufF.FmtRec) : TEXT = VAR res: TEXT; BEGIN IF bufSz <= StackBufSz THEN VAR buf: ARRAY [0..StackBufSz-1] OF CHAR; cnt := FmtBufF.Float(buf, num, digits, fmt); BEGIN res := Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(buf, 0, cnt)) END ELSE VAR buf := NEW(UNTRACED REF FmtBuf.T, bufSz); cnt := FmtBufF.Float(buf^, num, digits, fmt); BEGIN res := Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(buf^, 0, cnt)); DISPOSE(buf) END END; RETURN res END Float;
PROCEDUREPad ( text: TEXT; length: CARDINAL; padChar: CHAR := ' '; align : Align := Align.Right) : TEXT = VAR buff: ARRAY [0..99] OF CHAR; len, padLen: INTEGER; pad: TEXT; BEGIN len := length - Text.Length(text); IF len <= 0 THEN RETURN text END; padLen := MIN(NUMBER(buff), len); FOR i := 0 TO padLen - 1 DO buff[i] := padChar END; pad := Text.FromChars(SUBARRAY(buff, 0, padLen)); WHILE len >= padLen DO IF align = Align.Right THEN text := pad & text ELSE text := text & pad END; DEC(len, padLen) END; IF len > 0 THEN IF align = Align.Right THEN text := Text.Sub(pad, 0, len) & text ELSE text := text & Text.Sub(pad, 0, len) END END; RETURN text END Pad; PROCEDUREF (fmt: TEXT; t1, t2, t3, t4, t5: TEXT := NIL): TEXT =
Construct an array of texts not including NIL texts in the suffix, and call
with the constructed array.
VAR a := ARRAY [0..4] OF TEXT {t1, t2, t3, t4, t5}; pos: INTEGER := LAST(a); BEGIN WHILE pos >= 0 AND a[pos] = NIL DO DEC(pos) END; RETURN FN(fmt, SUBARRAY(a, 0, pos + 1)) END F; PROCEDUREFN (fmt: TEXT; READONLY texts: ARRAY OF TEXT): TEXT = VAR len := Text.Length (fmt); BEGIN TYPECASE fmt OF | Text8.T(t) => RETURN FNBuf (fmt, SUBARRAY (t.contents^, 0, len), texts); | Text8Short.T(t) => RETURN FNBuf (fmt, SUBARRAY (t.contents, 0, len), texts); (****** | Text8Literal.T(t) => RETURN FNBuf (fmt, SUBARRAY (t.contents, 0, len), texts); ******) ELSE IF (len <= 128) THEN VAR chars: ARRAY [0..127] OF CHAR; BEGIN Text.SetChars (chars, fmt); RETURN FNBuf (fmt, SUBARRAY (chars, 0, len), texts); END; ELSE VAR chars := NEW (REF ARRAY OF CHAR, len); BEGIN Text.SetChars (chars^, fmt); RETURN FNBuf (fmt, chars^, texts); END; END; END; END FN; TYPE FormatSpec = RECORD start : CARDINAL; (* offset of the specifier in the format string *) length : CARDINAL; (* length of the specifier in the format string *) padWidth : CARDINAL; padAlign : Align; padChar : CHAR; END; PROCEDUREFNBuf (fmtTxt : TEXT; READONLY fmt : ARRAY OF CHAR; (* == contents of fmtTxt *) READONLY texts : ARRAY OF TEXT): TEXT = VAR n := NUMBER(texts); specs: ARRAY [0..19] OF FormatSpec; BEGIN IF n <= NUMBER (specs) THEN RETURN DoFN (fmtTxt, fmt, texts, SUBARRAY (specs, 0, n)); ELSE RETURN DoFN (fmtTxt, fmt, texts, NEW (REF ARRAY OF FormatSpec, n)^); END; END FNBuf; PROCEDUREDoFN (fmtTxt : TEXT; READONLY fmt : ARRAY OF CHAR; READONLY texts : ARRAY OF TEXT; VAR specs : ARRAY OF FormatSpec): TEXT = <* FATAL Convert.Failed *> VAR cnt := ReadSpecs(fmt, specs); BEGIN IF cnt # NUMBER(texts) THEN RAISE Convert.Failed; END; IF cnt = 0 THEN RETURN fmtTxt; END; (* handle the null case *) RETURN ConstructResult (fmt, texts, specs); END DoFN; PROCEDUREReadSpecs (READONLY fmt : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR(*OUT*) specs : ARRAY OF FormatSpec): CARDINAL =
for format specifiers, setsspecs
to any that are found, and returns the number found.
VAR cnt: CARDINAL := 0; cursor := 0; ignore: FormatSpec; BEGIN LOOP WHILE (cursor < NUMBER(fmt)) AND (fmt[cursor] # '%') DO INC(cursor); END; IF (cursor >= NUMBER(fmt)) THEN RETURN cnt; END; IF (cnt < NUMBER(specs)) THEN IF ReadSpec(fmt, cursor, specs[cnt]) THEN INC(cnt); END; ELSIF ReadSpec(fmt, cursor, ignore) THEN RETURN cnt+1; (* too many *) END; END; END ReadSpecs; PROCEDUREReadSpec (READONLY fmt : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR(*IN/OUT*) cursor : INTEGER; VAR(*OUT*) spec : FormatSpec): BOOLEAN =
Reads a format specifier fromfmt
beginning atcursor
. Updatescursor
to reflect the characters consumed fromfmt
and setsspec
to the corresponding specifier. ReturnsTRUE
if a complete specifier was parsed.
VAR ch: CHAR; len := NUMBER(fmt); BEGIN spec.start := cursor; spec.length := 0; spec.padAlign := Align.Right; spec.padWidth := 0; spec.padChar := ' '; ch := fmt[cursor]; INC(cursor); <*ASSERT ch = '%'*> IF (cursor >= len) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; ch := fmt[cursor]; INC(cursor); (* Alignment *) IF ch = '-' THEN spec.padAlign := Align.Left; IF (cursor >= len) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; ch := fmt[cursor]; INC(cursor); END; (* Pad character *) IF ch = '0' THEN spec.padChar := '0'; IF (cursor >= len) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; ch := fmt[cursor]; INC(cursor); END; (* Field width *) WHILE '0' <= ch AND ch <= '9' DO spec.padWidth := spec.padWidth * 10 + ORD(ch) - ORD('0'); IF (cursor >= len) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; ch := fmt[cursor]; INC(cursor); END; (* terminating 's' *) IF ch # 's' THEN RETURN FALSE; END; spec.length := cursor - spec.start; RETURN TRUE; END ReadSpec; PROCEDUREAllocate and return a string formed fromConstructResult (READONLY fmt : ARRAY OF CHAR; READONLY texts : ARRAY OF TEXT; VAR specs : ARRAY OF FormatSpec): TEXT =
, texts
and specs
VAR res: Text8.T; buf: REF ARRAY OF CHAR; fPos, rPos : INTEGER := 0; len, argLen, pad: INTEGER; arg: TEXT; BEGIN <*ASSERT NUMBER(texts) = NUMBER(specs)*> (* first, size and allocate the result *) len := NUMBER(fmt); FOR i := FIRST(specs) TO LAST(specs) DO WITH s = specs[i] DO argLen := Text.Length(texts[i]); INC(len, MAX(argLen, s.padWidth) - s.length); END; END; res := Text8.Create(len); buf := res.contents; FOR i := FIRST(specs) TO LAST(specs) DO WITH s = specs[i] DO (* copy section of 'fmt' between this and the last spec *) len := s.start - fPos; IF (len > 0) THEN SUBARRAY(buf^, rPos, len) := SUBARRAY(fmt, fPos, len); INC(rPos, len) END; fPos := s.start + s.length; (* skip over the specifier *) (* copy padded argument *) arg := texts[i]; len := Text.Length (arg); pad := s.padWidth - len; IF s.padAlign = Align.Right THEN WHILE pad > 0 DO buf[rPos] := s.padChar; INC(rPos); DEC(pad); END; END; IF len > 0 THEN Text.SetChars (SUBARRAY(buf^, rPos, len), arg); INC(rPos, len); END; IF s.padAlign = Align.Left THEN WHILE pad > 0 DO buf[rPos] := s.padChar; INC(rPos); DEC(pad); END; END; END; (*WITH*) END; (* FOR *) (* copy tail of format string *) len := NUMBER(fmt) - fPos; IF (len > 0) THEN SUBARRAY(buf^, rPos, len) := SUBARRAY(fmt, fPos, len); INC(rPos, len) END; RETURN res END ConstructResult; BEGIN END Fmt.